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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Would LAG be an example? At SL19B at a Meet the Lindens live session, I asked the Lindens to give us their best advice on what steps residents can take to minimize lag, given the current state of their technology. The answer was... "Great idea, we'll make a SL University video about that." That was June 2022. So far no video.
  2. It’s a TROLLEY so you don’t get that choice. You were asking about actual trains, n’est-ce pas?
  3. This is a fun thread Coffee, wtg. We don’t need no stinkin ratings.
  4. If you are on Mainland, region restarts happen every week or two by default. And you can always request one from support if there is there is a problem. No clue about private estates.
  5. We assume you really mean "access" rather than owning a parcel that is adjacent to a region that begins with "Blake Sea". Perhaps you want to be north of the continent of Satori but south of say "Ascalapha" and have direct access to protected water that connects to the Blake Sea regions. Question is, how far away are you willing to be? The least expensive option that meets the requirement of "direct access to protected water that connects" is a Linden Home that has water rezzing, such as houseboat or many of the stilts. The best location would be the new ones near the Newbrookes, close to the Stromberg region. The cost is less than $1US per week, based on an annual premium plan net stipend. From any Linden Home that has water rezzing, you can sail to the Blake Sea via protected water. If you require mainland, I suggest what Ian said.... keep looking at the world map. Renting is the least expensive option. Buying will require hundreds of dollars up front, if you are lucky.
  6. I am in the "something is up" camp because I cannot imagine that they intended to go this long without delivering the key feature of Premium Plus. Due to Linden Lab being a black box, we have no idea what's going on. We have a Victorian island in the works, new houseboat options, a new border waterway between chalets and newbrookes, and a new community center for the trads (for pete's sake). Was all that stuff higher priority than something that people have been waiting (and paying) for?
  7. Firestorm lets you run multiple logins on the same computer, so I assume other viewers do as well. I have had like 3 or 4 online simultaneously on the same laptop (for testing poipoises....). Lowering the dd and graphics setting of each alt will help. Unless you have really slow old timey internet, network should not be a problem,
  8. I think you are doing great so far. I looked at your flickr and your avatar and surroundings have been first rate since your rez day. One of my favorite things to do is look at other people's stuff, edit it to find out the creator, then look at the picks in the creator's profile to see where it came from. It might be fun to pick a place on the World Map that has beaches (they are everywhere), go there and see what others have done. Even if they have and orb you can cam in and edit their beach chairs. Also, use Seraphim to keep up with new stuff. Low LI (say the difference between 6LI and 2LI for a lounger) is not so important for beach furniture, in my opinion, unless you have alot of it. I suggest finding something reasonable that you really like. My beach furniture comes from places like Apple Fall, Trompe Loeil, peaches, Duvet Day, Shutter Field, Serenity Style, and HeadHunter's Island.
  9. One method I use to avoid orbs and banlines is to fly over protected water when that is available. As stated above, anything goes on mainland. You can fly over general banlines (I suggest 100m above ground level) but you can't beat individual banlines or some security orbs Also, you cannot pass a region that is at it's avatar limit. In the Skyward Flying Club, we typically make charts that give you a path that is known to be safe (but not guaranteed). It is not a coincidence that most of our airports are adjacent to protected water. In Bellisseria, assuming everyone follows covenant, in theory you should be safe from all hazards between 400m and 2000m, except for individual banlines and avatar-full regions. In practice, you might encounter illegal orbs, which should be reported (AR). Personally, I fly at lower altitudes so I usually stay over water, even in Bellisseria. If you do hit a legal orb, you have 15 seconds to pass over the parcel which is no problem unless you are in a really really slow moving balloon. It is not likely that mainland policies will change in Second Life as we know it. Our best option is to lobby for increased protected water connectivity so that residents may travel about freely in vehicles without having a really bad day.
  10. Surplus motors has a very nice small convertible car here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lupine/153/28/53 and they also have a version for Dinkies and Tinies. For casual women's clothing Blueberry has a 300L store credit here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sugarplum/103/176/53 which works for the things for sale at the booth. This free hair (fatpack) comes from Sintiklia http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hollyhock/175/82/53 and the lipstick is from Pumec - get the free 300L gift card then go to the Pumec mainstore and buy makeup.
  11. If you are paying monthly, you might downgrade to regular Premium until the 2048 Linden Homes are released. Then upgrade back up to Premium Plus if you decide you like them. If you are happy with your current 1024 sqm tier and you do not use the additional Premium Plus perks, this would make sense financially. Note that the 1024sqm tier included with Premium can be used for either a Linden Home (no addtional purchase required) or any 1024sqm parcel on mainland (which also requires an initial purchase). One difference between a Linden Home and rolling your own on 1024sqm of mainland is the LI (land impact) allocation. In a Linden Home you get 351 LI to use just for the things you rez. The actual house and any Linden landscaping does not count against the 351. But if you roll your own on mainland, the land starts out empty and everything you rez counts against the 351. When the 2048sqm Linden Home parcels are released, the LI is expected to be 702. For those that want the convenience of a Linden Home but desire privacy for a sex bed, you just put a skybox above 2000m, set your privacy setting so that people cannot see your avatar, and use the included Linden Home security system to prevent people from visiting your skybox for more than 15 seconds. Note that people off your parcel can cam in and see your stuff, but that is also the case on mainland. You can also block individuals so they cannot enter your parcel at all.
  12. I have observed this issue in months past. For example, I hosted a party on a Tuesday and expected to see high traffic reported on Wednesday but did not. A few days later I saw unexpected high traffic. It's as if the data is collected but not reported in the expected time window.
  13. Adventure was my first computer game experience. It might be fun to have a mostly text-based Adventure-like game in the Fantasy Homes regions. That phrase and it's variants are stuck in my head,
  14. I said This comment was intended as irony. While beautiful, the Fantasy Homes coast is a loop that goes nowhere and connects to nothing except the northern entrance. And Fantasy Home residents are not able to rez a boat in water on their parcels. Many (including me) have wished that Linden Lab finish the northern log coast. Perhaps that will happen someday along with the other projects. You are correct Teresa in that I was not blaming.
  15. I am not a hater. Given that residents have zero input (as far as I know) into Linden Homes prior to release, it is reasonable that we be allowed to comment on the short comings after the fact so that future endeavours might not repeat the same errors. This should be a positive thing... it's called feedback. No one expects that any regions will be picked up... that comment was an attempt at irony. However, a certain mole has repeatedly said that a region must be justified financially. Given the lack of occupancy in the Lost Lands, it is reasonable to question if such a large expense is justified.
  16. What they said 🙂 Bottom line, whenever one modifies anything made by someone else, an understanding of the fundamentals of how things are constructed in SL and the permission system is useful. As vehicles are scripted, numerous issues may arise when things are changed. It is always a good idea to read the notecard that came with the vehicle to see if the creator gives you any help concerning modifications. Many do, at least for retexturing. Some vehicles are actually designed in a way that facilitates adding child prims to a linkset.
  17. We are ultimately a sandbox game. Residents are supposed to make stuff. Things that pop up in shared public spaces, pods for example, are fine with me if they have good intent and are not griefy.
  18. For me, the Fantasy Homes are the Lost Lands. Those regions could be trivially connected by water at many places but are constrained to a single northern entrance that is only interesting the first time you cross. The area is covered by water channels yet there is no water extending into resident parcels. You can’t have a dock with a boat. All that beautiful coastal waterway edging seems wasted. I wish they would pick up those regions and redeploy along the northern coast of the Log Homes, completing the Great Bellisseria Waterway extending from the Satori connection at Stromberg to Old Belli.
  19. Ok by me. I only use the Destination Guide to see if the things I have submitted to the Destination Guide made it into the Destination Guide. Also, the ChatGPT ad above is a little off. It fails to include the standard refrain "Soon".
  20. From the Linden Lab perspective, absolutely NOT gambling. LL is not concerned with the legal concepts of "game of chance" or "something of value" or "a bet". Rather, they use "regulatory climate" aka RC. The RC for bar fights is "warm and sunny" so no problem.
  21. To further pile on Mr. Nightfire, we all understand that one Linden Home may be had per Premium or Premium Plus account. Concepts such as "user" or "alt" or "household" or "same ip address" or "payment method" are imprecise. If there is an issue with availability of Linden Homes, that is on Linden Lab, not residents. They determine the available inventory. If there is any scarcity, it is manufactured. Linden Lab created the Game of Homes and many of us enjoy playing it. With apologies to @Katherine Heartsong
  22. I had the same problem so a few years I made some guidelines about places that give out good free stuff, like Shop and Hop. 1. Whenever possible, try and find out what the thing is and NOT take it if it is not to your liking. 2. After a "regions worth of shopping" (you decide how much), go home and open every box and discard packaging. Rez the thing and make a keep or delete decision. 3. For keepers, either photograph it and move the photo and item to the appropriate folder (i keep photos on my hard drive) OR move item to a "to be cataloged" folder. 4. When convenient, process the "to be cataloged" folder. I find that when I develop a backlog of unopened boxes, I tend to never open them. When I pay money for something, I try to process it immediately.
  23. Am very sad to see you go and will miss your posts. Do consider just taking an indefinite leave of absence. Understand about RFL. Pros and cons for that.
  24. The “river” has been complete since at least Jan 12. Houseboats still under construction. Pedantically speaking, “shallow channel” or “canal” might be a better term as there is no change in elevation nor does this water feature drain an area of land. Another more appropriate term is “waterway”.
  25. I do 3 things.... 1. Have an inventory folder for each item type (e.g. pants). 2. Take a photo of each item and store in a parallel folder structure on my hard drive. This is free to do. 3. Use a thumbnail program (Thumbs Plus) to look at my stuff. I need not be inworld to do this, I also store each complete outfit using the Firestorm outfits tool. This method is also used to keep track of other objects, like pumpkins and christmas trees (I have alot). My photo studio is in skybox and is always ready to go.
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