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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Actually not. Lindens are controlled by a central authority. Lindens are a "gaming token".
  2. No clarification on this topic. Patch and Grumpity offered that the "status quo" is being maintained, that is, operationally the relationship between Linden Lab and Tilia has not changed. Grumpity did actually say the word "scary" at one point. Patch insists that ownership of Tilia has not changed, which I interpret as meaning that Waterfield owned Tilia both before and after the JP Morgan investment. They did have much to say about other topics such as upcoming pricing changes. Details yet to be released but it seems like lower price land owning options may be coming. Strawberry pressed the question of data security. Grumpity said that our data is "secure" but then starting saying stuff about lawyers needing to make statements.
  3. Maybe it is because your SLURL is a location over 3500 meters from your candy bucket. Btw I didn’t do it. Love the candy corn wallpaper.
  4. Linden Lab is under no obligation to publicly disclose an executive search. Also the About and Jobs pages appear to me as unchanged for months.
  5. My understanding (please correct if I got it wrong) is that Brad is the idea guy and Randy (of the Waterfield Group) is the money guy. If Forbes correctly described the transaction as a "spin off", it means that the Waterfield Group, in their capacity as a Private Equity company, is now the owner of Tilia. Brad has been previously called an "executive chairman" and Linden Lab has been self described as being run by 4 people in an "office of something". Brad has other businesses to tend to, hence this weirdo organization. They may simply be trying to be less weird by calling Brad an acting CEO while they search for someone to take the job full time. Good luck with that. Hopefully, Patch and Grumpity will clarify this during Friday's Lab Gab but my bets are that they will try to distract us with other things, like Trick or Treating. Patch and Grumpity are just employees of Linden Lab and may not be apprised of everything going down.
  6. Relaxing after a day of being witchy n stuf
  7. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ixifKwScHlxQxfWI2kdT6ZC-4nStZS85tTcGlPPN1Kg/edit#gid=0 a place to post your Candy Bucket location btw, my BucketOmeterβ„’ Next Gen Stats Powered by AWS show that currently the trick-or-treaters are far outnumbered by the bucket-hosters.... currently there is an 88% chance that if you collect all the candy on the spreadsheet you will win at least one Linden Bear! (in addition to the Witchy Participation Bear, which is the best one)
  8. Worse case, we are a pimple on a fly's butt. Translated... there are not many of us, multiple orders of magnitude smaller than a successful social media platform. Not an issue (at the moment).
  9. Looky! Lab Gab Streams this Friday at 10am PT with Grumpity and Patch! Patch and Grumpity are gonna say some stuff on Friday 10/21 at 10am on the Youber Tuber! Maybe they will talk us down. At present, I do not feel good about this spin off thing. Couple of things from working in the SillyCon Valley for so long... when a company is about to turn off the lights, the employees are not informed ahead of time... companies that are around for decades can fail when a paradigm shift occurs and they fail to reinvent themselves (been there, done that)... companies that show flat or negative growth eventually fail... combining two losers usually makes one bigger loser... splitting a big loser usually makes two smaller losers... tech companies need innovation to prosper... insert a nickle for more cliches* I suspect we will know within 30 seconds if Patch and Grumpity are freaked out. * investors are ALWAYS looking for an exit strategy
  10. Forbes said "Linden Lab announced the spin off of its proprietary finance engine Tilia this morning. " No details given. By definition a spin off is "When a company creates a new independent company by selling or distributing new shares of its existing business, this is called a spinoff. A spinoff is a type of divestiture. A company creates a spinoff expecting that it will be worth more as an independent entity. A spinoff is also known as a spinout or starburst." What is weird is that the Second Life blog is mum on the spinoff. They do not mention it.
  11. Remember how Linden Lab had that office of whatever thing instead of a CEO (grumpity, patch, and two others). Now that Brad is acting CEO, has that gone the way of Ruth bodies?
  12. Again, the transaction was to spin off Tilia from Linden Research. Linden Lab is now merely a customer of a financial services company, just as they are a customer of AWS. If anything, this positions Linden Lab for sale.
  13. This appeared in Featured News on Tuesday morning (10/18/22) - Tilia Secures Strategic Investment from J.P. Morgan No mention here of spinning anything off. However, according to Forbes , Linden Research has "spun out" Tilia. Tilia is now owned by the Waterfield Group and JP Morgan (minority interest). JP Morgan will " increase payout methods and expand the number of pay-out currencies" for Tilia. Forbes describes Brad Oberwager as the acting CEO of Linden Lab. What does this mean for Second Life? Don't know, haven't seen any analysis by pundits. Speculating, it seems that Linden Lab must now stand on its own, independent of Tilia, which evidently required new investment to continue. It may be that Waterfield wants to keep the financial services business but sell off the metaversey parts. This restructuring positions them for shopping Linden Lab. Fasten your seat belts, this may be a bumpy ride.
  14. For those Belli residents who wish to share their Candy Bucket locations, please post in this Google Docs public spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ixifKwScHlxQxfWI2kdT6ZC-4nStZS85tTcGlPPN1Kg/edit#gid=0 For those residents who do NOT wish to share their locations, here is a sign you might post near your Candy Bucket https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Please-Do-Not-Share-This-Candy-Bucket-Location/24092315
  15. 1. This topic should be in the land section. 2. I am confident that the OP author understands the difference between Linden protected water and private parcels. 3. Encroachment on protected water remains an issue as of October 17, 2022. From personal experience, I can vouch that Governance sometimes addresses encroachment issues but not always. 4. While in protected water, if you encounter a spam dialog, an orb dialog (even if it can't eject you), or "offsim" objects (that are really on protected water) that appear to claim protected water as private (such as cliffs protecting a beach).... PLEASE AR it! 5. Dialogs are a nuisance to people in vehicles because your keyboard focus can go to the dialog box and you can lose control of your vehicle.
  16. I have made a free sign for those Candy Bucket owners that do NOT want others to share their Candy Bucket location. You can get it here https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Please-Do-Not-Share-This-Candy-Bucket-Location/24092315 The sign is full perm and a copy can be taken by others.
  17. A Modest Proposal It would be nice if... Only Candy Bucket owners broadcast the location of their Candy Bucket as Bodicea did above. By "broadcast" I mean reveal a location inworld or in social media. My reasoning is... Such a broadcast, while not against any rules that I am aware of, appropriates control of owner information to others. Is it not preferable to let owners decide if and when to share their info? I believe this proposal is in the spirit of the event. The rules make no mention of sharing the Candy Bucket location info of others. Nor do they exclude location sharing, as this would be impossible to enforce.
  18. Close but smaller and no clock. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chippewa Junction/101/221/64
  19. Ths background image suggests Back to the Future but it is not very accurate. In the movie, the name of the town was Hill Valley, the aspect ratio of the steps and column was portrait rather than landscape, and there were cat statues on either side of the clock. Also, no sign on the left side. Kudos for the rust colored vest but the shirt color is wrong.
  20. Thank you for the heads up as I rarely even look at premium gifts. I collect creepy dolls so I got a few keepers, albeit at 4, 5, and 9 LI.
  21. To really hide, you need to take the dot off the world map AND the mini-map, and the text listing given by the People tool, and disable llSensor (and maybe more things I don't know about). Flyers and sailors depend on these dots to avoid collisions, seriously. Also the dots on the minimap help us identify griefers. Lindens already spend their time working on projects that seem (to me) unnecessary and frivolous (cough trick or treat). Big NO on this one.
  22. Rules come on the notecard that is delivered when you rez the Candy Bucket. You need to have 4LI available for the bucket. Also, the Candy Bucket needs to be in plain sight (I suppose at ground level and not in a skybox.) Trick or treaters must get within 5 (FIVE) meters of a bucket to collect. Security orbs are not prohibited but would be annoying. Trick or treaters are instructed to "Go all around the neighborhoods in Bellisseria and find residents' homes where they are hosting a Candy Bucket", however, this is generally interpreted to mean "get a notecard that lists the SLURLs of Candy Buckets and teleport directly". Rules notecard follows...
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