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BiliEyelash last won the day on May 24 2021

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  1. So what if we do? No one says you have to post in it, except I am guessing you would love the chance to do just that.
  2. Over time I make adjustments but they are minor and once I make an adjustment i will stick with it. This usually happens after something about my look starts to bother me. My legs are to long, or something like that, eventually I will fix it and then not change until the next thing that starts to bug me.
  3. I used to have a character drawing of Taylor Swift, but now in my current profile is nothing. I should maybe put a picture of a Barbie there.
  4. There is a lot about the way the mind works we do not understand (trying to be good ang get back on topic) Take for example, flatworms. Flatworms can be taught. Flatworms will grow a new head and brain if you cut it's head off. If you teach a flatworm something, then cut off it's head, it will still know what you taught it when the new head and brain grows back. Not completely on topic but it shows that knowing is more complicated than some electrical charges in a brain.
  5. So your an escort, disguised as a role player.
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