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  1. When mesh first came out I didn't really care for it because it was something new. It was change. I have a hard time with change, but since i'm like this I push myself headlong into that change to get over the aversion. The first mesh I tried was a petite avatar and enjoyed putting her look together so much that I started branching out with mesh clothing for my regular avatar. It has taken me some searching to find mesh clothing that I do like that fit and look well, but they are out there. I tend to lean towards medieval type fashion most of the time so I've enjoyed finding even mesh furniture that are wonderfully detailed. In the end I wear what I like be it mesh or system clothing. I don't really feel that mesh has been pushed on me at all. It was just a change I had an issue with just as I do anything new at first that takes me out of my comfort zone. I force myself to embrace that change since that is the case with me. Anyway, I'm done with my ramble. I'm not saying this is everyone's experience of course, but this has been my experience and feelings with mesh.
  2. I'm having login issues as well so it is nice to know I'm not the only one!
  3. When I've read this in people's profiles I've often wondered what makes them think their own made up disclaimer gives them the right to void parts of the tos. It is humorous in a pathetic way. I will admit that I avoid the ones who have these disclaimers in their profile because I tend to agree they are out searching for drama.
  4. To me you don't start an innocent debate with an opening statement that you know a can of worms are about to be opened...unless you want to open that can of worms. At least in my point of view. For a few days now I've been avoiding commenting on this topic because I find it insulting like others have. Perhaps I should of just stopped following the topic, but it is hard to. It is the proverbial train wreck where no one can quite look away as it happens. I've read through the thread in its entirety. Rape isn't possible in a virtual world like Second Life. Thankfully everything we do requires consent and if something is happening we don't like there is the mute option as well as the wonderful red X that can get you out of any situation. There is no way that any situation happening in Second Life could remotely impact someone emotionally and mentally as being raped in real life. Using a term like Mind Rape is in very poor taste. Words mean something. For many Second Life is a safe place to rebuild trust in their own existence. I know this from personal experience. We have the choice of where we go and what we do. No one can do anything without one's consent. I guess I will stop my post here because I realize I'm just repeating what others have already stated. I'm sorry, but I just had to say something.
  5. I know people who have alts to have an escape. I have three accounts altogether. My oldest one created four years ago was my main for the longest time, but I started to role play here in Second Life with my husband. That account became pretty much immersed in a role play environment as a character. The second account I made is also another character I role play. Windsie here is an account I started so I can have a break from the role play scene and just hang out with my husband and friends. It has also been a tool to get over shyness posting here in the forums for the first time ever since being part of the Second Life community. There are many reasons people have alts, and it isn't an issue with me. If my friends have alts I figure that is their business, not mine. If they want to share that information with me that is wonderful, and if not... well that is alright to. It is their business if they have alts, what they do with them, and how many they have as long as they aren't abusing it. I don't share my alts with everyone and that is my choice. The one person who does know all three alts is of course my husband. At the end of the day though people can abuse the system just as easily with one account as they can with multiple.
  6. I have three accounts in SL. One is a fairy who looks similar to me besides my lack of wings in rl. One is an elf who resembles nothing of me. Windsie here looks like me the most. I'm very petite height and stature wise in rl and I've made my avatar to reflect that here. I dress her a lot like I do in real life and have made her around the age I look. Although I'm in my early thirties, people always think I'm ten to fifteen years younger than I actually am in rl. So of course I made Windsie fit how old I look, not the age I actually am.
  7. I can be pretty emotional when watching movies. I have cried during touching moments that warm my heart with sappy romance. I tend to stay clear of movies that are violent because they really get to me. A movie that never fails to bring tears to my eyes is The Wedding Date. I love that movie. Romantic sappiness at its finest!
  8. To be honest I don't think it is anyone's business what you decide to do/not do in your Second Life. Especially when it is a subject that is rather personal like this one. Perhaps I'm just a prude, but I don't see why anyone would have needed to know about your decision. I don't think I've ever had that conversation with any friends since I feel that is just between my partner and myself no matter what is decided. It sounds like you just had a few people who weren't really friends. Real friends virtual or otherwise respect your decisions you set for yourself. They treat you with respect, and it doesn't matter an ounce what you do behind closed doors or don't do. That is your business. Perhaps find places where you can meet a better caliber of people? There are many definitions of fun, but it all boils down to your individual perspective of it.
  9. Questions for people who don’t gender bend Why do you think that people want to play as their opposite gender on an online game? ~I think there are many reasons why people choose to become the opposite gender in Second Life. Some find it interesting to see how opposite genders are treated. I think most likely you can get a pretty accurate view even in Second Life with this experience. I have known some who like to role play the opposite gender of what they are in real life. Then there are those who aren't pretending to be an opposite gender here. They are taking the form of the gender they feel they are on the inside, but are stuck in the wrong body in real life. Second Life offers them freedom to become who they really are on the outside as well. These are just a few reasons I've encountered in the four years I've been in Second Life. How do you think people respond to players who are not the gender they play as? How would you respond? ~I can't say how others respond since I'm not them. I judge a person by their actions, by the type of person they are. Not by the gender they are in real life, or who they choose to be in Second Life. Do you think people who gender bend are forth coming or do they wait to be asked? ~I personally don't feel it is any of my business and feel others should share only what they feel comfortable sharing with me. Question for everyone. How do you think the playing experiences differ between playing as a male or female avatar? ~I have never really thought about it since I really don't view it as "playing". I don't view Second Life as a game, but a world where people can let their creativity and imagination free and this includes becoming a different gender if they so choose. To answer your question...I think it is like in real life. Being female or male you experience different things just as you would in your everyday real life. Good and bad. Might I suggest also taking the time to not only gather information in the forums, but perhaps actually log into Second Life as female/male and gather your own experience from this. I think first hand experience can be very beneficial to your own research, as well as give you a better idea of what Second Life is.
  10. I've seen one for Kaneva on the marketplace a few times.
  11. I'm so thankful I've never encountered that much drama the four years I've been in second life. I don't understand the whole point in hurling insults back and forth like it will accomplish anything. It won't make one better than the other. It does quite the opposite at least in my opinion. It is pointless.
  12. I filled out the survey, but I have to agree with others here. The questions revealed you know nothing of Second Life. Spend some time in Second Life to actually see what it is all about. I've always found that is the best way to learn about anything you are wanting to know. Old fashioned first hand experience.
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