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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. It depends on the viewer you use. Firestorm Viewer has an option to block automatic permissions and clear permissions for sits.
  2. The Firestorm team as written Windows 10 and Intel stuck at initializing VFS. I can't know that you are using Windows as you didn't give us any tech specs on your system. When a viewer will launch use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the info we need to help troubleshoot. Include that in future tech questions and save yourself time and frustration. Firestorm has a wiki with lots of troubleshooting tips. Start here. They also have a JIRA bug reporting system with you problem listed, here. Solved... In general the quick work-around for Windows users was to use the 32-bit version of the viewer. Since the 32-bit viewer crashes more often it is not a good solution. Works when you are in a hurry. You were smart trying different brands of viewer as it is a basic troubleshooting step. If you read the JIRA I pointed to you learn some of the things people do to track down a problem and resolve it. Firestorm peeps are often already working on a problem. They often have a version of the viewer they are testing for the fix you need that they will let you use. So, when help here or in the FS Support group in-world can't solve it file a JIRA report with Firestorm or if using the Linden viewer file in the Linden JIRA.
  3. Pamela is right. Ever since SL went from 2 names to 1 name users have been asking for the 2-name feature. It looks like we will get the 2-name feature back this year. Just when, we are not sure. I am betting we will see it go live at the SL 15 Birthday. But, I am NOT betting big money. We have no idea what the name-change-cost will be. It ranges US$20 to $50... but those numbers are speculation. Many of us have Alts, secondary avatars/accounts. They of course can have whatever name. The big problem or advantage, depending, is inventory is attached to an avatar.
  4. You aren't keeping up with the tech... SATA can't keep up. The SSD devices made for SATA are slow. But, those made for M.2 have some speed way beyond SATA. Samsung 960 Evo Interface: PCIe Gen3 x4 NVMe Available Capacities: 250 GB, 500 TB, 1 TB 3200MB/s read 1900MB/s write (1 TB)
  5. Get the land or club owner's name. Read their profile to find their preferred contact method. Write a nice note card explaining the problem. Send it to them via IM in-world. Don't expect any results... If they are banning lots of people you will eventually scroll out of the ban list, first in is first out. It can take a couple of months.
  6. That is an option. I suggest you continue working through demos whether you decide to wait or not. Pay attention to the update policies. Slink is amazing at updating. I got their new Dynamic Hands (Bento) for no cost as an update. I've had various updates to my Physique body at no cost. Other brands also have good update policies. So, with a good update policy there isn't much reason to wait. If you find a head or body that lets you make the 'look' you want, that ability isn't likely to change. It is just the way heads/bodies are made and has to do with what is called weighting. BoM is not going to cause designers to change the weighting. So, a shape that gives you the look you want pre-BoM will likely do the same post-BoM.
  7. Rigging to the breast sliders is not likely to help. Clothes are made for a body, meaning the clothes and the body have the same weights and move in unison when the slider is moved. That allows the clothes to be very close to the mesh body. Unless the hair is made for the body, sliders won't help. I think Bento hair is advertising hype.
  8. Don't buy any more heads... I wanted a head that I could make look like my classic head. I found that is NOT possible with many heads. I think I found two brands that had a 'head' that would come close. I have a dozen+ demo heads now. If I had bought each one I would have been out US$200 to $300. I took a picture of my avatars face, pasted it on a cube, parked the cube next to my posing stand just off my shoulder, sized to to match may 'classic' head then started adjusting demo heads to see if I could get them to look the same. Usually within 15 to 30 minutes I knew it was or wasn't going to work. So, I have a solid 8+ hour day (spread of weeks) trying to get a head shape I wanted. If I try this face matching again, I'll use my alt. There is a switch in Preferences that will let you run more than 1 viewer. I can log in my AV and Alt at the same time. My computer does OK with two copies running. The 2D picture and 3D head made matching more difficult than it needed to be. I could have had my Alt trying the demos and me stand there tapping my foot... Unfortunately, not all head-makers make the heads the same way. It isn't just a matter of sculpting a pretty face. The mechanics of hooking up the sliders and determining how much a face changes when a slider moves is all personal preference. So, the mechanics is different in every head. Similar within a brand, but still different.
  9. I suspect you have gathered much of the why comes down to 'looks'. The rest is the neat clothes that are only available for mesh bodies. However... Things are changing this year. Bakes On Mesh (an enhancement to the process that bakes our classic avatars) is being extended to work with mesh. The update policy of the one making the body you decide on is going to be very important. The layering, appliers, and HUDs used with mesh body parts is going to change. Our layered mesh body parts will still work and be usable, but there will be a better way. So, make sure free updates are included.
  10. Whirly gave you the easy fix. 'Clear Cache' clears the set of caches the viewer uses. Your system will then have to download the 4 to 10GB of cached stuff. Firestorm tells you how to clear just the Inventory List cache. See: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory It also has a step for taking the list file from the Linden viewer and using it with FS. It save a bit of time at login. They also point you to the Clear Inventory Cache button on the same Preferences page/tab. It is grayed out, if you look for it before you login. On a fast, good connection, it doesn't make a lot of difference which way you go. On a weak, slow connection the difference can be significant.
  11. I thinh the first question is, is a member tag working and not visible or is really broke? We all think we have done things and have our settings as they should be. But, the key troubleshooting step is always to look at the connection between the chair and keyboard. In my case it is ALWAYS the chair... And I have this really nice bridge for sale... You likely have a region in which you can only enter or build if you are wearing the right group tag. Try a couple of places with those restrictions and see if you can do a group only thing. If the tag really isn't working, file a trouble ticket. Include the results in the trouble ticket you file.
  12. The Slink body has a checkbox for controlling the masking of various layers. One has to get it right to get skin, tat, underwear, and clothes to look right. The Slink alpha cuts work as intended. But, not necessarily as we may want for any given situation. A Slink alpha cut hides all layers of the body; skin, tat, underwear, and clothes. Which is generally what I want. I never see a bra on the underwear layer poke through a clothes layer. That is a matter of how well the body is made. So, if that is part of the issue you are having, you need a better body. The bra appearing behind the shirt, or not, is a matter of masking. The designers have done the best they can within the SL system. Whether the layer is masking or blending decides what gets shown and hidden. So, Slink has a masking control to change how layers are masked.
  13. @Tess Falworth Tutorials are good. The challenge is getting them where people can see them. For year various people in SL have been trying to get people to understand proportion, camera position, cost from size, and scale in Second Life. Second Life Camera Position Tips - 2011 #SL Crusade for Good Looks - 2012 Best Building Practices in Second Life - 2013 Penny Patton on Land Cost - 2014 Proportional Shapes in Second Life - 2018 New people coming into SL are unaware of the blogosphere of SL coverage. Much of the SL wiki is on lockdown because of spammers and hard to keep up to date. In general there is no way to push the information. We have to wait for people to search for it. I'm the one with pink hair...
  14. Nalates Urriah


    I think they are full time morons...
  15. If you have not been using the ADITI (Beta/Testing) grid, your first login likely will be a problem. Once it fails, send a Support Ticket to Linden Support and ask for them to fix your ADITI login. It is a known problem, at least to those of us that use ADITI. Once fixed you should be good. Inventory is a copy of the inventory you have for the main (AGNI) grid. However, things you add to inventory in ADITI never show in your AGNI inventory. After each login on ADITI you inventory will update to the latest changes in your AGNI inventory. Usually within 24 hours. But, it may take longer. The update is a sync process. However, things you delete from your AGNI inventory do not get deleted from ADITI inventory. So, ADITI inventory is especially prone to clutter. Make an extra effort to keep ADITI organized.
  16. You can find full-perm kits for many things in SL. Body and body parts for various forms of human and non-human avatars are common. Your problem is cost. The makers of the kits assume you are a reseller and will be making money from the reselling of their 'thing'. So, the cheap kits usually are of poor quality and require some 3D model editing. Blender is an advanced 3D modeling and animation tool. Because of its extensive capabilities, it has a huge, steep learning curve. Plus, SL has some non-standard modeling twists that have to be learned. None of this is difficult or rocket science. But, there is so much to learn it is a challenge. YouTube has loads of Blender Beginner Tutorials. Pay attention to the date the video was made. Focus on those made in the last year. For Blender, there is an addon named AvaStar that reduces the learning curve in the advanced area but adds to the basic learning. I say all this to point out there is no way around having to learn. But, you do NOT have to learn it all in one pass before being able to make stuff. Take small parts. Maybe make a t-shirt. Then move on. Coming Soon... There is a change coming to SL that will make things easier for those new to modeling. A feature called Bakes On Mesh (BoM) is currently being implemented. So, mesh body and body parts will be much easier to use. We will see the entire Applier market change. As it is now we create appliers to put clothes, skins, etc. on mesh bodies. After BoM goes live we will be able to make clothes and skins for mesh things just as we do for the Classic avatar. So, your learning to make a t-shirt for the classic avatar will provide the knowledge you need to know to work with the new BoM stuff. BoM is also likely to change how full-perm dev kits are made. Changes are coming. We can't know how it will all shake down. But, I expect it to get easier for those new to 3D modeling.
  17. This is so... It is with good reason and it works in both gender directions. Meeting a new avatar and starting a discussion is a challenge. Trust is earned. It doesn't take long to learn in SL what we hopefully know iRL, proceed carefully in who you trust, otherwise you can be hurt financially, mentally, and/or emotionally. SL has its share of neither altruistic nor maliciously deceptive people. But, it also has a share that are. Those experimenting with various gender, race, social, and sexual variations with legitimate curiosity are probably a majority. There are also those that engage in the exact same behaviors that are trying to earn/scam money without being particularly malicious. But, there are those that are maladjusted and mentally warped that deliberately and with forethought intend to harm and/or abuse people. It is their goal and agenda. We have no way to know which person is in which category in an initial meeting. Only over time can we see how they reveal their personality. As a new person in SL you are noticing the difference in how we evaluate people in first-meetings within SL. iRL we have body language and other subtle hints about the hidden personality, language, eye focus, sense of respect or lack of... We have almost none of those in SL. During your first thirty days you will run into people's self protective behaviors that inconvenience you. But, it is likely you will adopt similar behaviors over time. Fortunately, after 30 days and with the addition of Payment Info you see less of it.
  18. The naming system and how it will change seems to be influenced by the opportunity for added cash flow. It may have taken that to justify the return to first-last names. The inventory being assigned to an account with a single avatar creates some interesting challenges.The result is people have avatars/accounts for specific purposes. Generally there is a single avatar with the main (big) inventory. Certainly so in my case. For Sansar the Lindens talked about having inventory tied to an account with multiple avatars. They would be able to share from a common inventory. I follow Sansar, but not closely. So, I don't know how that is working out. There are problems with using that idea in Second Life. What would sharing inventory among multiple avatars do to sales of stuff? I have a female Alt. She is the step child that has few shoes and clothes as most of my spending is for my main avatar. But, I do spend some on her that I would not if I could share inventory. I also have a male Alt. I spend more on him. His wearing female clothes doesn't work for me. He's for being macho and trying out the really dumb pickup lines I hear. I'm curious, so its does this ever rEaLy work? But, non-gender identifiable stuff I would definitely share. Think guns, swords, furniture, vehicles... So, a change in how inventory works and accounts connect or don't affects Linden cash flow and that affects the longevity of SL. So, I don't expect to see a change in this area.
  19. What you talking about is a change in the system the engineers would need to implement. The way that type of information is provided is via the JIRA, a bug reporting system. Bug reports have a subcategory Feature Request. There is information in the forum here about how to best write a Feature Request.
  20. The Internet has been flaky of late. You may have had a page fail to completely load. So, when a button fails to work it is likely a browser having trouble with the scripting in the page or the page did not completely load. Reloading the page is a first step in solving the problem. Click the browsers reload button. If that doesn't solve the problem, start over with a different browser... as recommended by Rolig.
  21. Avatar gliding is a combination of viewer, server, and connection issues. Generally, I find the default animations system laggy. So... There are two types of animation... The System Animations are the default animations. There used to be the Duck Waddle walk that was the default. The system detects what the avatar is doing and supplies a default animation for that behavior, walking, standing, etc. The default animation has to be delivered to your viewer and then it can play it. When this is lagging you see the avatar glide when you start walking. Once the animation arrives, the avatar walks. The animations get cached so this generally is not an on-going problem. The second type of animation is handled by an old style Animation Overrider, AO. The script in the AO polls the avatar, repeatedly asking what are you doing now? Then supplies the proper animation. These too are cached. They are used so frequently they tend to behave as if permanently cached. Very seldom do I see a glide. If I change the walk styles/animation I may see a second or two of glide while animation downloads. The AO polling is script intense. So, a plan was made to do away with it to improve overall performance. The new AO's tell the servers to use specific animations in place of the system defaults. Firestorm's built-in AO is one such AO. The AO does not poll and the system once again decides what to play based on what it sees the avatar doing and what the AO has told it to use. I have enough problems with the new system that I typically use my older AO's like ZHAO II. When an avatar never walks something between the older polling AO's and newer substitution AO's has gone wrong. Multiple AO's can create a race of changing animations that never gets resolved. To troubleshoot, switch to the Linden viewer (you didn't give us your tech info, so I have do some guessing) and wear the Character Test avatar. In the top menu, Developer (Ctrl-Alt-Q to reveal/hide)->Avatar->Character Test->Test [Male/Female]. Once the avatar walks, gliding should stop. If not then there is some other problem. Next revert to your viewer (presumably Firestorm). You'll still be the Test avatar. If you have a gliding problem (beyond an initial second or two) the problem is a Firestorm setting problem. Have the in-world Firestorm Support group help you. Explain what you have already done in your request for help.
  22. Your last sentence indicates why you are getting in trouble. The people you are pranking are RL people. Are there any places anywhere in RL or SL where everyone is the same and there just for your personal enjoyment? You may need to think about how you see the RL world and think about SL.
  23. Chat logs can be found in C:\Users\[Win_Login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\[avatar_name] (Windows) The logs are plain text files. Over time they can get large and slow the viewer. I make a year folder (e.g., 2017) and move the large chat files into it. The viewer will create a new, empty version of the file and be a bit faster. The Local Area chat file, chat.txt, can get huge. Defending yourself online using the idea of 'evidence' simply does NOT work. Your chat logs are 'editable' text files. So, a person can make them say anything they want or remove whatever they do not like. Everything in SL is digital and can be edited. Text, images, audio, and video can all be edited. New video software using AI allows the people in the video to be edited and their lips sync'd with whatever audio one wants. Expect to see political campaigns making their October surprises using this new software. Political radicals generally base their tactics on Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. He brags about lying to the people he was organizing to achieve his ends. We very much live in an age of the ends justifying the means. As radicals tend to believe Darwin's broken evolution hypothesis (ref on broken), they have no reason not to lie. If you are dealing with similar people, they have no reason to correct their behavior or listen to you. They have no reason not to do whatever they want. When another's behavior becomes harassment you can file Abuse Reports. The Lindens can review server logs, which depending on who you talk to include chat logs too. But, those logs may only last a couple of days on busy servers. Including exact time and date with the Abuse Report is critical. Without it the process slows. Abuse Reports are a team sport for various vigilante groups. There are groups that abuse the Abuse Report... Consider AR's a double edged sword. Also, be aware that group evidence is not evidence. Vigilante groups show teams can also organise to hide and distort. Just watch any iRL political campaign. What to do? There are personally gratifying strategies and effective strategies. They tend to be mutually exclusive. The point of most such drama is to create and experience drama. There are plenty of people with mental issues and personality disorders. You have to figure out which you are dealing with. If you fight for right and truth against those queens striving for drama, you are being sucked in. Debating the mentally distorted is often pointless. So, your thinking has to shift and you have to decide on a goal. That goal will depend on whether it is just you and one other or others are involved. So, your choice. For those one-to-one problems ignore, insulate yourself, and move on seems the most effective. It is what Rolig is recommending. In group settings, like a forum, it is often important to assure others are not mislead, which complicates what you'll do. In general you can get an antagonist to reveal who they are and their nature. Once you have them on a roll, use generally known/accepted facts and let them rave against those. People will pick up on what is happening, but your antagonist usually won't. Once I get the clown dancing I have a hard time stopping. However, I recommend being kind and stopping once they've danced.
  24. You can determine if it is your connection, which it likely is. Use these troubleshooting steps: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ A good Internet connection amd a good connection to the SL servers are two different things.
  25. A lot of VR demos are pretty bad. So, don't think you have experienced VR until you get the sensation you are there. The words Virtual Reality are not officially defined anywhere that I know of. Various dictionaries attempt to define it. But, everyone sort of knows what it is. I think Luna did a good job of explaining what most of us think of as VR. If you are trying to get a workable, useful definition, then I would suggest it be based on the degree of immersion experienced rather than just wearing a headset. I think most consider SL a Virtual World now that we have VR as a way of seeing worlds.
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