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Friendship Challenge

Strawberry Linden

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The world is in a really fragile state right now and although we are all social distancing in the physical world, we can still reach out to our friends and be there for each other in the virtual world. 

To participate in this challenge, take a picture with someone on your Second Life friends list, and share it with us! Reach out, and spend some time with friends inworld. 

I took a picture with Wendi Linden; she was one of the first people to send me a friend request when I became a Linden last April. It’s been almost a year for me and I’m so thankful and appreciative of the friends I’ve made at Linden Lab. It is an incredible company to work for and it’s wonderful to see all the passion and love the employees have for Second Life.

If you decide to do this challenge and post it on any social networks, don’t forget to use the hashtags #SecondLifeChallenge and #FriendshipChallenge. You can also add your images to the Second Life Challenge Flickr Group as well as the Official Second Life Group

Stay safe everyone and Happy St. Patricks Day!

Update: Today I took a picture of some Linden Lab employees after one of our meetings, so thought I'd share it for the challenge too. Currently all Linden Lab employees are now 'Moonlab' employees, read more about that here: A Message from our CEO: Coronavirus and Second Life Operations


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This myself with my close friend; Holly who is like sister. We been friends close on 10 years online; one day we will eventually meet up; I know neither of us been in SL as long our friendship but we met in another virtual world; then came here then found each other again and found our close friendship again but never letting it go ever again.  A true friend in every way; she stood by me; helped me deal with stuff and she says same of me.

holly n sis.png

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So I  have a few friends and have to share them in  separate pics. Today is Yorkie and me having a cuddle pose moment.  We became friends before Second Life,.

One day ages ago I watched his Second Life video and I fell in love with a genuinely lovely person who does amazing filming. We have been social media chums for a while now and it made sense..


Us 1.png

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On 3/17/2020 at 10:29 AM, Strawberry Linden said:


The world is in a really fragile state right now and although we are all social distancing in the physical world, we can still reach out to our friends and be there for each other in the virtual world. 

To participate in this challenge, take a picture with someone on your Second Life friends list, and share it with us! Reach out, and spend some time with friends inworld. 

I took a picture with Wendi Linden; she was one of the first people to send me a friend request when I became a Linden last April. It’s been almost a year for me and I’m so thankful and appreciative of the friends I’ve made at Linden Lab. It is an incredible company to work for and it’s wonderful to see all the passion and love the employees have for Second Life.

If you decide to do this challenge and post it on any social networks, don’t forget to use the hashtags #SecondLifeChallenge and #FriendshipChallenge. You can also add your images to the Second Life Challenge Flickr Group as well as the Official Second Life Group

Stay safe everyone and Happy St. Patricks Day!

Update: Today I took a picture of some Linden Lab employees after one of our meetings, so thought I'd share it for the challenge too. Currently all Linden Lab employees are now 'Moonlab' employees, read more about that here: A Message from our CEO: Coronavirus and Second Life Operations




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A group photo taken on an exploratory adventure to the Serenity region. Very "Second Life 2077".


From left to right:

  • Two randos who joined us. They seemed to be having fun as well.
  • Testicular Slingshot, the amusingly-named squirrel.
  • Scaver Resident, appropriately dressed as always.
  • Lumisbby Resident, I think those jeans need some work with a sewing needle.
  • Me! Squeak.
  • Chew Resident, being his usual bouncy self.
  • Klairity Resident, well you know what they say about android girls.
  • Milestailsprower015 Resident, with his li'l pet K9 unit.

Much fun was had. And you never know, maybe we might invade your region next. Muahahaha!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's a shot of Waimanalo, me, and AlohaShoyu at The Jungle Beach Bar & Grill. It's been SO nice to spend time with them in SL while we can't get together in RL. Waimanalo is just as fun as ever, and AlohaShoyu can get salty but is always the great philosopher. :-)

Us at The Jungle Beach Bar & Grill.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Borrowed this pic from my friend with his full permission. This is Ulf, we met online but pre SL, around 2002 we think. We met on a forum and just clicked, kept in touch when the forum got closed by the company which ran it. I joined SL back in 2008 but rarely logged on due to various IT issues. Came back in 2013 and got talking to this nice fella in a club. After a week something he said clicked and the RL person had said something similar on Facebook a day or so before. Penny dropped and I scared the living wotsits out of him by saying he reminded me of a RL friend. After about 5 seconds of "omg scary biscuits" all was good. He had a long hiatus from SL and we lost contact RL for a couple of years. 2 years or so ago he just reappeared, I clung onto him and said "this time you stay". We have been through hell and high water RL and SL together and are mates for life. Ulfie brother I adore you even if you do call me stinkweasel as a term of endearment.

Ulf and Saz Plotting.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

My birthday party was 100% online, and a lot people came to visit during that day.

A ton of pictures were taken, but i like this one, friends from years, months, days and even people that tped to meet me and eat cake with us ♥

SL is part of my RL since 2007 and it will probably stay for a long time.


Thanks LL / MoonLab ☻

Btw - Lindens, send me a bear ❤️ winter has come to Brazil and those bears help me when i go to sleep.


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  • 1 month later...
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