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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-9719 A function to reset the camera. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7459 A function to put users in or take users out of mouselook. Camera control additions are not on LL's roadmap ATM, sadly.
  2. The only time I use it with sit applications are ones that use llSitOnLink() in stationary "teleporter" objects that "pull" users from one parcel to another at long lateral and/or vertical distances over parcels that have teleport routing disabled. In this environment, without usage of llForceMouselook(), there is a strange bug that can cause the user's camera to be stuck in a neighboring region with no way of resetting. A relog is the only way to fix it.
  3. There is no llResetCamera() command. It has been requested, though. The closest you can get is llForceMouselook() to move the camera to sitter's location.
  4. That script is calling llSetCameraParams() every timer() event triggered every 0.022 seconds. This is not auto-following. Auto-following is when you call llSetCameraParams() only once and the camera smoothly follows the target without updating llSetCameraParams() again. This is currently only possible with a worn script targeting the wearer and using the CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG and CAMERA_DISTANCE constants.
  5. We're now in the era where not head size, not breast size, but butt size is causing clipping issues with hair. Weird times. Is this, yet, another sign that avatars are getting shorter?
  6. This is the 4th brand I've seen title their mesh body "Peach".
  7. I've been saying we need a dad body for years. The closest thing we have is piggu - Jonathon, but he doesn't work nor work out at all. The creator sort of ruined their v2 bodies with unnecessary bone translation/rigging in the neck and head that results in rigged hair sitting above the scalp.
  8. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4016 was accepted today it seems.
  9. It has been asked before. LSD is a prim property and subject to rollbacks like anything else. BTW, rollbacks can be less than a minute at best and over an hour at worst.
  10. SL does not have the capability to auto-follow anything other than the script wearer. Anything else you will have to call llSetCameraParams() repeatedly. We've asked for an auto-follow means for years.
  11. Right, day1 of launch I saw the vendors relocated, then days later I "thought" I saw them removed. Now they're back, if they even went away in the first place.
  12. I could have sworn those vendors weren't there a few weeks ago. Wonder if they put them back after slow uptake of Gen.X.
  13. I still see plenty of veteran users doing it, actually walking from one vendor to the next, pausing, then continuing, covering the entire event/store. My guess is they keep their draw distance really low, which might prevent tiny things from rendering from long cam distances.
  14. Maybe aesthetics? Maybe their store is structured to funnel foot traffic a certain way? Maybe they don't want people easily flying into restricted areas at higher altitude?
  15. The PBR viewer causes my CPU usage to run at over 25% while Firestorm, also with ALM on, runs less than half that on average and my GPU to run 15 degrees hotter. From what I see, there's no way to turn just that feature off in settings, either.
  16. The RC regions got rolled back allegedly due to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232866
  17. Most mesh furry head users wear human bodies with leg mods and furry skins instead of dedicated furry bodies.
  18. Kemono, circa 2014 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Kemono/6070005 Most of the market went to clothing for the human legs and human skins.
  19. I assume it is because of https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232866 but not 100% sure.
  20. Do not depend on LSD key index order as if it was experience key index order. LSD key order is never guaranteed to be the same even if you reset the data, re-enter each key name and value in the same order each time, resetting and repeating. It can be different each time. The only thing stable is the ascending alpha numeric sort order done with all key names, before any index inputs are handled with llLinksetDataListKeys(). I'm thinking of filing a request for a sort specified version of both LSD List and LSD Find.
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