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Then and Now in SL...

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To sum up my shopping experience in Second Life it goes something like this:

Then: (before mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, buy it.

That's cute, buy it.

Wow, pretty colors, buy it.

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Mesh avatars are pretty but what a pain, and disappointment, emphasis on disappointment.


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25 minutes ago, Teagan Tobias said:

To sum up my shopping experience in Second Life it goes something like this:

Then: (before mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, buy it.

That's cute, buy it.

Wow, pretty colors, buy it.

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Mesh avatars are pretty but what a pain, and disappointment, emphasis on disappointment.


Without a mesh body it would now be like:

Oh pretty, doesn't work on system bodies
They're cute, need mesh feet

The standard of clothing is really much better now than it was years ago, even if we have to improve our bodies to match.

Edited by angeoco
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34 minutes ago, Teagan Tobias said:

To sum up my shopping experience in Second Life it goes something like this:

Then: (before mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, buy it.

That's cute, buy it.

Wow, pretty colors, buy it.

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Mesh avatars are pretty but what a pain, and disappointment, emphasis on disappointment.


Buying shoes much?

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Even bloggers in FabFree in SL is using mesh avatars to show all the freebies. It is fewer and fewer releases that include the 5 standard sizes, more and more for mesh avatars.

BUT I agree... buy a small, not popular brand and you really struggle to find some.

Edited by Marianne Little
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Talligurl: Yes its a major brand and not like some that are not reviewed on mesh addicts web pate, it has good reviews and is fairly well used.


angeoco: You understand the concept but your missing my point. Yes mesh is better, clothing and avatars, and yes I have gone to both, but still sooooooo disappointing and dysfunctional.


Marianne: My shoe collection was one thing that controlled my mesh avatar selection and is in fact one of my biggest expenses, now and before mesh.

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Here is mine..

Before mesh: OMG I wish we had more layers!! \o/

I remember having to trouble shoot and work the layers to try and get something to work.

Mesh clothes first phase: What does standard size mean? o0  bleh,This makes me look like a body builder :(

Mesh body Applier phase one: Oh that's really pretty,omg I don't have that body! \o/ 3 bodies later and I was still coming up short..I should have really studied up on TMP more..That whole credit system was just silly and expensive..

Current phase: OMG My husband is gonna kill me for spending so much money,but I just can't stop myself!! \o/

For me,It's seems soo much better now than before..Once I got passed the curve,I've been in turbo ever since..Even I'm starting to tell myself I need to slow down..I have to really put myself in check soon..Soon as I start to,something else come sup that I just need to have..:$



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I do agree that switching to Mesh still takes some getting used to, but I still got a couple of appearances that use nothing but system, prims, and sculpties back like it's 2013, and they still look relatively fine.


I can also further agree that Mesh Clothing tends to be easier to work with that sculpt clothing. That is, to say, almost no need to worry about making it fit.

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1 hour ago, Teagan Tobias said:

To sum up my shopping experience in Second Life it goes something like this:

Then: (before mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, buy it.

That's cute, buy it.

Wow, pretty colors, buy it.

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Mesh avatars are pretty but what a pain, and disappointment, emphasis on disappointment.


so go back to a system avi. I'm sure no will think less of you for your choice.

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7 minutes ago, Marth Coberts said:

I do agree that switching to Mesh still takes some getting used to, but I still got a couple of appearances that use nothing but system, prims, and sculpties back like it's 2013, and they still look relatively fine.


I can also further agree that Mesh Clothing tends to be easier to work with that sculpt clothing. That is, to say, almost no need to worry about making it fit.

Oh wow,I completely forgot about the sculpties  also..

I remember making those in blender..I remember learning them in Blender also..I was tired most of that time..

We could map sims out in sculpties back then and terraform them..I enjoyed doing that.. Making clothes,not as much..:$


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My then and now looks like this:

Oh, that’s nice, I’ll get it. I just have to adjust this sculptie....move this over here. *fifteen minutes later* Got it!

Those shoes are nice! Wait....I have to get feet? There’s hands too? .......ok.....

Whats this “applier” thing? A mesh butt? It does make my avatar look a little better though.

A shopping fair? Wow! Everything I’d want is right there.

There’s more shopping events? Geez!

A whole mesh body? It does appliers and mesh? Count me in!

*two bodies later* All I do is shop. There’s sooo much stuff out here. I’d be nice if there was a mesh head to go with this mesh body.

*buys a static mesh head* This is nice....I wish this head moved with the sliders though. You know, so I could customize my look more.

*fitmesh comes out followed by bento* This is crazy, there’s so many choices! These shopping events sure are crowded.

TLDR: It’s all in how you look at it.


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Before (like in 2007):
Just buy anything what pleased you. Nothing more to think about.

Now (with complete mesh avatar):
• Check is the item available for you body and/or head.
• If yes try a demo. If it looks ok during intensive testing with various animations and poses, then buy it.
• Ah, in the folder there can be the same item for many different bodies, sometimes ten or even more.
• Delete and trash everything what is not for your body - unless your are going to the crazy route and buy lots of different bodies and/or heads. xD

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A lot of my time I remember back then was adjusting prim clothes also..hehehehe

It was hard to find a really good belt before I learned how to make them..

I remember the first time I unlinked something..It felt like it was falling apart in my hands,I couldn't get it back together the right way..I was terrible at it ..I was always messing up scripted things also at first.. hehehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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8 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

A lot of my time I remember back then was adjusting prim clothes also..hehehehe

It was hard to find a really good belt before I learned how to make them..

I remember the first time I unlinked something..It felt like it was falling apart in my hands,I couldn't get it back together the right way..I was terrible at it ..I was always messing up scripted things also at first.. hehehehe

Yup, I think we’re having a rose colored glasses look at the past.


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1 hour ago, Coby Foden said:

Before (like in 2007):
Just buy anything what pleased you. Nothing more to think about.


In 2007 I was spending my time with The Sims 2 but I saw pictures of what Second Life was like then during the big hype wave of the time.

Nothing pleased me...

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3 hours ago, Teagan Tobias said:

To sum up my shopping experience in Second Life it goes something like this:

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

OMG, another Belezza Isis user! :SwingingFriends:

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3 hours ago, Teagan Tobias said:

To sum up my shopping experience in Second Life it goes something like this:

Then: (before mesh avatar)


Ohh Thigh Boots... Buy them!

Argh! What [censored] [deprecated] [is that anatomically possible] tech illiterate SL-Neanderthal Render Cretin made TWO part sculpty boots NO MOD, so you cant resize the parts to fit your legs without scissoring at the knees.

Ohh NICE dress... Buy it...

Argh! What worthless slimebag vendor-scam asshat merchant-fail decided on NO DEMO products in 3 "don't really fit anybody" sizes!


Ohhh thigh boots ... Buy them...

Hmmm, standard sizes, I'm an M, yeah these look nice...

Ohh NICE dress... Buy it...

Hmmm standard sizes, I'm an M, yeah that looks nice...


Yay NICE thigh boots in in Brand X fit with autohide... Buy em wear em, it's a no-problem no-brainer for anyone who doesn't live in a cave...

Yay NICE dress in Brand X fit with autohide... Buy it wear it, wow this is soooo easy even an SL-Neanderthal could manage if they just stopped whining long enough tro actually spend 5 mins learning something made after 2006...


1 hour ago, Coby Foden said:

Before (like in 2007):
Just buy anything what pleased you. Nothing more to think about.

Dark Gods of the Grid!

There are nights when I still wake up in a cold sweat after remembering those avatars... The ones who'd edit their shapes into cthulhu-esque nightmares of slider-100 render wobble, and then wear system rags with prim attachments straight out of the box with no editing, with cuffs and collars on system-rag shirts embedded in their bloaty arms and necks, or their dump truck asses with bad physics "your cars engine is running and needs one of it's cylinders replacing" perma wobble, with half a prim skirt sticking out of it at odd angles because "editing stuff is HARD"

Why do the mesh hating SL Fossils persistently      LIE      about how 'easy' clothing was in the "good old days" when many of us remember those days well enough to know that it was only 'easy' if you didn't give a rats backside how bloody awful you looked.

Who remember hours standing and sitting again and again while editing the position of thigh and shin pieceso n boots to limit the fugly-damage at the knees, of having to resize every damn attachment by hand, sometimes prim by bloody prim, to make a skirt FIT.


3 hours ago, Teagan Tobias said:

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Mesh avatars are pretty but what a pain, and disappointment, emphasis on disappointment.

Buy one of Brand Z's a/b/c body choices instead of Brand X just to be contrary, then constantly wine that Brand X fit clothing doesn't fit Brand Z-a Brand Z-a or Brand Z-c bodies... And even whine because you chose the less well supported of the a/b/c choices, and most Brand Z fit is for Z-a not Z-c...

How many "Damn it I bought the "BetaMax" body instead of the "VHS" one, and then DVD and BluRay came along, why doesn't the world change to suit me" threads do we need?


1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

In 2007 I was spending my time with The Sims 2

Me too, I was installing custom body shapes so all my female sims wouldn't be 34 b cups, and making "shower safe" conversions of custom skin tones, and replacing 'default dna' setups so the townies wouldn't all look like frog mouthed mutants... Had to love ModtheSims2's website.

If somebody had suggested SAL to me back then, one look at a pre-2007 avatar would have sent me screaming, back to my "not just buy and wear" sims with better clothes, better hair, and better skins.



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I don't know how to put this,but....I'm kind of a big deal...

People know me..

Yes,I'm very important.....I,ahhhhhh,I Have many leather bound books and my SL home smells of rich mahogany..



I used to love these boots when they first came out..So much so I not only became a customer,I became a sponsor! \o/  hehehehe


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All threads like this do are reiterate why I dislike shopping, lmao.

Although, I suppose it wouldn't have mattered if sl had ever gone full on mesh with the avs, clothes, accessories, etc... I'd still dislike shopping.

I dislike it in rl too, because....

"Oh, that looks nice"

try it on

"well hell, that's just not right"

an hour later...

"screw it, I'm outta here, I've got better things to do with my life". 

Go online, buy what I know I like, and be done with it. 

Then go do those better things with my life :P 



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Yeah, I don't exactly miss prim-fitting, especially when you have a wide variety of avatars to slap them on. Which reminds me, I gotta go through all the jewelry that I've been finding on all those hunts (hats are okay though, you don't need to adjust those much). Mesh clothing (and avatars) were a bit of relief, even when there was standard sizing (there are fewer sliders below the neck).

It was when I came back after about two years that I got culture shock. Somewhere along the line it became nearly mandatory to have a mesh body in order to have decent clothing (or even any clothes at all). It's a good thing that I bought a Kemono before my hiatus so I was able to adjust to such things as alpha cuts and appliers. Now this, Kuroo, and Geralt are a part of my repertoire. I'm not getting a Maitreya until after BoM. 

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Thankfully I don't have any experience of this before May this year and the tech talk goes right over my head.

I changed to a mesh body mainly because of the shoes.................9_9

I don't always demo but most stuff I buy works well. Longer dresses don't work so well and I've made mistakes.

I tend to avoid layering at the moment. Maybe that will change as I get more experience.

When I look back now at my system avi, what really hits me are the chubby hands. Then the feet and the tide mark at the join................

And the naked comparison, well that's embarrasing.......O.o

And I just love shopping. Anywhere. The biggest attraction in SL...........

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1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

Thankfully I don't have any experience of this before May this year and the tech talk goes right over my head.

I changed to a mesh body mainly because of the shoes.................9_9

I don't always demo but most stuff I buy works well. Longer dresses don't work so well and I've made mistakes.

I tend to avoid layering at the moment. Maybe that will change as I get more experience.

When I look back now at my system avi, what really hits me are the chubby hands. Then the feet and the tide mark at the join................

And the naked comparison, well that's embarrasing.......O.o

And I just love shopping. Anywhere. The biggest attraction in SL...........

The only thing you really missed out were little things that got incorporated into mesh bodies and heads. Original mesh, you had to wear an alpha layer, half the time those didn't fit right, so you had gaps and things poking out where they shouldn't. If you were good, you'd figure out how to make your own alpha that fit you, so it was more work for you if you wanted it right.

Before mesh hands and feet, shoes started coming with mesh feet and you had to match your feet to your skin, via a hud.

There were invisiprims.

Before there were mesh bodies, there were prim and sculptie boobs. Later the mesh butt came, then different mesh butts came. 

If I wanted those things, I'd just go back to my 10 year old account. I don't really miss those things....maybe flexi-hair, but I can still find that so you really didn't miss out on much.

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11 hours ago, Teagan Tobias said:

Now: (mesh avatar)

Oh pretty, doesn’t fit my avatar.

That's cute, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Wow, pretty colors, doesn’t fit my avatar.

Mesh avatars are pretty but what a pain, and disappointment, emphasis on disappointment.


I agree, but some clothes I love too much and I hate missing out.

My solution won't work for most people, but I ended up getting (for male)

  • Signature Geralt
  • Signature Giani
  • Belezza Jake
  • TMP
  • Slink Physique

On both my main and primary alt, and set my shapes to be as close as I could make them on each av. The skin shop I use has the same skin for all those bodies too. Result is they are close.

Although I am mostly in Geralt, especially when big swathes of my body are bare, if there is something for one body, then I change my body to suit the clothes.

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And "skirt shapes" and "crotch flap"! :S

Oh, it was not pretty.... and the endless adjusting of sculpts to get them to match with the texture layer. In jeans, got the sculpted part side seam to match the jeans layer side seam perfect on the outside of the leg... then it was not right on the inside. And the sculpts had to have a grey tint bc the avatar was greyish, then LL changed up that so all sculpts and prims had to be edited white. Of course, it was the same issues with no mod then, as it is now.

And clothes was not sold with demos. I soon learnt to buy from trusted brands, not the ones who was creative with their product pictures. Still, posing was an art. To make nice photos, I edited my outfits so much, each different pose needed more editing...

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