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Second Life is filled with petty and rude people.

Ashlyn Voir

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35 minutes ago, Avaraia Aljon said:

apparently i'm a disgusting person for not liking creepy-kid avs or uber testosterone filled "masters". 

I had to go peek ....


Also I hope all yall maitreya hoes know your mesh body is named after a MALE deity and its my-treya not may-treya :P

First, let me applaud you in the proper use of the plural form of you, especially with regards to a large number.

But then ...
What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.

However, not even that matters because Maitreya is the store name.  The body is Lara.  My mesh body is named after a random American female name. 

Maitreya hoe 4 life :D
(muh TRAY uh) ;)





Edited by Rhonda Huntress
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1 hour ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

Oh, hunty hush. 

Thank for for being the only person on this thread to leave a nice and reasonable response to me. And yes, very much true and well said


THIS is precisely why you got the replies you did. Go back and READ all of them...and I do mean all(pertaining to your topic, you can skim the other discussions going on). Lyrical was hardly the only person that gave you a reasonable or nice response. Your choice to ignore every other one is only aiding the, apparently common, belief that you're not really seeking what you're pretending your seeking.


And yet...people still try to be nice, even to people that don't have an inkling of how to be nice themselves. See, we're not all what you claim we are. Sure we may be snarky, at times, when you throw snark right at us all, and lump us all into groups we most definitely don't fit into...but we're still nice folks (ok, most of us are, lol). The problem is, you have to put in an effort....and you're not even trying to :/ 

I'll still be nice, regardless...but I do question one's motives when they muck the waters, repeatedly. 

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1 hour ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

IPv7 and SMPs, while confusing in theory, have not until recently been considered confusing.

One problem with this is that IPv6 was brought in to solve the issue of IPv4 address exhaustion only a few years ago. Given that IPv6 uses 64 bit addresses and IPv4  uses 32 bit addresses, the need to upgrade from IPv6 to what would most likely be IPv8 (not 7) is quite a distance into the future. That is because there is exponentially more IPv6 addresses than IPv4 addresses. I honestly don't see the need to consider a new address protocol (be it IPv7 or IPv8) at this stage when so many IPv6 addresses still remain.

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14 minutes ago, Vanagew said:

One problem with this is that IPv6 was brought in to solve the issue of IPv4 address exhaustion only a few years ago. Given that IPv6 uses 64 bit addresses and IPv4  uses 32 bit addresses, the need to upgrade from IPv6 to what would most likely be IPv8 (not 7) is quite a distance into the future.

Between v4 and v6 there was an IETF defined v5 internet stream protocol that was never adopted.  After v6 there will be a v7.  Maybe.  I mean IPv6 has yet to be fully adopted and it is already 20 years old.  TCP/IP may be replaced all together rather than given yet another update.

For what it's worth, IPv7 was started before v6 was completed.  At the time of creation it was speculated that 64bits would be enough since that will supply each person on the planet 2 billion addresses.  However none of this is approved or accepted as yet and Google is also pushing for a ground up redevelopment.  So v6 may be the last IP version after all.

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30 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Between v4 and v6 there was an IETF defined v5 internet stream protocol that was never adopted.  After v6 there will be a v7.  Maybe.  I mean IPv6 has yet to be fully adopted and it is already 20 years old.

You wont get full adoption of IPv6 while IPv4 addresses are still in use. I also realised I made a mistake, IPv6 addresses are 128 bit not 64 bit. IPv7 has already been rejected due to being an incomplete specification (see CATNIP), the argument was and is that an IPv7 protocol would only provide a minimal benefit. The original IPv8 protocol is the current IPv6 protocol we have today, but regardless we are going to have IPv6 around for a long time yet, probably for the rest of our life.

Edited by Vanagew
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1 hour ago, Vanagew said:

 but regardless we are going to have IPv6 around for a long time yet, probably for the rest of our life.

I plan to live forever...

So far, my plan has been a rousing success. I only take things one day at a time, but that's still success in my book :D 

In other news...(and likely not very interesting to most folks...but fun facts for us here at this house..) here are some breakthroughs from 2017, in Science :D...(top may be subjective, though that's what they've been labelled by many) also, I'm paraphrasing.

February 22-Scientists working at the ESO and NASA announced the discovery of 7 different Earth like exoplanets inside the habitable space of of the TRAPPIST-1 star system

March 16-A team of scientists used the Large Hadron Collider to identify 5 new particles

March 30-SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket that was previously used, which opens up a lot of possibilities since they now have the capability to reuse pieces and parts which were previously thought to be one-time use. (that means the potential for more space exploration due to needing less resources, especially money...yay!!)

April 25-Doctors at the Children's hospital of Philadelphia  published their study of the successful use of an artificial womb, which successfully housed a 23 week old lamb. 

July 26-Researchers in Portland, Oregon reported the successful attempt to modify human embryos using CRISPR. This is both a positive and a negative(depending on how one looks at it) because it can be used to correct genetic diseases in embryos, but it can also open up the field for other genetic modification. 

September 29-Scientists from the CAS and the AAS conducted the first quantum video call using the Micius satellite, which is most noted due to the fact that it was completely un-hackable. 

November 13-Doctors were able to successfully use a CRISPR treatment method to modify the Hunter syndrome genome  in a 44 year old patient. Again a positive because it shows how far these methodologies have come, most especially when it comes to the ability to modify human genes to deal with genetic diseases, disorders and syndromes that have otherwise proven to be challenging beyond belief(both in research and treatment/cure). 





Edited by Tari Landar
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Well, petty and rude are different things. Maybe "shallow" is the word you want.

I deal with a lot of people in customer service. Most people are pleasant and nice without especially trying. A few are curt because they are preoccupied but not rude. Some are rude and repeatedly so, and aggressive. They're in the minority but they can loom large. I think there are more of them than in RL because anonymity gives them a cover.

I could also note that most people who claim I've been rude to them are utterly oblivious to their own rudeness and getting it right back at them. There are quite a few BDSM types who think anyone is fair game for their "roleplay". Fortunately, there are block and ban options.

If you really want people to assess this, you'd have to say more about your interactions.

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1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

I plan to live forever...

Not me. I hope to live forever. I know enough about my planning abilities to avoid dooming myself.

So far, my plan has been a rousing success. I only take things one day at a time, but that's still success in my book :D 

In other news...(and likely not very interesting to most folks...but fun facts for us here at this house..) here are the some breakthroughs from 2017, in Science :D...(top may be subjective, though that's what they've been labelled by many) also, I'm paraphrasing.

And I've added some breakthroughs from 2018. Also, I'm also paraphrasing.

February 22-Scientists working at the ESO and NASA announced the discovery of 7 different Earth like exoplanets inside the habitable space of of the TRAPPIST-1 star system

August 16 -  SETI announces that four of those planets are inhabited by monks.

March 16-A team of scientists used the Large Hadron Collider to identify 5 new particles

September 4 - The EU equivalent of the ACLU files a lawsuit against CERN for profiling when it turns out the 5 particles were not new, but were just wearing hoodies.

March 30-SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket that was previously used, which opens up a lot of possibilities since they now have the capability to reuse pieces and parts which were previously thought to be one-time use. (that means the potential for more space exploration due to needing less resources, especially money...yay!!)

Feb 6 - After assembling and disassembling the same Falcon 9 rocket 26 times in 2017, SpaceX finds enough leftover parts to make another complete Falcon 9. Elon Musk tweets the tantalizing prospect that this may scale indefinitely.

April 25-Doctors at the Children's hospital of Philadelphia  published their study of the successful use of an artificial womb, which successfully housed a 23 week old lamb. 

June 6 - researchers report the development of an artificial womb large enough to successfully house a 23 year old music school graduate who doesn't want to go out into the real world and get a job.

July 26-Researchers in Portland, Oregon reported the successful attempt to modify human embryos using CRISPR. This is both a positive and a negative(depending on how one looks at it) because it can be used to correct genetic diseases in embryos, but it can also open up the field for other genetic modification.

December 16 - CRISPR takes a step towards being a negative no matter how one looks at it when the first baby gestated from a CRISPR modified human embroyo emerges from an artificial womb and starts cooing and kicking in response to The Black Eyed Peas "My Humps" playing on the nursery radio.

September 29-Scientists from the CAS and the AAS conducted the first quantum video call using the Micius satellite, which is most noted due to the fact that it was completely un-hackable.

May 5 - BAS conducts a first completely un-hackable video call using nothing more than two California teenagers who got into their parents legal pot stash.

November 13-Doctors were able to successfully use a CRISPR treatment method to modify the Hunter syndrome genome  in a 44 year old patient. Again a positive because it shows how far these methodologies have come, most especially when it comes to the ability to modify human genes to deal with genetic diseases, disorders and syndromes that have otherwise proven to be challenging beyond belief(both in research and treatment/cure). 

July 1 - After successfully using CRISPR technology to insert an infectious variant of the the gene responsible for human "Hey, watch this!" behavior into quinoa, the trendy food movement comes to a swift and violent end.


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
proofreading post facto
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17 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Well, petty and rude are different things. Maybe "shallow" is the word you want.

I deal with a lot of people in customer service. Most people are pleasant and nice without especially trying. A few are curt because they are preoccupied but not rude. Some are rude and repeatedly so, and aggressive. They're in the minority but they can loom large. I think there are more of them than in RL because anonymity gives them a cover.

I could also note that most people who claim I've been rude to them are utterly oblivious to their own rudeness and getting it right back at them. There are quite a few BDSM types who think anyone is fair game for their "roleplay". Fortunately, there are block and ban options.

If you really want people to assess this, you'd have to say more about your interactions.

 I guess to some degree maybe everyone is that way. Maybe not purposely, but it’s human nature I suppose. Either way, this thread accomplished something and I made a new friend from it because they were kind and reached out to me. As many others have said before, what we give out is what we get back. Not always, but for the most part yeah.

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6 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I had to go peek ....

First, let me applaud you in the proper use of the plural form of you, especially with regards to a large number.

But then ...
What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.

However, not even that matters because Maitreya is the store name.  The body is Lara.  My mesh body is named after a random American female name. 

Maitreya hoe 4 life :D
(muh TRAY uh) ;)





Shes right though. the maitreya body is terrible!

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I've been in SL for over 12 years and I've met a fair share of rude, obnoxious people, but I believe they are such a small percentage of the population, and they aren't worth the energy it takes to worry about them. If you find you are meeting an extreme number of rude people, perhaps you're spending time with the wrong type of people and/or the wrong places. It sounds funny, but I've found that different areas of SL attract different types of people, and while there is always going to be a sour grape/rotten apple in the bunch, some areas seem to have more than others.

Of course, there's always the possibility that it isn't the other people at all ;) 

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4 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

As many others have said before, what we give out is what we get back. Not always, but for the most part yeah.

Exactly so. Now, in the light of this revelation, consider your findings in the first post of this thread -


Second Life is filled with petty and rude people

Even on platforms out of Second Life such as Flickr where a large number of Second Life residents share, I haven’t encountered one decent person as many seem fixated on being rude for absolutely no reason.

- and maybe come back to us when you've realised that "what we give out is what we get back" doesn't only apply to other people earning your friendship because they've been nice to you.

1 hour ago, Hunter Stern said:

Would anyone like to volunteer to give the eulogy?



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14 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

Some threads need a lock.

There's a point the toxic becomes too much, and in this thread, it's past that point.

*heats another bag of popcorn to see if they will continue the toxic punch that is this thread for another 3 pages*

"i really hope to see a bit more blood and hair pulling before this is over."


btw, to the OP's original post, i just have to say, i have not found people too rude or obnoxious.  written communications without the verbal component or the visual cues may appear to be rude but that is because you lose so much of our normal communications ability when we write things out.words can be easily seen as being rude when the other person may not have meant them as such.

it's always good to clarify what the other person meant as it can clear up misunderstandings.   i've actually had the opposite experience than the OP as i've found people in SL to be much nicer than in RL.  mind you, since i treat SL as a virtual world and am polite and nice to everyone, that may change how they relate to me in it.  everyone will have a different experience.

in the future, when you meet someone, maybe put at :) at the end of your first line to them. who knows, it could start the conversation off on a good note.  good luck and enjoy your SL.  and um, maybe not call it a game as you will get brutalized in the forums when you do that.  the worlds 'virtual world' will stop some of the hate.  ;)

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and woot for beating the LOCKED thread!!!  *happy dance*

and yes, i know it's wrong that we try to comment when we know a thread is about to be locked but it's like driving by the horrible highway crash...you JUST HAVE to slow down and look.   it's wrong but we all do it.

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It wouldn't need a lock if people could just do what we do and start posting random topics, and ignoring the vitriol :D 

That's how most of the threads end up the length they do after all, lol. I prefer the derailments anyway, they're far more interesting. Intentionally trying to get something locked is cheating :P 


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this arrives in IM box :

( not telling who did send it..and altered the line a bit ... private yelling is also not allowed to be copy/pasted)

" YOU maybe need to take a f*cking look the the mirror .... of being rude for no reason."


and wondering why people get really rude ...

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3 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I wonder if that was sparked by people trying to move the thread away from you and your claimed problems, so that you were no longer the centre of attention. Or perhaps it's just your next trolling step. Probably the latter.

It's just an attempt to get the entire thread closed, really.

Focus has been moved, and that, apparently, caused a vast amount of anger. We all know what happens when people get angry..temper tantrums. Those lead to thread closings..and that's just sad. Certainly no way to make and/or keep friends. In fact, dare I say any chance that once existed to make and/or keep friends-including any new ones created by this very thread...may well be a mere pipe dream at this point.

Difficult to tell if it's simply a troll, or someone so burnt out that lashing out in verbal temper tantrums seems like a grand idea, maybe a bit of both? Who knows. It's been an interesting thread anyway though :D I'll be sad to see it go(ok, some of it can go, lol) 

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