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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. This was reported last year https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-231021 It is fixed in the current Firestorm beta.
  2. Should be updated once at 02:00 - 02:30 slt. There have been issues over the last few months with traffic randomly reporting incorrectly or not at all.
  3. That was when it went live for all Premium accounts after the closed beta testing period completed. When I said "offered", I included the period a year prior when they sought beta testing applicants. IIRC, before the closed beta period, experiences had been available, but only to Lindens/Moles since 2013.
  4. I still think giving "some" info as to the usage/purpose of experiences in the dialog might be helpful.
  5. What is everyone's opinion on the possibility of the dialog with the long laundry list of permissions an experience might use going away and replacing it with text that offers a generic explanation such as "Scripts associated with this experience will be able to execute various permissions without prompting the user for better immersion. More info about experiences is covered at https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/experiences-in-second-life-r1365/"? The info at the link would be updated to itemize each permission and what is involved.
  6. Truth be told, I never understood the fascination with WASD movement. I've been using arrow keys since Apple \\c days.
  7. If you're playing non-looped animations in a sequence and the animations contain easing, then can happen. Also, if the next animation in a sequence is not cached in viewer memory and is waiting on CDN download, this can happen. Not using proper timing to start the next animation can leave gaps where this can happen. Stopping prior animation then starting next animation instead of starting next animation then stopping prior animation can cause this to happen.
  8. Said "new" griefing tactic has been around for years.
  9. Or don't use a group everyone can join and rez with. Use a different group for the parcel. Like a staff only group.
  10. My advice is do NOT send experience permission requests upon arrival at the landing point. Either give them a notecard then or set up a info kiosk nearby that when clicked, offers a notecard that explains your service and the usage of the experience tied to it. My observations over the years tells me the stigma of experiences has been greatly reduced since its offering over 8 years ago. I base this on my own experience based application in regards to level of granting versus denial of experience perms when my guests are presented with their first perms request. Granted, there could be still be some determination by the user if the application is worth experience participation. IDK what viewer you're using, but I don't get an orange dialog with experience permissions requests on LL's nor FS' viewer.
  11. I see a waste of resources in that region. Two dozen butterflies spewing out constant updates. Turn on Object Updates. (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U) A bunch of Linden Gold Hunt coins all over the place showing "No funds". Tons of arcade games and game tables running with no one near them. I couldn't find the pathinding characters that were eating up almost 1/3 of the region's timing because it is impossible to get all parcel owners to optimize their objects for pathfinding. [EDIT] Found the pathfinding character "JADED Jokers 200x4 HOC CGT-Game" stuck under a castle. Remove that one object and see if things improve, else, start cleaning up the other sources of waste. [Another Observation] You have multiple loud sound spamming objects that sound like a fleet of prop planes are on a carrier waiting to take off. All this on a parcel with "Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel" unchecked. In fact, all of your parcels that have games and tables on the ground floor constantly putting out sounds have this setting unchecked. I bet this drives your neighbors nuts...
  12. You really didn't explain in detail what the exact problem was other than "things are broken". Can you be more specific as to what aspect of each game is affected? What are you doing/expecting during game play and what does or doesn't happen instead?
  13. The main thing I see from stats is pathfinding characters in use in an unoptimized region. That Lag Meter should not be referenced as it can show normal and the region's timings be through the roof. Don't wait on LL. Contact support or file a bug report.
  14. My aerial clock hasn't updated in over 3 days. Maybe something is going on.
  15. How come you're always such a fussy young man? Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raisin Bran Well, don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan? So eat it, just eat it Don't wanna argue, I don't wanna debate Don't wanna hear about what kind of food you hate You won't get no dessert 'till you clean off your plate So eat it Don't you tell me you're full
  16. Go Premium Plus(at least for a month) and you can choose your own(through support).
  17. When we're talking about features that do not yet exist, they invest in things they assume will be popular once implemented, whether or not there is already public demand or industry standards. Yes, there are many other factors involved, like time and scale of difficulty and if it conflicts with other areas of the code or TPV policies, etc. I brought up color choices for notecard bg/fg since Ansariel apparently just devoted the time to implement font choices, so the timing and interest seemed good to me. I wasn't asking the impossible like the ability to save notecards via LSL, which I wouldn't do myself, even if many in the build/script groups keep bringing it up as a wishlist item.
  18. IMO, editing a notecard is far more common for users than editing a script and Firestorm already offers color options for the latter. Settings don't get lost in Firestorm when settings backups are a thing. I'm sure your viewer has features that other viewers do not. Should I call those bloat as well if they are widely used?
  19. Nice, but I don't use Cool VL Viewer. Also, requiring a user to edit xml files just to change a background color on a notecard versus through a parameter in Preferences is not intuitive or user friendly.
  20. My brightness is down already. Even still, I'm sure many would like to edit a notecard on a dark background with text color of their choosing. A white background at any brightness can be harsh. This is why dark modes exist or are optional on all manner of browsers, UIs or social media sites.
  21. Nice. Now if only something could be done about that harsh white background during editing, then it will all be complete. Maybe notecard background and text color options in a new Preferences > Color > Notecard tab?
  22. I'm still waiting on a monospace checkbox in notecards. And color options. The white background is harsh. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4706
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