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Adding another level of 'realism' to SL - thoughts?

Senobia Xenga

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If LL were to add these additional elements of realism to SL, would you still play?

*Your house could be robbed and items really taken

*You could be robbed and Ls really taken

*You could be murdered (Not only on combat sims, but by random acts of violent crime - no starting over, no grace period. Once you're dead, you're gone. The end unless you get a new account.)

*You could contract STDs and suffer the same consequences to your avatar as you would in RL

*You could become pregnant w/out it being an option

*You could die/become maimed/injured in accidents, too - like car crashes, falls, etc.(Same no 'do overs' apply here as above)


As for me...I'm not sure. If I did, I'd be daresome to leave my house.

What say you?



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*Your house could be robbed and items really taken

This already happens. My intellectual property has been stolen hundreds of times over the years.

*You could be robbed and Ls really taken

This already happens through fraudulently sold items on the MP and inworld, Stolen items sold on the MP and inworld and account hacking. All result in the loss of an innocent victims L$

*You could be murdered (Not only on combat sims, but by random acts of violent crime - no starting over, no grace period. Once you're dead, you're gone. The end unless you get a new account.)

Second Life would not function. Imagine paying thousands of USD for a sim and content only to loose it all. The only way this could work is if SL had a more efficient police force than any RL city on Earth. Or if the L$ had no real transferable value.

*You could contract STDs and suffer the same consequences to your avatar as you would in RL

I don't have any genitals so not worries about this one.

*You could become pregnant w/out it being an option

Again, smooth as an action man down there. Not an issue for me.

*You could die/become maimed/injured in accidents, too - like car crashes, falls, etc.(Same no 'do overs' apply here as above).

I think this in an interesting idea. It would be cool to have regions where these effects were in place. We could have dedicated alts designed to survive in such environments and it could be really good fun as we all try to injure, maim and kill each other, and of course gain kudos for the most number of kills with the oldest surviving avatar. This could work in specially designed regions like the combat sims, but obviously not across the whole grid.

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I'm not here for realism and when I look around...most other people aren't at least not needing realism...considering the avatars. Oh...and I refuse to call my onlinetime in SL "playing".

So...lets see...

Most of this stuff doesn't bring any realsim into SL at all + damages the free time and resources I spend. No wouldn't logg in ever again.

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Absolutely Not

Aside from the fact that I have too much invested in my inventory, not only in the way of things for my avatar but literally thousands of RL dollars in building supplies etc.,  to just have it all go away due to giving someone else a cheap thrill.

I am not in SL to play a grand theft or kill them all games and there is already plenty of theft going on in SL in the way of IP infringement, frauds and cons

If people want these kinds of cheap thrills there are plenty of RP sims and tools that will allow them to do it.  Just don't let it bleed over into my SL.


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Senobia Xenga wrote:

If LL were to add these additional elements of realism to SL, would you still play?

*Your house could be robbed and items really taken

*You could be robbed and Ls really taken

*You could be murdered (Not only on combat sims, but by random acts of violent crime - no starting over, no grace period. Once you're dead, you're gone. The end unless you get a new account.)

*You could contract STDs and suffer the same consequences to your avatar as you would in RL
Ef no. :robotindifferent:

*You could become pregnant w/out it being an option
Ef no ^2

*You could die/become maimed/injured in accidents, too - like car crashes, falls, etc.(Same no 'do overs' apply here as above)
Maybe, if that would mean being able to recover from injury too.


As for me...I'm not sure. If I did, I'd be daresome to leave my house.

What say you?



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Can you imagine anyone putting real money into SL for objects, clothing and property that they could lose, instantly and permanently, should someone decide to grief them in a violent manner? Or even if they step out of their skybox or are affected by a glitch?

"Sorry, your avatar died in region crossing. Your 72,000 items of inventory and that land you own? Better start a new account and buy them all again."

Can't see that flying with many residents.

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Senobia Xenga wrote:

If LL were to add these additional elements of realism to SL, would you still play?

*Your house could be robbed and items really taken

*You could be robbed and Ls really taken

*You could be murdered (Not only on combat sims, but by random acts of violent crime - no starting over, no grace period. Once you're dead, you're gone. The end unless you get a new account.)

*You could contract STDs and suffer the same consequences to your avatar as you would in RL

*You could become pregnant w/out it being an option

*You could die/become maimed/injured in accidents, too - like car crashes, falls, etc.(Same no 'do overs' apply here as above)


As for me...I'm not sure. If I did, I'd be daresome to leave my house.

What say you?



If you'd like to die may I suggest you start here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/North%20Forepaw/239/44/22  and then work your way through the mountains to The Pyri Fun Fair. 

There is an adventure there waiting for you.  And many deaths.

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I''ve quite happily played with add-ons where unprotected SL Sex could result in a 'pregnancy', and where if you wanted to avoid that, you had to have your girl 'on the pill' or your guy 'using a condon' - and the guy could cheat and say he would use a condom, but not really do so and still have the risk. As long as the SL sex itself was only voluntary (no non-consensual rape), that one wouldn't bother me.

Any of the rest? If implemented I would delete all my accounts and spend my free time elsewhere. Primarily because I do not come to SL to engage in combat or violent roleplay, and also because LL is so patheticly ineffective in shutting down IP content thieves and scammers who rip people off for L$ now, that if any of those other options were available, the thieves and murders would rule SL. SL crime would skyrocket, and there would be few if any consequences. I'd rather spend my free time in some of the roughest RL neighborhoods, where at least I could carry a gun or use martial arts in my own defense, and where laws actually get enforced and criminals punished. (Or at least there is a strong possibility of punishment being meted out.)

Any 'death of an avatar is real' options would have to include an ability to will your avatar's assets, including all inventory, L$ balance, paid account status and land owned, to an alt that would serve as your 'heir' or 'resurrected self' if killed. And if you had no heir, the account should still be able to contact LL, prove identity, and request assignment of all assets to a newly-created alt. Otherwise people stand to lose way too much real money invested in land and assets. It's not like a game where all your fancy possessions were paid for by going on quests or spending in-game money that cost you no real money to gain. Land in SL and many SL assets are paid for with real money. The risk of loss would be so high that it would not be worth playing.

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I like realism. Clothes that I make and consversations that I have are very real. However, anything permanent I would not like, and I would leave SL if it were that realistic.

As far as getting pregnant, at least that can be avoided by not doing certain things or using protection. I am glad that certain things are not realistic: 

I can TP to different places very quickly, in less time than it takes in RL to walk to my car,

I can change from night to day (and vice-versa) instantly,

I never get colds, flu, or worse,

I don't have periods.



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Ceera Murakami wrote:

Any 'death of an avatar is real' options would have to include an ability to will your avatar's assets, including all inventory, L$ balance, paid account status and land owned, to an alt that would serve as your 'heir' or 'resurrected self' if killed. 

Yes! I forgot that part. Thanks for adding another bit to ponder! Good one.


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Cabbage Acanthus wrote:

There are places one can go in SL to experience that sort of "realism" in varying degrees if one wishes and I think such a theme might be an interesting one for a roleplay sim but I think that such things being imposed on the residents across the board would not go over well at all.



Years ago there was a combat sim to which I was introduced by my then-partner.   At that time there were clearly marked "Visitor" and "Combat" zones along.  I *think* one could also where a "non-combat" tag and enter the Combat zone safely.  

Time passed and I had acquired a decent weapon.  One night I suggeted we return to that sim so I could try my hand at a bit of combat, in this case shooting.  We tp'd over and almost immediately found ourselves back home.  I figured it was some SL glitch or the sim no longer existed but my partner stated we had been "killed."  Ummmm....huh???   Unbeknownst to us the sim had changed since our last visit.  There were no more Visitor/Combat zones; one tp'd directly into the combat area.  There was apparently a "sniper" hiding somewhere waiting for new arrivals to pick off before they could rez in and get their bearings.

After the third tp/return home before I could rez I was done with this.  Being a ping pong ball was not my idea of fun.  My partner, however, decided to deal with the sniper by putting on his protective bubble from the wonderful Mystitool and, since he had the name of our "killer" on the screen after the multiple "kills," tp'd back to the combat area and orbited the sniper.

....or so I was told.  :matte-motes-wink:

So think of that scenario "BUT" one with one losing all inventory, etc.  That is why I have never played on any PVP (player vs. player) servers in MMORPGs.  I'd die constantly.  In the past, at least on one of the games, the player who "killed" you take all or a certain amount of your loot, including wearable armor.  No my idea of fun.

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Yes and no.

I try to make SL as realistic as possible.

If you die in my sim, you run the risk that your avatar will not be allowed to return.

Although in some cases, you are given the chance to return as wounded and have to spend time in the hospital.

We have stuff that can be "stolen", it isn't really, but you can roleplay coming home and finding your stuff gone.

I would like to add more realism, for instance, it annoys me a lot that my avatar can jump 6 ft high and that when I fall off a roof, I am fine.

It would be great that if damage is on in a sim, you get 'wounded' when you fall off soemthing high, get hit by a car, etc, without having to wear a hud for this sort of thing.

I like the idea of lindens being stolen... but not huge amounts.

For instance something that would allow you to put an ammount YOU decide in your safe, and when someone manages to crack that safe, they get the money.

Sounds like fun.

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Senobia Xenga wrote:

If LL were to add these additional elements of realism to SL, would you still play?

*Your house could be robbed and items really taken

*You could be robbed and Ls really taken

*You could be murdered (Not only on combat sims, but by random acts of violent crime - no starting over, no grace period. Once you're dead, you're gone. The end unless you get a new account.)

*You could contract STDs and suffer the same consequences to your avatar as you would in RL

*You could become pregnant w/out it being an option

*You could die/become maimed/injured in accidents, too - like car crashes, falls, etc.(Same no 'do overs' apply here as above)


As for me...I'm not sure. If I did, I'd be daresome to leave my house.

What say you?



not a single one of these suggestions is a good idea, at least not sim-wide.

About being robbed... There are sims for that. If you want the risk of being mugged, you can go there. but then it's all rp, and it's all done in a way that while assets are lost in the game, none are in real life. After all, that roleplay money isn't something you have to pay real money for, but lindens, and objects bought with them are. It would really suck to log in and find that all your stuff is gone.

Being murdered randomly and needing a new account... Who would want this? Again, it's taking back things that people have aquired here over time, and with real money. Even roleplayers can keep their characters after death. They just have to either move that avi to a different sim, change them altogether, or do some "alt-cycling" so that the original avi could be used as a different person than it originally was when the alt gets killed or retired. Again, no loss of stuff.

STD's Pregnancies, and permaent injuries... There are huds for all of that. Why impose it on everyone?


Everything proposed here takes away every bit of control that a person has over their sl experience. There wouldn't be a single benefit to any of it. SL would become a place where nobody bought anything, since someone could just kill them, and the money is wasted. So nobody would build stuff, since they can't sell it, or even keep the asset on their local machine. And any progress would come to a grinding halt. It would be nothing but Ruth wars.

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I'd accept the whole thieving and robbing if it also included suitable gameplay for capture and punishment . For capture, the thief could evade the law for a week but eventually they would always be caught. For punishment, LL would send someone to your house to cut off your hands.


I wouldn't mind getting robbed at all.

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Realism? The OP forgot some details.

The thief get caught by the police and goes into jail and is not able to create an alt. He only can log in and sit in jail.
Not to forget he has to pay for his crime and we take L$ and real $ for compensation.

Everything we do and have in RL to prevent that situations we'd need in SL too. Not so good for the OP hmmm? Only good if one can grief and get away with it I assume.

If you wanna roleplay there are already sims that offer this one sided "wanna be realism" but is all consensual here in the end as it should be.


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