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Anyone here does not RP?


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3 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

Bree ponders the question over a cup of coffee and types an answer, "Nay! M'lady I doth not role play!" Satisfied, our beautiful heroine exits stage left. 

/me scratches her own head at the abrupt departure of Bree after observing Bree typing an answer out yet never hitting enter... "I wonder what that was all about." 

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The closest I come to RP is the malls in the sims..Because sometimes many RP sims have nice accessories in their stores..

I've had people try to RP with me in the malls when I'm looking around.. I always end up treating them like a mall owner.. 

I'm just shopping..You have some really nice things here..

It's very awkward for me..hehehe

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i am often at roleplay sims but i never roleplay LOLLLLLLLLLLL

at least not the rp i have seen there , i see them rp like talking about themselfs as third person 

like marja looks at you and thinks ..........

it seems that if you talk the roleplay language ^^ as yourself , like ME or I then it comes emotionial close to you 

if you act like a third person ,if is further from yourself , so that is playing a ROLE 

that is the way i see it

i often say if i see roleplay stories in local , because they chat in local if they roleplay

i rather read a good book ! but if they have fun with the stories , live and let live ;-))

it is not my thing so i fight only on rp sims , the fights are great to do ,there are often games with teams 

and i do not raid either  ,that ends sometimes in roleplay

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On 8/26/2019 at 10:22 AM, RaeLeeH said:

The trick is finding a man to role play back and not "mmmmmmmm baby, you like that don't you *delete expletive*..."  Then wait while he proceeds to click through all 115 animations one after after the other, reaches his grand finale at least half dozen times, and then immediately logs off. Get enough of that you don't want to role play the sexy time. Or even want it (not in SL at least) 😏

This log off right after really gets to me. Like falling asleep snoring.........

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I am not a member of any roleplay areas or systems anymore and haven't been for years.  The longest I had an active character was at City of Lost Angels (CoLA) for a few years in total.  I have never played games with HUDs that require you request bites from people as a core part of the game.  However, I am in-character for a large part of my time in SL, it is just a role where I make the rules and play along accordingly.  I don't impose it on others though.  If I get the sense they might be interested in playing a long for a short while, then I will cautiously approach them with it in a casual way, otherwise I will keep it to myself (though possibly remain in-character internally).  I am more relaxed around with friends and other people that I know that are happy to play along,

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12 hours ago, Marja Geesink said:

at least not the rp i have seen there , i see them rp like talking about themselfs as third person 

That's just a convention for some kinds of roleplay. I've played multiple characters in the same setting, so using "me" all the time would be confusing. I've also played as non-human things, even non-animal things like a cloud of mist or a mysterious orb, and using "me" for that would sound kinda strange.

Some people do rp in first person though, and nothing wrong with that. It just gets awkward then there is a mix of perspective.

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On August 28, 2019 at 6:57 AM, BelindaN said:

This log off right after really gets to me. Like falling asleep snoring.........

Falling asleep is fine, leave your avi there while you go AFK to wash up, but do not vanish.

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I'm currently techincally RPing with a group. Primarily there because a good friend is a one of the characters getting the story going and she's really excited about it. But I'm essentially responding as myself, if I were healthy enough to actually be an archaeologist or find myself in these strange situations. I'm lousy at RP and my "character" is confused and out of place most of the time so that's worked so far. That was intentional, defining the "character" in a way where I could be myself and my lack of ability and experience would fit the characterisation. My friend likes my character (she likes me after all) but I don't know how the rest feel about me in effect blurting out a single line amongst all of their paragraphs and internal thought descriptions. It's a small group so just showing up probably counts for a lot.

The "RP" I stay well clear of is when it's used as a euphemism for sexual activity and a way to pretend the sexual activity isn't cheating.

So technically I RP for an hour or so on a Sunday, but that "technically" is doing a fair bit of heavy lifting there :)

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I haven't rp'd in eons. I did only sporadically for the first year or so depending on where I was but for the most part, I always was who I am for real.

I'm not good at pretending in general. I prefer making real connections with people and like people who do the same. I find it difficult to continue friendships in world with those who do not open up to some degree about themselves. I can goof around with those who roleplay if I'm somewhere that's appropriate and am able to go along for the ride for short periods but eventually I'll tire of the banter. I can't keep up the facade of caring for the story. 


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On 8/28/2019 at 11:17 PM, SneakyBooger said:

If you ask me my age and I lie.... I guess I would be RPing then.

No, you would be lying. Roleplaying is not lying, its playing the role of a character. Think about movies and theater. An actor, that gets asked about their age and lies, is lying and not playing one of his/her roles. Also good roleplay needs consent. Secretly playing a role is just disrespectful.

On 8/28/2019 at 11:17 PM, SneakyBooger said:

Anyone who is not looking for a RL relationship on SL is RPing

No. Not at all. Second Life is not a dating platform and tons of people aren't even looking for any kind of love on here. Having boundaries is not equal to playing a role.

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