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Photo Blogging Flickr

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I dont know, if i can post that here, but some Big Question burns under my Nails like Fire!

I blog now on Flickr with very good Photos for almost two Years, i got a lot Experience, as Examaple i only use LumiPro and my Photos are always at a Size of 6144 x 3382, means the Look of them later HD!

Anyway, a Friend of mine, she gets on every damn Photo, that is totaly "Photoshopped", so you dont even see anymore, how the Image looked at Start, means it looks like a Woman that wears a bit  too much Make up! But, what the Hell, she get´s on every Image 400 - 500 Votes.

I am not envy, ok may she have 10.000 votes, but i wanna know, why my Photos get max. 270 Votes, my best has 306 Votes??? I must say, i got over 3000 Followers!!! I attached one of my best Voted (306) at the bottom!

Slowly i ask me, is this a Competition on Flickr??? Or what ever, sometimes i think, this is like "You got No Big Name in the Scene, Than why you want High Votes?"

Does it work like that, do i have first to be a Famous Blogger, like all the Youtuber Ministars or is this only unfair Mucked Around???

Has anyone Experience with Flickr Vote Process? Also what i found out, Flickr, the Owners of the Website self, reduce your Votes, when you got a Free Account there, cause i saw that, some Friends voted me three, one after the other and the Value keep the same "220" it didnt raise to "223" nope! So whats going on there, oh do i have to pay a PRO ACC, to be treated fairly?

Thank you other SL Users and Friends if you see through Flickrs Way, so i finaly know if Flickr itself keep my Votes low, cause Free Acc, so that you dont can become more famous, or i only just imagining me that?

TYSM Everyone and have a wonderful nice Day 


Example of my Photos.jpg

Edited by Nikita Neuman
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If you're in it for votes, or likes, or whatever - on Flickr and even here in these forums, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Just like people on the freeway who are speeding, following too closely, lane-jumping like grasshoppers all think it's some kind to competitive race or something. When you do snapshotting (or the misnomer "fake-photography-that-is-really-screen-capturing") do it because you enjoy doing it. Fiddle with it because you enjoy fiddling with it. Share it here in the forums, at Flickr, wherever you want to. Ignore the number of votes or likes or whatever because a lot of times it's just an indicator of how cliquish people are. People who don;t like some comment you made in some other thread will intentionally skip your picture and never vote for it because they have decided they don;t like you, even if your picture is awesome. Others will like the rare crappy one you managed only because they've decided they like you because their perspective of you throughout the entire forum or facebook or whatever.

Just do it for you and to-hell with the rest of the world.

Edited by Alyona Su
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Ohh, awww thx Alyona, yea i do it, cause i like Poses, Photography, 3D art etc.

Yea i know that, had already on another Forum some very negative Feedbacks about my Style of writing Novels, cause in RL i write FanFictions too, well yea, and People responded harsh bad even evil ugly.

Anyway thx for your Answer


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Im not super active in Flickr anymore, but my average "faves" maybe 34-40, but a more closer look is the ratio of views to faves. Mine was always in the 10-20% and that seems a pretty common average across most SL flickr accounts. But i have seen less than year old accounts with sub 100 followers and 30 pics or so get 200 faves on 6 or 7 thousand views and only posted to maybe 3 groups. But most of the 200+ faves have usually more than 5k views, and it really don't seem to matter if they are a pro account or not. In a nutshell, some accounts even with questionable quality (of course art is always subjective) can get thousands of views and hundreds of faves, other accounts even wih awesome pics gets a few hundred views and 50 faves. so who only knows whats up! lol I always figured if my faves were 20% of the views i was doing ok

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I have pictures mostly round 40-60 likes, one at 100 however I post on Flickr because I enjoy sharing my pictures and if people like them enough to fave then thank you very much but if then if someone don't like my picture; then won't stop me doing my pictures however I can see how I have improved and honestly my 100 fave one - I look at it now and think how I could done the shot differently but that is showing my skills have evolved and still learning new tricks all the time! :) 

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I have known votes were buyable for a long while but didn't have a link. AND I had no idea how expensive those votes and followers could be. I have also heard (no link from me) that there are groups of "friends"  that fav the other's shots and get theirs faved back.  There ARE however some very accomplished photographers out there blogging that deserve plenty of kudos.    I rarely fav anything but when I do it is because I REALLY appreciate the work. 

But honestly it doesn't take much hard thinking to see that "some" photos could not garner the  ego points applied by any reasonable methods. 


And now you know.   

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5 hours ago, Nikita Neuman said:

Whaaaat, Votes are Buyable, wtf, now i know how Savannah came to her 500 Votes. No Wonder!

What i find very stressfull is, vote all those Followers Newest Images and by 3045 that can be a hellish Work. Ugh.

Thx you all anyway

With blogging now, alot of vendors was blogger applicants to have tons of views and favs, least the higher end vendors. and if your a newer account can take a year or more to buid up a good following

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  • 2 weeks later...

I goooot another important Question, often i see by other Bloggers, their Photos are so wide, they cover the whole Stream, means from Left to the Right Side, very wide.

Now its strange my Photos are all on a Size of 6144 x 3382 and they still have not the correct Size or what, to fit that Width from left to right Side?

Uhm, i asked me already, is this only possible for PRO Account Bloggers or what do i wrong, to get not that Size, i mean, hey, i already tryed a Size by my Photos of 15000 x 10000 and still it didnt cover the whole SIte?

So how does that work, do i have to make some special Settings in my Flickr Settings or how works that?

Tysm everyone for help me out


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I post the same pics on Flickr as I do on "How does your avatar look today" here on the forums. On the forums, I typically get 20-30 "likes" for each pic, the exact same pics get maybe 1, usually none on Flickr.

Maybe Flickr just isn't the best place to post them?

I just continue to do so because I can post them at a higher resolution on Flickr than I can here.

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5 hours ago, Nikita Neuman said:

I goooot another important Question, often i see by other Bloggers, their Photos are so wide, they cover the whole Stream, means from Left to the Right Side, very wide.

From what I gathered it depends on picture proportions rather than actual size of it. Try increasing width of your pictures, but not the height and see if it will work for you. I am using free account and if I post really wide picture it usually takes the whole screen. 

As for likes - numbers you get largely depend on what kind of followers do you have. Number of followers is only one part of it. How active they are and if they are users who tend to like other's pictures matters even more. Same goes for groups - it helps if you post your picture in those, but if they are full of people who just post-post-post and don't take any time to see other people's work - that's not going to help you.

Edited by marinathewitch
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Ohh Thank you all so much, i ´ll try that with the Width, thx marina  :)

Na, with the Likes, means Votes its like an Rollercoaster, they go up than the go down again, last Time i get again for show Fashion from the Access Event 171 votes, what i really appreciate, cause i am not a High Profi Blogger, but i think, if you make too cheap Shots, means too much Nudity, you get seen as Cheap and vulgar.

Some i saw, they make far away Shoots, means not zoomed in like i do with Angle 0.080 and they get massive Votes, like 500-700, wow hey, i think, how can this be done?

Tysm all :)

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On 11/14/2019 at 12:24 PM, Nikita Neuman said:

I goooot another important Question, often i see by other Bloggers, their Photos are so wide, they cover the whole Stream, means from Left to the Right Side, very wide.

Now its strange my Photos are all on a Size of 6144 x 3382 and they still have not the correct Size or what, to fit that Width from left to right Side?

Uhm, i asked me already, is this only possible for PRO Account Bloggers or what do i wrong, to get not that Size, i mean, hey, i already tryed a Size by my Photos of 15000 x 10000 and still it didnt cover the whole SIte?

So how does that work, do i have to make some special Settings in my Flickr Settings or how works that?

Tysm everyone for help me out


pretty sure the width is related to the ratio of width to height. try 6144x2048 and see what happens

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Just be aware that - depending on the SL photography circles that you move in - if you consistently have images that absolutely dominate someone's Flickr feed, you might find yourself losing followers. I know that if someone I was following constantly posted images that took over my screen and dwarfed everyone else's images they would find very swiftly themselves un-followed.

I mention the above because I move in the kind of Flickr circles where every fave is earned and not automatically given. I choose which groups I manually add each image to (and those are limited to about 30 maximum) and I don't use scripts or macros to add them to every group I'm in (which means I'm not spamming 300+ groups - many of them irrelevant to my image's subject - with every image). I don't auto-follow-back; I curate my friends feed to those I'm interested in only. And - most importantly for me - I'm not in it for the faves. I've been fashion blogging on Flickr since 2008, and if I get 50 faves on an image then it's a damn good image for me. Once you get into that '99+' territory on every single image it becomes completely meaningless.

Of course, your mileage may vary, and your followers might not care that you're taking over their feed. In which case, yes it's to do with the image ratio. The only time I've ever had any of my images take up the entire width of my own Flickr feed is when the ratio is vastly skewed in favour of width, and that happens with wide and shallow landscape images such as the 'group cover photo' ones.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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So Marina, i set my last Photo to Width 16000 x 6000 and yea it was much more wider on the Page as the normals i do, thx my Graphic Card i could go up to 50.000 x 30.000, but omg, i dont wanna see later the MB SIze and it would be silly, load such a heavy Sized to FLickr, even if that would be a HDMi Graphic and sharp as a knife.

Skell, than you dont know Savannah Mohegan, she is only out for VOTES, votes, votes, and she get it, no matter if she does a ordinary Shoot, with Clothes or naked, she gets always her 300 - up to even 450, so what does she do, and pimpin a Photo so much up with Photoshop, that can everyone, even an Ape, thats no big Art, cause what we see afterwards is not the Original Image anymore, we see a full PShopped Photo, that has Nothing to do anymore with normal Photography Art and Experience.

And just because i Master Photoshop very well, does not mean i have all the Photography Experience whats needed for really great Art!

Thx everyone :)

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... HDMI Graphic? But I prefer my DisplayPort cables. Does that mean that I'm missing out on FlickR? 🤔

And good to know that this Savannah whatshername is a friend of the OP, otherwise the whole thread would sound like vile competition for the sake of clicks.

1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

...where every fave is earned and not automatically given.

Oh. Ummm. OK. I promise to obey from now on.

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39 minutes ago, Nikita Neuman said:

Skell, than you dont know [name redacted], she is only out for VOTES, votes, votes, and she get it, no matter if she does a ordinary Shoot, with Clothes or naked, she gets always her 300 - up to even 450, so what does she do, and pimpin a Photo so much up with Photoshop, that can everyone, even an Ape, thats no big Art, cause what we see afterwards is not the Original Image anymore, we see a full PShopped Photo, that has Nothing to do anymore with normal Photography Art and Experience.

Nor do I care to know her. Why does it bother you what someone else does? If it bothers you then you are - as Alyona points out in her reply - seeing it as a competition. Your friend is gaming the system as it stands - in her own way - and you are not. You then ask how you can make your photos dominate your followers' Flickr feeds, which - in its turn - is gaming the system. And so you start to move toward being like her.

In your initial post you asked if Flickr keeps your votes low because you're a free account. No, it does not do that. You asked if you need a pro account on Flickr in order to be 'treated fairly'. I have had a pro account on Flickr for 11 years and there is absolutely no difference in 'fairness' between votes/faves for pro or free accounts. The primary differences are that pro accounts have unlimited uploads whereas free accounts do not, and pro accounts don't see (or have for others to see) adverts on their pages.

As for her images having "nothing to do anymore with normal photography" you should see what the actual photography community thinks of all the Second Life content on Flickr...

30 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

Oh. Ummm. OK. I promise to obey from now on.

I don't make any such rules that need to be obeyed. 'Everyone gets a cookie for taking part' is fine to encourage newbies to keep going, but for an old hand which of these means more: a Flickr fave because everyone gets a fave (with no indication if the person favouriting it actually likes it), or a Flickr fave because you've produced an image that someone really loves?

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My Flickr Name.....   Tiffany Towers, i took that, cause i am a big Fan of her Body Shape and her Look from the 1980´s.

Btw another Question, I say to every of my Voter/Follower in the COmments below my personal Thx NAME .....

Why do the Flickr Website Owners, forbid me to do that by more, as soon as i want to thank lets say 65 Followers, each with Name, that comes--->  "Your Comment could not be Postet!"

What the Hell, and? Even if i spam my own Comment List, its my Problem, and not the Problem of the Website Owners, do they have a Spam Secure for the Comment Tab/List?

I see that a bit unfair, cause in my own Blog/Photostream i should can do what i want and not get said "Naa, enough, you dont can Thank each Single and that 100 Times!"

Ah and why not? Damn.


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Oh my, I'm actually following... 😎

Your own blog hosted by yourself and managed by yourself != a FlickR Photostream hosted and managed by FlickR's current owners.

Perhaps you should consider it less personally offending if a wise service provider puts a character limit for their text boxes. So yeah, a "spam secure" indeed.

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   I just had a quick glance at your Flickr (peeking through my fingers whilst covering my eyes!), and one thing that I would suggest is that you don't use that coded text for your display name. I don't know how much it would impact your views or faves (probably not much), but when I tried searching for your Flickr feed through Flickr, there were no hits - so I had to find it in your profile, hidden away in your picks.

   And it might just be me, but it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine, when people use such writing at all (whether in SL or outside of it). It just feels like an unnecessary way of making you more difficult to find. Just my two cents, though.

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   I just had a quick glance at your Flickr (peeking through my fingers whilst covering my eyes!), and one thing that I would suggest is that you don't use that coded text for your display name. I don't know how much it would impact your views or faves (probably not much), but when I tried searching for your Flickr feed through Flickr, there were no hits - so I had to find it in your profile, hidden away in your picks.

   And it might just be me, but it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine, when people use such writing at all (whether in SL or outside of it). It just feels like an unnecessary way of making you more difficult to find. Just my two cents, though.

Same. I tried to search for it last night as well and didn't find it. 

If you're taking and posting pics to get little stars, you're going to be disappointed. Also, it's not "voting"... it's simply saying "I like your photo." I started on Flickr in 2013, and I don't think I've ever gotten even 100 stars on any photo. I don't care. I refuse to play the game that others play. I follow those who take pics that I like. I scroll through when I have time and give some stars. 100 or 1000 stars gets me nothing. They're absolutely meaningless. There are no rankings or prizes. And because of those who are playing the game, the number of stars a photo gets has no correlation to the quality of a photo.

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