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Should nudity, sex and adult sims only be for premium members?


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On 6/30/2017 at 9:35 PM, bebejee said:

Sex on SL doesn't bother me, as long as pervs running those places don't try to merge the sexual with non-sexual, as some are now trying with free linden games at their sims.

And why do you have to worry about the pervs running around places? Can't you just run the opposite way, run to other place? Do you think that if they're "Premium members" that's gonna stop them from being pervs? Do you feel that if you see a perv you have to stay there and watch? Why even waist your time? I don't like pervs either, but then again, if their roll is to be pervs... then let them be, I just go away, I don't need to stay and suffer by watching them. But you seem like you've seen a lot of pervs  so the question would be "What can you do about it"? Premium status will NOT gonna make them stop, so... going back to the options. Delete your account, or simply run the opposite way. Simple as that!


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On 6/30/2017 at 6:35 PM, bebejee said:

Sex on SL doesn't bother me, as long as pervs running those places don't try to merge the sexual with non-sexual, as some are now trying with free linden games at their sims.

On my 'return' to SL in 2009, the first place I went to was a 'free sex and camp for L$' venue. It was something with the name 'Hard' or 'Neva' in it along with beach or city...

- The place was also very old even when I got there in 2009.

'now trying' is a relative term when newbie places have been catering to 'pervs' probably since the first community built venue ever opened.

And a lot more of us came here as pervs than might seem to be pervs now... :D (sometimes we also come about full or partial circle - I recently even recreated a mesh version of my old week one 'naked sex fiend with kinky gear' outfit, though I've not decided to jump on the poseballs again, it was a fun exercise to see if I could redo the theme, only better). :$:ph34r::x

Usually when somebody tells me they've never been nude or on a poseball in SL, I wonder if I should follow up with 'so what about your alt then?' :P


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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6 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

On my 'return' to SL in 2009, the first place I went to was a 'free sex and camp for L$' venue. It was something with the name 'Hard' or 'Neva' in it along with beach or city...

- The place was also very old even when I got there in 2009.

'now trying' is a relative term when newbie places have been catering to 'pervs' probably since the first community built venue ever opened.

And a lot more of us came here as pervs than might seem to be pervs now... :D (sometimes we also come about full or partial circle - I recently even recreated a mesh version of my old week one 'naked sex fiend with kinky gear' outfit, though I've not decided to jump on the poseballs again, it was a fun exercise to see if I could redo the theme, only better). :$:ph34r::x

Usually when somebody tells me they've never been nude or on a poseball in SL, I wonder if I should follow up with 'so what about your alt then?' :P


Is it Hard Alley?

I was trying to think of that name,because I remember one of my friends that lived in the house we had in sl when we first got here..

They ended up going there and got along with the owner real well and ended up helping that guy build onto that place..

they actually had a museum or display of the old Hard Alley at one point..That showed up like only a few months after I started in sl..So it had to be around for a good while..I forget the year they had on the display..

I totally forgot about that place..I used to go there and check out how far along they were..it grew a lot bigger once she started helping that guy..



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26 minutes ago, Maelstrom Janus said:

Make everyone adopt a premium account and when everyone in sl is paying their fair share reduce membership charges and tiers.... simple.

Of course you can't make everyone do that, everyone will always have the option to just stop doing SL altogether, which means a lot of people who bring value to SL will leave, meaning that others who buy lindens because of that added value won't be buying them. Which will mean LL will need to generate that income some other way, like by increasing membership charges and tiers. 

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Literally the dumbest post I've ever seen in this forum.

1. Why do you care about what others do in SL? Does it make your private parts uncomfortable a virtual couple is having sex 50 miles away?

2. Why do you care about red light sims? Here's an idea, how about just don't visit them?

3. How do you expect to enforce "no sex no nudity" in SL? The moment someone takes off all their clothes they disconnect? So what if they're trying to edit their shape or skin? What if they're a creator?

4. So basically you're saying all skin creators should go out of business right? As well as anyone who makes things like lingerie since those will definitely involve nudity

5. A significant portion of SL deals with sex on a regular basis, as well as fetishes and related interests. So you're basically saying SL should kill off a few million players for no reason? Do you think reddit will start charging people a premium to participate in NSFW subreddits?

Maybe you should actually think before posting.

Edited by Suki Hirano
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On 7/1/2017 at 10:57 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

with or without milk?

Wait, what's the right answer? (You frighten me, Alwin, :$) Actually, I love it with cream and sugar, but like it with lemon as well.

Edited by Aislin Ceawlin
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9 hours ago, Aislin Ceawlin said:

Wait, what's the right answer? (You frighten me, Alwin, :$) Actually, I love it with cream and sugar, but like it with lemon as well.

I used to add sugar to tea but I've never even considered cream. Must be an English thing. I do add both to coffee because my Dad liked it that way and in helping out from a young age in our family business I was the one sent to the coffee shop across the alley to get him a cup of coffee to go. It was on me to add the cream and sugar. Walking back I'd sip the overflow that came out through the little 'relief port' in the lid. Thus I learned to appreciate coffee done that way. Still do. At one point I actually stopped adding sugar (which amazed my friends, telling me all I needed to know about how odd it was; I mean, I never realized anyone paid attention to things like that}. I was okay with it but after a while I decided "Who am I kidding? And why?" and went back to the sweet stuff.

I have at least learned to drink my tea, iced or otherwise, without sugar or other adulteration. And, I only drink one LARGE container of coffee a day, when I first get up and ready to go. I go way over the top on the coffee strength, so that fact I'm adding cream and sugar is probably only a secondary issue. To paraphrase Paul Newman as Butch Cassidy: "Hell, the caffeine will probably kill ya!".

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lol. I actually came here to add a post but (as so often happens) got distracted by the Unread Posts since my last visit and forgot.

I don't save Favorites or Bookmarks for anything SL or much of anything else, not even on my home PC, let alone at work. I'm just somehow driven to leave as few digital footprints as possible.  Thus, to get here I always go to Google and type "forums second life", which invariably pulls up a page link that will get me in. 

The reason I wanted to post this dumb thing here, in this massively silly thread, has to do with typos. THREE TIMES I typed "forums sex" while watching my words on the monitor. Each time I deleted and started over, and twice I again typed "forums sex" before stopping myself. I was almost yelling WTF! Then I realized my left hand was shifted a little too far left. I could start out okay but by the time I needed a 'c' my left hand had slid so far over it gave me an 'x'..



Edited by Dillon Levenque
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On 04 July 2017 at 11:15 PM, Maelstrom Janus said:

Make everyone adopt a premium account and when everyone in sl is paying their fair share reduce membership charges and tiers.... simple.

So... You're saying that some arrogant, ignorant, Madlander, who pays $72 a year for $60 of 'free linden' and a 'free LL 512 Gheto hovel', and the right to whine on 'live chat',  is "paying their fair share" but a NON-Premium, who's buying $20 worth of L$ a week , to pay the rent on their 1/4 sim, isn't "paying their fair share".

This is why many island dwellers consider Madlander Premi-Nazis to be educationally sub-normal.

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On 04 July 2017 at 11:47 PM, Talligurl said:

Of course you can't make everyone do that, everyone will always have the option to just stop doing SL altogether, which means a lot of people who bring value to SL will leave, meaning that others who buy lindens because of that added value won't be buying them. Which will mean LL will need to generate that income some other way, like by increasing membership charges and tiers.

Oh, I suspect the REAL reason he's so keen to force everyone to go premium is that non-premium island dwellers typically pay 1 L$ per prim to 'buy' the land, and that's taken as their first weeks rent, whereas he'd prefer people to be premium so they can pay him 3.5 L$ a prim for the right to be billed tier by LL,  where your purchase price doesn't buy you any time at all.

It's amazing how often a certain type of post can be traced directly back to "Wants to force people to buy overpriced Madlands parcels from the poster" like a thread by another well known Madlander Slumlord who demanded the banning of 'self unpacking shopping bags' presumably because not needing land to unpack means less reason for 'noobs' to rent Madlands parcels from said Slumlord.

There's an old method for identifying peoples reasons for saying unreasonable things...

"Follow the Money" 

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On 7/4/2017 at 6:15 PM, Maelstrom Janus said:

Make everyone adopt a premium account and when everyone in sl is paying their fair share reduce membership charges and tiers.... simple.

Except you'll lose some of the current non premium members and a large portion of new signups. Forcing everyone to be premium will only hasten the eventual folding of second life.

LL is obviously happy about the mix of premium vs non premium members because they know that probably 99.9% of the non premium members still contribute to the companies profitability in some way.

I think there are very few total deadbeats in second life, they can usually be found in sex sims with 5 yr old noob avis trying to engage every girl that walks in.

Their profile says never bought a Linden  dollar and proud of it? Move along loser.


Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
changed most to some, and **** to engage
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Some of the benefits of yearly premium memberships @ 6 dollars US a month::

1) $5.00 US a month in Linden Dollars

2) Tier free 512 sq m plot worth way more than the other $1 a month you pay

3) Ability to own mainland

4) better support options

5) bragging rights to all the admitted deadbeats that they are leaches and you at least are supporting Linden Labs in some miniscule way

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10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

Oh, I suspect the REAL reason he's so keen to force everyone to go premium is that non-premium island dwellers typically pay 1 L$ per prim to 'buy' the land, and that's taken as their first weeks rent, whereas he'd prefer people to be premium so they can pay him 3.5 L$ a prim for the right to be billed tier by LL,  where your purchase price doesn't buy you any time at all.

It's amazing how often a certain type of post can be traced directly back to "Wants to force people to buy overpriced Madlands parcels from the poster" like a thread by another well known Madlander Slumlord who demanded the banning of 'self unpacking shopping bags' presumably because not needing land to unpack means less reason for 'noobs' to rent Madlands parcels from said Slumlord.

There's an old method for identifying peoples reasons for saying unreasonable things...

"Follow the Money" 

You can buy mainland for as low as $ 0.5 L per sq m.

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Lets see now I have:

8000/wk for 5000 LI = 1.6 L$/Prim (equiv) Homestead - bargain!

299/wk for 351 LI = 0.852 L$/Prim (equiv) Mainland - even more bargain!

And love them both, enough to pick up another mainland parcelette. Because roads =^^=

Am I following the money right here? Or is there some of that 'new mathematics' I heard about,
which thankfully I am old enough to have missed.

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1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

Sometimes, premium accounts pay me, a basic account, Lindens to be naked for them. :ph34r:

Don't ya just hate when people get like that..

There will come a day, when they are going to have to learn to get naked for themselves..


I used to hold classes trying to teach people how to get naked for themselves..But they never learn..

Nooo,They just keep coming back and me showing them how to get naked.. It's like the first day of class every time, with me being the only one standing there in My birthday suit as they just look at me like they are off in some other world.

It's like,







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