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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Tis true, sort of. As Second Life is hosted on AWS, we can assume that they have some flexibility in binding server power to particular regions. One can imagine that some sort of load balancing is going on where a region with no avatars is down-powered and a corresponding up-power occurs when the load increases. But the grid as a whole likely has a limit based on cost. Moles (and one in particular) have often mentioned that region deployment is limited by a budget. Hence, some of us wonder why they make the decisions they do. As of today, 44 fantasy home coastal regions appear to be unreleased. Approximately 30 regions would be required to complete the northern coast of the log homes, from Snert to Really Wet. Many people would actually use those regions.
  2. As I recall, Patch flat out stated that the fantasy home continent would only have the one entrance. There are several places on the west coast that could provide additional connectivity with the addition of one region. About rezzing, for people into vehicles such as boats or planes, the whole idea of home ownership involves the idea of having your vehicle permanently rezzed inworld. One need pay LL nothing to simply rez in a public rez zone and have your vehicle disappear when you unsit.
  3. In the absence of data, I have no evidence on why the Fantasy Homes appear to be less appealing. So I will offer thoughts based on my experience only. 1. I have never seen Linden Lab ask for input on Bellisseria themes. Residents chime in after the theme is built. 2. The fantasy homes feel (to me) like a personal favorite of someone within Linden Lab. 3. They obviously built too many. 4. As we know from the website-who-must-not-be-named, the themes that are most appealing are those with rezzable water on parcel. It seems ridiculous that waterways crisscross the subcontinent yet there is no rezzable water on parcel, hence no permanent boats in the water. Combined with fact that the entire subcontinent is a cul-de-sac, having only one entrance (with obstacles), those interested in boating (both dock candy owners and serious sailors) will go elsewhere. The lesson I learned is that great landscaping is nice but not sufficient to make up for other deficiencies (mentioned in prior posts). The community center is very nice but, as we know, you do not have to live there to use it. It saddens me that all those beautiful coastal waterway edge sims appear to have little use. Few are even occupied.That resource could have used elsewhere to benefit many.
  4. I have never been in Coffee's situation... two puters side by side. In my case, if someone typed and I did not see it, how would I know they even typed? Dunno about regions that are not active. Chat ranges extend across region boundaries for active regions. Some of my scripts depend on this. About chat being out of order, this is absolutely possible. In fact, scripters should never assume that they receive chat messages in the order they are sent. The situation of two puters on the same network chatting on Second Life is topologically the same as any two puters anywhere in the world in that they both go through a chat server. I speculate that you were experiencing extreme lag or message loss, both of which I have experienced on numerous occasions.
  5. People can find your listings by simply looking at the World Map and checking the Land Sale checkbox. BTW, it's a good idea to turn off orbs and such so that possible buyers don't get booted. Same for teleport routing that puts you in a skybox.
  6. Perhaps if you gave more info on what type of business you want to start, you might get some advice.
  7. Any specific types of beaches where this is happening? Public beaches where strangers mingle? High-priced real estate? Bellisseria?
  8. Does anyone have a magic decoder ring (map actually) that shows the Belli regions corresponding to the names on the summary page?
  9. Happy Rez day! I signed up to hang out with a RL friend at a club that, of course, went out of business. Then I stayed for the shoes, which kept getting better.
  10. I am NOT debating the pros and cons of any particular policy. My issue is getting Linden Lab to just state what the CURRENT policy is. Just tell us what the rules are. What has been published so far appears to be out of date.
  11. yup, if you click the terrain on a parcel you get a pie menu with About Land
  12. I suggested going to support because I assumed that the OP owned the land group and I didnt understand how the OP could be locked out. If the OP is truly unable to enter the parcel, then the OP cannot even use the "About Land" tool, as that depends upon being on the parcel.
  13. It all hinges on what "is released" means. Derrick's post of 6 months ago clearly states that the "is released" means that release for both Premium Plus and Premium is "simultaneous". However, reports are that release for Premium Plus happens BEFORE release for Premium, that is, Premium Plus residents can cherry pick new homes before they are put into the queue for Premium. This is the point that I am asking @Derrick Linden to clarify.
  14. I believe you 100 percent. I am concerned about the policy changing in a very significant way without notification. Perhaps I just missed it. I am looking for an official statement of the policy they are currently using.
  15. I have revived this topic on the original thread. Let’s see if @Derrick Linden will enlighten us.
  16. It is now being claimed in another thread that prior to releasing a region of homes to the queue of homes allocated by the algorithm, Lindens accept requests from Premium Plus residents and pre-assign these homes. Days later, the region is released to everyone else but the choice homes are already taken. Is this true? If so, is this documented anywhere?
  17. This is absolutely not the process described by @Derrick Linden and quoted above. Is this really the new policy that will always happen? Where is this documented?
  18. If so, this is a change. Has a Linden said this in writing? @Derrick Linden please explain.
  19. We do not know but because an actual person has to process the request, it could be hours or days. The P+ selection process works best for themes that have high availability where the algorithm is not likely to assign the home you select. I was able to get a choice Stilt in Swashbuckle by noticing that it had just released and doing several acquire/abandon cycles. P+ would not have helped me.
  20. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/486501-premium-plus-and-linden-homes/?do=findComment&comment=2492139 Derrick Linden post on aug 8 2022 made it clear that they are not setting aside homes to be claimed by P+ residents.
  21. Would you not expect all the new coastal Vickie’s to be put in the queue and consumed by random selection the moment each region is released?
  22. On Community I believe that communities in Second Life are the same as subreddits, that is, a shared interest or topic. In a virtual world, a physical space may be associated but the community comes first. Community is not based on geographical locality, as it is in RL. This is why Bellisseria Community Centers are essentially ruins, that is, structures abandoned by their creators and now only visited by tourists. If I were trying to retain new residents, I would attempt to make existing communities visible to them.
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