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Saz Ninetails

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  1. Oh no, i always try and say hi to anyone who says hi there. Come back another time and see.
  2. Agreed. This would be really useful when people try and bring in a load of bots to do griefings.
  3. Come on over to NCI Kuula, we are a friendly bunch, it doesnt get packed and we are totally newbie friendly. You will often find me there am in the UK so up til about 3pm SLT.
  4. No technical advances? What about Bento, BOM, animesh, EEP. What is missing that you actually want? Obviously there are going to be some limitations due to the platform which is why they tried stuff like Sansar starting from the ground up, but that was aimed at a different market really being VR and so would only attract a small number of SL users. One thing I love about SL is the access to all, even those on low end PCs and its a great platform for those with disabilities.
  5. Borrowed this pic from my friend with his full permission. This is Ulf, we met online but pre SL, around 2002 we think. We met on a forum and just clicked, kept in touch when the forum got closed by the company which ran it. I joined SL back in 2008 but rarely logged on due to various IT issues. Came back in 2013 and got talking to this nice fella in a club. After a week something he said clicked and the RL person had said something similar on Facebook a day or so before. Penny dropped and I scared the living wotsits out of him by saying he reminded me of a RL friend. After about 5 seconds of "omg scary biscuits" all was good. He had a long hiatus from SL and we lost contact RL for a couple of years. 2 years or so ago he just reappeared, I clung onto him and said "this time you stay". We have been through hell and high water RL and SL together and are mates for life. Ulfie brother I adore you even if you do call me stinkweasel as a term of endearment.
  6. Well I know a ton of machima makers in SL and very few of them have up til now put a watermark on, they sure are now though. Whether they do or not, stealing content is still stealing and still wrong.
  7. These people have downloaded and then re uploaded content, not embedding. I know of one that has at least 2 channels removed for breach of copyright.
  8. Whenever I have had ban rights from land and group I have had to fill in a log of why I banned the person. Even kicking them for an hour I had to log a reason. I could be pulled up for it at any time. Places I hang out at now I know there will usually be logs kept and anyone who queries a ban gets directed to the "head honcho" to discuss it. Screenshots of local chat have often been asked for, as well as group chat. Not sure what counter evidence Axel thinks he can bring to the party. Oh wait I did get banned from a store group for politely saying I preferred the old system of having store credit rather than a group gift. The owner called me a 4 letter word beginning with c and kicked me, banned me from the group and from the land, then refunded my group join fee, I joined when it was free and she had given me extra store credit a few months before as I helped a few people in her store. Yeah I know, but this amused me.
  9. Luca I will send you a message inworld later as have someone I can put you in touch with about this. She can fill you in on the rest of it.
  10. Linden labs have said themselves that yes sharing private messages is against TOS. Also remote logging of local chat is against TOS. Keeping chat logs of local is not an offence. I haven't shared chat logs at all. Greg has. He also told several people that he was going to grief the sim. For someone to pass that info on is not against TOS if they paraphrase. Even if someone does share IM logs LL very very rarely do anything about it. We do seem to be getting away from the original point, which is that Greg got warned repeatedly for his behaviour, chose to argue and whine and then made threats to staff so his ban got lengthened twice. He then came here to try and garner sympathy and get others to attack his alleged attacker.
  11. It wasn't an accusation, it was a musing. If I was accusing I would have said IT WAS HIM I KNOW IT
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