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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. The first home I owned in California was a a post-WW2 one-story 3br 2bath attached garage open-plan L-shaped <1500sf home with front and back yards and a nice patio. Would make an excellent Linden Home.
  2. It just occurred to me that SL doesn’t have rivers. Water does not flow or change altitude, excepting stream decor which is not navigable. Lindens favor the terms strait, sea and canal.
  3. We know the Moles are not allowed to make regions that don't pay for themselves with Linden Homes or something that adds real financial value to SL. If money is the issue, that is, recurring region server expense, I would derez the coastline of Fantasseria and reallocate the servers to the northern coast of the logs, giving residents a very nice water route from old Belli to the Stilts.
  4. On my navigational charts, I call them the Great River and the Border River.
  5. POSSIBLE BREAKING NEWS Sorry if this has already been posted, but I am noticing that the Border River between the Newbrookes and Chalets is NOW COMPLETE regionwise (though not built out). You can now SAIL from SSPWhatsUp Dock on the western shore to Pierless on the eastern shore. I am navigating it now just to confirm... COMPLETE, totally navigable in a Bandit 170 boat or slightly larger.
  6. Correct as usual, King Friday! Sailors love Belli for multiple reasons. If you have a home with rezzable water, you can leave a boat out (people love to display their dock candy). There are no orbs or banlines in protected water (and there is no need to enter a resident parcel). You can sail via protected water to any water regions connected to the Blake Sea (and Jeoget as well - basically any mainland except Sansara and Zindra). And the landscape varies alot, iMHO. Best thing... you can have a slice of this paradise for less than $1US/week (annual, net stipend).
  7. Exactly. This is a PROMOTION to encourage RFL donations and to advertise interior decorators. Note that RFL Kiosks are not even allowed in Bellisseria. So should RFL promotions be allowed here? The Lindens need to STOP playing favorites with respect to charities. If Brad and Randy want to donate to ACS, they should just write them a check,
  8. I did a makeover of both male and female alts over the holidays using the free LeLutka heads and the free Classic MeshBodies along with free stuff from Shoppy Hoppy and advent calendars. So I demonstrated to myself that it is possible to create a decent looking avatar for free (or very inexpensively). However, finding clothes that you like AND fit the free mesh body is very difficult. And harder for the female avatar due to more curves
  9. There is a convention that any parcel with a LCC or GTFO sky sign on the world map is open to the public and has a public rez zone. For example, http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Svan/226/218/21. Also anything that looks like an airport is generally open to the public. There are a large number of 20m connected protected water regions in Sansara, including the Sea of Fables and the East River. Unfortunately, these regions remain disconnected by water from Bellisseria and the rest of mainland. Perhaps "soon" we will have a connection from Bleaberry Tarn at the end of the East River to Omoo to the south (near the Bellisseria NW coast).
  10. May I say that the Teresa homes I have visited are lovely. I also am "stuck" in the 4 to 5 range (plus a bunch of mainland). My primary enjoyment (brain chemical?) from these homes comes from modding/decorating/landscaping. I find that if I keep redoing/updating/improving the properties I hold, it diminishes my desire to increase the number of homes or mainland parcels. Changing things for the holidays or seasons also helps.
  11. Just sayin…. ALL Bellisseria Houseboat and pier or water Stilt Linden Homes are directly connected to the Blake Sea via protected water. This costs a Premium member on an annual plan less than $1US per week (net stipend).
  12. If the original poster, who reports no affiliation or credentials, is in fact a naive amateur researcher rather than a rando stalker, I suggest that they educate themselves about sample bias.
  13. Some of us don't do the "landing thing" very well :)
  14. The Linden post said In the absence of any detail, we don't know what they are up to or if even if the "hubs" are inworld or on the web somewhere (this forum?). So let's just wait and see. On other off-topic matters... I find continent names to be unimportant and barely useful. As for "what is mainland", to me it is a large (100s or 1000s) contiguous set of regions that can be subdivided and purchased from Linden Lab or other residents, can be sold to other residents or abandoned, and has only the TOS and ratings to guide the Governance team. I do not consider Bellisseria to be mainland because the attributes I require do not apply there. I also do not consider "developer regions" to be mainland... where you purchase the right to pay rent to a developer and also are subject to a covenant. About "losing money on whatever", Linden Research and Tilia are private companies and do not share financials with the public. It is likely that only those at the top know the real story. I assume that the fact that Second Life is still operating means that it is not "losing money".
  15. Voila! This is my male alt Carson that I upgraded from a 2009 system body. Everything was free except for the TMP pants that I was lucky to even find. Head: LeLUTKA Quinn Head 3.1 Body: [BODY] Classic (m) (1.5) Skin/Shape: [avarosa] Quinn LeL EVO X (body shape customized by diamond) Hair/Hat: Vango. Nate Shirt: [EPIC] Shirt Male .TMP Pants: etham - Adam Chinos - TMP (L$99) Carson remains barefoot.
  16. This connector channel is actually navigable in boats up to the size of a Bandit 170, however, sometimes you have to find just the right spot under the center of a bridge. Sailboats with non-phantom masts will not pass bridges (unless you move them by editing).
  17. I was able to use some Maitreya clothing. Had to do alpha manually using the hud and adjust my bust size but got it to work. Pants are Blueberry - Aria - Stylized Pants - Blueberrybooty - Maitreya Top is Blueberry - December Gift - Laced Tops - Maitreya
  18. I found that if you go here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Meshbody/130/118/47 and turn around, you see a display that allows you to pick a gender and sit teleport to here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Meshbody/34/118/112 (for women) where you can get the free body (if you are wearing the correct group tag).
  19. I am thankful that SL is still operating. It’s a tiny business as as high tech business goes. seemingly not growing. If they keep expenses down by allowing support outages, that is ok with me.
  20. Whatever, back to your original posts, most S/L residents are not aware of what continent they are on, like many probably even within this forum as I suspect few realized how many continents there actually are besides me. And secondly, there is no way from the map that one can tell what continent they are on from it alone. For residents who travel about in vehicles, mainland+Bellisseria is EVERYTHING. It means thousands of contiguous regions that we can traverse. We KNOW when we are there. The best thing the Moles did in 2022 (for me) was connecting the protected waters of Bellisseria to Satori at Stromberg. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  21. The user interface experience of real time SL+Discord is not favorable for some. Also, some residents eschew* Discord along with certain other social media :: cough Facebook :: * @Scylla Rhiadra started it by saying "we can cavil reasonably about the priorities" lovely word, cavil
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