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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. my two cents... 1. For most of us, we should only do things in SL that bring us joy. You should be doing photography because you enjoy it. 2. There are only two people you need to please, yourself and your client, should you have one. 3. An image should stand on its own merits. How it was made or how long it took to make it is mostly irrelevant. 4. Edit, edit, and edit. NEVER exhibit anything that is not your best work. 5. Try not to care about arbitrary social media metrics. Never enter photo competitions. 6. Find current and historic photographers that resonate with you and study their work. For example, I found William Eggleston to be very influencing.
  2. I asked "Why did Grumpity change her avatar"? (hey, this is a legit question, enquiring minds want to know... I changed my avatar, head actually, last year simply to have access to more makeup, so there)
  3. Stockholm Syndrome? I am still waiting for an answer to the question "Can you recommend what residents can do to reduce lag?" which was promised at SL19B in front of TENS of avatars. I am confident the lack of a response after all these months is not Strawberry's fault, as she is absolutely delightful.
  4. Realize that a much of mainland and all of Bellisseria is connected to the Blake Sea. (Sansara remains mostly unconnected and there are pockets of isolation here and there.) Connected by protected water means you can make the journey by boat without interruption by orbs, banlines, or missing regions. My point is that if you do the CLPP thing, there may be many connection options. If you really want to be in the Blake Sea neighborhood, look for opportunities to become a tenant in an existing community.
  5. This topic is about First Generation Linden Homes. I started it because people seemed to want to talk about it in another place, but it was off-topic there. So we can talk about it here and be on topic. "Theme Water World" is a different topic. I agree with @Abnor Mole, you are describing Mainland. If you perceive Bellisseria to be less laggy, it is because it may have been designed in a way that reduces lag, sometimes, maybe, hard to say. If you turn Belli into mainland water world, would you not just get Mainland lag?
  6. Please refrain from making things personal or assume you understand the motivations of people. I do not dislike Fantasy Homes. I have an opinion that Linden Lab is not very good at planning sometimes. In the forum, it should be possible to discuss matters based on the facts as we know them. If my posts upset you, you don't have to read them.
  7. I believe that community in Second Life is based on common interest, not location. We are free to pursue any interest or activity in SL regardless of where we rez our things. My question is, why? The 14K+ V1 residents have not chosen to relocate to Bellisseria. If by this you mean that it is terrible to not have all themes available, I agree. Might we have all themes available if stockpiling Fantasy Homes for V1 residents was not a priority? I went to a region on each of the four V1 continents and found them all to be running Second Life Server 2023-01-20.577734, same as on my Mainland region.
  8. The first generation Linden Homes appeared in 2010 and consists of (in the ball park of) 1100 regions. A region may contain (in the ball park of) 40 to 50 512 sqm parcels. These regions are connected and isolated as four island continents which also may contain sandboxes and connected protected water. There are four pre-mesh home themes. The landscaping and road infrastructure is minimalist. When Bellisseria was released in 2019 April, first generation residents had the option of abandoning their current home and selecting a Bellisseria home, assuming they had they had sufficient tier available. This option remains today. As of 3/2/2023, the website-who-shall-not-be-named reports that 14,767 residents remain. @Patch Linden recently posted This strategery [sic] prompts a few questions. 1. Why will the plug be pulled on V1 Linden Homes? You have 14K+ residents paying for memberships and spread out over 1100 regions. That is (in the ball park of) 12 per region. What is the problem? 2. Why develop Bellisseria for any purpose other than to provide compelling homes for NEW residents or residents that might want to upgrade from the current 512/1024 paradigm? It would seem wise to NOT compromise Bellisseria development with first generation considerations. Why not let the first generation homes die a natural death? Today I observed that there are less than 50 avatars active across a V1 continent. Does this not suggest an opportunity to reduce server resources and turn V1 land into a cash cow, so long as it exists? UPDATE: Thanks to Nika for pointing out that 4 V1 continents exist, 1 due east of Jeogeot and 3 due south.
  9. I am flattered that @Abnor Mole's response to my 2048 Houseboat image was to suggest that it had been photoshopped rather than to denounce it as heresy. Thanks. (the image he posted to make this point is not appearing anymore, don't know why). In fact, the image was constructed by derendering a houseboat and divider dock and placing boats (sat upon by alts) in the scene. Photoshop was used for the marina dock and touching up the border lines.
  10. What they said… however… To own land, you must maintain your Premium membership, so you continue to pay a recurring fee for that. If you fail to pay your membership fee, you forfeit your land. If you plan to revert to Basic membership, sell your land first.
  11. Veto'd 😜 Veto'd ya say? Hah! What's this then? Looks like a 2048 houseboat with a little marina action on the side.
  12. Vote For Diamond! If elected, I will plop down Linden Home regions with 10 or less 2048sqm parcels in the Victorian, Stilt, and Houseboat themes. Same size houses, bigger parcels, more prims, bragging rights.
  13. You have the good problem, which is raising your land when terraforming does not work. This is solved by adding prims/mesh to create new terrain at the desired elevation. The bad problem is when you can’t lower your land, for example, to create a harbor.
  14. Once you purchase 512sqm of mainland, there are no additional fees other than that required to maintain your Plus membership. This is because Plus gives you a 512 tier for no additional cost.
  15. It is obvious that residents have preferences concerning Linden Homes. It is reasonable that Linden Lab is stockpiling Linden Homes in anticipation of migrating 14,000+ first generation Linden Homes to Bellisseria. This begs the question, why not stockpile more of the popular homes and less of the unpopular homes?
  16. Premium Plus members have 2048 sqm of tier included in the plan. The two main ways of using this are 1. purchase one or more mainland parcels that do not exceed 2048 sqm when combined 2. select a 512 or 1024 sqm Linden Home at no additional cost, then use the remaining tier to purchase mainland Note that in the future Premium Plus residents will be able select a 2048 Linden Home. We all waiting for that. Note that you can increase the size of your tier used to purchase mainland by 10 percent if you use groups. I will leave it to others to provide the best links to pages that describe the details of how to do this stuff. Update: Oops! I forgot that there is a thing just called "Plus" so I answered as if the question was "Premium Plus", sorry. See Qie's post below. Plus does NOT come with any free land (just 512sqm tier). You must PAY for any mainland purchased. Plus was announced in a blog entry on November 17, 2022.
  17. Local textures are great. Note that you will be able to see your local texture only as long as your viewer session persists. When you relog it goes away, however, you can always reapply it.
  18. Working for me but also noticed the website has changed. Had to click on the "all other stores" link to see my past purchases.
  19. Yes, I am only considering the cost of a Linden homes and tier. And you are absolutely correct that some will not mind the PP expense because it is being offset by additional perks, either directly (via uploads, homestead option) or indirectly (home choice, more groups,conceirge). I feel it is always useful to have all the INFO about costs so one can make an informed decision. For example, the break even point for free uploads is around 808 per year or 15.5 per week. ((120.64-39.80)*10)
  20. In order to compare annual cost of premium vs premium plus, it is important to make two assumptions . First, you have the upfront cash. Second, the stipend can be converted back into dollars that you own. (Dollars are fungible. Doesn't matter where they come from.) What you do with the stipend is irrelevant to the annual comparison of plan costs. If you don't have the cash up front, your options are to pay for the more expensive monthly plan or to borrow the cash elsewhere (which may be cheaper than going monthly).
  21. In order to compare apples to apples, I compare the yearly cost minus the stipend. Premium is $39.80 and 3x39.80 < 120.64. (ratio is 3.03) Premium Stipend 300L x 52 weeks = 15,600L = $59.20 Cost net stipend $99/year - $59.20 = $39.80 Premium Plus Stipend 650L x 52 weeks = 33,800L = $128.36 Cost net stipend $249/year - $128.36 = $120.64 Based on exchange rate and fees on 2/21/2023 Exactly!
  22. Exactly. I thought PP was DOA since on an annual basis you could buy 3 premiums for less than 1 PP. I was wrong. Some people dont care what things cost and/or value the perks. I have no use for the perks. Also, if you intend to be here for a year but don’t have the cash flow, you may be better off paying credit card interest compared to the huge premium you pay for monthly. Always do the math. LL needs a real Premium Plus and this will happen only when it includes something of OBVIOUS value to all, such as a 2048 parcel with a compelling new theme.
  23. My point is that a competent griefer attack necessarily requires governance intervention to terminate it, regardless of the size of the rez zone where it is spawned.
  24. The anti-griefer response would be the same regardless of how much of the road is rezzable. Autoreturn would always clean things up. If object entry is off then griefer prims could not cross a road but could propagate along it until they hit a parcel/region border. Note that it is ok to leave object entry off because a vehicle that is sat upon ignores that setting.
  25. Good question. Funny thing... when I got my first mainland parcel in 2009 I had a small rez zone for boats because, that's what everyone else did. Eventually I enlarged it to include the entire beach because... why not?
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