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Premium...are you? and why?

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Raven1 Short wrote:

Just wondering what makes people decide to go premium. What do you find to be the benefits as opposed to basic membership?

Did you keep the linden house?

I have a premium account since ....3 yrs, perhaps 4 (am not sure). I have a Linden Home, which I never use for myself but 'gave' to a friend to use.

My main reason to have a premium account is because I wanted to live on Mainland without relying on others for renting it - other than directly to LL. I have a lovely parcel on mainland for over a year now and for me it is worth it.

Also, and I know lots of ppl have other experiences, the support and livechat have always been very usefull to me in the cases I needed it.

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I have been premium since day one mainly to own my own land.  But, as the years have gone by, I see my monthly premium as a way to support SL and do my part as a resident of this great world.  I also feel that because I am a PAYING voice, LL should sit up and take notice...LOL...they haven't yet and doubt they will start now. I think people should support places they play and call home.



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i'm not premium anymore but i went premium the first time LL did the 50% off promo purely because it was 50% off, i had always thought about trying it but could never afford to but then was the perfect time, i worked some things and it worked out i'd get more money in stipend and bonuses being premium than spending the equivalent money on L$ at my regular exchange. i didn't exactly need to be premium i had and still have a steady mainland rental, but i did like the premium sandboxes and the stipend i did have a linden home as i didn't need land and i loved the location of my first home but i didn't like my neighbours that moved in after i did so i moved and it was somewhere less nice. i didn't really care for the premium gifts the boat was nice but i didn't need the furniture and would have loved to have had the rail road hand cart that came along this year instead i didn't care for Linden Realms when it was premium only but now i regularly visit it 

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I'm down to just 4 premiums accounts now. :D

They didn't have linden homes when I went premium - which was about 3 months into the creation of this account.

I get the ability to have my land, which is up to somewhere over 14,000m at this point. The rest of its just stuff I don't pay much attention to.

I've got lots on 6 different sims right now. I think. Unless I've lost track of one. Every now and then I go through my groups to make sure I don't have a piece somewhere I put in the wrong group or forgot about - though that's actually never fully happened, I've seen it happen to enough other folks that I pay it some mind.

(ok well, I did have a linden home on an alt for a month once before I remembered I'd forgotten to abandon it.)


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I've been Premium since about a month after I joined SL nearly 6 years ago.  To begin with it was so that I could own a bit of land and maybe earn a little bit buying and selling land - which I did - but only a little bit!   Land was a lot more expensive then and it was increasing in price rapidly until the bubble burst.

I now just own a modest piece of roadside land.  I still qualify for the the L$ 400 per week stypend, which covers most of my annual subscription.  While it's nice to get something for free, I don't mind paying Linden Lab a bit towards the maintenance and improvement of SL.

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I'm premium because it is basically free for me.  I do have a Linden Home, but not because I really want one.  I have one because I can't afford the land product I want (a private island or homestead), and would never be satisfied with anything less than that.  The Linden Home is just a convenient place to unpack items I bought and fit them to my avatar.  

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Premium to have mainland, and because at the yearly it's not a bad deal with the stipend. Renting from a resident isn't an option for me, because there's no legal safety involved in resident2resident business transactions.

Besides, I always pay for what I use, even if it's just a donation. In case of free software for example I donate if I use it frequently. After all, someone created it, lives off it etc.pp.

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I am Premium mostly because I like this service. I get land or a home, a weekly allowance, the occasional gift. I have more customer support options, although I haven't had many occasions to use it, it's nice to know it's there.

At the yearly rate, it is almost free, so why not. I did not keep the Linden Home, but that was mostly because I wanted a sky home.

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I use the 512 sq m land allowance, but it would not be a reason by itself to be premium.  I originally got a premium account in 2008 so that I could have a house on the mainland.  I was, and am, a little leary of "owning" parcels on islands, because if the landlord didn't pay LL, I would lose it.  Since then I learned that I can rent tier, so I rent all of what I need except for the 512 sq m.

I have two main reasons:  One is that I have found the chat support to be very valuable.  I don't need it often, but when I do it is very helpful.  For example, when the sim I live on needs restarting, I can ask, and they will usually do it.  The other reason is that when I pay by the year, as I do, it is practically free net of the stipend.

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I have had an annual premium membership since I joined in 2006. At US$86.40 (for UK residents), it works out to $7.20 per month. Land tier, on the other hand, is outrageously expensive. Linden Lab uses the same pricing model as printer manufacturers: the cost of the printer is low, but the replacement toner cartridges cost a fortune.

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i've been premium for three years...i think i was a couple months old when i decided i wanted to own some mainland and have a place that was home...i still have my original 512, and abit more....:)

as others have said, being premium is my way of showing my support for the company that gives me such a wonderful place to enjoy my free time

sure, there are problems...sure, it's not perfect....but damn it's fun...so totally worth what it costs me once a year...:)

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I am not premium, never have been but would say this -

If you are debating on whether or not to go premium, it *might* be the right thing. I have never heard of anyone regretting a premium account.

Those linden houses are not really fancy but at least the prims in the house do not count against you like when renting private where EVERY prim counts (maybe several times over in case of bad mesh builds)

I am a little higher maintenance than what a premium account offers so I just stick with basic, buy the L$ when I need it and rent on mainland from a private owner.


Get to know SL before deciding.Just so you can see what is out there and figure out what you really want or need. In some cases you need to be premium, I think if you want to rent or buy land directly from LL but someone can correct me on that if needed.

Low maintenance avatar - Premium is ideal.

High maintenance avatar - premium is probably not going to suit your needs.

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I went premium when I joined almost 6 years ago so I could buy what was called First Land (512 sqm). I lasted 2 weeks on mainland then sold it and got land on an estate. The $72 U.S. per year cost is more than offset by the L$400 per week stipend and I donate my 512 sqm tier to NCI.

I'm still on the same region on the same estate ... it'll be 6 years in late September.


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I went premium, because I'd been spending time on a parcel of land when the owners of it were offline, and when it came up for sale I just felt I had to have it.  It was just a 512m parcel of land, which I sold on for 4x the amount I originally paid for it.  It is hard to believe now, because it is on a PG-rated sim, and although had a view of the sea, did not have any beach land with it.  Linden homes were not in existence at the time.

After that, I remained premium, because I wanted to buy more land.  I only went up to owning half a sim at a time, paid for with profits made on selling land on bought for a profit mainly from auctions, and land other people had offered really cheaply, when paying tier had become a problem for them.  When Zindra adult continent came into existence, I sold off all my land, except for the 512m landlocked parcel I call my home in SL (although I am rarely there). 

I remain a premium member, because with the weekly stipend, and being a low maintenance avatar, it means I only pay a few shillings a month to LL, and I have made use of the Live Chat service on numerous occasions, mostly with positive outcome.

The occasional free gifts we get are neither here or there for me, certainly not enough of an incentive to go premium if I was not already premium, although the rail handcar was/is exceptional fun.  However, the sandboxes that are available to premium members only are very handy, and griefer-free. 


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I went premium after being kicked off land I rented with almost no notice and wanted to buy land, you need(ed) to be premium for that.

Another reason was the fantastic Live Chat support where someone would come and help you out almost immediatly.

Sadly that last bit has sort of died...

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Yeah, owning mainland is the main reason for me.

I'd never rent from another resident and I'd never live on an unconnected island.

I didn't think for a split second about chosing a Linden home but put my free 512 into my total land buying capacity.

The live chat is a nice bonus, although mostly they don't understand my specific problem and just give me some links to unrelated articles in the SL wiki.

The stipend is cool! That alone almost pays for the annual premium fees.

Premium = Happy me :)




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I went premium orignally so I could own a bit of mainland, I didn't want to rent from anyone.  I pay annually and take advantage of the discount pricing for that, and with the weekly stipend it's almost free.  I like having access to live chat, and have good experiences with that, so I keep one account premium always.  I did have a linden home for awhile, which was nice to have somewhere I could park my avi at night and be sure where I was going to wake up the next time I came in world LOL

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Biggest reason I've been premium is mainland.  I get my biggest kick out of checking out parcels for sell and dreaming of what I can build on them.  I try to restrain myself before buying yet another tempting plot and so far have managed to hold myself back to about 5k, and the steeper hill side it's on the more tempting it is to me.  Occasionally I burn out and tier all the way back down to a Linden Home, but after a month or two I get crazy bored in those places and am back out on the mainland again.

Another reason is to throttle back my spending.  With the 300 linden "allowance" I'm far less tempted to make impulse buys and instead just wait whatever number of weeks to save up for it.  Makes it much easier to resisting hitting that circled L$ button that they so conveniently placed right in my face.

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