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Suspiria Finucane

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Everything posted by Suspiria Finucane

  1. Hey hey, it's your rapier tongued sass and class diva \o/ It was really lovely to catch up with you recently. Of course I had a nice trip down memory lane afterwords. We were quite the intellectual scrappers back then OMG! I wouldn't last a week here with the current cultural divide...although, I would like to drag up some old archived discussions and see the response. mhm I'm still bad *grins I hope all is well with you and are enjoying the life you richly deserve. I was gong to post a nice vid but like trying to change my profile pic...some things never change Love ya sister! ♥
  2. "Everyone?" I've never worn or owned any of those things. Furthermore your perception of the "so called SL BDSM Community" is short sighted and bias. When I started SL it was "your world, your imagination. Who are you to deny anyone that?
  3. /me tacklehugs Scylla.. woohoo gf... let's get busy! To the OP, Some people could care less about groups or offline IM's, after almost 13 years I'm still under 15 groups and 5 of them are my own. The bottom line here is the platform is antiquated, the cash cow drying up.
  4. I still chuckle at the people who feel their way is the only way. I seem to recall something that said, "your world, your imagination". If people want giant homes who are these people to say they can't? Give it up already, SL will never be standardized by a few people's limited imaginations.
  5. Qie Niangao wrote: Surfaces that are intended to blend transparencies will have this "alpha sorting" problem, but if there are any partially-transparent surfaces that are, per pixel, all-opaque or all transparent, those can be made immune from the sorting problem by setting them to use "Alpha Masking" instead of "Alpha Blending" and then tweaking the threshold for what alpha level is to be rendered opaque. Be aware, however, that this minimal use of "Materials" causes Mesh accounting of Land Impact, so it's probably safest to first flip the object's physics to Convex Hull (or None). Excellent Qie
  6. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: All things in moderation I've heard Including moderation. ;-).
  7. Sure, anything you do for 8 years gets boring at times. I've taken several breaks from SL with some being 6 months long. When I return I am revitalized and it is no longer boring. All things in moderation I've heard
  8. After 8 years of SL, some of my interests are different but the base concept of why I log in is the same. Even RL has changed over the last 10 years. For me, creation is my main focus in SL with socializing next. Both of those aspects haven't changed much in my 8 years. All that really changes are the people and the trends. One of the things I love about SL is I make it what I wish it to be not what others think it should be. Do that and SL will never really change
  9. Qie Niangao wrote: The thing I was pondering about the whole arrangement was that the Lab chose to do this on FIrestorm's sim, presumably by invitation from Jessica. I'm not sure how to interpret that choice of venue. The event comes on the heels of Ebbe's initial statements about SL2 which was at a TPV dev meeting. It's obvious to me why the venue's were chosen. The TPV community is full of gloom and doomers, not everyone of course. What better place to make a "controversial" announcement than there. The objective was to gauge the reactions of the most combative residents and make the concordant damage control. The reason I see as why there is nothing "official" as far as an announcement is to take care of the house first.
  10. Maryanne Solo wrote: \0_ !!!! Hi Susy! BigHeapTrollothon got smacked down bad?? lol :smileyvery-happy: Back tho of course.:smileytongue: Regurgitators are wilting hahahaha.:matte-motes-tongue: Interesting what a CEO can do
  11. Qie Niangao wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: I think the communications on this have been very carefully managed. I also think it's quaintly charming, how folks imagine that the CEO just blurted something out accidentally, as if there weren't a detailed plan worked out in advance. For example, as I type this, Oz is currently talking at the Firestorm meeting about SL1 going forward. Later today there will be an announcement (complete with Torley video) about Experience Tools -- something we've been trying to get details about for a year, and I think there's no coincidence that the communications about it have been delayed until after the new platform was announced. Oz also mentioned releases just around the corner for: group chat improvments, better embedded web support -- e.g., Media On A Prim -- replacing WebKit with Chrome Embedded Framework, and continued improvement of texture loading speeds (HTTP pipelining). Some are known quantities, but they're ready to talk a lot more about them. (For these, cause and effect of the timing is debatable, I know. But the obvious delay in the Experience Tools stuff, in particular, sure seems to have been intended to make this exciting news follow the new platform announcement.) I agree completely that it was planned. I mentioned in another post about the current VR hype cycle and the timing was actually a little late but caught the cycle. LL isn't banking on the new platform yet, so keeping interest up in the old platform is paramount for the time being. Once the marketing shift occurs, people will see a change.
  12. Qie Niangao wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: Other than invalidating all existing content for which no such agreement could be practically obtained (creators gone missing, etc.), this all seems an utter waste of time. It may be the cost of doing business globally, but that doesn't make it less silly. Interesting point and you should include avatars gone missing. How could anyone expect LL to bring in all the inventories of every sign up in SL history to the new platform? I know people who have left SL for years and returned. How will inventories be deemed "worthy" of adding to the new platform? Will there be a request form of some sorts? I know you can't answer these but you sparked the sine wave. Several things here. First, I wasn't particularly advocating that all that ever existed in SL Classic should be imported to BetterWorld, and that goes for accounts, too. Someday, however, SL will be shut down, and if there's still some functioning virtual world, I'd like to think some folks whose RL passed might still have their SL identity persist in some form. (Some form of persistence, that is, more veridical than early archives of these forums have been.) Maybe that's maudlin, or history-obsessed. You may find this interesting Time Walk has just such a feature planned. They have a somewhat creepy trailer for a deceased Gramndmother talking to her alive grandson in a virtual world. I suppose this may fit some personalities. Qie Niangao wrote: As it happens, even the default access to legacy content is, uh, contentious, and I'm of two minds about it: On the one hand, I can see the point of current creators wanting to update their back catalog of content to fit the technologies of the new platform before it appears there, rather than suffer a (possibly lossy) automated migration. On the other hand, from a more legalistic perspective, those creators shouldn't necessarily have any say in the matter. Indeed, the line of commentary to which I was responding was about how Europeans can screw the rest of us by sprinkling TOS-disabling fairy dust. (Seems borderline fraudulent to agree to a ToS that's personally unenforceable, then exploit that special exemption to swindle everybody by selling content one can later just pull away: Ha-ha, suckers!) I suppose greed plays a part in certain creators agendas but if the new platform is a new product and not a revision, why should anything old be "updated"? It seems to me a waste of valuable resources that can be used elsewhere. A new product deserves new creations, not some backwash of old tech. Qie Niangao wrote: Finally, I'd just point out that as technology consumers we're quick to accept the idea that systems should be swapped out, rebuilt from the ground up. I think it was Mies van der Rohe who said that it is not necessary to invent a new architecture every Monday morning. Earlier I speculated about some reasons to start from scratch besides basic engineering failure, but someday it will seem unimaginably primitive (and immoral?) to introduce a whole new virtual word rather than augment what already exists. It's only that we have not yet evolved an aversion to capital punishment of our virtual worlds. I understand your point. VW's are mere babes in the woods and without reinvention, the wolves have quite the meal. Figuratively, you could equate SL to an early civilization. Eating raw meat and wearing skins isn't for me. :matte-motes-agape:
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I strongly suggest that you consult with the Firestorm team about their extra features and include as many of them as you can. It's interesting how people are trying to transition power from old SL to the new. No one has announced the new platform specifics so how does anyone know there will be a current viewer type at all? Firestorm may be quasi-popular in the old platform but that doesn't necessitate popularity in the new platform. For all we know the features you speak of are the cause of some of the problems we have in SL today. I would hope LL strives for a standard viewing experience for everyone instead of incompatibility. Why would a creator waste time trying to fix something instead of creating something new for a new world. I thought the idea of a new platform was to get rid of all the hacks, not recreate the same pattern of hacks. Why must there be a one size fits all viewer? If that were so important why have preferences in the SL viewer at all? What is wrong with having a feature set for advanced users and content creators.? Why not make things easier for us if a lot of new content has to be developed and a lot of legacy content has to be fixed? Many of the extra features that firestorm offers allows creators to work faster with better quality results Visual compatibility is much different than one viewer fits all. Your generalization is a misinterpretation. If you think each client has no effect on overall simulator performance, you are mistaken. I've been a creator for almost 8 years using the LL viewer only. I've yet to see anyone create faster or with better quality due to the viewer. The majority of the work isn't even done in SL using a viewer. Either way, the new platform will only have one and I'm sure LL will keep it that way. No corporation I know of appreciates renegade factions holding a club over their heads.
  14. Parrish Ashbourne wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: I realize there are many questions and missing some is expected. Here are ones I asked earlier. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Ebbe Linden wrote: Goal is to empower creators to do any content we can (including skeleton), but again, early... Can you say if this refers to in-world empowerment or external program empowerment? In my opinion, the in-world creation aspect of SL is something we've lost. The more in-world creation that is possible, the more attention span you garner. Imagine how many hours are spent in external programs instead of occupying your virtual world. Also; I was curious if you can say whether the brand Second Life will be on the new product and the old SL would be something like SL classic or SL legacy? coke classic was one of the biggest marketing success stories ever, may be SL will out do SL2 with the right marketing, I like SL legacy better sounds more Tron like, or how about the SL Matrix The key word is of course marketing. Once the noob market dies for the old platform, the creators will run to the new one. If anyone honestly believes LL will sink the same marketing capital into the old platform that they will the new one, their rose-colored glasses need cleaned.
  15. MBeatrix wrote: But of course you didn't read any of the other posts I dropped to this thread... Which is typical, somehow. And you know this how exactly? You don't, specualtion seems to be your way of life. In case you haven't noticed, there is currently a hype cycle for VR. Get it now?
  16. /me tacklehugz you Pets are ok if you have the time to spend with them. Most of them don't obey very well and like to.... oh, not those kind of pets
  17. I've been here since 2006 and all I see changing (socially) are the individual people on my friends list. The people make SL what it is. As people change the society changes. Nothing new...
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