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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Happy Rez day! I signed up to hang out with a RL friend at a club that, of course, went out of business. Then I stayed for the shoes, which kept getting better.
  2. I am NOT debating the pros and cons of any particular policy. My issue is getting Linden Lab to just state what the CURRENT policy is. Just tell us what the rules are. What has been published so far appears to be out of date.
  3. yup, if you click the terrain on a parcel you get a pie menu with About Land
  4. I suggested going to support because I assumed that the OP owned the land group and I didnt understand how the OP could be locked out. If the OP is truly unable to enter the parcel, then the OP cannot even use the "About Land" tool, as that depends upon being on the parcel.
  5. It all hinges on what "is released" means. Derrick's post of 6 months ago clearly states that the "is released" means that release for both Premium Plus and Premium is "simultaneous". However, reports are that release for Premium Plus happens BEFORE release for Premium, that is, Premium Plus residents can cherry pick new homes before they are put into the queue for Premium. This is the point that I am asking @Derrick Linden to clarify.
  6. I believe you 100 percent. I am concerned about the policy changing in a very significant way without notification. Perhaps I just missed it. I am looking for an official statement of the policy they are currently using.
  7. I have revived this topic on the original thread. Let’s see if @Derrick Linden will enlighten us.
  8. It is now being claimed in another thread that prior to releasing a region of homes to the queue of homes allocated by the algorithm, Lindens accept requests from Premium Plus residents and pre-assign these homes. Days later, the region is released to everyone else but the choice homes are already taken. Is this true? If so, is this documented anywhere?
  9. This is absolutely not the process described by @Derrick Linden and quoted above. Is this really the new policy that will always happen? Where is this documented?
  10. If so, this is a change. Has a Linden said this in writing? @Derrick Linden please explain.
  11. We do not know but because an actual person has to process the request, it could be hours or days. The P+ selection process works best for themes that have high availability where the algorithm is not likely to assign the home you select. I was able to get a choice Stilt in Swashbuckle by noticing that it had just released and doing several acquire/abandon cycles. P+ would not have helped me.
  12. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/486501-premium-plus-and-linden-homes/?do=findComment&comment=2492139 Derrick Linden post on aug 8 2022 made it clear that they are not setting aside homes to be claimed by P+ residents.
  13. Would you not expect all the new coastal Vickie’s to be put in the queue and consumed by random selection the moment each region is released?
  14. On Community I believe that communities in Second Life are the same as subreddits, that is, a shared interest or topic. In a virtual world, a physical space may be associated but the community comes first. Community is not based on geographical locality, as it is in RL. This is why Bellisseria Community Centers are essentially ruins, that is, structures abandoned by their creators and now only visited by tourists. If I were trying to retain new residents, I would attempt to make existing communities visible to them.
  15. Would LAG be an example? At SL19B at a Meet the Lindens live session, I asked the Lindens to give us their best advice on what steps residents can take to minimize lag, given the current state of their technology. The answer was... "Great idea, we'll make a SL University video about that." That was June 2022. So far no video.
  16. It’s a TROLLEY so you don’t get that choice. You were asking about actual trains, n’est-ce pas?
  17. This is a fun thread Coffee, wtg. We don’t need no stinkin ratings.
  18. If you are on Mainland, region restarts happen every week or two by default. And you can always request one from support if there is there is a problem. No clue about private estates.
  19. We assume you really mean "access" rather than owning a parcel that is adjacent to a region that begins with "Blake Sea". Perhaps you want to be north of the continent of Satori but south of say "Ascalapha" and have direct access to protected water that connects to the Blake Sea regions. Question is, how far away are you willing to be? The least expensive option that meets the requirement of "direct access to protected water that connects" is a Linden Home that has water rezzing, such as houseboat or many of the stilts. The best location would be the new ones near the Newbrookes, close to the Stromberg region. The cost is less than $1US per week, based on an annual premium plan net stipend. From any Linden Home that has water rezzing, you can sail to the Blake Sea via protected water. If you require mainland, I suggest what Ian said.... keep looking at the world map. Renting is the least expensive option. Buying will require hundreds of dollars up front, if you are lucky.
  20. I am in the "something is up" camp because I cannot imagine that they intended to go this long without delivering the key feature of Premium Plus. Due to Linden Lab being a black box, we have no idea what's going on. We have a Victorian island in the works, new houseboat options, a new border waterway between chalets and newbrookes, and a new community center for the trads (for pete's sake). Was all that stuff higher priority than something that people have been waiting (and paying) for?
  21. Firestorm lets you run multiple logins on the same computer, so I assume other viewers do as well. I have had like 3 or 4 online simultaneously on the same laptop (for testing poipoises....). Lowering the dd and graphics setting of each alt will help. Unless you have really slow old timey internet, network should not be a problem,
  22. I think you are doing great so far. I looked at your flickr and your avatar and surroundings have been first rate since your rez day. One of my favorite things to do is look at other people's stuff, edit it to find out the creator, then look at the picks in the creator's profile to see where it came from. It might be fun to pick a place on the World Map that has beaches (they are everywhere), go there and see what others have done. Even if they have and orb you can cam in and edit their beach chairs. Also, use Seraphim to keep up with new stuff. Low LI (say the difference between 6LI and 2LI for a lounger) is not so important for beach furniture, in my opinion, unless you have alot of it. I suggest finding something reasonable that you really like. My beach furniture comes from places like Apple Fall, Trompe Loeil, peaches, Duvet Day, Shutter Field, Serenity Style, and HeadHunter's Island.
  23. One method I use to avoid orbs and banlines is to fly over protected water when that is available. As stated above, anything goes on mainland. You can fly over general banlines (I suggest 100m above ground level) but you can't beat individual banlines or some security orbs Also, you cannot pass a region that is at it's avatar limit. In the Skyward Flying Club, we typically make charts that give you a path that is known to be safe (but not guaranteed). It is not a coincidence that most of our airports are adjacent to protected water. In Bellisseria, assuming everyone follows covenant, in theory you should be safe from all hazards between 400m and 2000m, except for individual banlines and avatar-full regions. In practice, you might encounter illegal orbs, which should be reported (AR). Personally, I fly at lower altitudes so I usually stay over water, even in Bellisseria. If you do hit a legal orb, you have 15 seconds to pass over the parcel which is no problem unless you are in a really really slow moving balloon. It is not likely that mainland policies will change in Second Life as we know it. Our best option is to lobby for increased protected water connectivity so that residents may travel about freely in vehicles without having a really bad day.
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