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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. I would estimate that it goes thru at least 60 sims and is around 15 km. I ride the AF2300 in 4th gear and have done it twice in less than an hour. The midsection has some long runs that go quickly. You certainly could do it in sections if you can find a place to rez a vehicle or ride a wearable vehicle. The nav hud is separate from your vehicle, so you can use any vehicle you like or even walk. The hud just sets a beacon at the next waypoint and tells you which way to turn (left, right, or exit traffic circle). In the future I will do some shorter tours that start at different places. Enjoy the ride!
  2. Bellesseria appears to be made for cycling. The moles did a fantastic job creating an extensive network of roads along with diverse terrain and landscaping. Plus there is ample open space if you just like to ride free form. To get things started, I have created a bike tour that circles the existing connected land (as of May 20, 2019). The "Bellesseria Big Loop Bike Tour" chart shows where it goes but you really need a nav HUD, so I have provided one. Everything you need is at the Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/201/138/25 , including a guest bicycle. Have Fun!
  3. Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/198/138/25
  4. Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/198/138/25
  5. The Beckridge Gallery is now open to the public. The "Behind the Neon" exhibition by diamond Marchant shows photographs from The Neon Museum Las Vegas. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/197/137/25
  6. I recently had the same problem of not being able to see something I had rezzed. I had just put the Kokua viewer on an old laptop with Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M graphics. The invisible object was some Lilith Heart landscaping, Harmony Wild Loosestrife - SHORT - Purple - 20m circle - V2 2. I checked Preferences/Graphics and found this checkbox... Geometry Overload Protection. So I unchecked the box and, voila, there were my pretty flowers.
  7. Just to confirm again what everybody already knows... sim crossings in Second Life are so bad at present that it seems impossible to do things like sailing. I sail alot, both cruising and racing, but for the last few months, I have just about given up. Being a racer, I use all known techniques to maximize the chance of not crashing... but they appear to no longer be effective. I usually crash a few minutes after starting. I tried riding a motorcycle the other day with equally bad results. As recently as a year ago, I could sail for an hour or two, just about anywhere, with few problems. SecondLife is definitely going downhill, as far as reliability is concerned. diamond
  8. As one who once sailed regularly but hasn't sailed much since March, I would say that SL's lack of "technology" support for sailing reflects economics. There are not that many people who depended upon getting from A to B in a sailboat (racing or organized crusing) compared to the total number of people on the grid. Also, these people are not paying for it directly, that is, they sail in either Linden sims or those paid for by others. So I am not holding my breath waiting for LL to help sailing one bit. The irony of this is that if LL could solve the sailing problem (sim crossing crashes, lag), it would make the platform much more suitable for the masses. My prediction is that some other company will solve this problem and that is where we will be sailing.
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