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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. It depends who one talks to... But, all the 'REAL' sources of information on spiders say the picture has to be a Photoshop product. Largest spider. If you are used to looking at images to detect manipulation you will probably notice the spider's shadow is wrong.
  2. I think bodies with alpha cuts will remain. Their purpose is to allow the body to work better with mesh clothes worn over the body. Bakes-On will NOT solve the poke-through problems alpha cuts solve. So... What is likely to disappear is the onion skin body parts and the complex texturing HUD's we have now. An interesting aside is Bakes-On will bake onto a HUD...
  3. There is a lot of misunderstanding so far. Materials used now will still be usable with Bakes-On. The Appliers will change to mostly providing the material settings. The meeting was streamed by Medhue.
  4. Since we see it in the photo, it isn't just you. Your hands and animations generally have to match. A Belleza animation on a Slink hand may work or not so well. Since Reset Skeleton and Animation correct the hand to default and then returns to the displaced fingers, the animation is the likely problem. During Bento development, we shorted through these displacement issues. They tend to be sticky. Once something is deformed it can be tricky to clear to clear the setting. It isn't broke, just tricky to clear. Poorly made or mismatched animations can create this type of problem. I suppose a poorly made hand could too. But, Maitreya is NOT in the poorly made category. Find someone with the same hands and animations and look at theirs. Also, have others look at your fingers and tell you what they see. Also, if a viewer has issues starting, local, network, or SL region, you can see various kinds of deformities. A relog into a different region generally fixes startup issues.
  5. Computers are low voltage systems, 1.5, 3, and 5 volt mostly. So, corrosion of the connectors can cause problems. Basic shop troubleshooting step is disconnect and reconnect everything, plugs, boards, etc. In humid areas the brass contacts get a thin layer of corrosion we barely noticeable but enough to cause a voltage drop. The movement of the connectors is enough to wipe through the corrosion and improve the connection. I agree with Lillith, this type of problem is typical of power supply problems. EVGA is a good brand. But, it may have a problem. There is no easy way to test it when the problem is intermittent. I have access to all sorts of computer junk. So, I would swap out the power supply as a test. Probably not a solution for you. So, open the Windows event viewer after a crash and look for the shutdown event. See what error it lists. You can Google for how to use the Win Event Viewer. Unexpected shutdown usually means loss of power. Look in the SL log and see what error it lists. See:
  6. I find their statement ambiguous. I think it could support mine and your understanding. Of course I'm right... ...unless I'm not. But, Klytyna makes a good point in a humorous way. I'm not sure I want all those old textures on my new body.
  7. Lindal has given you most of the tips. There is a Debug Setting that can help, MaxAttachmentComplexity. The default value is 1,000,000. You can lower this if other solutions are not helping. Changing Avatar Complexity limit in Preferences->Graphics is a better choice. With ACI set at a reasonable level (<=400k) you should not have problems with video crashers. With old video cards you will probably have to use a lower value. On my GTX-1060 I use an ACI limit of 120k to 150k just to help performance. I guess about 98% of all avatars render just fine.
  8. 3 Flickr Photo Contests you should enter! As we are interested in Flickr and images I decided to point to the Flickr contests described by CAITLIN TOBIAS in her article, the link above. Don't let the April 1st date stop you. I think that was a coincidence. As an American I may be overly skeptical of what I hear April 1st, beyond and on top of my usual skepticism. You have to read the article if for no other reason to see the name of the SL resident sponsoring the Bottomless in Second Life contest. Do I need to tell you it isn't SFW?
  9. Brown... A sign of sexual interest is one's pupils dilating. A reason that dark eyed people get hit on more often and have an easier time starting conversations. Or... maybe the psych professor had an agenda...
  10. Alyone is right. I'll give give you some other things to consider. We have a phenomenon known as Rubber Banding. The avatar is walking along then snaps back a few steps and continues walking. When you see this open the Viewer Statistics panel, Ctrl-Shift-1. Watch Ping and Packet Loss. As both of these increase rubber banding is more likely. This can be either a connection or region server overload problem. To tell which look for Server FPS and Time Dilation further down in the stats panel. Server FPS <44 and Dilation <1 indicate a server having trouble keeping up. Below 35 FPS and 0.9 we can start seeing some problems. The further off the numbers are the worse things get. Bad numbers on the server indicate a server side issue. TP to another regions and the problem likely goes away. However, if the Server FPS and Time Dilation are good and teleporting to a different region doesn't help, then you likely have a connection issue. Test your connection to the SL servers. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Having a good general Internet connection does NOT mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. And... connection quality changes by the millisecond. So, that you had a great connection yesterday means nothing today. Test it. And... realize it changes often. You may have problems that start and vanish in minutes, hours, or days. Your connection can contribute to slow scene render. Also, a small cache can slow things down. Make your cache as large as you can. Also, no matter how many people tell you clearing cache is the thing to do... it is NOT. Avoid clearing cache until you absolutely know it is a cache problem. Clearing is a last resort step. Draw Distance (DD) in Preferences, Graphics can contribute to slow scene rendering. Even the best machines can be overwhelmed by using large DD. For shopping inside stores 64m is reasonable. For outside 128 to 256 m is common. 1024m is used momentarily for taking panoramic photos. At 64m you are dealing with rendering 1 or 2 regions. At 128m more like 9 regions and at >=512 ~ 1024 m you are up to about 25 regions. That is a lot to download and render. The graphics settings for the viewer that can be saved in PRESETS and easily switched between. Look in the upper right of the viewer's top menu. Your connection to SL has nothing to do with 'Jelly Dolls'. That is controlled by a setting in your viewer and what the avatar showing as a solid color is wearing. Look in Preferences, Graphics and find Avatar Complexity. In general a setting of 350k is the the default, unless you have a weak graphics system then your default may be lower. You can change it, larger or smaller. However, setting it to Unlimited (bad idea) removes protection for griefer video card attacks. Experiment and test to figure out what has started dragging you down.
  11. Sort of... but, the point is the SL servers only know what the viewer tells them. So, today I can compile a new viewer and have it tell the SL servers it is an older version. So, you're still reading too much into the process. The Lab's servers cannot distinguish between a lie and the truth. So, if the Lab were to ban Lumiya, a new version just lies and says its some other viewer. Firestorm has a problem because the copyboters make their viewers pretend to be Firestorm to hide in the crowd. Nothing the Firestorm people can do to stop them nor the Lab to detect the bad viewers.
  12. Well, no. There are a number of viewers that are known to be unsafe that can connect to SL. The problem is the SL servers can not reach into your computer and see which viewer you are running. The SL servers are dependent on the viewer to tell them which viewer it is. So, when a hacker wants to scam you they build their own version of a viewer and simply have it lie. Sometimes the user's behavior reveals they are using a 'lying' viewer. But, it is the user that gets blocked not the viewer. So, you have to make a call. Do you trust Lumiya? If not, you can use it with an Alt-Avatar. Inconvenient, but workable. The basic security step is log off, go to the website and change the Alt's password. Every time you use the Alt with Lumiya. PITA. People do trust Lumiya and use it. Either because they blindly trust or are unaware of it coming off the list. Either way, if people were having a problem we would hear about it here in the forum. I pointed out my alternative here,
  13. Nalates Urriah


    THe explanations above are good, but I think incomplete. It takes some explaining to give one a clear idea of what classic and mesh bodies, feer, and hands are and how Bento changes them. Rather than paste an explanation in over and over as we answer people with your reasonable question, I posted a blog article, http://blog.nalates.net/2017/04/10/second-life-mesh-vs-classic-bodies/ Bento is explained at the end. The simple, short answer is Bento added the ability to animate faces and fingers.
  14. You may be right. Old system clothes might be usable on mesh bodies. However, I think you have misunderstood. System-type shirts are NOT going to be usable on mesh shirts. The reason is mesh shirts will not have the same or similar UVMaps. The same with pants and skirts/dresses. I know from making appliers for Slink bodies that Slink's UVMap for applier-clothes is very similar to the SL classic. I haven't tried Maitreya or Belleza. So, there is a reasonable possibility that tats and lingerie from classic days could be usable on mesh bodies. Also, if you'll tolerate the applier clothes look, which in some cases is ok, they MAY be usable. But, I doubt it. The System Clothes are built to place the texture on the classic body. Many of those are no-mod. But, something will have to change to tell the system to place the texture on a Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, or other brand of attachment. The target has to change. With system clothes the texture target is built in. Even if the system clothes are usable on mesh attachments, they will have to point to the right attachment, I suspect that pointing will have to be baked in at the time of creation. There is also an ownership/rights issue. The Lab is careful about not making no-mod things useable in new ways beyond what the creator likely intended. So, I suspect the Lab will not provide a way to extend the use of system clothes. I doubt we will be able to modify old no-mod stuff to work with mesh attachments. And if we can modify older mod-ok stuff, I have doubts about how good it will look on newer improved bodies. Also, AFAIK Slink has a special UVMap for skin makers. The other layers use a UVMap similar to the classic avatar. If the onion-layers are no longer needed and Siddean uses only one mesh model, which UVMap is going to be used? The whole point of mesh bodies is the improved mesh and UVMap. So, the classic clothes are unlikely to use the same UVMap.
  15. You also have to use the correct time zone. Computers work on Universal Time so they do not have to deal with time zones among themselves. The time zone allows the computer to display your local time for the nearby carbon-based life forms. It also uses the zone to change whatever time you tell it to UT. If you get the time zone wrong your computer sets the wrong UT time. Then you are out of sync with all the devices on the net. The SL system picks up on this and realizes something is wrong.
  16. I ran into this problem when I realized lots of my old things I seldom were because the look old and clunky. Then when I got a mesh body it got worse. There is a lot of stuff I'll never wear or use again. So, I do need to see the old stuff and decide whether to trash or file it.. For the future I decided to make easier on myself. Have folders for dress, pants, jewelry, shoes, and so on. Now the the shoes I buy in 2018 get put in Shoes->!2018->(the shoes' folder). I'm doing this for everything to some degree. I am slowly going through the folders without dates and eliminating stuff. I tend now to separate into Classic and Mesh. For classic stuff I want to keep, I put it in the Classic folder. So, Dresses->!Classic->(dress folder name). If it is not in year folder, !2014 to !2018 or the !Classic folder I know I haven't looked at it recently and it is a candidate for the trash. But, there is still some pretty neat classic outfits and stuff. So, I weed through it.
  17. Without a Microsoft Account login, the local login password can be reset. It is a major PITA and takes some advanced work. Generally the drive is removed, attached to another computer running Linux, and the password cleared. The drive is replaced and you can then start and get into Windows without a login password. As an alternative most tech people have a CD/DVD that will run Linux, access the Windows disk and clear the password. Make sure you are using the correct user ID for login. Make sure your capitalization is correct. Then resort to these more drastic steps. Also, wait a day. Stop stressing and your brain will likely start working and the password you'll swear you entered yesterday that did not work will work today.
  18. Experiences and RLV can teleport you based on previously given permission. To stop it, you'll have to revoke the permissions. Leave the Experience or disable RLV (requires a viewer restart). Some attachments will request permission that persists from login to login.
  19. With the bento heads and hands, I was expecting to start seeing shapes separated into 'body only' and 'head only' shapes. I make my own shape. So, when I got a new mesh head I had to figure out how to keep the body shape, add it and not mess with the head shape. So, I exported the shape. Edited the XML file, uploaded the shape and tested to see if it worked with parts of the file removed. It does. I would be more likely to buy a shape if I knew it wouldn't mess up my face.
  20. I see people make this statement that only governments are fascist. The point missed is while fascism is used to describe a type of government, governments are people. The word is also frequently used to describe people and behavior. I did infer from your writing that you were looking for Linden approval or endorsement that your avatar was an appropriate age to be somewhere. In asking myself what would one do with such authoritarian backing... it seems obvious. So, if you weren't trying to find a way in, sorry.
  21. As LittleMe said, clearing the main cache is not a good thing. Some years ago the main cache was redesigned and the download protocol changed too. Since then the main cache is ALMOST never a problem. Prior to that it was a major PITA. So, the word was 'problem? Clear cache.' NOT any more. For a number of problems clearing the cache creates more problems, especially for anyone with a weak connection to the SL servers. However, the inventory display in the viewer works off a list downloaded from the SL servers. Once downloaded the viewer checks the list against the servers for updates or changes at login. Somehow that cached list gets damaged or the check gets confused. It most likely happens in a crash on viewer exit or a bad connection to SL. Many of those crashes are not noticed by users. Any problems created by the crash are noticed at the next login. Connection problems can last just a few milliseconds, long enough to confuse the viewer but not long enough for the user to see. So, finding the actual cause is often near impossible. Fix it and move on. Work about cause only if it is frequent. You can fix the inventory cache. FS has a button to clear JUST the inventory cached-list. But, not all viewers do. So... • Look in: Preferences → Advanced. • Do NOT click Clear Cache. • Find the cache location, hover your cursor over the field titled: Cache Location. See where your cache is stored. • Default Location is: C:\Users\[Win_Login_ID]\AppData\Local\SecondLife\ ...(or your viewer name) • Close the viewer. Location can vary if you use an alternate cache location, so look it up as above • Navigate to that location using Windows Explorer. • Find files that end in: .inv.gz and delete, rename, or move them to another folder. • Now start the viewer and log into a deserted region; Pooley, Furball, etc. Not teleport, login. • Open inventory and type a letter into Inventory Search. • The inventory should reload and the viewer will build a new cache. If you are having connection problems this can go sideways. For that problem Firestorm recommends copying the .inv.gz files from another viewer that has a good copy and putting those in place of the problem .inv.gz files. An easier Alternative... To try to get around this problem: Travel to a deserted region Open two inventory windows. Drag and item (that is an item not a folder) from the first opened inventory window to the second opened window and drop it in. Where exactly it is dropped doesn’t make a difference until you need to clean things up some day. So, drop it where you’ll know where to find it and later delete or move it. Log out. Give it a minute or two. Log into your last location, hopefully the deserted region. Open your inventory and search for an item. This should trigger a reload of your inventory and fix the issues.
  22. I have a separate folder in my computer where I keep a backup of my WL settings files. I once forgot about them when I was having viewer problems and did a clean install. Oops. It also makes it easier to put them in any other viewers I use.
  23. Don't get excited until it is 2 or 3 days late. Various things tend to delay it.
  24. When you ask a technical question provide information about your computer. Use Windows utilities to find the information. https://www.howtogeek.com/205355/how-to-see-a-list-of-all-installed-windows-drivers/ Once you have a viewer click HELP->About... and copy-paste the information into your post.
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