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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Thank you! What we have all observed, from day 1 in Bellisseria, is that residents have figured out how to party on protected land or water on their own. We also know that DJs are being tipped directly and always have been. My suggestion is simply that the sky will not fall if tip jars are allowed. Also, in the scheme of things, the tipjar thing is almost irrelevant.
  2. In the post by Derrick Linden that I linked above, he clarifies by saying.... Key word is simultaneously. If the stilts in Beach Daze are not available on the Linden Home selection page, then they are also NOT available to Premium Plus members.
  3. Please refer to this post by Derrick Linden https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/486501-premium-plus-and-linden-homes/?do=findComment&comment=2492139 In summary, I asked if there is ever a period of time when a Premium Plus member could file a ticket on an unclaimed home that was not yet in the queue of homes that could be assigned via the Linden Homes selection page. His answer was NO. Currently (6:30pm SLT Sep 7,2022), the Beach Daze region is no longer is prefixed by SSP. The stilt homes have blue bumpers around them. There are no stilts available on the Linden Homes selection page. Consequently, the homes in Beach Daze are not available to claim via ticket even though the SSP has been removed. Note that Derrick's answer of NO is possibly contradicted by his later statement that removing the SSP means the region is released. He should have said "about to be released". Note also that the Premium Plus FAQ says " Premium Plus members can request a specific Linden Home, as long as the home is not occupied, the region is released". It does not say that a pool of homes is set aside that can only be acquired by Premium Plus members via request.
  4. There is another type of club that, for lack of a better term, I would call "community based" that might last longer than the traditional club you are asking about. For example, the Leeward Cruising Club (established 2009) is still hosting twice weekly DJed dance parties. The key is that there is no one club location, rather each gathering is at a location provided by one of the (over 2000) members and follows a community activity (e.g. sailing). No one person is responsible for club expenses and organizers can take breaks when necessary.
  5. This begs the question "Why?", particularly if you have a DJed party in mind. Community Centers, while scenic, are sub-optimal for DJed parties because tip jars are not allowed (don't ask why). Missy might facilitate rezzing and help you set a parcel music stream but she will not authorize a tip jar. The parties that I observe (and host) are on resident parcels where the parcel owner is in control. Also, I am not certain, but I would be surprised if an event in a Community Center is allowed to be private.
  6. First, you need to set the Linden Home group to your group. As Alwin says, deeding is not even possible as you don't actually own the home. The other avatars (or your alts) must be in your group and must have a role that includes the Parcel Powers/Allow 'Set Home to Here' on group land permission. The default Officer role includes this permission. I double checked about having to have the group active and found that it was not necessary. But you definitely need it active to rez. And what Abnor said 🙂
  7. The Arcade is a shopping event like any other, no more or less addictive. For many in SL, myself included, shopping is a primary activity. I believe that SL would not exist without shopping and is a key feature in virtual worlds. Arcade is fun because it has an "anything goes" feel, that is, you never know what you will find. Also you can resell an item (another activity YaY). As with all shopping, I only buy clothing if there is a demo or if I have purchased from the creator previously. Arcade is a good place for decor, like the lockbox below, now in my Sakura. Concerning creator participation, all spaces appear full. During the transition from the old gatchas to the new machines, this was not always the case.
  8. Linden Lab Official:Gacha policy is the relevant policy The key passage is Any transaction that satisfies this requirement is not gambling because there is nothing of value at risk, that is, there is no bet. It is worth noting that Linden Lab adopted this policy Gatchas and loot boxes are restricted by laws in various countries (e.g. Belgium, Netherlands, Japan) but not in the United States.
  9. 1. When you see people enjoying an activity in SL that you do not care for, simply decline to participate. Judgement not required. 2. Gambling requires putting something of value at risk (a bet), a game of chance (not skill), and a payout of something of value. 3. This topic should be locked.
  10. I really really hope this is still around.
  11. Is working for me. It's just two clicks, one to get the hud and a second to pair with a machine. If you don't like your choice you can relog as an alt and try again Sometimes the pair button is laggy
  12. The BBB deserves its own forum topic. Personally, I am indifferent as I have no interest in stamps, embassies, passports or bureauracy RP. I consider it a misappropriation of resources to allocate to them the Swordfish region, though much of it is water. The BBB issue for me is the lack of transparency. It is a private group. Who are they? Linden alts? I do think the Parade of Homes is a useful administrative service as it gives some guidance to people interested in Linden Homes. NatureCon was something I did two exhibits for, and as far as I know, was conceived and organized by two passionate residents. Moles did build some landscaping and docks but I assumed that was negotiated as part of renting the event regions. People did appear to enjoy it. I looked at traffic figures daily and the numbers were similar to numbers for resident exhibit regions at the Second Life Birthday celebration.
  13. Here is a survey of where Tenera station sits. It spans three parcels, all owned by Governor Linden or the LDPW.
  14. <speculation> I believe the epic robot sculpture will persist for several reasons. It is a railway station (Tenera Station). It is a wonderful example of pure prim building. Patch Linden is sentimental and has a fondness for Second Life history. Finally, as long as the railbed stays, what could go there that would be better? </speculation>
  15. Oh goodie!! SSPLeeward Channel is particularly wonderful as it has a view Diamond Islet, so named because it is the shape of a pear cut diamond. Also has a picky-nic basket.
  16. Not following what logistics has to do with this. Perhaps "practical" is a better word choice here. Skyboxes are a part of Second Life and are rented successfully on mainland. If the show runners at Linden Lab liked them, they would provide them. They evidently don't like them.
  17. More evidence that @Abnor Moleshould be running this joint Not surprised at all that a skybox Linden Home would violate some arbitrary rule created by someone with a "vision". An example of such a rule would be "Fantasseria can only be entered through a single entrance that has lightening and waves". In practice (setting aside the "vision"), Bellisseria appears (to me) to be successful because it lowers the barrier to entry for new residents who desire object permanence AND is good value compared to other options for land-owning. Having arbitrary rules that limit what a Linden Home can be seems counter-productive.
  18. Another reason houseboats may be popular is that, when occupied, the individual homes seem more unique than other themes due to all the boats and water toys rezzed around them. Ironically, the more effort the moles put into landscaping, the more repetitive the homes appear. To me, Fantasseria is a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Stilts are a nice balance as room was left for unique landscaping and docks.
  19. Mostly not. Water stilts have no land. Pier stilts have water and pier access but piers are designed to block vehicles (don't ask). Most land stilts are entirely on land and have no water. There are a few (rare and very hard to get) land stilts that have a little water that is rezzable.
  20. Houseboats and Stilts are the most popular likely due to the ability to rez on water (except for some Land Stilts). Victorians and Traditionals are also popular likely due to layouts and landscaping. Note that "popularity" may be hard to say because we don't have that kind of data available. This assessment is based on availability. Campers, Logs, Chalets, Fantasy, Newbrookes, and Sakura are typically always available. A large number of Houseboats have been built but not yet released.
  21. I really have not noticed inworld prices increases as the prices have always varied between creators for the same type of item. And the sales remain in the 50/60/75 Linden range. What concerns me more is the possibility of an across the board price increase for paid memberships. AWS has tended to lower their prices consistently since inception as IT equipment cost has benefitted from Moore's law. But these are weirdo times and those days maybe over or temporarily suspended.
  22. Would a skybox theme make sense as a Linden Home? I have observed that some residents ignore ground level and confine their activities to a skybox. Should LL consider formalizing this as a skybox theme? The idea would be to place skyboxes above 2000m and prohibit building below. There would be a number of skybox options in the house controller. This allows LL to create water regions without rezzing anything at ground level. Unlike ground-based Linden Homes, you could roll out this theme with very few regions and add more only if they were in demand.
  23. A good way to think about the 5 claims is to associate a 24-hour timer with each claim. Once you use it, you must wait 24-hours to use that claim again. When going for a theme that only occasionally pops up, such as a Vickie, it is inevitable that you will reacquire the home you have previously abandonned. A strategy to avoid this is to wait and observe. You will see it disappear and reappear as others acquire/abandon. Eventually it will go away for good (pick your time period to wait) and chances are the next Vickie will be new to you.
  24. Game of Homes rewards commitment and patience. If you desire a Victorian, commit to that. Leave your browser up and refresh. Have patience. When a Vickie pops up, grab it. It may take days but you will eventually prevail.
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