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For some things nothing changes;


(Youtube won't embed this one, it is about the police arming strike busters to shoot at Chicano strikers.)


If you want to know how and why Boycott's gained their power in the USA - the tool used so often in social media today, and even putting pressure on Facebook as I type this; thank my Chicano y Chicana brothers and sisters:

In this speach, he's organizing people to vote against Prop 22. Prop 22 was defeated - it was a plan to make striking illegal in California during harvest time.

But note how he speaks about so-called "right to work" laws that were began for the purpose of breaking the hispanic population, and just as so often... "first they came for these people, then those, and now you"... those laws eventually broke the unions that were the only thing keeping the White Middle Class in existence...

Even if you're only selfish; join with people fighting for their rights, for the rights they are losing, will soon also be taken from you...

Side Note: about 10-minutes in, he talks about Arizona in modern times rounding up Navajo to use as slave labor.



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San Jose police officer on leave after video shows him kicking, dragging woman



In the video, an officer kicks Marin in the abdomen while she kneels on the ground outside the car. He appears to punch her, shove her to the ground in a face-down position and handcuff her. The officer then drags her face-down across the pavement by the arms.

A second officer talks to someone inside the car, telling them to “Shut up,” “Stop talking” and “Get out of the car.” It’s unclear who was inside the vehicle.

“You hit her for nothing,” one witness says.


Vallejo police release gruesome police video showing Sean Monterrosa in final moments



The first of three videos shows closeups of Monterrosa shortly after he was fatally shot on June 2. Monterrosa, 22, was shot as police pulled into the Walgreens parking ...

The face of the officer who fired five rounds from a high-powered rifle at Monterrosa through the windshield of an unmarked police pickup was the only element in the videos that was blurred, ...

The videos released Friday show disturbing, unedited images of Monterrosa’s head wound and his face in his last moments of life. Melissa Nold, one of the attorneys representing Monterrosa’s family along with John Burris, examined his body and previously told The Chronicle that, “He had an entry wound in his throat — and a bullet fragment exit the back of his head.” Nold used to be a deputy sheriff’s coroner.

Nold told The Chronicle Friday that Vallejo police released the new footage without first contacting family attorneys “to offer the family to see it ahead of time.” Nold said Monterrosa’s family does not plan to watch the footage “at this point.”

Burris told The Chronicle that he had not seen the footage yet, but when learning of the videos’ gruesome nature, he said there was no evidentiary value in releasing video of Monterrosa’s last moments — only “salacious value.”

“It doesn’t go to the essence of what happened to him, it shows a man suffering and ultimately dying,” Burris said. “It doesn’t have real relevance to the overall circumstances evaluating what happened to him. I’m interested in what position was the kid in at the time that he was shot? What was he doing at the time he was shot? What kind of danger did he present to justify being shot at five times by an officer in the back of a car?”


SF Muni driver beaten with bat after telling passengers to wear masks



A San Francisco Muni bus driver was beaten with a bat Wednesday by passengers who refused to wear face masks at the driver’s instruction, officials said.

Three men with no face coverings boarded the bus around 3:30 p.m. at 11th and Division Streets in the SoMa district, according to San Francisco police.

The bus driver, who was not identified, asked the passengers multiple times to don face coverings, but they refused, police said.

San Francisco’s health order requires anyone riding on public transportation to wear a face covering to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission.

The driver pulled the bus over to escort the passengers off, when one of the men struck the driver several times with a wooden bat, causing injury, police said.



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For a flip story...



Protesters marching for Black Lives Matter and police accountability on Friday evening turned a corner in the Mission District and came across an unexpected scene: yellow tape, squad cars and uniformed officers.

At 18th and San Carlos streets, police were in a standoff situation with a man holding a metal bar, who, police said, refused to drop it and had made threatening statements. The standoff had been going on for hours when the Black Lives Matter marchers arrived.

Their march was supposed to conclude with speeches at Mission High School, but instead, they stopped in their tracks.

They pulled out cell phones to record. They jeered at the line of stoic officers in riot gear. And they waited to see what would happen.

“You can’t really march for something and then ignore it when you see it happen,” said Sam Miller, a 30-year-old San Francisco resident.
The afternoon passed with no progress, and slowly the neighbors, passersby and protesters congregated. They watched and they waited.

The man in distress and police officers dealing with him were not visible from behind the police perimeter, but the crowd could hear blaring siren noises and a law enforcement official speaking through a megaphone.

“Please drop the bar,” the officer said. “We’re all are here to help you. All you have to do is drop the bar. Please drop the bar. Please drop the bar. You can do it, I know you can.”

Someone in the crowd yelled, “Don’t kill him,” “Let him go,” and “We’re all watching.” Neighbors poked their heads out from second- and third-floor windows. “Please keep our neighbor James safe,” a sign in one window read.
Eight hours after law enforcement first arrived, the encounter came to an end with no incident or injury.

Dr. Courtney Thomas, a Department of Public Health clinical psychologist and crisis intervention specialist, approached those gathered around 7:25 p.m. with news: He was going to accompany the man to the hospital for a mental health evaluation.

His DPH partner, he said, had been there for four hours, and he had just arrived. It’s unclear what they did to diffuse the situation, but it had a welcome effect on the crowd.

“We need more of you,” someone said. “Thank you, doctor,” another said. “It’s crazy that he solved this s— without a gun,” one man yelled.

Because when you have a psych issue... you need doctors on hand, not guns. That said, you can see that the cops here actually did things right - they just waited out a contained situation until the trained folks could handle it.



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21 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I moved a LOT when I grew up, so I was exposed to a variety of education models.

At one point I had the same math textbook for 3 years - through a school for white, a catholic school, and then one for non-whites...

(In minority communities if you have any connections you put your kids in Catholic schools to avoid the public schools - even if you're not Catholic, but this is still an option very few are able to access. My mother got me into one for 3rd grade, then we moved).

My high school in a 'very liberal city' basically set up 2 schools on one campus. All the black kids had one set of teachers, all the white kids had another set of teachers. Hispanics and Asians got tossed around randomly in whatever lower track class they could put them in unless their parents had clout (when Asian parents finally started pushing back, in the 90s, Americans created the 'Tiger Mom' stereotype which at its heart is just a mother that is tired of seeing her 5th generation American child tossed into 'remedial english' again). By this point an attempt by a white teacher to have me tossed out had caused a test to find my genius IQ, and that put me as one of the few non-white kids let into the white track (AP / Gifted / Advanced). They still managed to give me a difference school Councillor so I was never even asked about applying to colleges, nor told of scholarships or anything. I know some black kids DID get that advice if they had a black Councillor, but mine just viewed me as an 'ethnic problem on her calendar' - I think I met her twice in 4 years. I learned later that other students met them regularly...

I faced off against repeated attempts to put me back in my place... and the education I got was very sub-standard. My real education happened in college which I did in my 30s with the GI Bill.

I'm glad you made it through all that and were able to succeed in life. I hate to think of all the Black kids who don't and end up living life far below their potential, or go on to have wrecked, wasted lives.

It's so important for Black kids to have a teacher who is also Black, and it seems like such an easy fix to improve outcomes for Black kids -- more Black teachers and/or make sure Black kids always have a Black school counselor who more likely believes in their potential. It's suspicious as to why they don't implement this with so much evidence of its benefits.

"According to the results, black students who have just one black teacher in elementary school are 13 percent more likely to enroll in college than their peers who didn't have any black teachers. Students who have two black teachers are 32 percent more likely to go to college." 

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Now that Portland has turned into Performance Art for Crazy Naked White Women:



A topless protester holds a flower in the air in front of the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse on July 23, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. (Photo by Nathan Howard/Getty Images)

follow the link if you need the image...

demonstrations in the West Coast city did not gain national attention until recently with the sight of a nude White protester and news of federal agents in unmarked vehicles detaining people.

Some local Black community leaders feel that the demonstrations, which originated as rallies against racism and police brutality, have now lost their focus.

One of those leaders, Portland NAACP President E.D. Mondainé, called it a “white spectacle” in a Washington Post op-ed published Thursday.

“We cannot settle for spectacles that endanger us all. This is a moment for serious action — to once again take up the mantle of the civil rights era by summoning the same conviction and determination our forebears did,” Mondainé wrote.

mainstream media is finally calling it Facism:


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1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Now that Portland has turned into Performance Art for Crazy Naked White Women:

If that's what you want to focus on, fine.  I looked at two local news outlets, neither mentioned the pic you point to.

Go ahead and ignore the fact that the entire night was given to refocusing on BLM.  Ignore the thousands chanting "Black Lives Matter" and "Feds go Home" into the early morning (more than one reporter stated these were the largest crowds since the first days of BLM protests).  Ignore the huge photo of George Floyd projected above the doors of the Justice Center.  Ignore the repeated "Say their names" litanies.  Ignore the Wall of Vets.

Chants as 11:30 approached, which is the witching hour when feds pour out of their Fortress "Justice" Center to try to drive away the protesters: "Are you afraid, Portland"?  "HELL NO"

You've got just about the whitest city in the States trying their damnedest to be allys.  I think the TRYING is something very good, particularly as it's also happening in other heavily white communities nationwide.  Not everyone is gonna get it right, but from the suburban reading groups plowing through White Fragility to high school kids raising money for the Black Resilience Fund, they are trying. 

They are doing this because they think it's right, not so blacks will pat them on the head.  So hey, have fun belittling it.



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i can relate to what Emma Espiner says here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/opinion/300058729/the-myth-of-mori-exceptionalism




A woman said to me at a dinner party recently, “Why can’t more Māori women be like you?” I tied myself up in knots for days afterwards trying to rationalise how an interesting conversation over the dessert course ended up there. Was it unconscious bias, the racist baggage of an older generation or just an excess of pinot noir?

I couldn’t understand the premise of the question because the Māori women I know are holding together our world – they’re my whānau, colleagues, the mums at my daughter’s school, the teachers, academics, artists and writers I most admire. On the other side of the dinner table was a stranger who wanted to know about the drugs, the child abuse and the criminals. She couldn’t piece together the component parts of our shared history, so she put her problem on my plate. I considered this woman as I licked raspberry coulis off the dessert fork and wondered if she thought I was a cannibal.


and this, MAPAS is an affirmative action programme



A favourite target of Don Brash et al., MAPAS is the vehicle which, alongside its Otago University equivalent, has slowly built up the numbers of Māori and Pacific doctors so that we now comprise 3.5 per cent and 1.8 per cent of the medical workforce, respectively. This is the work of decades and it’s not nearly enough when you consider proportionality relative to the overall population and the immense need among our people. For a long time as a trainee doctor I felt inspired by media articles about the “firsts” among Māori in medicine until I realised that “first” was another way of saying “only”. I’ve had only two Māori clinical supervisors out of dozens during my clinical training and one of them I had to seek out myself for an elective placement. As a Māori medical student your opportunities to be mentored or supervised on placements by someone who can relate to your experience and the experience of your whānau are still vanishingly rare.

You have to be tough, to go through MAPAS. In the pre-application meeting they tell us that we’ll be questioned about our right to be at medical school and, later, about our right to practise as doctors. That above and beyond the baseline expectations of this gruelling six-year degree, we will face discrimination from our peers, teachers, patients and clinical supervisors. Gathered together in a lecture theatre while the other students study for first-year exams, the Māori and Pasifika students are paired off to practise responses to questions like: “Didn’t you only get into med because you’re brown?” Many of us are “innocently’’ misidentified as hospital cleaners when we’re on clinical placement. Recently I had someone ask if MAPAS students receive all the answers to our exams in advance, such is the persistence of this idea of our “easy’’ entrance into medicine.



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Follow the live comments that were made as he was talking on the right side of the video.

Slave movies are designed to put people back in their place and train them to hopelessness.

  • 40 years of "black cinema" in Hollywood (Hollywood funded and made movies only - not cinema from outside the USA).
  • 80+ films or shows on Slavery alone
  • 40+ on civil rights
  • 1 on African Civilization - and someone then notes in the youtube comments that the 1 film he found was actually NOT from Hollywood, but made by a South African studio and Hollywood just bought the distribution rights (Shaka Zulu).



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What an amazing 53 page trainwreck this is... OMG. I discovered this discussion a couple of hours ago and read through most of the 53 pages so far. One thing sticks out like a massive sore thumb that really needs to be pointed out: If you're white and you claim you're not a racist, chances are you are going to be talked down to and will be shown a couple of CNN or MSNBC youtube links. These 2 "sources" have been called out a couple of times before as being ahum... fake news... You could do your own research on those. And by resource don't mean look for youtube videos that align with your narrative.


I am mixed race, so you lost the chance to call me racist for what i'm about to say. I read a lot of buzzwords like "white privilege" and "systematic oppression" and i can't help but seeing the massive irony when those words are being used.

Let me be extremely clear. I am not a racist, i was not brought up to first look at someone's skin tone and judge them by it but you can not ignore how often it is being used here. I see a lot of people advocating for (terrorist) organizations like BLM and when you tell them ALM they lose it. Honestly stop and think about that. All lives matter INCLUDES black lives. How do you not see that? If someone responds to your black lives matter with all lives matter, that by definition proves that person is not a racist because they see every person equally. Do you honestly not see that? I will always say All Lives Matter. It's time you start doing that too or a white person may call YOU a racist over it, and guess what, they would be correct.


There are a lot of definitions for the word racism, but i think we can all agree that the most accurate would be that one person judges an other based on their skin tone. So to all of you advocating for things like BLM and saying white people have something called white privilege, how would you call what you are doing at that moment? Because you are judging someone based on what skin tone they have. By definition that makes you a racist. Some people found a different definition of the word Racism that includes this: "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another." They use the argument that black people can't be racist because they are supposedly oppressed > (source: https://www.pambazuka.org/governance/black-people-can’t-be-racist) Statements like these frustrate me to hell and back. It is intellectually dishonest and the goalposts are being moved so far you'll need a telescope to still see them. Racism is plain and simple; One person judges another based on the skin tone and allows or disallows the other to have or do things. If you're white and you don't give a black person a job or want to do business with them, you're a racist! If you're black and you're going to blame any random white person for things you claim other white people did, you're a racist! Everyone can be a racist. Saying anything otherwise is you just rolling on the floor stamping your feet like a 4 year old toddler not getting what it wants.


All this hoopla started with George Floyd obviously, so what happened? The most reasonable thing in the world, right? Lets attack police, white people AND black police and call them uncle Tom's, right? That's very civilized, isn't it and not at all racist. Nobody attacked anyone here based on what their skin tone is, right? You are fighting fire with fire, how do you expect a solution to that?


There is racism in the world, of course there is, but fighting racism with racism is not the answer. Blaming white people for what previous generations did is downright condescending and humiliating AND racist.


BLM advocates, i fully understand your issues and frustrations, and i stand with you in finding a solution, but you are going at it the wrong way, you are doing the exact same thing you accuse your opponent from. Just like Antifa does, fighting fascism with fascism. The irony in that is beyond ridiculous and once you will start seeing this, you will be able to come to a solution.

Stop being a victim culture, almost a victim cult even. You have no idea how much better you have it in 2020 compared to 200 years ago. Also fun fact, the white people that did oppress black people 200 years ago are no longer alive! So why blame the current generation that bends over backwards by the way, to make things as equal as possible for everyone.


Now do your best in trying to find my RL info and spam it all over groups like someone here did already with someone that spoke out about this. I can not possibly describe to you how pathetic that was and how it is not helping your case at all.



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there is no such thing as "white privilege" . There is a majority privilege, yes. And maybe a cultural bias ( here i can quote Denzel Washington: "It's Not Color, It's Culture."

try to get a job in an african or asian country  if you are not over skilled for your job. Even in same country, white people will hire whites, black business owners will be favorable to black, asians to asians. hell, even is same race, white germans dont like white russians, or polish, or romanians, or whoever come to get a job. and most of the time not because they are racists or xenophobes, but because when different cultures clashes things get messy.

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Two, separates posts here and then I'm out again.

One of the dumbest things I've read in the Forum was said a while ago, in another thread, by someone who claims to be so woke the rest of us are sleepwalking next to her glory. It was said that people who think that racism is a political issue annoy her. That got many ♥s, which made me tilt my head and think, "wtf?"

Huh. Well, if one were to take that to mean that liberals can be as racist as conservatives, then ok. Sure. Duh. Everyone can be racist, and I'm pretty sure everyone IS racist to one degree or another.

But racism, especially as it is being expressed *institutionally* is absolutely a political issue.  When political leaders espouse hateful things, about *any* race, it is... political. (Kung Flu anyone?) Laws? Political. Etc. Racism is so closely tied to politics and "group think" that it is ludicrous to state otherwise. Sure, we have to fix things on a personal, one-on-one level, of course, but until society, including its politics, comes on board, it'll be a tough fight for those individuals who need to change to change.

I hope those who seek to change the direction our country (and btw,  not just the USA has these problems) get up an vote appropriately. You know, politically. A can of tomatoes is better than Trump. But, sadly the "woke" folk tend to just sit on their butts and don't vote. It is easier to write forum screeds.

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In a similar thread to this, now closed, I was accused of being Klan adjacent. Why? Because against the screech, sturm and drang of a vocal few, there was "no room" for any type of discussion. One either toed the "correct" (as defined by...?????) party line or you were lumped in with the people who obviously are racists and deniers. This is happening not only in this small, meaningless forum but on the wider scale. Discussion, and therefore the ability to problem solve, is being quashed. I have not read this thread other than the beginning, scan some, post a question wondering if anyone has even bothered to read the books Kali mentioned in the OP. I don't need to read it to know that more of the same is being done here. Not by everyone. Don't get me wrong (although some will, ironically proving my point). But, loud, condescending voices seem to be the rage.

The reason I'm writing this is that I read an interesting article ABOUT an interesting article, regarding just this type of shouting-to-cover-discussion thing that is happening here in the forum and in the USA (and elsewhere). It was exactly the same thing as happened to me--and many others, on a smaller scale, being referred to as making the Klan happy. The linked article (below) covers the letter and the reaction to the original letter... the whole thing. So, to those of you who have an interest in discussions and how they are quelled, to people interested in sociological ideas... you may be interested in this.

Here's an excerpt and a link. To those who think there is only one Truth and only one way to think, well, you aren't all that woke and you are probably actually harming the very thing you are posturing so hard about. You don't fix oppressing people by oppressing other people's speech. ffs  And no, I'm not following this thread so I don't really care if this or my other posts are agreed with or not. Concept.


So he and four other writers penned “A Letter on Justice and Open Debate” — warning that “the free exchange of information and ideas” was being compromised by “an intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming” and “the tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty.” Published July 7 by Harper’s, it was signed by 153 notable figures from academia, media and culture, including Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem, Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie and Wynton Marsalis.

link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/the-harpers-letter-cancel-culture-and-the-summer-that-drove-a-lot-of-smart-people-mad/2020/07/23/9df5d6e4-c84c-11ea-b037-f9711f89ee46_story.html

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19 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Slave movies are designed to put people back in their place and train them to hopelessness.

I am kind of speechless -- that even in movies about slaves White people manage to screw up this bad!  I've been planning to watch the newest Harriet Tubman movie and had no idea they got it so wrong. I mean sure, there were a few Black bounty hunters just as there were Native American scouts siding with the enemy so they could partake of the status or resources of the Whites, but they were few compared to the actual Whites who abused POC.

Whenever I learn of these traitors of the past or present, I feel a deep anger -- in my mind a special place in hell should be reserved for them. Add to this list the people who sided with Hitler, among others.  The sense of betrayal is what angers me the most about them.

I imagine whoever made this Harriet Tubman decided to capitalize on this anger by using an Uncle Tom as the evil element in the film to focus our anger on. At least for me I'd probably feel more anger toward someone who betrays than the actual White abuser, although intellectually I realize Whites did far more harm overall. And they do want us to feel in these movies -- they try to hook our emotions, and when they do that's often when we feel we've enjoyed a film the most.

What I don't get is why the creator of this film could not see it's a bad idea to use an Uncle Tom to elicit anger when so many films disproportionately portray Blacks as the bad guy, and so comprehend the problems in making it seem like Blacks are always bad yet again.   Did they not know?  Did they know and take a delight in being able to achieve this stereotype because they are racist and so designed the film to "put people back in their place and train them to hopelessness"? Or were they so obsessed with eliciting anger that they couldn't resist using the traitor dynamic to achieve it?   ** (I'm only wondering about this film specifically, as I know the dynamic you mention is true for the majority of films depicting Blacks and slavery throughout the years)

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On 7/25/2020 at 11:16 PM, Mollymews said:

You can see it so clearly in Emma Espiner's account of her experience -- the belief that someone is only 'okay' or acceptable when they become just like the dominant, most powerful group.

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I am kind of speechless -- that even in movies about slaves White people manage to screw up this bad!  I've been planning to watch the newest Harriet Tubman movie and had no idea they got it so wrong. I mean sure, there were a few Black bounty hunters just as there were Native American scouts siding with the enemy so they could partake of the status or resources of the Whites, but they were few compared to the actual Whites who abused POC.

I am now boycotting the Harriet movie.


They created a fictional character for the villain: a Black man slave-catcher (I presume working for the Confederacy) who is hunting her.


But she DID have a whole LOT of white slave-catchers try to get to her, NONE OF WHICH are in the movie...

So Hollywood had to make the villain a black man...


Yes historically there were black bounty hunters. The SS also used Jewish people to operate the gas chambers, and Geronimo was hunted down by 2 of his own scouts turned traitor...

Crow Nation members were often paid to hunter other natives - and in the end they did NOT get what they were promised for that... (among the various ways my family tried to hide that we're West African... we used to claim we were Crow and Cherokee... So I studied Crow a lot when I was younger hoping to reconnect... and learned this tragic fact, unless it too is a lie... I actually need to re-research it...)

But of course such people betraying their own have always been the exception...

And again... they weren't in Harriet's tale.


PS: One reason I've never seen Hamilton is that too bothers me - when you take a person from a very racist period and try to clean them up by switching them to the race of the people that were/are being put down... it bugs me. Tell history in all of it's UGLY truths... It's helps to understand why change is vital.


As for needing a focus of anger, I get what you're saying there but I have even less faith in Hollywood than that. I think this was intentional. There's a very common trope and attempt to set black men and women apart from each other - and there's a very common thing to say among people who have racist ancestors of "well everyone had them, see here's this example from history" - and that is true, but it is also a clear attempt to distract away from whatever is being discussed in that moment. Making the villain a black guy allows the film to NOT address slavery head on... And if they DID address historic slavery as it was at that time - they would have all the villain any film ever needed... but it would also force viewers to see something a lot of viewers don't want to see... their bad ancestors.

Ever since 'Dukes of Hazard' there's always been a part of Hollywood that wants to make the 'Lost Cause' look better... and they're quieter now, but I feel like they got a tendril into this production and managed to sneak in that character.

Having a bad ancestor is NOT something to stand around and hang your head down low over... it's a rallying call to do some justice. A relative of mine is descended from an actual Nazi - an actual German WWII Nazi that was not just a soldier... that relative is a Civil Rights activist and has been for more decades than I have been alive. Their Nazi parent was the grave they planted a flag of 'get righteous and fix the things you can' on.

You see this in a lot of places where there has been injustice - if the descendants are forced to see it for what it was, many of them become standard bearers of changing things. That's why I like the YouTuber 'Beau of the Fifth Column' ( https://www.youtube.com/user/unvoicedproject ). He's a southerner with a very stereotypical look and sound - but then you hear what he has to say, and if you watch him long enough why, and you realize that a Southerner has more space than anyone else to speak FOR racial and class justice - it's his own ancestors that he's out there correcting.

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Luna Bliss and Pussycat Catnap, you two are demonstrating beautifully what i've explained in my post. Its hilariously unbelievable how wrapped up the both of you are in your narratives. 

3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

even in movies about slaves White people manage to screw up this bad!

Here you accuse an entire ethnic group of getting something wrong about slave movies. I have a couple of things to say about that. First of all, and do please pay attention to this: You're aware that only a small fraction of people on this earth are involved in the art of filmmaking, right? So why is it "white people" that done did it? Do i need to explain again what racism is to the both of you?


46 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I am now boycotting the Harriet movie.

This idiotic Cancel Culture bulls*t has to stop and i urge you two to start living in the real world, not Youtube "research" or freaking movies. Actual research. Back your words up with proof and citations. Actual citations, not CNN or MSNBC please.


I've seen some Trump slandering as well here. I do ask you who said that. Show me one single shred of evidence he was racist. Or shall i show you how he actually makes life better for you? This idiotic "Orange Man Bad" Trump derangement syndrome is hilariously silly and based on absolutely nothing. PROVE me wrong!


I'm not american, but i do follow a lot of American politics and general American goofiness. It's entertainment to me. But if i could, i would migrate to America. You have no idea how good you have it. And the first thing i'd do is vote for Trump. 

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30 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

This idiotic Cancel Culture bulls*t has to stop and i urge you two to start living in the real world, not Youtube "research" or freaking movies. Actual research. Back your words up with proof and citations. Actual citations, not CNN or MSNBC please.

The real world that have fake a fake black man that never existed as the primary villain going after the historical figure or Harriet Tubman? Or some other real world that has actual history?

Which 'real world' should I be in?

Maybe the one on cable TV about housewives...? 😛


If I made a movie about... the Munich Massacre where an Israeli team was attacked and killed... and recast it so it was a FAKE Israeli Jewish person that did the attack... imagine the extreme outrage... I'd probably find myself in front of a criminal court in Israel... justifiably so...

Or maybe a movie about the Uyghur in China... and cast it as a Uyghur person rounding them up and sending them to camps, and not the Chinese... the whole world would send me a 'screw you' message...

If I made a movie about the Irish War of Independence and cast as my main villain a fictional brother to Eoin MacNeill who betrayed his own family to the English... Irish outrage would be... most severe...

We can go on here... but why...


So yeah... I'm gonna boycott that Harriet movie.

If you really wanted to know why... you'd watch the video from Black Sands that I posted. He spends almost a half hour on just that point alone... and to the right of it, the whole time, are comments from people adding to his points... But you know... he's a black man... and I gather your first problem is that you would never ever listen to him just for that reason alone.


That movie was on the top of my must-see list, until I heard my distant cousin there speak. Vato got a point.

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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18 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

 Actual research. Back your words up with proof and citations. Actual citations, not CNN or MSNBC please.

Sure, why not?


Here's the whole study:


22 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

I've seen some Trump slandering as well here. I do ask you who said that. Show me one single shred of evidence he was racist. Or shall i show you how he actually makes life better for you? This idiotic "Orange Man Bad" Trump derangement syndrome is hilariously silly and based on absolutely nothing. PROVE me wrong!




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Seicher Rae seems to be confused, so let me explain.


I just suggested for Pussycat Catnap to start living in the real world and not in movies, and the reaction was this:

40 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

The real world that have fake a fake black man that never existed as the primary villain going after the historical figure or Harriet Tubman? Or some other real world that has actual history?

Which 'real world' should I be in?

Maybe the one on cable TV about housewives...? 😛

And then some more rambling about movies. Is this a joke? Is it April Fools day somewhere? I just said to not compare real life to movies and live in the real world with real people and you respond by talking about movies again... This has to be trolling, this isn't real...

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