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Alts, why have them?


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Claireschen Hesten wrote:

my first alt was created about 20 days after i first joined because i wanted to see what happened to me after i logged out for some reason i thought my Av remained in world even though i logged out

And when you left yourself all tucked into bed in your footie pajamas and went back with the alt and found out you weren't there ,,, were you traumatized?


Although if all the avatars just stood there while their owner was off-line, it would be too crowded to move in some places.


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Every one who builds, scripts, makes business needs alts.

Of course alts can be used to play funny or not so funny games or give advantages in contests. Griefer alts ... nah ... thats no alts just one-time-throw-away-avatars.
Well -  some people panik about alts for whatever reasons and you know what? I dont care. makes me laugh. :D
Some have things to hide and alts could reveal it - panik again. Cowards - no risk no fun. :D

Hey, maybe RL is just a simulator - more advanced than SL - then you maybe have alts there too and don't even know it. :smileywink:


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I have a few alts I use for various purposes, usually business related. I'm planning on making a comic book and need more than one character, so having an alt helps a lot. Not everyone with an alt is up to no good, but unfortunately enough are that having them can sometimes create a bad impression. I make it a point to keep my alts out of main stream SL, mostly using them only in my skybox during photo shoots or recording videos.  

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I have 4 alts, 3 girls and 1 guy. Used them to cheat in lotteries and votes. :matte-motes-evil-invert: They are also useful when Orca is in limbo (ghosted)  or as second members in groups. Meanwhile  I  forgot the passwords of 2 of my girls and am stuck with just my oldest alt and the newest one, the guy. And since I'm kinda incapable of making a nice male shape I gave him the infamous poco locos freebie bunny avatar. BTW, my alts, although some are already oldbies, are all very n00bish looking since I never gave them any money to pretty up. Well, I gave them each 10 l$ so they could make a profile picture, but that's it. Oh, and I'm pretty straighforward and honest about my alts, they all state their alt status in their profiles. I guess that's kinda important.

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Some folks have "social" alts so that they can enjoy SL when they are not working in SL. 

I've heard rumors of a professor that actually assigned his students to undergo a temporary gender change.  I heard that he created a female alt to try it out himself before making the assignment. 

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Kezio wrote:

Not everyone likes to have an Alt, some people are very anti and would even dump you if they found out it wasnt just you in world. So why do some of us use alts and some of us dont like them at all? 

Some people are permanently glued to their phone, and get quite annoyed when other people aren't permanently glued to their phone too, ready to answer a call from them.

In real life, you might wish to visit a town where a very good friend lives, but you don't always want to feel the obligation to visit the very good friend; you might just want to have a look round shops on your own or with different friends, and you can do this, because, unlike in Second Life, no one in real life can see when you are "online" (ie visiting their town).

So in Second Life, if you want own-space, time to browse the shops without interruption from well-meaning-but-sometimes-a-little-bit-too-clingy friends, its handy to have an alt.

Those who are vehemently agains the use of alts are often (in my experience) the most cynical of people, always expecting the worst case scenario, and often getting it... or they are just liars, who wish everyone else to believe they wouldn't be so sneaky as to have an alt/a life of their own.


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I have alts, most people I know have alts. My first was made back when I was pretty new in SL and worked as a customer rep for a builder. All of my online time was taken with working and so my alt was an escape. She's rarely ever brought out anymore except on occasion to dust her off to show to friends. The other is a male avie made when my besty and I decided being guys might bring a new flavor when we lurk around naughty sims to poke fun of people. (we were right, it does :D Also found out that we girls get away with way more than the guys do, AND that guys are really screwed when it comes to shopping*)

*I no longer have any bad opinion of guys that find one good outfit and never change it... shopping as a guy had to have been the single most frustrating thing I've ever done in SL :matte-motes-mad:

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An ex friend of mine had about 10 alts all paired up as couples living different lives, plus a few singles she would flirt around the men with and have affairs, even though she had her real partner inworld as well, seemingly unknowing about the single avs, or was maybe he her alt as well, but it was confusing for sure. I can understand having a couple or even three alts but that to me would be too much to handle. She denied to me her then friend that she had any other alts except for one that she didnt use anymore, i found out about the rest when they all didnt log in when she was on holiday, they all belonged to the same group, plus the profiles were exact matches or similar, but she kept lying to me making excuses not to see me and spending days or weeks offline while using her alts, so i ended our friendship. Not just because of her lies but she hardly wanted to be with me or speak to me either i was alone most of the time. When i removed her from my friend list she sent me a very annoyed IM shouting at me never to contact her again, she didnt even ask why i had removed her. she then blocked me and ive remained blocked for months and months since last year. 

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I know people who have alts to have an escape.

I have three accounts altogether. My oldest one created four years ago was my main for the longest time, but I started to role play here in Second Life with my husband. That account became pretty much immersed in a role play environment as a character. The second account I made is also another character I role play. Windsie here is an account I started so I can have a break from the role play scene and just hang out with my husband and friends. It has also been a tool to get over shyness posting here in the forums for the first time ever since being part of the Second Life community.

There are many reasons people have alts, and it isn't an issue with me. If my friends have alts I figure that is their business, not mine. If they want to share that information with me that is wonderful, and if not... well that is alright to. It is their business if they have alts, what they do with them, and how many they have as long as they aren't abusing it. I don't share my alts with everyone and that is my choice. The one person who does know all three alts is of course my husband.

At the end of the day though people can abuse the system just as easily with one account as they can with multiple.

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When i removed her from my friend list she sent me a very annoyed IM shouting at me never to contact her again,


LOL, wasn't that the reason why you kicked her in the first place? To avoid contact with her? What a stupid beach. :smileyvery-happy:

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Morgann here was originally an alt. her born on date is not my first day, or even first year in SL. I was on the grid much longer. She was made to get away from a RL relationship gone bad. The guy was stalking my original avatar in world, and me in RL. So I made Morgann to get away from it.

I have a male alt that was made as a bet with a friend. He didn't think I could pass as a male. I proved him wrong, it wasn't that hard back in the day before voice. When I was building and designing clothing, jewelry & tats, I dusted him off and used him to align poses and as a male model for adverts and sizing.

I have a female alt that I used to use to just wander around in world when I didn't want to handle the non stop IMs that used to be Morgann's life. Taking 2 years off, tho, has made Morgann much quieter when I do log in now.

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Given the usefulness of alts for builders, merchants, role players, and those with more imagination than can be contained in one avatar, a better question might be alts, why not have them? In RL, we're pretty much stuck with our bodies, our genders, our race, species, ethnic background. SL affords people the opportunity to get unstuck. Why choose to limit oneself in SL when there are plenty of limits in RL?

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I've made alts for various reasons and over time I've collected quite a few of them, though I think it's still less then a dozen.  I've made them when I needed a crash test dummy, when I needed another member in a private land group, or when LL has created yet another newbie introduction program.  They current one where all the newbs get is a hand full of doors that sends them out into the merciless general population, not one of the lab's brightest ideas.

My most memorable experiences with anti-alt attitude was at an info hub.  Someone wanted to drag me off shopping to get the newbness off of me and I immediately told her I was just an alt and didn't really need her offer.  She then went off accusing me of being a griefer, or rigging contests, or being some stalker after her.  Her paranoid accusations came so quickly and numerously the only response I could manage was "Pfft .... muted" and teleported the hell away from her.

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Now, as for alts, Bobbie is actually an alt I made for a friend that never came to play. I have several with odd first letter names, like Z, O, X, U, W, etc that I use to flip lucky chairs with long timers on them and for last minute filling up MM boards. I RP so some I use as NPCs or when I want to do something different. Since I'm an admin on on RP sim, it really wouldn't look good if I went and RPd on another sim on her, so have alts for different RP sims I play in. One I made was actually because I couldn't resist the name just before surnames were taken. I saw the surname Twist on Dec 24 and thus Pepperment Twist was born. Peppermint was already taken...

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My first year or so in SL, I had decided I was going to live SL as opposite from RL as I could while still having fun. If I was seeing a guy, I made it clear that it wasn't monogamous, and if he insisted on some sort of exclusivity, I would make an alt and say ok, THAT is for you, your own personal version of me. Several guys couldn't handle that and would get very jealous. As far as I was concerned, if I tell someone flat out from the beginning NO, not into monogamy here, and he chose to be with me regardless, all the jealousy and bs that went along with it was for the birds.

I've known people who have a dozen alts and their partners have the same amount and they pair them all up and partner them, which to me, defeats the purpose of having an alt for personal relationships rather than building or business. However, they liked it, their SL, they were happy with it. I never had any secret alts, I never snuck around on an alt.


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I'm quite a newbie here, and am lucky that I made quite  a few friends early on...I originally thought of getting an alt when I would log on and couldn't get anything I wanted done because of all the IMs and requests...

Then I found out something that touches on what somebody mentioned on the previous page....you girls have great shopping opportunities!   So I made a female me. as an alt for two reasons...1 is to explore with and the other is to (I can't believe I'm admitting this) go shopping with!

Guess what?  I think I do have a feminine side... I'm cracking my sister up by telling her all about my shopping and tales of why I did or didn't buy something....weird..

The other thing that I found out about having a female alt, is that us guys.....man are we capable of being such jerks..and quite arrogant.  I've been hit on so many times (I must admit I made  the her/me quite attractive) and I don't dress slutty....but everytime I turn around there is some would be romeo.....but you reall girls already know that ....anyhow...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

I have been accused of being an alt, it was actually my to RL sisters and I. So we were threatened to be banned from a club. We all logged in and started talking to different people at the same time in the club so we proved we were different people. I was new that the time but now that I have a few years under my belt I want to ask them, so what if I am an alt you still get my money the same. What does it matter? However the club was shut down. 


it matters to club owners because there is an industry in sl where people dump a load of alts into a club in order to manipulate sploders and especially contests.

If there's 10 regular visitors, and someone drops in 20 alts (which I've seen happen) not only can they easily vote everyone else out of the contest and take away the prize (and by well timed moving between clubs, they can hit 5-10 clubs that way per evening, each for 500-5000 L$, pretty nice turnover for 1-2 hours of work a day), they also cause quite a bit of lag.

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Leia36 wrote:

I have 2 alts for RP in Gor, one a slave, one a free woman. Its common practice in Gorean RP

and now to make a free man and a male slave as well :)

Of course in most Gorean sims the slaves really run the place, the men are too drunk and the FW are locked up in their apartments, afraid to be seen in public by the drunk men who think every woman without a collar is a runaway slave :)


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