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DjEspektro Aeon

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Everything posted by DjEspektro Aeon

  1. First of all, I would like to thank you for your interest in joining our team! ♦ How much I can earn per month? - This is based on your hard work! You get paid instantly! ♦ Is there a limit? - Absolutely, NO! The sky is the limit. ♦ How to Work (Check images) Check which Store is available - https://prnt.sc/1qrxgke And then touch the teleporter. Find the Sales Manager Login Panel - https://prnt.sc/1qrxpg6 Then Click and select "Login" You will see some changes on the Store - https://prnt.sc/1qrxscm Now you will receive 50% of every sale! INSTANTLY! NO WAITING PERIOD! Each login will expire after 10 minutes, but you can log in again As many times as you want. But you will have to promote your location to bring more customers. Take a moment to read each product that you will be selling: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/pt-BR/stores/143381 Top Sales Manager get a bonus every month!
  2. I've been renting on that sim for 3 years now. Never had issues
  3. Check this sim and you will find what you are looking for.
  4. I'm looking for people interested on making money. I've a few premium products - Land Traffic Games, Premium SL Tv with free SLFlix to watch in real time with friends... and so on. I've made a system where you simply log into the sales manager panel and start earning 50% of everything sold while you were logged in. PS: YOU MUST be active while logged in or you will be evicted from the system. There is no limit, you make your own salary! LIMO
  5. My birthday party was 100% online, and a lot people came to visit during that day. A ton of pictures were taken, but i like this one, friends from years, months, days and even people that tped to meet me and eat cake with us ♥ SL is part of my RL since 2007 and it will probably stay for a long time. Thanks LL / MoonLab ☻ Btw - Lindens, send me a bear ❤️ winter has come to Brazil and those bears help me when i go to sleep.
  6. You can also try the ELO Network games HUB - ELO Network HUB or check ELO Website
  7. Couldn't send the application. Contact me inworld.
  8. The Skybox Hostel is now open! We offer: Skybox Houses - L$ 10 per week Breedable Platforms - L$ 100 per week Skyboxes from 1024 to 15232sqm! - Starting at L$ 100 per week Skydomes - L$ 50 per week! Security by CasperSafe Prims can be arranged (: For Business Market Stalls, Starter Stores and Stores are available in our commercial plaza! Your Shop need privacy? We have Business Skyboxes - L$ 50 per week! Come check! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tweddle/59/22/82 %PROMOTION% Pay 4 Weeks and you will receive 1 Week for free! Our Comercial Plaza
  9. If you are looking for a huge place to live or start your business, look no further! Come check http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tweddle/61/99/77 Ocean can be seen from 3 sides.
  10. Home > Forums > Commerce Forum > Inworld Employment > Needs hud It's in the employment forum. Btw this could be at the WANTED forum https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  11. I own 2 Stores in Second Life, we sell a huge number of products, scripts, clothes, 3D Object, custom stuff, well, I've developed a HUD that anyone can use to work at my stores. It's very simple, just double click the HUD, touch Login, touch the vendor machine that you want to login, and select Connect at the HUD and done, for the next 5 minutes you will get 50% of every sale made in that vendor machine. If you focus on selling our "Business in a Box" you can make up to 1k L$ in a single day! (A Building (3 stories) + XPM Merchant Pack (own creations) + thousands of products to resell) No one need to apply, it's easier than that. Come check - you can take the HUD at my desk or simple click 'sales manager' at any XPM Vendor Machine. For more infos, please consider sending me a PM: DjEspektro Aeon Come take a look: Xposts Media Store (Click to open map) or read the easy-to-follow guide at our website: http://www.sl.xpostsmedia.com/help-salesmanagerhud/
  12. I was only telling the world that I exist and I do know how to make stuff '-' but it's okay - edited to fit the guidelines.
  13. I'm here to invite people to come visit me! I'm always alone at my land, trying to make a living. if you have some time to spare, join me for a coffee
  14. Affordable Hostel for everyone! Starting at L$ 35 per week! Fully Furnished Skyboxes for residential use. All Skyboxes have an EXCLUSIVE INFINITE POOL! Come to check and you will never regret! Visit us: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Business Park/41/198/22 ♦ Skybox Hostel ♦ Skybox Room Rental ♦
  15. Trabalho em uma escola profissionalizante no Brasil a mais de 5 anos, nela ensino inglês e muitas coisas relacionadas à tecnologia. Caso tenha interesse em algum curso, venha conhecer minha escola Learning iSchool Localização: Envar/9/44/21 Estou online nos seguintes horários: Manhã: 10:30~12:30 Noite: a partir das 21:00 E claro - te apresentarei pessoas com quem pode praticar seu inglês (nativos) I'll be waiting to meet you.
  16. Thanks for your support, brazilian people can't keep living this way!
  17. Thank you so much! We're fighting for our freedom. Hope you can share with friends And new pictures are being uploaded every second! Some amazing! Things are going insane down here
  18. (Crowd shouts: No Violence!!) In this Video the COPS started shooting everybody! People working to News and even the people at their appartments. Brazilian "White House" being invaded: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODAY: Lunch Time Crowd sings Brazilian Hymn in the Subway. http://terratv.terra.com.br/videos/Noticias/Brasil/Cidades/4828-474688/Milhares-de-passageiros-cantam-hino-dentro-de-estacao-de-metro.htm
  19. Proud Brazilian <~ Most of the news talking about Brazil in the last days, show how much our country is weak, how the government steal our money and we can't do anything. The prices down here are growing faster and faster. The last 20 cents was just the trigger, for the Centry XXI Revolution changing our Flag from Order and Progress, to UNDER Progress. I'll keep it updated. Images from the most important News Companies around the World + Videos about what's happening in Brazil <-- Would you join us in the Streets? It's OUR Freedom! Share with Friends! and: IT'S NOT ONLY 20 CENTS!!!!
  20. Good answers so far and im also addicted to cafeine and nicotine AHAH
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