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Pics with Our Experiences with Others in SL


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7 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Okay, thanks.  I wonder what they have an "adult" section for....?   Also, as far as General, the Lindens gave two examples:  1)  Be sure it something you would share with your Grandmother, and 2) Be sure it something you would share with grade schoolers.  These two examples are what 'general' posts should contain - something we'd share with Grandma and the grade schoolers, and I think that is because General is for everyone from the smallest to the oldest, even great-great-great Grandma.  This is "puritanical" American guidelines - it's pretty much the same across all forms of media for General - must be for the youngest through the oldest and all in-between. 

We can talk about or ask questions without being too explicit.  There have been questions about D/s relationships, collars, sexuality.  Adult subject without graphic details.

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Just now, RowanMinx said:

We can talk about or ask questions without being too explicit.  There have been questions about D/s relationships, collars, sexuality.  Adult subject without graphic details.

I know.  I was going to add SL has allowed far more than other's (other social media sites) would. 

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13 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I wonder what they have an "adult" section for....?

Discussions that are more Adult in nature -- BDSM topics, for example, should be in Adult, and have even been moved there from General Discussion.

Just because something is considered an Adult conversation does not mean that it has to have sexually explicit words or pictures.

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11 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

I'm surprised some resident holy person hasn't come by to hit us over the head with copypasta bible quotes in 72 size fonts.

While the king was on his couch,
    my nard gave forth its fragrance.
My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh
    that lies between my breasts.
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms
    in the vineyards of Engedi.

(Song of Solomon 1.12-14)

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7 hours ago, Maitimo said:

We are all wasting our breath here.

We asked her to stop reminding us with every second breath that she's an escort, and she said no.

We asked her to apologise for her insults against people with disabilities, and again she said no.

She claims over and over again to misunderstand, yet fails to change her ways when it's explained in language a three year old would comprehend. And no, a person cannot be that stupid and still have the mental capacity to use a platform as complicated as Second Life. Which leaves only one explanation; her actions can only be deliberate. At best, she's doing it to promote her business. At worst, she's doing it maliciously.

So, I have no reason to believe that any amount of asking or telling or explaining or pleading or begging is going to make one whit of difference here.

Sadly I think that the only thing that will stop her is an outright forum ban, and even more sadly I suspect that everyone who might otherwise have reported her posts that break the TOS, already have her blocked.

Exactly this and well said.

For the most part I avoid her and her posts since her insults directed at disabled people. As a disabled person, they were deeply offensive. I don't understand why others coddle her bad behavior.

Her posts are ignored unless her bad choices are pushed directly into my face like they were in the other photo threads. I love seeing the photos others share. Not when the photos are followed by explicit commentary that hint at their adult activities though. I know I'm no longer comfortable sharing my family and friend photos in those threads.

I think she knows exactly what she is doing. I don't think she cares. This is just another example where her entitled mind feels the Second Life forums are her personal dumping ground. Her actions have spoken quite clearly.


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3 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

I'm surprised some resident holy person hasn't come by to hit us over the head with copypasta bible quotes in 72 size fonts.

Well why not. 

Ezékiel 25:16- 17


16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast.

17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them."

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Here is a point about the forum ratings I don't think anyone has mentioned.  The forums are supposed to be general even in the adult area because anybody can read the forums even without being signed in though you can't comment on anything.

I just tested it

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It's funny how I don't seem to a long history of my posts or pics being removed. There have been more removed that were attacks on me or namecalling than I ever had. I can count on one hand how many I've had removed.

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*peeks around the corner to see if the shooting has died down* 

When I saw the title "Pics with Our Experiences with Others in SL" I thought oh that would be fun, pictures of use doing things with other people. But no it wasn't like that at all :(


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37 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

When I saw the title "Pics with Our Experiences with Others in SL" I thought oh that would be fun, pictures of use doing things with other people. But no it wasn't like that at all :(

To be honest from the title, so did I at first, but then it quickly escalated into the Bagnu's daily sexcapades show as predicted.  

A thread about people enjoying everyday activities with others would have been fun and interesting....much like Scylla's friendship thread.  Rowan's suggestion of a people paparazzi'd pictures would have been fun too.  When I did venture out into clubs I would often have people send me pictures of myself they had taken of me just standing there and I enjoyed seeing how they saw my avi. 

Instead it was pictures and accompanying text full of innuendo and sexualised banter that made a lot of people uncomfortable.  You have to accept that you had a role in that happening by not respecting the people asking for it to stop and putting the brakes on, and instead jumping on the bandwagon and encouraging it to continue.  Not everyone has chosen to have an SL centred around the sexual side of things, or prefers to keep that private and between the people it involves.  It is also not something suitable for a general forum.

I do now have Bagnu blocked and no longer see what she is posting, which wasn't an easy decision to make as there have been many times on these boards where I have had positive and fun interactions with her, as well as the eyerolling, blunt criticisms.  

Edited by Jordan Whitt
I changed some wording.
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22 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

jumping on the bandwagon and encouraging it to continue.

If you are referring to my comment about having a pet, that was intended by me to be no more sexual than if I had said in RL, lets go to the humane society and adopt a kitten. My discussion of catnip was also not intended to be sexual, (though I did consider a few drug related comments that I decided to keep to myself) 

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So... Jordan Whitt, instead of posting images you thought fit the title and suited your preferences and idea of the thread... you got into trying to put Pearl down... limit her expression... and criticize her into seeing things your way and conforming to your preferences. And you think you are RIGHT and have the only viewpoint viable in this forum. Get over yourself.


Edited by Nalates Urriah
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3 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

If you are referring to my comment about having a pet, that was intended by me to be no more sexual than if I had said in RL, lets go to the humane society and adopt a kitten. My discussion of catnip was also not intended to be sexual, (though I did consider a few drug related comments that I decided to keep to myself) 

Are you serious?  There was someone who has a NEKO avatar (from Google - Neko is the Japanese word for cat. It can refer to actual cats or to characters in anime or manga that have catlike features. Specifically, the catgirl (a woman with cat ears, whiskers, and sometimes paws or a tail) is referred to as a neko) in the conversation and innuendo and the suddenly the topic of "getting a pet" comes up followed by the catnip picture and then the Neko avatar kneeling beside a bed with Bagnu in the picture as well...and you want us to believe you were promoting animal adoption from the humane society????

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1 minute ago, Jordan Whitt said:

then the Neko avatar kneeling beside a bed with Bagnu in the picture as well.

Not my picture not my post, yes I may have been more than a little naïve to have made my original pet post, but I was by no means trying to encourage anyone. For most of the time people were posting I just wanted to hide under a rock, and I think i will go back there now.

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Just now, Talligurl said:

Not my picture not my post, yes I may have been more than a little naïve to have made my original pet post, but I was by no means trying to encourage anyone. For most of the time people were posting I just wanted to hide under a rock, and I think i will go back there now.

I'm to blame. I'll take the flack.

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15 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

So... Jordan Whitt, instead of posting images you thought fit the title and suited your preferences and idea of the thread... you got into trying to put Pearl down... limit her expression... and criticize her into seeing things your way and conforming to your preferences. And you think you are RIGHT and have the only viewpoint viable in this forum. Get over yourself.


I have blocked your private messages and am about to block seeing your comments here on these boards because you do not understand the simple concept of "let's agree to disagree" and "I am not interested in continuing this conversation" and instead CONTINUE to harass and berate me NOW IN PUBLIC for asking that someone respect that this is a GENERAL forum, meant for GENERAL content, NOT adult and sexual content.  I am NOT the ONLY person to hold this opinion, yet seem to be the ONLY person you see fit to hold accountable for having this widely held belief and opinion.

I have not been rude to Bagnu.  I am not currently being rude to Talligurl.  I am simply stating facts about how they are being perceived, and hoping that maybe they will see that if their words and actions are seen this way then maybe they need to think about what they are doing.  As I said to you earlier, I would be MORTIFIED if I said something and had multiple people call me out for it.

Now for the last time, let us agree to disagree and end the conversation here.  

Edited by Jordan Whitt
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