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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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50 minutes ago, Devin Heartsong said:

The Game of Homes gods have smiled upon me and Kat for my birthday. 🙂

Yes indeed!  Happy Birthday!     Sunset view over the island, no need to keep prims for a boat because you can rez one while sitting on your deck on the nearby rez zone, then stroll over the sim border, camsit on your boat, and sail away down Big Bird Lake.

That is a forever home if I ever saw one!

Way back when LogLand was first released we were saying that there would be terrific waterside parcels available once they release the regions bordering Big Bird Lake.  And voila!

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I took a few pictures of my house ^^ 

It's spooky outside currently!


This is the hallway, the little door is because a faery seems to have decided to move in. She doesn't pay rent 😑


This is my living room currently, needs rugs but the photo is me and my good friend who wanted her avi to match mine and I think that's sweet. 


There's a bunny making herself a cup of tea in my kitchen at the moment 



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My bed


My computer, I'm still trying to collect all the bunnies in costumes from a gacha at half deer but, the collection is coming along nicely!



Outside! Hopefully my neighbors find this area peaceful and come for a sit sometimes. 


And I'm collecting birbs on the patio upstairs


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