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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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8 hours ago, Morena Tully said:

I decided to abandon my traditional and throw myself into the game of chance to get a houseboat... It worked! I know this isn't going to be my forever home, because it's not facing open water, and to the south to boot (no sunrise or sunset), but I'm staying here until the continent is complete, and the rush dies down... so a good while! I decided on the evening star, because it seemed the "boatiest" My goal was to try and make it have a houseboat feel more than a house feel, but I discovered I really, really, suck at decorating! I made two modifications.. One was that the ceiling to floor windows in the front half were making decorating even harder, so I added boat siding over half of them.. That helped. Second, I made a floor under the upper windows and added a spiral staircase to it. I like nooks! Oh, that and the upper deck I made into a front lawn. Just because.

Cheeseburger in Paradise HB_001Cheeseburger in Paradise HB_003Cheeseburger in Paradise HB_004Cheeseburger in Paradise HB_005Cheeseburger in Paradise HB_006

What a life!

I love what you did with this boat.......I don't have a boat yet - but when I get one - I had been planning to do a lawn also.......now I can see that a lawn looks great.....and you don't suck at decorating at all - it all looks very nice.

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14 minutes ago, RacyAcey said:

I love what you did with this boat.......I don't have a boat yet - but when I get one - I had been planning to do a lawn also.......now I can see that a lawn looks great.....and you don't suck at decorating at all - it all looks very nice.

Thank you! I've been obsessed with the "green roof" idea ever since I saw pictures of homes in Norway, then other versions after a search, in many other places. It just clicks for me, and I try to use the concept whenever I can. As far as decorating, I see so many people creating interiors that look like they deserve a magazine spread! Me, I'm more hobo style, with only an abstract thought of what I'd like to do, and nothing ever looks right to me when I'm done :P

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29 minutes ago, RaeLeeH said:

Inizialmente non avrei pubblicato le mie foto poiché sto usando una modesta modifica / ricreazione della build di un altro e non volevo farti esplodere per plagio o copia (ma da allora ha affermato che non le dispiace. questo è ancora vero). Sto usando Alderley e mentre mi piacciono le case in stile più piccolo, l'ho scelto principalmente perché la maggior parte degli altri intorno a me (o che ho visto) non lo usano. Quindi queste sono le mie foto:






(La mia casa è nel mezzo della foto in cima alla collina)


On 17/6/2019 at 21:22, MiakisTheUsagi said:

Aggiunti altri pezzi di arredamento nel soggiorno. Più alcuni pannelli di legno e un soffitto decorativo.



is very very chic 

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I posted some pics on another thread here and here, but thought I'd add another.


It's simple enough but it's a nice view from the back yard.


I posted this on that other thread but this is my back yard to put the pic above into perspective.

Admittedly I didn't use much by way of lawn decoration because there's a lot of sand and the yard is set behind a sharp slope with two of my neighbours on raised hills above mine. But I love the sand and grass mix and didn't see a need to add a fence to block off the view. Besides, adding a fence would have made my yard look smaller whereas right now it appears bigger as my land ends on this side of the fire pit.

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1 hour ago, Morena Tully said:

Thank you! I've been obsessed with the "green roof" idea ever since I saw pictures of homes in Norway, then other versions after a search, in many other places. It just clicks for me, and I try to use the concept whenever I can. As far as decorating, I see so many people creating interiors that look like they deserve a magazine spread! Me, I'm more hobo style, with only an abstract thought of what I'd like to do, and nothing ever looks right to me when I'm done :P

I'm like you - I don't think my decorating holds a candle to many of the others who post pics.....but as long as you love your home & it is homey for you - that is all that counts.....I love what I have done in my own home & yard...but the decorating would never win any prizes......sometimes what a person does with their home depends on money & what you have in your inventory, at least for me.....I like to think of it as Eclectic......when you just put stuff together that you already own.........I think you have more of a flair than you think you do.

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My First "all from Blender" Build, (except the doors & window frames). 20 LI, 2 porches, 2 bedrooms, Kitchen space and sitting room in a contemporary style. Fits on a 1024 plot with a linden home and would make a great guest house. I am getting the hang of blender!  I'm just messing about learning skills and loving the process

Mod House.jpg

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You are all such incredibly talented photographers, I was quite pleased with what I had achieved in the few days since I got my home, I still am but wow.

OK so my pics of my house that I was happy with until I saw all of yours lol x






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On 7/26/2019 at 8:45 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

A few of the add-ons I bought sight unseen - a few that didn't cost a lot or I'd seen other things by the creator and was happy with quality.  Otherwise, if the MP description or instore vendor ad didn't specify a location where I could see the item, and I was very much interested (as opposed to those that I was only sort of interested in), then I IM'd the creator asking to see it.  If I couldn't see it inworld somewhere, then I wasn't going to take a chance.

I saw it on someone's house inworld. Looked nice but, couldn't inspect it closely. Didn't notice the wonky shutters though, can't believe I didn't since I work in architecture and shutter placement is a thing with me.  I don't usually buy sight unseen but took a chance. In the grand scheme of things, not like it's  a lot of money; I'll just be a lot more cautious next time.


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So, been working the past few days on my house. I keep looking at other peoples homes and I feel like others stuff more in than I've been able to . I still haven't done the kitchen, I keep putting down stuff and picking it up. I *think* I finally settled on what I'm using, the kitchen set itself is in place so I'll work on the rest tomorrow. I have like 85 prims left for accessories in that room and for some more clutter around the house.  

Hope it lasts 😮 I have a few things I can pull up if need be, I suppose...

Anyway, here's some photos of what I've done thus far.

First, front of house. I decided not to use trees since I'm lucky enough to live in a heavily wooded area plus it's a corner lot too. Didn't seem to need to add any extra at this point (maybe if I have prims at the end I will) so used my garden prims on a cottage style front beds instead.

Song of the Sea

I went back and forth with several add-ons and finally decided to ditch them all. It was a matter of not having enough prims to be able to fill yet another room full of furniture. So, I just went with the simple pergola look  and put one on the other side of the house to balance the look. I retextured the pergola a weathered wood look (I need to work on it, it's not quite perfect) and made a simple patio eating area which has a pizza oven. I also put a privacy screen there so that passerbys on the street don't have a direct view to the eating area. I had put down an actual patio here but in the end, decided I liked the look of the bare ground better.  Top balcony is simple too, just a two-seater couch to relax on.

Linden home, Winchester house. Side patio area and rear elevation

Closer view of front garden. I discovered that you can push out flowers to the Linden land if are careful about making sure the root prim is on your land. A lot of the plants I used are long so this worked really well, they poke out around and through the fence making it look a lot more lush. and incorporating into the Linden flower bushes.

Linden home, front garden

Found this in my inventory 


Front entry

Linden house, Winchester model, front entry

Living Room. My quick and easy way of recoloring walls is to build a very thin prim for flat walls with no windows or doors and color them with paint textures found online. I have some favorite paint manufacturer's I use, this dark blackish color is one of them.

Linden house, Winchester model, living room

Bedroom. The "painting" was done for Ghosty and I in RL by Nylon Pinkney of SL, of our cats Cocoabean (tortie) and Casper (ginger). Sadly Casper left us in February but this is a nice reminder of him and it makes me smile every time I look at it. So, it seemed a good choice for artwork here.  And FYI, she did a remarkable job on their likenesses - these look EXACTLY like them!

Linden house, Winchester model, bedroom. Artwork is of Ghosty and my cats, Cocoabean and Casper (sadly Casper passed this year) by the very talented Nylon Pinkney.

Last, for now, is the bathroom. This is the only add-on I left in the house. Well worth, The bedroom is still enormous, bathroom is a decent size and there's a closet too. 

Linden house, Winchester model, bathroom


That's it for now. Still need to add some more artwork all over the house, and chachkas too. Will post pix of the kitchen whenever I finish it. 

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9 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:


Bedroom. The "painting" was done for Ghosty and I in RL by Nylon Pinkney of SL, of our cats Cocoabean (tortie) and Casper (ginger). Sadly Casper left us in February but this is a nice reminder of him and it makes me smile every time I look at it. So, it seemed a good choice for artwork here.  And FYI, she did a remarkable job on their likenesses - these look EXACTLY like them!

Linden house, Winchester model, bedroom. Artwork is of Ghosty and my cats, Cocoabean and Casper (sadly Casper passed this year) by the very talented Nylon Pinkney.


I love the painting of your kitties....it is beautiful.  Those kitties look so sweet.

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33 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

Both of them are (were). Highly social, happy laid back cats.  We really hit the cat jackpot!


I just got a dog yesterday....but I did not think of a cat....because in RL - I am allergic....but I just realized....I can have a cat in SL....so will probably be shopping today, lol.

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3 hours ago, RacyAcey said:

I just got a dog yesterday....but I did not think of a cat....because in RL - I am allergic....but I just realized....I can have a cat in SL....so will probably be shopping today, lol.

I'm actually allergic in RL. Thankfully, with the help of daily allergy meds, and really really good air filters I can manage really well.  I can snuggle and kiss bellies with no itching or sneezing at all! 👍

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Progress on the Winchester garage addition.

I've not made many changes to the front of the house. front_001.thumb.png.b300b524cfea58175c3e99fdcefa54f1.png

This new version of my home is much more about the architecture than the furnishings, so I'm going with a kind of minimalist approach. Here's the entry hall.


I'm using the front room as my reading space. I wanted a gallery feel to the room so it's very sparsely furnished.


The back room is just for the kitchen with a very generous island with snack bar. I don't plan on a formal dining set this time. I've not set out any kitchen clutter yet. That will come in the next few days.


The old back door now opens onto the addition. The home feels so much bigger now.


Upstairs I have the lounge area since I've moved the bedroom to the addition. I've barely started with that room. But already I love how open it is and the view out to the sea.


One of my favorite room is the garage. I've made it into my laundry area as well. 


I'll show you the rest in my next post.

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This is the back hall. 


I just love this bathroom. It is so light and airy.


But my favorite space is my new bedroom.




I've got 53 prims left for furnishing. I'm going to have to be really creative. But again, I love the architecture of the home and that's what I really want to showcase and not a bunch of clutter. 


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15 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

But my favorite space is my new bedroom.




I've got 53 prims left for furnishing. I'm going to have to be really creative. But again, I love the architecture of the home and that's what I really want to showcase and not a bunch of clutter. 


My favorite space is definitely your new bedroom too! Wonderful composition, and so cozy! ❤️

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12 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

@Blush BravinIs it possible to triple love this???

Your current bedroom/bathroom add on is the only one I kept in my house. The one you're working on is amazing. I will rip apart everything I've done already and live with just a bed, refrigerator, a hot plate, and one cat, if I have to for it :D

You are too sweet! I've got to test, which means I live in it for awhile, and then make the hud and the rezzer. It's not low LI but considering it's like adding a second house almost - 77 Land Impact isn't too awful.

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