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Nikita Neuman

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Everything posted by Nikita Neuman

  1. Well until now still the new TOS arent rolled out it seems, cause i saw, istill could load up 900 Photos, weird.
  2. No cause i even couldn´t wear/add another one, like you click Wear/add and Nothing happened, idk why.
  3. I changed my Shape in the Black Dragon Viewer now 55 x and as soon as i am done it jumps back to the old Settings. Why the Hell happens that, cant LL Server accept what i want? Thx
  4. STrange is, that on some Days it works like a Space Rocket and SL runs for me perfect, than other Days or Hours, i even need to wait 5 Minutes or more, so i can wear some different Mesh Hairs or Mesh Clothes only appear as raw Form not as Clothes, weird. Why the Connection determines about, if a Mesh Top renders or not, i thought thats the Graphical Part of the whole System? Thx
  5. Na, Odaks, before i had a Cable Modem with Glass fiber Cables, so it wasa 40.000 Line, now i´ve changed the Apartment in another District, direct in the City, before i was on the edge of the City, more Countryside. So now in the middle of the City, someone told me, i have to share the Web with the whole District´s Citizens. My Modem look like kinda Cube you plug into the Power socket. Plug it, turn it on and you good to go. I got that Modem--->
  6. What´s that some sort of newTumbl Look alike? I must say i am now on newTumbl and there we can do all create our very own Blog for SL, Like, Favourite others and follow them, Post Nsfw on newTumbl as Example its M for Mature, X for Explicit and W for very Extrem, what i dont use and dont need.
  7. Its with 2nd Quarter of Year so like Dal said 1st of April, that´s why i already took down all my Photos, i got them anyway on my Harddisc : D , so i dont loose them.
  8. My Viewer is in the Firewall and Defender in the Whitelist so i set all to Permission granted, means Firestorm get ot scanned or anything, gave him all Rights in my Defender. The Problem is we have a Construction Site right in front of my Window, even i live in the 4th Floor, so very high up, my Modem is between Computer and Window. Maybe all the Metal Scaffolding deflect the Data Rays from the Satelite to my Modem or are a Problem and disturb? Idk. If Steel Scaffolding can block them somehow.
  9. Which shows us again that people are viewed in categories, rich and poor and nobody gives a damn about the latter! And that´s everywhere in Real the same, your too poor for this? Than sorry you cant have or you dont get etc.
  10. It's beginning to seem to me like all websites want to stop the moral decay, like they don't care about money at all! Almost like such Website Company´s wanna wipe out every Erotic, omg worse than Christians, next what comes is that Flickr says We are all Sinners, lool 🤣🤣🤣 Flickr look at this 🖕🖕🖕
  11. Question: who gives the Internet provider the right to log us out of the viewer? And when it´s not the Inet Provider, who else kicks us out from Time to Time, the weird is, my Internet should not be the Reason, cause if i open Chrome Browser, i see that the Web works fantastic, so why we get the damn Message "We´r sorry we had to log you out of the System!" ??? Tysm
  12. If you dont like it Rowan, than dont view it, easy peasy, isn´t it? And btw i said already not every Photo is dirty Pornography or do you call Rubens the famous Painter a Pervert Guy? 😂😂😂
  13. newTumbl is really very good meanwhile, better than 500Px or Reddit. I am there already as Velvet Valour---> https://newtumbl.com/search#q=Secondlife
  14. Finaly i found what Flickr will do on APRIL 2022, so everyone know the Exact Method Flickr will prevail and thats an Excerpt of their new TOS: The second change relates to non-public photo limits. Flickr is all about sharing photos, giving feedback, finding inspiration, and connecting with your fellow photographers. It’s a lot harder to do any of that with non-public photos. With that in mind, we’re limiting free accounts to 50 non-public photos (e.g. photos marked as private, friends, family, or friends and family. Read more about privacy settings on Flickr here). As Information for all still have Restricted or Medium Photos on Flickr! Hope that helps everyone to see trough all this!
  15. Now listen Rowan, we FREE USERS of Secondlife, braught Flickr also some Users they made a Pro Acc, so we were like a FIGUREHEAD for Flickr, i remember me, when i was longer on Flickr, many from SL also came, joined us and even took a Paid Acc, yes a PAID! So without all Free Acc, i see unfortunately Dark for Flickrs Future, cause Thousand of Thousands will say: Flickr go to Hell with such TOS! and about that you can bet your Soul!
  16. Now i´m finaly also test newTumbl and i must say, it works easy i found immediately our Secondlife Posters/Users, but what gets on my nerves that real users post their uninteresting real pictures to our community! Btw, is there a Way, that we can ignore or hide unwanted Users with their Real Nonsens? Tysm
  17. I got also a good Saying "It´s all about the Money, nothing have changed!" 👎
  18. Read only that: we’re certain that Flickr’s brightest days lay ahead, Is that some kinda Joke? Here are hundreds of Bloggers with Free Accounts sure, you Flickr Guys will start your own downfall, with that TOS, cause i read already Thousands who have Free Acc left the Website. And? What´s left will be a few Pros and Flickr will feel this soon, that we also brought them New Memebers etc! But i say let them dig their own Grave!
  19. So on 500Px i got for my first Photo already 5 Likes and for my Second one also already 1, they seem to like it, also you can create own Gallery´s and follow other SL User´s. But there you have to mark every Photo as Nsfw! On Reddit i cant Post Photos, i tryed it dozend Times via the big + but it´s not reacting, in the Field where you can set a Photo shows up --> "Drag and drop Photo here or Upload, both dont works.
  20. Well Rowan, not everyone is willing to pay 94US$ any many dont have a Plastic Card! Offer some other Pay Methods would finaly be good, so Normal Bank Accounts get also accepted!
  21. By newTumbl i also readed the TOS and they say the same NO Sexual Content, No Nudity or Explicit. And i really loved to work with my Photos, i created in SL on Animare hundreds of Playmate Poses from real Playmates and i loved to experiment with the Art of Erotic Photos later to show it on Flickr as ART, cause it was Fun, but now, it seems we have no Place like Flickr to go, with create own Groups where we could invite others and give Beauty Awards. I had on Flickr Likes already over 350 and i worked with Black Dragon Viewer. Btw, did anyone tryed out that Website, i also found there some SL Photos---> https://www.newgrounds.com/search/conduct/art?suitabilities=etm&c=4&terms=Secondlife Idk, looks rather than only Anime and Manga Stuff.
  22. But doen´t 13 Days Trial mean, after those 13 Days you cant upload any Photos anymore? And by Liked Photos that anyway seems not to be for Free Acc. Thx
  23. Btw, reddit is useless, i cant Post even a Single Photo, there is only a red FORBIDDEN SIGN, like locked? And what´s that Karma Points Thing? Thx if anyone sees trough that System. https://500px.com/search?q=Secondlife&type=photos&sort=relevance you can forget that cause as i wanted to upload a Photo that comes--> 13 Days Free Trial, means you need a Pro or Premium Account like on Flickr. Damn!
  24. Which Website is that? I didnt even see that box beside the Photos huh? Tysm
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