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Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid?

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14 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Great you have a doctor you trust and use as a sort of accountability partner, that is quite cool. The last regular doctor I saw was about 30 years ago. He tried pushing some anti depressives on me when my mental health wasn't even being discussed or an issue but he just seemed to think they were good for everybody because they worked for him. I had known enough pill pushers on the street that I didn't need one hitting on me in a doctors office. I do have a parent who is very much into alternative health so over the years some discussions and "tips" from her carried me since then, other then for a couple of isolated injuries and one heart attack a few years ago. Even the heart specialist I was referred to I stopped seeing when he also started pushing the pharmaceuticals on me. Known too many who started taking one and soon were on multiple pills to deal with the side effects of the first and in the end it was the pills that killed them. I stick with regular fruits and vegetables along with moderate meats and carbs and minimal to no junk foods or drinks. I do like my coffee though!

My looking into covid treatments has nothing to do with lacking a good doctor, but an interest in alternatives rather than what is considered mainstream health as that is too generalized to be of benefit to everyone. One size, drug, treatment does not fit all.


I'm a lot more like you than not, Arielle.  I have always been a "health nut".  I became a vegetarian in my teens and have worked out six days a week for many, many years starting in my late teens.  The only drinks I drink are coffee, tea and water.  I don't drink sodas nor snack but I suddenly did when my rl bf/best friend moved and I gained a few pounds which would not look normal to my doctor so I told him about it.  I have since lost the weight and gone back to the usual me.  I feel sugar treats are for once in a while, like once or twice a month.  I have studied foods and beverages and what chemicals our governments put in food.  I also watched a news program and it blatantly stated all the preservatives are related to more profits - the longer the shelf life, the more the profit, but it's at our health risk.  Most things works for profit and this can affect our lives, we the little people.  Media works for profit too and thus sensationalism was born.  I am also a huge Bob Dylan fan who has torn and thrown mud pies at the media perhaps more times than you.  I'm glad I have doctors who work with the whole me, not just drugs.  I also am skeptical of big pharma at times but little pharma can be corrupt too.  Suddenly, a stock that is one penny is suddenly 5 dollars a share on some of these "covid" related things.  But, I am like you, I believe our health is pro active not just a pill.  But, some of these sites I'm not sure it's a bunch of hype either.  It's too early to have a cocktail, imo, and covid is going to be here a long, long time.  Our best hope is to downgrade it to more like a cold through the vaccine rather than a potentially deadly virus.  Covid may never go away entirely.

Edited by FairreLilette
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5 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

Anyone can be mistaken, and sometimes to present an argument someone will select evidence to fit... but it is another thing entirely to be caught misleading, especially on advice that is so high risk. 

Your debunking guy's channel is quite hilarious actually. He is accused many times on his own "factchecking" videos by commenters and subscribers as being misleading or outright lying in the way he tries to falsify different studies on PCR, Ivermectin, etc. Wonder if he is one of those paid fact checking shills since his whole channel is dedicated to it. He is not very good but it is entertaining to read the comments at least. Thanks for pointing him out!

Dr Sam Bailey put out a PCR Factchecking the Factcheckers video out months ago already so maybe have a look.  



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Quite frankly, all this stuff about, 'This doctor said this, that doctor debunked this doctor, so this doctor debunked that doctor's dubunking doctor' is a load hogwash in this thread.

The bottom line is that each one of us does not know the truth/facts about those things from our own scientific researches. All each of us knows is what we have heard/read. So each of us always needed to heed the worst case scenarios that were put forward. I.e. stay home, etc. etc. when our governments say so, and ignore what some unknown doctors say on YouTube.

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4 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Are we now apart of a world that people need to be told what to do before doing something that is logical?

Yes if something not your expertise you should listen advice of a expert. This is how it works.

Virus spread so fast because everyone thinks they are doing right thing.

People tried get away from Wuhan because it was right thing to do.. But is it?

WHO claimed they have no reason to forbid flights.. Is it right to do?

People also claimed virus droplet based, aerosol.. it wont survival in cold or hot, it will vanish at summer, smokers and woman less affected by virus etc.. Everyone is a epidemiology expert apparently.

Instead of individual acting some one hast to take account of bigger picture and give proper guidance based on science instead of giving advice by heart (aka WHO).

At the moment we are doing complete random things lock down with no fruit. We are eradicating it in one location it shows up somewhere else and spreads again.

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we still haven't an answer on where exactly this came from, the wet market line is pretty much BS. And since it probably came from the Wuhan lab the remaining question would be was it accidental or on purpose. And if it was accidental did the Chinese government decide it could use it to their advantage?

Edited by Jackson Redstar
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28 minutes ago, Jackson Redstar said:

we still haven't an answer on where exactly this came from, the wet market line is pretty much BS. And since it probably came from the Wuhan lab the remaining question would be was it accidental or on purpose. And if it was accidental did the Chinese government decide it could use it to their advantage?

I can't answer that, we'd all be guessing where it came from.  But, what I find rather odd is how did it get all around the world so quickly?  Why weren't doctors more in contact with others about this as it is just like suddenly it was everywhere?  

I became very ill during swine flu suffering three times with a dreadful bout of it that I developed what is called chronic fatigue syndrome.  There was no media hype and all we were told in California was to wipe down our shopping cart with an antiseptic wipe and put hand sanitizer on our hands before we started shopping, and that's it.  The swine flu in comparison to Covid does not seem to have manipulated the world nor commodities like Covid has. 

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7 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Conspiracy theories... time for me to check out of this asylum.

You forgot to put the space in there.. It's actually Cons Piracy Theories..:D

 Cap'n I think we've been stranded on this planet..




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19 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

You forgot to put the space in there.. It's actually Cons Piracy Theories..:D

 Cap'n I think we've been stranded on this planet..




Conspiracy theory or just a question of where did it come from?  Pollution?  Carelessness? What?

33 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I became very ill during swine flu suffering three times with a dreadful bout of it that I developed what is called chronic fatigue syndrome.  There was no media hype and all we were told in California was to wipe down our shopping cart with an antiseptic wipe and put hand sanitizer on our hands 

There is no vaccine for The Swine Flu in it's newest strain although that particular strain has not jumped to humans yet.  It is said that the new strain of The Swine Flu could be a potential pandemic.  Perhaps it's time to reconsider some of our food?  I believe we have intelligence greater than what is being utilized today and we should begin to put it to use.   

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24 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:

There is no vaccine for The Swine Flu in it's newest strain although that particular strain has not jumped to humans yet.  It is said that the new strain of The Swine Flu could be a potential pandemic. 

I've heard this too.  New strain of swine flu, not transferred to humans as of yet.  Swine flu causes a serious respiratory illness too.  I had to be on humidifier for the first time in my life with that horrible virus.  It wasn't a ventilator, but it was a horrible respiratory infection and the humidifier helped me breathe.  If we do have the intelligence to have a better food source, I sure hope we do something about it instead of going oh well....

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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Your debunking guy's channel is quite hilarious actually. He is accused many times on his own "factchecking" videos by commenters and subscribers as being misleading or outright lying in the way he tries to falsify different studies on PCR, Ivermectin, etc. Wonder if he is one of those paid fact checking shills since his whole channel is dedicated to it. He is not very good but it is entertaining to read the comments at least. Thanks for pointing him out!

Dr Sam Bailey put out a PCR Factchecking the Factcheckers video out months ago already so maybe have a look.  



Indeed there are wise crackers and negative comments on his channel, but nothing substantive I can see. It is a contrast to her comments section, that is full of people praising her.

Do you not find the fact her Youtube video comments are all favourable something a trifle concerning? Dr Wilson posted his video in reply to her video... and yet where is it? where is her response? Why is she censoring the comments on her channel and not engaging in a debate there?

And honestly the second video you posted says nothing additional to the first one, except to point out she has been fact checked by some of the worlds leading experts... which is the article here:


As my video reports Dr Bailey denies the link between HIV and AIDS, something proven not both in the lab but in the real world by all the people living normal lives because of the treatments for HIV.

She is a dangerous crank.

The answer to the topic of the thread really needs to address why people have such an appetite for and give people like her so much attention

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2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

we still haven't an answer on where exactly this came from, the wet market line is pretty much BS. And since it probably came from the Wuhan lab the remaining question would be was it accidental or on purpose. And if it was accidental did the Chinese government decide it could use it to their advantage?

The idea it might have come from a lab was discredited a long time ago


Has there been any evidence of inserted gene sequences since September last year? 

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16 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

The answer to the topic of the thread really needs to address why people have such an appetite for and give people like her so much attention

I can offer an answer to that. It's because people's natures come in all levels. Some are totally sensible, and some have no intrinsic sense at all. Most have varying levels in between those two extremes.

On the low end of that, there are people who's natures can't really think for themselves very well but tend to believe anything that is contrary to standard knowledge. E.g. covid-19 was caused the by mobile phone system 5G, and covid-19 doesn't exist, but it's the government's way of trying to control us, and many many other contrary opinions. Plenty of people are at that low level, and it's those who support anyone who makes statements that are contrary to the standard knowledge.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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8 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Here is a possible part of the reason why it took so long:-


News item posted 3 hours before I'm posting this.

I might have just gotten a similar article in my MSN feed.  I'm not sure how some feel about this particular news source but I think the article has some sound reasoning in it.  I thought @Arielle Popstar might like to read it.


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At least they admit mistakes made.. But I am sure they will do better in future. Hopefully we will not have another pandemic but it is always better to be prepared for the worst.

To prevent another catastrophic pandemic, the report suggests key reforms:

  • A new global threats council should be created with the power to hold countries accountable
  • There should be a disease surveillance system to publish information without the approval of countries concerned
  • Vaccines must be classed as public goods and there should be a pandemic financing facility
  • There was an immediate request for the wealthy G7 nations to commit $1.9bn (£1.3bn) to the WHO's Covax programme providing vaccine support to low income countries

Panel co-chair and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said it was "critical to have an empowered WHO".


"If travel restrictions had been imposed more quickly, more widely, again that would have been a serious inhibition on the rapid transmission of the disease and that remains the same today," she added.

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35 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

The idea it might have come from a lab was discredited a long time ago


Has there been any evidence of inserted gene sequences since September last year? 

There have been lingering questions, especially since China was so reluctant to let the WHO folks inside the lab for a long time.

Even today, there is still news -- in some fairly unbiased sources -- that say the matter is not yet settled.  This page gives some info and articles from various viewpoints:

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There may be questions in some minds about where the virus came from, but unless those people are trying to figure out where best to spend money to stop the next pandemic, their "questions" are cover for presenting a scapegoat for their criminally ineffective response to this one.

For example, in that debate with Fauci, the contemptible Rand Paul presented the most racist position imaginable: Not only are Chinese so evil they plotted to kill everybody with a lab-engineered virus, they're also too stupid to do it themselves and needed NIH's help.

A proud day for the party of Lincoln: nested racist scapegoat conspiracies.

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37 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Well, virus aside, China - the government, not the people - is rather evil.  

Yeah, but that's not why Rand Paul needs them as scapegoats. He knows full well that this will motivate widespread anti-Asian attacks, and he's more than fine with that.

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3 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Yeah, but that's not why Rand Paul needs them as scapegoats. He knows full well that this will motivate widespread anti-Asian attacks, and he's more than fine with that.

Unfortunately, like so many politicians, he is using the issue for his own personal agenda, which totally sucks.  

While I do not believe that China intentionally unleashed a virus on the world, I still am unsure as to whether or not it accidentally came from a lab.  China behaved very secretively when WHO wanted to come investigate their labs, and delayed them actually getting in to the lab for a while.  That could have been simply so they had time to hide legitimate state secrets, but it might have been more.  Personally, I'm not sure we will ever know 100% for sure.

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1 minute ago, Qie Niangao said:

Yeah, but that's not why Rand Paul needs them as scapegoats. He knows full well that this will motivate widespread anti-Asian attacks, and he's more than fine with that.

To be fair I don't think the direct intention is to see Asian community attacked.

He is more interested in scapegoating an "other" to provide a simple cause and distract from the last years mismanagement.

It is sufficiently bad that he isn't worried about the inevitable consequences, without overstating.  

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3 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

To prevent another catastrophic pandemic, the report suggests key reforms:

  • A new global threats council should be created with the power to hold countries accountable
  • There should be a disease surveillance system to publish information without the approval of countries concerned
  • Vaccines must be classed as public goods and there should be a pandemic financing facility
  • There was an immediate request for the wealthy G7 nations to commit $1.9bn (£1.3bn) to the WHO's Covax programme providing vaccine support to low income countries

I'm all for the first three, but the head of the WHO should be fired.  Believe it or not, Trump said so too.  This is a time I did agree with Trump.  I even said on this forum we should not send the WHO any money UNTIL this horrible and delayed response by the person in charge of the WHO is dealt with, and I had forgotten about this until now.  I received backlash for saying that well over a year ago by Luna.  lol  She was mad at me for saying that.  I still think the head of the WHO was irresponsible and he needs to be dealt with.  It's true and I'm angry at the guy with that kind of salary he receives and he wants payment from the USA.  I agreed with Trump about no payment at this time.  

It was only in March after the WHO described it as a pandemic – a term that is not officially part of its alert system – that countries were jolted into action.

As for the initial outbreak, “there were clearly delays in China – but there were delays everywhere,” she added.

Without the lag between the first identification in Wuhan and the PHEIC declaration – and then the “lost month” of February 2020 – “we believe we wouldn’t be looking at an accelerating pandemic, as we have for the last 15 or 16 months or so. As simple as that,” said Clark.


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