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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Have you relogged? Have you tried a different viewer? Have you checked that text color hon't changed (to the same as background, etc)?
  2. I worked for Boys and Girls club once. You *cannot* find a more diverse anything with regard to race than at that place. So we fired an Afro-American (Calling him by simple description, here) - and guess what he does: Files a lawsuit on *discrimination*. A place where the minority population is literally 85% of the staff *and* clientele. I roll my eyes HARD every time anyone brings up racial discrimination as the primary accusation in any dispute. It's also the hardest thing to prove in a court of law, yet they do it anyway. Not because they will win (they will not and know they will not) but rather, it's to "hurt" the company with bad publicity and legal costs they will be forced to pay. So I say poo-poo on this person, they're full of [common word for poo] because if it were legitimate, they wouldn't be tooting their horn in this way. One side of the coin painting the other side black. If it actually goes to trial I imagine the accused will easily plonk the accuser hard. But there is the cost in money, time, effort and all the rest they have to contend with. That's the real shame in it all. It will be settled out of court to save costs and bad publicity suffered by LL and the accuser will "get away with it". Status Quo.
  3. Which is why some wishlists I see are almost shocking at first blush. That would be a literal blush, by the way.
  4. Matryoshka Doll (English: "Nesting Doll" - there, easier for the next person LOL)
  5. The flip-side of equation, I consider this "unoptimized also and why NEVER BUY ANYTHING UNLESS YOU CAN DEMO. This is with the *default* LOD setting in Firestorm (which, if I recall, is the same default setting in LL and Catznip):
  6. Also, on your dashboard you can always go to LAND MANAGER on the left and click MY MAINLAND and it will list ALL the land you own, including your Linden Home and have clickable SLURLS to each parcel. You also can (and should) check the GROUP LAND to be sure you are not donating tier to any groups or, if you are, they they are the correct groups and you still want to donate that.
  7. That (the quoted) combined with this makes it dead-pan easy and fast to find anyone anywhere: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Avatar-Spotter/9939790
  8. I really do love it when the Moles and Lindens creates "parodies" or "facsimiles" of RL things. For example: did you know that Crows Nest lighthouse in the Blake Sea is modeled after a real one? If you alt-cam inside (the door has been broken for years now, so you cannot walk inside) - there is a hatch in the floor. Open the hatch and alt-cam straight down and you will see a photograph of the RL lighthouse. It is actually an amazingly accurate reproduction (and using *prims*).
  9. Al lot of collateral hoopla over what is basically just another discrimination suit. ~yawns~
  10. Nice! I senchasumfin, just to rub it in at @KanryDrago Hahahaha
  11. This. I would stop buying from them and see it as an opportunity for "new creator discovery" shopping.
  12. That is begging. I don't shout the URL to my wishlist in open chat. See the difference? Yet if you go to the web site of many store you can find people's wishlist lists all the time. Go figure. Edit to add: You obviously presume that the worst of what you see applies to everyone you see. As I've said before, I think it's sad that you are like that. I have no intention to change your mind, we all are the way we are, some see the positive in things at first blush, others: not so much. So be it. I'm willing to bet people like me are generally more happy, more often than people like you. Maybe not; it's just a hypothesis.
  13. "Acting" as though... = Definition." Huh. Okay. A beggar begs, a simple list does not a beggar make. But a curmudgeon is as a curmudgeon does.
  14. I just think it's sad that you presume anyone with a wishlist to be a beggar, that's all.
  15. Hahaha! Well, it IS SL. I've done the "What does this button do?" bit a lot.
  16. This is the way to do it. I like to be philanthropic sometimes and it makes it easy for me. I don't like to just throw money, that's silly. And a wishlist makes it easy to know what someone actually would like to have. I've had people randomly buy me gifts once in a while over the years and many times it's nothing I would use or really want (and a couple times something that induces a cringe). I see it this way: you don't have to gift anything to anyone, though if you are in the mood for nothing other than the wonderful feeling of giving then someone's wishlist makes it that much easier to do. From the giver's perspective it's a wonderful thing. Though I must also say that how people express their feelings on the very idea give me an impression of the general color of their personality. And I get to prejudge if they get to. LOL
  17. I believe it is referred to as the "cost of business" just like in the real world. There is the old adage of "spending money to make money". All we can do is shake our heads and presume entitlement attitudes; "I expect everything for nothing in return."
  18. These comments gave me an ear worm of a song (and video) I remember from a ways back. I HATE YOU BOTH! LOL So now I'm going to pass my ear worm on to you. This is from Australia, and if I recall it is a "safety" video and, apparently, some of these ways described happened in RL, though it's really about people being dumb around train tracks - and it's a fun song. Tram tracks included!:
  19. There's also a context to the item prices... If it's clothing of a similar style then comparing prices is prudent, the exception being the source where we have our favorites. For example< If I'm shopping for a particular style of dress, I know that I prefer the known-to-me consistency of the quality of Blueberry and GAS over Addams and and will tend to purchase accordingly; if Blueberry or GAS has it, I'll buy fro. them, if not I'll go with Addams over a brand I'm unfamiliar with. In the case of non-standard stuff, say a gadget HUD, for example, then price is not the purchasing decision, its function is. In this case I will shop for the level of quality and ability I want. And this is where too many creators fall short: their ability to describe their product. So I compare based on that and will buy something costing twice or even three times as much if I get the impression its of higher quality even if it turns out the half-priced one is superior. (Which is why not having a demo is a creator showing themselves in the foot, no matter what the product is). TL;DR: It's a full spectrum from black all the way to white and every shade in between. So in short: I agree: it's odd that there seems to be a standard range of pricing. It's because these are not business people, they don't know how to put the right value on their stuff so they go with the flow.
  20. I am still amazed, after all these years, how the Friends List can evoke such passionate debate, even off-world. It's just a list people. It's really not all that important. LOL
  21. You have another think coming. If you actually read (and then comprehend) the information provided by Linden Lab then you'd know how amazingly wrong you are.
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