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Porky Gorky

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  1. Haven't you heard? The Lindens have abandoned The Lab and gone dark! WE ARE DOOMED. It’s the end of days and if we want to go off topic then we bloody well will!
  2. My point was, because of cultural differences, maybe it is harder for you and others to identify the factual from the hyperbole. As a native reader of dripping sarcasm, I find it quite easy.
  3. Maybe it is a cultural thing. I know lots of people in the U.K. who range from snarky and sarcastic to damn right offensive just for the fun of it. I find her attitude familiar, relatable and somewhat entertaining.
  4. I didnt know that! The tartaric acid of wine acted upon the metal cup and formed tartarised antimony, a drinkable laxative. Fascinating!
  5. In the 19th century people used to take an Antimony Pill which was a popular remedy to purge and revitalise the bowels. It would pass through one’s system, then be “recovered” so it could be used again. It was nicknamed the everlasting pill. The past was the worst.
  6. Delivering information negatively does not make the information inaccurate. When I came back to SL in February all excited about PBR she completely pissed on my parade and very negatively pointed out all the flaws to LL’s implementation of PBR. Through my own testing I learned that everything she said was accurate. Her “teachings” helped me better understand the limitations of PBR in SL which allowed me to more effectively find solutions to the problems and ultimately create my own lovely PBR bubble that I exist in today. Facts delivered negatively are still facts.
  7. There is no plan to remove Blinn-Phong materials, so any creator who wants to specify specular colors can have at it still. And there's no plan to deprecate projector lights, only to maintain the functionality as-is rather than try to extend it to match the complementary features (and limitations) added with the glTF punctual lights extension. If we "filter" hard enough maybe the gist was supposed to be that the new doesn't fully supplant the old, Yep that is how I would filter that statement. Firstly PBR doesn’t have the same functionality with regards to specular coloring and is deemed inferior to BP in that respect. Secondly glTF doesn’t support projector lights so the future of projector lights may be in question and worth consideration? There we go, we are all learning together.
  8. Fair enough, each to their own I suppose. I couldn't care less about her attitude, but if more sensitive forum users choose to ignore her then that's understandable. However, I do find that once you filter through all the sh*t, she provides a holistic and accurate analysis of the current state of SL that few others on this forum seem capable of providing, which is a valuable contribution imho.
  9. I think when you strip away the degrading attitude, the cynicism and the sarcasm, pretty much everything she said is accurate. You should just focus on the facts and respond if you have a counter argument for any of the points made, I would be interested in reading them.
  10. Well Linden Labs has multiple Labs, I read it on the forums so it must be true. Dread to think how much it costs to power all those labs.
  11. Loads of stylized games are created using PBR. I’ve built many stylized PBR environments in Unreal Engine. It’s totally doable in SL too as you have control over both the PBR materials and the lighting. I’ve already seen a few cool PBR stylized regions in-world.
  12. I agree with that. On a platform that operates in real time, the lighting has to be dynamic in order for it to be accurate and thus realistic. As LL is clearly aiming for realism with the introduction of PBR, there is little to no room for baked in shadows in this brave new world.
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