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Abusive content/group/sims in Second Life


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18 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And if she invites you to join her Top Secret Society, "The Ladies Who Lunch," be especially wary! They were responsible for all sorts of mischief, including the Kennedy assassination, the faked moon landings, 9/11, and Donald Trump. 

As I am not a member of "TLWL" (and wasn't during its heyday), I cannot invite people to join it. That I'm considered High Priestess of that organization (and the forum) is testament to my nefariousness. I'm happy to accept credit for things I have not done.

I could also say I had no involvement in the seminal events you mentioned, but there's a limit to the lies I'll tell. If anything, those were side projects pursued during idle periods in my grand plan. The Apollo program was certainly worth the effort. You've no idea how cozy a space suit is, nor how handy a lunar rover is, when your driveway is buried in snow.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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I may not approve of said content, but keep in mind always, THE ONLY THING THAT IS REAL IN SL are FEELINGS of the person sitting at their computer. The rest-is creative fiction. So you don't like Deen Kontz or the Bible?  Don't read them.  Their are 39985 other books on that same shelf. And YES just like in the real world, there are many mentally disturbed individuals in SL, I would rather have them acting on their fantasies there then in RL. But some, will go on to act out in RL, that's why there is the police and a justice system. Could this encourage some-perhaps, (so could a movie on TV or the 6 o'clock news) but MOST are acting in fantasy.

Edited by JamesKisson
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5 hours ago, AshaShanti said:

Very likely :) my main avi is called szavanna - does that ring a bell? I used to spend lots time with Medora, Junivers Stockholm, and many many others - I am sure you know them too. 

Hmmm. Szavanna isn't ringing any bells (although maybe it should), but I certainly knew Medora and Junivers, although not especially well. I worked most with millay Freschi, and a bit with Trill Zapatero and Any1 Gynoid as well, but I was really only on the periphery of Four Bridges and that community. They did host an information centre about sexual abuse that I built, and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence that I helped organize in 2010 (almost exactly 7 years ago. YEESH!). Mostly I helped run two feminist groups, and a socialist umbrella group called the SLLU. Oh, and I owned and operated a woman's bookstore in-world for about 4 years. I ended my activism (and indeed most of my activity in-world) about 6 years ago though. I got kind of burned out, and RL started getting very busy at the same time.

Cool, though, that we were running in more-or-less the same circles. Perhaps we were at a party together and even chatted briefly!

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3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

As I am not a member of "TLWL" (and wasn't during its heyday), I cannot invite people to join it. That I'm considered High Priestess of that organization (and the forum) is testament to my nefariousness. I'm happy to accept credit for things I have not done.

I could also say I had no involvement in the seminal events you mentioned, but there's a limit to the lies I'll tell. If anything, those were side projects pursued during idle periods in my grand plan. The Apollo program was certainly worth the effort. You've no idea how cozy a space suit is, nor how handy a lunar rover is, then your driveway is buried in snow.

Who are you going to believe, Maddy or Wikileaks?

Or you could just wait until Robert Mueller has published the full results of his inquiry.



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4 hours ago, JamesKisson said:

I may not approve of said content, but keep in mind always, THE ONLY THING THAT IS REAL IN SL are FEELINGS of the person sitting at their computer. The rest-is creative fiction. So you don't like Deen Kontz or the Bible?  Don't read them.  Their are 39985 other books on that same shelf. And YES just like in the real world, there are many mentally disturbed individuals in SL, I would rather have them acting on their fantasies there then in RL. But some, will go on to act out in RL, that's why there is the police and a justice system. Could this encourage some-perhaps, (so could a movie on TV or the 6 o'clock news) but MOST are acting in fantasy.

Well, arguably "feelings" are pretty much the main appeal and point of a virtual world like Second Life, no? And if our experiences of those didn't feel very "real" indeed, none of us would likely be here at all. But yes, thank you for the reminder: no one is actually being dismembered at the neighbourhood dolcet sim.

I don't mean to pick on you, James: your response is actually a fairly moderate and reasonable one, and I apologize if I seem to be singling you out. But I find it odd how the moral panic that sometimes seems to arise when anyone critiques the ethical implications or social impact of content in SL (and most especially sexual content) invariably takes three forms:

  • A reminder that what we see in SL "isn't real," which is often framed in terms such as "You can't actually be raped in SL, you know!" Well, duh.
  • The suggestion that really it would be much better for everyone if we just ignored the stuff we found problematic here because . . . well, just because. But for god's sake, stop talking about it where people may read it.
  • The accusation that what any critique is really trying to achieve is a sort of puritanical or PC censorship of all those precious rape sims out there. And yet, no one here is suggesting any such thing.

Chill, people. We're not stupid: we know the difference between "real" and "virtual." And we're not trying to take away your toys. We're just discussing the implications and meanings of these things.

You're welcome to join in and disagree: in fact, I've learned heaps over the years from people who did just that/ (Tolya, where are you when I need you!!). But let's all start from the assumption that we are all reasonably intelligent, open-minded people who are exploring the many bizarre facets of this weird new thing, virtual worlds, together.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Rightyo then I AM >LWL< So of course, what I say matters most. 9_9 

AshaShanti I came to SL to make clothes. I didn't know about pixelling in SL or even BDSM in real life :/ (remote area/sheltered life etc etc).

I logged off confused and upset when I first found out about cartoon copulation and thought wow this is truly some sick weirdo game thingy :o 

I was mortified and truly disgusted when I came upon some dismemberment/sex sim. Those portrayed as victims were of course, all female. 

I understand exactly why you posted and how you felt about this. A special kind of SL advisor/sort of mentor, explained what dolcett was to me.

I am truly glad for the assistance I had trying to make sense of it all in those early days.

You're not alone on this issue I assure you.

All bow to our High Priestess McNefarious xD:D

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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On 11/18/2017 at 12:14 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

The people who seem to most fervently defend the right to carry weapons solely designed to kill people also try to eliminate the rights of women to control their own sexuality... because that might kill people. I find similar logical discord everywhere I look

I never understood the so-called logic either.  I actually advocate for both - the right to own my guns and the right to do as I please with my body.  Then again, I've never fit comfortable into any mold.

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On 11/18/2017 at 11:36 AM, AshaShanti said:

 I truly had absolutely no idea about snuff and similar stuff - and now I see it is quite popular in SL - so probably most people were wondering "where has she been all these years" - well if you are not into something obviously you won't go out looking for it - so that is basically the reason - like some others also said.

In my first year in SL I accidentally came across some kinks that I had not heard of before.  Out of curiosity - to learn about things, not really participate - I did a lot of odd searches in SL and managed to find all sorts of stuff that pretty much blew my mind at the time.  Thus these days, nothing here really surprises me and I do firmly believe that it should all be available for any to explore.  Similar to the notion that while I might find it disgusting to see someone burning my national flag, I would fight for their right to do so because I so firmly believe in the right to free speech, not matter how offensive it might be to someone.

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On 11/21/2017 at 3:05 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Scylla - Good to see you still around, even if only now and then.  

Thank you!

I find myself missing the place, fairly often. Or, more accurately, the people. I miss the way we all made a "place" here together. I don't get that so much in RL, for all of the other compensations that it has to offer.

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I was weirded out when a friend described to me her forays into this sort of play. But from the way she described it, it wasn't about cruelty or pain but mainly about being close to another person in a very.. er.. intimate way. I don't pretend to understand it well, I'd just say each person gets something different from that sort of play, and it's not all monstrous or evil. Actually, it's not a far step from vampire rp, when you think about it. SL's been dripping with vampires for years.

Anyway, it's not my cup of tea either but I wouldn't get too worried about it. 

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I find these types of groups or even de facto communities centered around violence against women to be truly disturbing. The most recent terrorist attacks in the United States have all demonstrated people with evidence of physical or virtual representations of this type of violence before their crimes were committed. I think criticising them is not only important but essential if this metaverse is to continue to grow. Other technology companies are facing these same issues right now, and Linden Labs/SL/Sansar will be no different. 

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