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Theresa Linden

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Everything posted by Theresa Linden

  1. Where am I? How'd I get here? Wasn't this the way to Sesame Street?
  2. This thread has been locked for failing to stay on topic, and the negative commentary. Please be better to one another! Disagreements should be dropped or addressed away from the forums. Thanks for your participation.
  3. Hi! Thanks for participating in this thread. Everyone, please help to keep this thread on on topic. It originally started as a discussion concerning Tilia's exchange rates for non US Residents. Let's continue to discuss that. Much appreciated!
  4. This thread has been closed after being reopened from 2019, and going way off topic. Thank you all for your participation!
  5. Hey everyone! When posting on the forums, please remember to keep any and all posts civil and on topic. Personal grievances with other residents are not appropriate for the forums and should either be kept to private messages or dropped. We want to avoid locking this thread, please.
  6. This thread has been closed for failing to stay on topic
  7. You all have some great show suggestions! Just please keep the personal grievances with one another out of the forums so threads can be enjoyed. Thanks!
  8. I see we've moved on to ASMR? 😄 I hate to do this, but since we're no longer talking about pet peeves, this thread has been locked. Thank you all for your participation. Please remember to keep your posts to threads on topic, or the entire thread could risk being shut down.
  9. Hi everyone! This is just a friendly reminder that advertising is not permitted in this area of the forums, and if we feel that your posts are advertisements, they may be removed at any time. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
  10. Hey all, Just a gentle reminder, as you already know, to stay civil and on topic! We just want to keep this thread going. Hope you all are well Theresa Linden
  11. This is a public forum, so all posts and replies are welcome as long as they are civil, and stay within our Community Guidelines. We are closing this thread for failure to stay on topic.
  12. The Concierge and Mainland Group meeting is a bi-weekly, public meeting intended for discussion & education of Second Life topics such as current known issues & bugs, project viewers & new features, as well as general Mainland issues. The MonciergeLand group is for meeting updates and general discussion of the above topics only. Everyone in the group is welcome to group chat, but please be aware that only general topics will be discussed in this group and the meetings. Any account issues or questions, any billing concerns, any specific group or land issues, or abuse related topics will not be addressed, and will be referred to live support, to file a support ticket, or abuse report. We welcome topic suggestions. Inworld Group: MonciergeLand For inworld meeting dates, agenda, and location, see - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Concierge_%26_Land_User_Group
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