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So aliens are real.

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14 hours ago, ChinRey said:
16 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I bet he's saying the alien sightings are from other dimensions?

That is actually a marginally less implausible theory than somebody from another planet going on vacation on earth.

At this point I feel like I should say something about the difference between real science and quasi-science. Both often start off with absolutely crazy ideas and both are actually usually wrong at the beginning so it can often be har to tell them apart. But true science admits it can be wrong and adjusts its ideas as and when new facts turn up. quasi-science does it the other way round, it tries to adjust the facts to fit its ideas.

Yeah that's the nice thing about true science isn't it? Although true science and pseudoscience can both start out with preconceived notions or confirmation bias, eventually through the rigorous testing and peer-review the chances of less bias affecting the outcome will result over time. Pseudoscience seems to jump the gun and proclaim truth before enough testing has occurred. It's not that I would say any pseudoscience is automatically wrong however, rather it just hasn't been tested enough to meet scientific standards.

I do wonder how other dimensions could ever be proven -- if they exist perhaps they never can be -- perhaps such knowledge will forever lie outside human measuring devices and known logic. So for now it's just fun to hypothesize. But I would never call these imaginings 'pseudoscience' as long as they don't claim to be science. I don't think I'd even go so far as to call the two theories of aliens we're discussing (visitors from space or glimpses into other dimensions) implausible, as I would be labeling this from the human logic that is incapable of apprehending what lies beyond its purview.

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It is entirely speculation that it is even possible to travel faster than the speed of light. Any alien race would have to.overcome this potentially insurmountable obstacle before they could come here. Even if they did, the Universe is a big place, the odds of them stumbling on us are very slim.

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42 minutes ago, BiliEyelash said:

It is entirely speculation that it is even possible to travel faster than the speed of light. Any alien race would have to.overcome this potentially insurmountable obstacle before they could come here. Even if they did, the Universe is a big place, the odds of them stumbling on us are very slim.



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39 minutes ago, BiliEyelash said:

It is entirely speculation that it is even possible to travel faster than the speed of light. Any alien race would have to.overcome this potentially insurmountable obstacle before they could come here. Even if they did, the Universe is a big place, the odds of them stumbling on us are very slim.

On the other hand, we send out a constant, blaring beacon across the RF spectrum, albeit at the speed of light, filling a radius of only about 40 parsecs since Marconi.

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41 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Imagine a group of humans selected for such a journey, and then imagine their descendants though multiple generations, over hundreds or even thousands of years remaining focused and committed to the mission. Normal human traits like greed, selfishness, lust, and the like, never rearing thier ugly heads to mess everything up. 

Maybe the aliens are different, but all those ugly traits have been selected by evolution because they have helped to insure survival, and allowed for advancement. Nature is nature. The aliens are not going to be much different, and they will kill each other before they get very far across the Universe.


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Compared to how old the universes are and how long man has been around, how can anyone think there isn't something else out there more advanced than we are.  We are infants still learning to walk.  Imposing our traits as children; jealousy, greed, lust, onto a group of beings that may be millions of years older than us makes no sense.  Thinking they aren't light years ahead of us technology-wise?  

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14 minutes ago, BiliEyelash said:

Imagine a group of humans selected for such a journey, and then imagine their descendants though multiple generations, over hundreds or even thousands of years remaining focused and committed to the mission. Normal human traits like greed, selfishness, lust, and the like, never rearing thier ugly heads to mess everything up. 

Maybe the aliens are different, but all those ugly traits have been selected by evolution because they have helped to insure survival, and allowed for advancement. Nature is nature. The aliens are not going to be much different, and they will kill each other before they get very far across the Universe.

Perhaps humans can evolve further, away from the survival defenses that make them so selfish. 

My personal belief is that humans can transcend selfishness, at least to a degree, as I've seen it happen when people make the effort to lessen the ego. Evolution has not ceased.

I guess the salient point is, I don't think we're even going to survive Spaceship Earth if we don't evolve....

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12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Compared to how old the universes are and how long man has been around, how can anyone think there isn't something else out there more advanced than we are.  We are infants still learning to walk.  Imposing our traits as children; jealousy, greed, lust, onto a group of beings that may be millions of years older than us makes no sense.  Thinking they aren't light years ahead of us technology-wise?  

Yes, such an advanced civilization would be able to meet the needs for survival easily, and I think it's those survival concerns --  the fear of being homeless, hungry, dying without care, the fear of death that causes hoarding, etc., that makes people the most selfish (at least for humans).

Of course there's no guarantee an alien race would respect those so different from themselves -- we might seem useless and irrelevant, like the ant we squash without thinking about it because we don't view it as equal to us and worthy of protection.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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14 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Compared to how old the universes are and how long man has been around, how can anyone think there isn't something else out there more advanced than we are.  We are infants still learning to walk.  Imposing our traits as children; jealousy, greed, lust, onto a group of beings that may be millions of years older than us makes no sense.  Thinking they aren't light years ahead of us technology-wise?  

Considering everything that has to happen for intelligent life to evolve, We got here in a hurry.

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Measurements made by NASA's WMAP spacecraft have shown that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, plus or minus about 130,000 years.

Ardipithecus is the earliest link to humanity dating 6 million years ago. 

How Long Have Humans Been Around Relative to the Earth's Age? Not long. If you condense the history of the Earth — about 4.54 billion years — to just one year, humans have been been here for only about 23 minutes of that one year. 

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

We haven't BEEN here long is the point considering just how old the universe is.

And we couldn't have been, conditions were not right for it for most of the history of the Universe. A lot had to happen after the start of the Universe before life could even start, and that took a lot of time. Those same things would have been required anywhere else. 

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8 minutes ago, BiliEyelash said:

And we couldn't have been, conditions were not right for it for most of the history of the Universe. A lot had to happen after the start of the Universe before life could even start, and that took a lot of time. Those same things would have been required anywhere else. 

That's assuming all life everywhere is like us.  Big assumption.

However, as Carl Sagan argued, it is very difficult to be certain whether a statement that applies to all life on Earth will turn out to apply to all life throughout the universe

Edited by Rowan Amore
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53 minutes ago, BiliEyelash said:

Imagine a group of humans selected for such a journey, and then imagine their descendants though multiple generations, over hundreds or even thousands of years remaining focused and committed to the mission. Normal human traits like greed, selfishness, lust, and the like, never rearing thier ugly heads to mess everything up. 

Maybe the aliens are different, but all those ugly traits have been selected by evolution because they have helped to insure survival, and allowed for advancement. Nature is nature. The aliens are not going to be much different, and they will kill each other before they get very far across the Universe.


Ha. I actually pondered this. If we did one day decide to leave planet Earth there would be multiple ships of people. At least those "lucky" enough to be chosen. Once out in space, those ships would essentially be their own countries. Would they even trust each other? I'd guess it would be best to go their separate ways. If there were aliens at one point and they were anything like humankind, they likely would have killed each other off by now. And if there was a survivor would they really want to let another civilization know of their existence? After everything they've been through. And from our view, would you trust that civilization? Hmmm why is there only one mothership?

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1 minute ago, BiliEyelash said:

And we couldn't have been, conditions were not right for it for most of the history of the Universe. A lot had to happen after the start of the Universe before life could even start, and that took a lot of time. Those same things would have been required anywhere else. 

Imagine where we'll be in a thousand years.

Now imagine someone got a thousand year head start on us.

A thousand years is but a blink in time.



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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

Why would they come all the way from their planetary system just to scare some people on this globe with some flashing lights  and then go home again?

Maybe they were bored? Or maybe they got drunk at their local pub one night and made a stupid bet? Or maybe it's part of some ancient mating ritual? :P

Edited by ChinRey
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