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Show homes are prohibited adverts ....

Coffee Pancake

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16 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Edit to add: I am tired of Forum police... moderators do that job.

this isn't about being police, it's about keeping the discussion clear, this post is about the "thing" promotion, not to mention brands, btw by defending you take part in that process also.

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35 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

A better option. would be to withdraw with a flourish, flipping the property back to the pool followed by gifting it's next occupant with a copy of all the contents. Hearts and minds won, a little gushing through the community and one lucky new occupant finding they have not only long shot managed to win a house, but a little lottery on top. Standing by the house with a party waiting for the new owner to rez in would certainly be one of defining moments of this new Land expansion and really nail the landing.

A perfect 10.

With the added bonus that should you  attempt a similar exercise again with a different home or houseboat, the sense of anticipation would be quite spectacular.

i quite like this. Could even announce everywhere the exact time the home is going to be abandoned. The web server probably get hammered to refresh pieces at the time, but would get the creator a tonne of community-driven interest

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After 125 posts the answer is the same. LL knows the "show homes" are there and if they want them removed or changed, they will let the people in question know.  Same with cafes, book stores, pubs, clubs and whatever else might be out there. Since many non-residential plots have been in place for a month, it seems like they are OK with The Powers That Be. 


Everyone can have their own take on whether they are "right" or "wrong" but in the end LL is the only one that will make those decisions. 

Since we have been asking repeatedly for clarification on clubs, tip jars and now "show homes" and since we have not received any word, it seems like they are OK so far as rules and covenant go. 


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^^ In fact, they started a thread themselves, asking ppl to show off of their Bellisseria creations!

I'm sure they're sitting in their Linden offices, thinking "What?! People creating gorgeous Bellisseria homes, and showing those to the world!? We can't have that! Off with their heads!" /sarcasm

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I am SO TIRED of people telling other people what to do with their homes, and am frankly stunned (though I suppose I should not be) that the OP has the gall to suggest that this creator give up his home, whether or not she is being facetious. Really, can we please let up with telling other people what they should and should not do? "If you have two homes, give one up", "put more things in your home or give it up", and now "if you dare to showcase your own work, give your home up". Ugh.

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@Sylvia Tamalyn

its a conversation. Stuff gets said. Ideas come out of it. Some ideas are good, some not. Some ideas seem good until we talk about it more then can turn out to be not a good idea at all when discuss all the ramifications. Somebody else reading might think it is a great idea for them and do it

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28 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

its a conversation.

It's not really a conversation. It started with the OP making an accusation and has continued that way. This whole thread is unfortunate and not good for the community at large. And it's downright shameful that it's come down to the OP actually suggesting that the creator abandon the home. Shameful!

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2 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

After 125 posts the answer is the same. LL knows the "show homes" are there and if they want them removed or changed, they will let the people in question know.  Same with cafes, book stores, pubs, clubs and whatever else might be out there. Since many non-residential plots have been in place for a month, it seems like they are OK with The Powers That Be. 


Everyone can have their own take on whether they are "right" or "wrong" but in the end LL is the only one that will make those decisions. 

Since we have been asking repeatedly for clarification on clubs, tip jars and now "show homes" and since we have not received any word, it seems like they are OK so far as rules and covenant go. 


It seems to me that not saying anything leaves open the option to for an official objection at a later date, hence the uncertainty.

I would also think that user reaction plays a part in managing the Bellerissa landscape, and the official rulebook is used a tool of last resort.

User reaction could change.

A show home could be seen as a marketing tool for the whole of the continent and second life itself, right up until the point where all the houses are full, job done and  popularity of the project is established.

At this point, without changing anything at all, the function of the house changes to become simply a promotional tool for the creator without any other purpose.

No bad intentions required, in fact was probably created with very good intentions.

So not necessary to be defensive, and well worth discussing.





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26 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

It's not really a conversation. It started with the OP making an accusation and has continued that way. This whole thread is unfortunate and not good for the community at large. And it's downright shameful that it's come down to the OP actually suggesting that the creator abandon the home. Shameful!

Every word of this. All this judging of neighbors does nothing to build community, and plenty to discourage it. It’s sad that people feel the need to police and call others out like this. 

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30 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

It's not really a conversation. It started with the OP making an accusation and has continued that way

the original post isn't an accusation. It's an opinion. The opinion was that show homes, on the OP's reading of the covenant, do not comply with the covenant

so people have been discussing the validity or otherwise of the opinion. While at the same time some posters  have taken umbrage, because they take an opinion, that they disagree with, as a slight on people who do have show homes

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Enjoying SL is also a sort of advertisement.  When others see it and feel it they like it too and that is what I’m doing with my time in SL.  😃  make stuff, sell stuff, buy stuff and encourage the enjoyment of doing it all!!  WHoOoOoOo HOoOOoo!! 

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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

the original post isn't an accusation. It's an opinion. The opinion was that show homes, on the OP's reading of the covenant, do not comply with the covenant

so people have been discussing the validity or otherwise of the opinion. While at the same time some posters  have taken umbrage, because they take an opinion, that they disagree with, as a slight on people who do have show homes

The title of the thread is "Show homes are prohibited adverts ...." 

That's a statement .. a discussion begins with a question not a statement. Yes, we have been discussing it, but the OP began this thread with an accusation!

Edited by Blush Bravin
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10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

So..we can’t have old-timey advertising signs in our backyards, like the RL collectible ones?

Those are some of my favourite things!  And the chuckles I get seeing a house with an overgrown lawn and a shabby fence or a dumpster with buzzing flies on houseboat!  Not my particular taste in decor but I embrace and appreciate their sense of humour as much as I'm impressed with the things which are suited to my particular taste and most of all I welcome the things that make me WOW and inspire new ideas and fuel creativity and growth ♥ What a wonderful example and introduction Bellisseria will be to those new to SL and new to Premium benefits... a look at what all the current SL talent and ingenuity can do and encourage the new people to become a contributing part of SL and find their niche to thrive and enjoy ♥ I feel we learn and teach better in a practice of encouragement and not by nit-picking, tattling, enforcement, persecution or judgment ♥

A crime is only a mistake unless there is malicious intent.

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As soon as I feel better and can get inworld, I'm going to have to visit this open house. I've never been to one and it sounds lovely. I can use some inspiration for my little family's home! 😊

I really hope no one feels the need to leave their home because another presumes it is okay to suggest such a thing.

What ever happened to just letting others do what is right for them? I don't see how this is hurting anyone in the community. Let Linden Lab decide what is an actual problem and what isn't. Why has it become seemingly hard to focus on our own business and leave others to theirs when they are doing no harm?


Edited by LyricalBookworm
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2 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

The title of the thread is "Show homes are prohibited adverts ...." 

That's a statement .. a discussion begins with a question not a statement. Yes, we have been discussing it, but the OP began this thread with an accusation!

ok lets go with the word statement

when can a statement be construed as an accusation? When we take umbrage

regardless of the umbrage, the statement made by OP is not correct. As the following conversation then shows, the covenant is silent on this matter. Silent given the literal meaning of the word, commerce

when a covenant is silent then the common meaning of the word silent (in this context) is that an action is not proscribed. Under the english common law principles on which the USA (LL) operates then when something is not proscribed then it is allowed

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5 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

The title of the thread is "Show homes are prohibited adverts ...." 

That's a statement .. a discussion begins with a question not a statement. Yes, we have been discussing it, but the OP began this thread with an accusation!

and a meme inviting people to change my mind, anyone would think your store sold pitchforks too

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The real point, that most of have been getting at is this:  We are tired of people deciding what we can and cannot do with our houses.  This is not the one and only thread created with the premise of policing what they deem to be "the best" for those that have chosen to claim their piece of Bellisseria .  The deal is this, as long as you abide by the covenant... you are golden.  Why is it so hard to live and let live? Why is anything anyone does with their place, anyone's business?

It's getting old.  let me live my slife, and I will grant you the same courtesy.




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10 minutes ago, Tarani Tempest said:

The real point, that most of have been getting at is this:  We are tired of people deciding what we can and cannot do with our houses.  This is not the one and only thread created with the premise of policing what they deem to be "the best" for those that have chosen to claim their piece of Bellisseria .  The deal is this, as long as you abide by the covenant... you are golden.  Why is it so hard to live and let live? Why is anything anyone does with their place, anyone's business?

It's getting old.  let me live my slife, and I will grant you the same courtesy.

I get the point, but why even have the forums if people can't talk about things unless it's a topic that has been decided elsewhere and everyone is in complete agreement and just pats each other on the back for being so gosh darn assimilated? Jesus, people have lost the freaking ability to have a conversation. THAT is getting old, too.

Policing what people can and cannot talk about is just as annoying as telling people what they can and cannot do in their home. 

Edited by Beth Macbain
Added a line.
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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

I get the point, but why even have the forums if people can't talk about things unless it's a topic that has been decided elsewhere and everyone is in complete agreement and just pats each other on the back for being so gosh darn assimilated? Jesus, people have lost the freaking ability to have a conversation. THAT is getting old, too.

Discuss away.  I too, felt like saying my piece.  Ironic...huh?

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