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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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6 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Pretty sure Clover deserves it!

Still melting. I'll get a visit from one of the technicians of my Internet Provider, who'll take a look at my house connection. But at this point, I'm keeping my hopes pretty low, because I doubt it'll be resolved soon. That'd be too lucky for me.

Two words: Instant Karma =^.~=



Sukubia and I really do get along it's just fun to pull the other's tail from time to time.



Unless there's cake involved, then all bets are off.

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Just now, Clover Jinx said:

Two words: Instant Karma =^.~=



Sukubia and I really do get along it's just fun to pull the other's tail from time to time.



Unless there's cake involved, then all bets are off.

I don't believe in Karma, though! 
If there is such a thing as Karma, I'm either going to win every lottery on earth soon, or I was Hitler in my previous life.
Please don't kill me I got bad humour.


You still owe me a few cakes, you thief!

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35 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Akasha trying to tell me I smell,
Syo trying to steal my tail, 

Rolig hopefully trying to gift me a car!

Hey, your tail would do great together with my indoor decorations! (just saw fancy decor is part of todays 50L Friday...which made me go to their store...you can imagine what happened next).

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29 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Hey, your tail would do great together with my indoor decorations! (just saw fancy decor is part of todays 50L Friday...which made me go to their store...you can imagine what happened next).

Have much do you owe the bank? :D

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I'm starting to smell of rage, actually.

So.. the technician is suppossed to visit between Noon-4pm. 
I was out until 10am, but according to my neighbor, someone has rung the doorbell around 9, twice.
Checked the status of my ticket, and apparently, yes, the technician was here - and had the audacity to mark the Problem as solved, because I wasn't there when he came 3 hours earlier.
I'm really sorry dear technician, but my life does not revolve around your freaking visit. 
I am SO angry right now. Because by the time I wrote this, I got 2 more disconnects. So much for solved.

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Good morning! Last day of vacation today and I face Monday tomorrow.  Ugh! I just know that this Monday will not be as glorious as the last two. However,  I will be at breakfast this morning at the forum cartel hangout at 8 am. GoSpeed is your DJ and breakfast guru! Maureen is your host.   https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/217/33/27   Hope to see you! 



images (1).jpeg


FC Hangout 1.jpg

Edited by Hippie Bowman
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Too bad I hate to leave earlier. At least I was able to attend, didn't look like I'd be able to until the last moment, heh.

I went to the local faire, with my mother, it was nice. A lot of height-related rides, which are my worst nightmare (I'm terrified of hights AND kind of terrified of rides! Seriously, I'm afraid they'll just break).  Also, holy cake, so expensive. I don't want to know how much my mother had to pay when I was little and much less afraid to go on a ride. 

But! I ate some softice (Which is notoriously hard to come by in my city. Basicially only McD has it.). And won a flower. 

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1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

Out of town just now so no in-world access for several days and getting serious withdrawal symptoms..............

The only solution is more cake. O.o

You're allways welcome to give me more cake, but I fail to see how that helps you. :P

Also, Fionalein and I where having a good time and kind of made the Forum Cartel into the Forum Falconry for the evening. 
Because we got some fly birds, yo!
They're soo cute! They hunt, they bathe, they give you the love you deserve. I still need to teach them to bring me cake, though!
Wanted to get a little own when I was at the Birdshow, now my dream came true, heh.

Edited by Sukubia Scarmon
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oh my...what a day, night and day so far

yesterday the decision was officially made to cancel my retraining which means I´m free again. I´m signed off till my psychiatrist is back from his holidays and gives me the letter I need for the officials as in jobcenter ^^.
D joined me for the meeting as I was dying, so sick, tummy ache, you name it - that they´d send me back... it ended with me hugging the consultant xD she was such a sweetheart and she loved how organized I was with my journal and all that^^

Fast forward to late evening when I was preparing some potato-salad for today and tomorrow , I just finished cutting the tatos to cook em as I saw a brown spider, quite chubby if I may say  of ~ 2-3 inches diametre, legs included but angled legs. (I don´t want to look at pics atm cos I´m still in horror XD). I´m still arachnophobic, no matter if I had a tarantula on my hand and get rid of smaller spiders without flinching.
Keep in mind that was the first night on my own in the last 3.5 weeks...
After I managed to get my spiderkiller (a "mop" with a plate- kinda like the swiffer things...) and got rid of that one I went to my office. Still shaking and telling D they always come alone. EFF THAT! There was another one that had magically spawned next to my guitar case and the door. So I cried like mad cos... well TWO? YIERKS! and threw things at it then ran past it to get the spiderkiller and kill that one.
I couldn´t sleep properly of course, listened to a podcast and had a lil light on, the spiderkiller within reach. 
No arachnoids anymore - so far...

Now when I got up I panically roamed the whole flat, hovered and burned some lavender as they hate it.

PHEW better!!!! I was finally able to get   out of the houseshoes I´ve been wearing (waaaaaaaaaaaarm...) and eat...
Then when I put GLaDOS on for some SL after a while the rolling restarts poked me while I was helping another blogger with their html template. I went to portal park cos that was the first thing my mouse clicked to stay logged in...
I was harrassed /hit  on by 2 guys within the first minute... AR ed one and blocked both... ffs xD

Now...let´s see what today continues to bring... Nothing with more than 6 legs please xD

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I can top this!

Had to stay awake the whole night because the technician came for my internetconnection. Well, I didn't HAD to stay awake, but.. I have trouble sleeping, and that gets multiplied when it's hot (it was super hot), so I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep much anyway. Also, I take every excuse I can get to drink coffee in the evening.

Well, it cooled down considerably in the middle of the night, because a small storm came to my aid and cooled me off. And the storm brought friends as well! Eight wasps. I had EIGHT goddamned WASPS in my room. They all died, mostly of exhaustion, I guess. 
Later on, shorty before the technician came, a ninth wasp came and stung me. Hell yeah.

Now I'm super afraid that I have a nest somewhere, propably in my shutters. 
Please feed me cake. ;_;

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