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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. The blog post said My experience in SL has been that communities effectively use SL groups to communicate and connect residents. So I would continue to support/fix group functions such as chat. My opinion is that centralized "hubs" would have unintended consequences. As Lindens would be allocating resources, it would be perceived as favoritism towards any community that received a hub. In general, I hold that Lindens should stay out of resident community/activities. By design, our game has ""no manufactured conflict, no set objective". By supporting individual communities via hubs, Lindens are advocating an objective.
  2. You might have better luck posting in one of the Commerce forums, such as Wanted.
  3. Oh I LOVE this tree. Great idea to make the lights white.
  4. Clearly just wanting to play Second Life with other people's money. Shopping and "entertainment", how novel?
  5. 1. I sympathize with Teresea. I would also be confused. 2. Combining silent and live auctions as two stages of a single auction is a very bad idea, as it contradicts the expectations of anyone who has ever participated in a real world auction. 3. On a separate topic, I wish the Lindens/Moles would refrain from getting involved with in world charity events, as it shows favoritism (not a good look). If Brad and Randy want to contribute to ACS, they should write a check, privately.
  6. If this is correct, 3 avis are buying a single 4096 parcel. The only way I know to do that is if the original poster creates/has a land group, all the avis donate their tier to that group, so the group has 4096 plus the group bonus. Then the original poster then buys the 4096 parcel using the "Buy for Group" button. All should be well at this point. The land is already owned by the group. It could be that the original poster cannot donate to group because the tier is already donated to the group. Support can sort this.
  7. File a support ticket. Be sure and give them all the details.
  8. I updated my Evening Star to the new version 2.0. The Winter Lights package in the LH - Houseboats Content Creation Pack remains at 1.0. When I rez the Winter Lights #2 V1.0~LH - Houseboat - Evening Star 16 X 64 within 20m of my houseboat, the following message appears in chat. Consequently, the lights do not automatically position, however, this can be done manually.
  9. What you are doing is research on Second Life, which is not the Metaverse. Second life is a 20 year old walled-garden sandbox game that uses game tokens and has an internal economy. If SL were the Metaverse, Zuckerberg could have just bought us (for a lot less than 10 billion US).
  10. You must wear a hud which shows what you will get if you pay the vendor.
  11. What Jessica said. LindenHomes are not mainland. Only the owner can change the music stream.
  12. I think the "world" would not be the planet earth of the 21st century as we have an existence proof that the Second Life of today draws in a tiny percentage of the human population. An accurate summary of SL would be a "sandbox game with high barriers to entry". That said, I believe Second Life is very useful for learning the problems one must solve in constructing a successful virtual world (whatever that is). Meta is also useful in this regard in that it illustrates some apparent dead ends.
  13. My favorite site for color selection is https://www.colorhexa.com Search for colors, see variations on colors and other colors that complement, get the hexcodes and rgb values
  14. I feel your pain. It is reasonable to expect a 512 Linden Home. But the plan does not state that a Linden Home is included. LL should have put this sentence in the plan description at the beginning where you can’t miss it... LINDEN HOME NOT INCLUDED. Hope you bought a monthly so your loss is minimized. Land ownership in second life is complicated so look carefully before you leap again. The blog that Nika references above is excellent (Plus is a bad deal).
  15. If you have an RGB and want your v4 traditional wall to be that exact color, you first need to skin the wall with "blank texture" prims (or blank texture mesh), as the v4 traditional texture will make everything look darker.
  16. Ice Grey Explained So, it you color your "new trad" walls White (I am using LH - Traditional - Adams v4.0 vAAl1) and then texture a prim with "LH - Traditional - Interior - ice grey" and put it next to a wall for comparison, you will see that it is a very close match in luminosity. As noted above, the wall texture is different. In other words, new wall texture + White = old ice grey I tried the RGB for ice grey on the new wall texture and it came out much darker than ice grey on the old texture. New Open Plans I am going back to the original Adams as it had an open floor plan to begin with. The Ansel makes it too open for me and eliminates wall space that I like. One benefit is that in the revised Adams, you can make the 3 rooms different colors (not possible in the Ansel). I looked at the other 3 open plans and they seem reasonable. Also, I appreciate the reference to the photographer Ansel Adams in the naming of this Linden Home.
  17. I replaced my Adams with an Ansel, all interior walls gone. So far, so good. Then I used My Colors to give my walls custom colors. However, regardless of the wall I pick, ALL on the interior walls are given that color. My expectation is that it would work the same as the stilts, that is, the walls of each room can be given a different color.
  18. If you own a parcel on mainland, the region has a limit for avatars, which varies. The region I live in has a limit of 44.
  19. My Name Is Not Mikey But I Like It At least the tier reduction part. I am not a land baron (more the opposite as all my parcels are open to the public) and I have more than 1/8 region so I benefit from tier reduction, YaY! I do think Plus! would be improved if it came with an 512 Linden Home option.
  20. Winners and Losers IMHO The big winners in this new pricing are people like me... those who own more than 1/8 region (and perhaps use Premium Stacking to deal with the tier-packing problem). I am able to up my tier and get more sqm for approximately the same cost. The losers are likely new residents (or new to land ownership) who opt for the new Plus! but cannot have a 512 Linden Home, hence, they must deal with the learning curve of acquiring mainland. My opinion is that the WHOLE POINT of Bellisseria is to make it super easy (as in one-click shopping) to establish permanence in Second Life. It is unfortunate that Plus!ers can't setup in a Camper, Newbrooke, or Sakura home.
  21. Hope this new tier pricing kicks in immediately
  22. The topic of Linden Homes in the sky (not scifi specifically) got discussed here According to Abnor, it was deemed "not a good fit" long ago.
  23. Looky what got landscaped That rare Linden Home Unicorn called the Newbrooke Beach House. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPBeach Please/248/140/22
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