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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. @skirtsdown You are trying to establish an objective standard where humans use a subjective standard. It won't happen. Since you are complaining of various people thinking your avatar looks too young to be in their region, it looks too young to be in their region. (Notice the period.) The people owning or in charge of a region provide the final verdict on such issues. I might agree that you look 18-25. But, I don't run the region. They have the final word. You can't force your thinking on the region owners-managers. That is a fascist tactic, if you don't know. Looking to an authority to do it for you is sort of an entitlement generation tactic. You also assume the Lindens will see you as you see yourself. They may or may not. But if they don't, you'll have even more problems.Be thankful they will likely decline to participate in any decision about your being too young or old enough. Freedom is rife with injustice and unfair things. But you are also free to go elsewhere and look however you want. But, if a majority of people think you look to young... it suggests you are out of touch with the larger shared reality in that part of your thinking.
  2. Now we have 3 choices. Sometime this year you will be able to change your avatar name. It is going to take some time... but eventually...
  3. I was playing with a new (to me) facial animation... They don't photograph well, so...
  4. Amazing how the universe conspires to make that happen...
  5. They do.Mesh Addicts does surveys of those using mesh bodies. Some designers run polls too. We find them in various places. But, most telling is their sales data. When making a version of a dress for TMP, track its sales. Did it sell enough to pay for the work? If not, drop that brand and try another. Blueberry ran a survey on what their people want, Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, or which. BB plans to make versions for the 6 top bodies.
  6. The positioning thing is most commonly a communication problem between the viewer and servers. A restart is the simple solution. A more permanent fix to to test the server you are on and the connection to the SL servers. Ctrl-Shift-1 will open Viewer Stats. Look for Ping over 300ms, Packet Loss of 0.5% or higher (this number changes the longer you are in world), Sim FPS below 42, Time DIlation less than .9... these likely mean the server is having a problem. Remove the shoes and move to another region and put them on. Packet Loss and long pings may be caused by your side of the connection, your ISP, your ISP's ISP (backbone provider), or the Linden internal network. All these things are transient. The problem may disappear before you can run the tests to catch it. It may last just long enough to mess up your attaching. That can mess up the info in viewer memory or possibly the cache (not likely). So, a restart clears memory and fixes the issue. If you frequently see the problem, try putting things on one item at a time. I usually only see the problem when I put on an outfit.
  7. There is certainly a large variety of shapes in SL. From huge blimp size breasts and butts that fill a couch to 7ft+ women so skinny they make a toothpick look fat. In some cases I am sure it is a deliberate choice. In others I'm checking the profile to see how many hours old they are. But, whatever they like... I'm just happy I can make the shape and look I like.
  8. I hope you realize some people turn their graphics way up for a picture and let the viewer drop to 2FPS. Plus, the picture resolution can be way higher than what you can get on the screen. So, no excuses.
  9. We can't know what the Lab will do. We do know they have a very strong aversion to breaking content. So, their doing anything that would break TMP content is way unlikely. Recently the Web User Group has been talking to the Lab about cleaning stuff out of the marketplace belonging to designers no longer in SL. Also, for things that no longer work, scams - empty boxes.., and other generally annoying stuff in the MP. The Lindens have been thinking about how to do that. So, we might see unsupported products disappear from the MP.
  10. As you explore the animations in SL you'll find some animators make and sell small, medium, and large animations. When you find an animator that is making animations that work well with you avatar, stick with them. You can find animations sold by size. Animations do not scale with the avatar. Shrink the avatar and the same animation looks different. The same happens if you increase the avatar size. Animators use a model to build the animation. Seems I'm not the size they typically use Only the animations I make for my 5-10 (1.78m) avatar work near perfection.
  11. New is ok. Just be aware some of us have a REALLY hard time not teasing and spoofing the new... I'm resisting... really... SL is not overly complex. There is just a lot to learn.
  12. For anything over 64x64 the avoid loss option doesn't work. It is explained in the wiki. Your PNG or TGA is as lossless as you can go for larger images. SL uses the Kakadu JPG2000 image format and their libraries for image handling. Your PNG and TGA is converted to JPG2000 on upload. They will be compressed and suffer loss. My experience is the 1024 I upload is good and displays well. But, the viewer is going to use a smaller version of the JPG2000 image when possible. We see stages of the JPG2000 loading when we go shopping. Various states and quality of an image render and get progressively better. Lately I've seen lots of image stalls in Firestorm and occasionally the Lindem viewers. The image hangs at a lower resolution version of the image. The problem isn't in image quality. It is the connection, CDN, or SL infrastructure overload... something. Also, how the image/texture is applied to prim or mesh can drop the quality. Mesh UVMaps can create quality issues. The viewer used can drop the quality. Only Firestorm and Linden use Kakadu. Other third-party viewers use an open source alternative, AFAIK. If you are uploading with a viewer other than FS or LL then you may see a degradation in image quality. There are lots of possible reason for what you are seeing. You haven't told us enough for us to be sure why you see what you see.
  13. Maybe you could explain to the Lab how to solve the problem? To play in SL your computer has to send instructions. Most people can press a key every 50+/- milliseconds and some a bit less. It isn't hard to write macros that imitate human typing and even add in some randomness. How does one distinguish between a human and and a program made to imitate a human? Ever hear of the Turing Test? SL gestures and RLV items send streams of characters and commands. How does one tell if the avatar is in a game or club and control whether gestures are acceptable? Have you had to deal with the Lindens language filters in the forums and marketplace? Those of us that do know how poorly and annoyingly that works. Similar attempts at control in games would just increase the frustration of players. At the user group meetings we often hear the Lindens complain about the amount of time spent fighting griefers and cyber attacks. There isn't a lack of trying on the part of the Lab.
  14. I would give it 24 to 48 hours and try again. There are problems with the inventory update-sync in Aditi. You didn't say if this was your first visit, first in awhile, or yesterday was OK and today is a problem... so, we can't be very specific. Generic things to try... Check that your inventory is loading when you next login. Check your connection to the Aditi servers. Use Viewer Stats (Ctrl-Shift-1) to see if you are losing packets. Make sure the server is not lagging or having problems. Try logging into another region.
  15. For Singularity support from people that use and like Singularity use the in-world support group secondlife:///app/group/4fa278be-b621-9447-0958-85af4b01cdab/about
  16. Get the free tool CPUID HDMonitor. Check what your computer is doing and the temperatures. NVIDIA GT's are not that great, but it shouldn't be crashing. Look in the SL log files and see if you can find the cause of the crash. See for how to instructions.
  17. @RavenEmmaRiddle When asking a tech question use the viewer's HELP->About... to get us the tech info we need. Paste it in with your question. Freeze... there are lots of different kinds of freezing in the SL viewers. Viewer freezes - never recovers, or recovers after a a few minutes or seconds, or freezes for <1 second. Or freezes the entire computer. Until we have more info, there are too many possible issues to start listing them. To do more on your own get the free tool CPUID HDMonitor. Check of overheating. Look to see if the GPU and/or CPU are hitting 100% use. You can use the Windows Task Manager and Resource Monitor to see what your computer is doing when the viewer freezes.
  18. You can read up on how UUID's are created. It is amazingly hard to create unique ID's that are never duplicated or that won't reoccur. So, the algorithm is based on time. It isn't perfect. But, the chance of duplication and/or repetition is for practical purposes so near zero we consider it zero. In a world where computer clocks tic once every quarter billionth of a second (+/-) and a bit of fancy computing avoids any two people coming up with the same UUID. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier
  19. Since others see them OK that narrows the possibilities to your connection, viewer, or computer. Do the easy, quick, likely to solve the problem steps first... Before one starts reinstalling or clearing cache, try another viewer. Many of us have both Firestorm and the Linden viewers installed. The Linden viewer is needed if you resort to Linden Support. They only help those that use the Linden viewer. Firestorm support will also ask if you have the same problem in the Linden viewer. So, it is a key troubleshooting step. If you render correctly in another viewer you have eliminated cache and computer problems. If not, you have eliminated Firestorm as the problem. This gives you a better direction for determining next steps. Since the viewers changed how the caches work and use mostly HTTP for downloads the texture and object caches seldom get corrupted. So, clearing those are last resort steps. However, Firestorm seems to have some problem with the Inventory List cache getting corrupted. The symptom of that is missing inventory, not things failing to render. You can't get to them to put them on or take them off. Connection to the SL servers is the most common problem. Good Internet connection is NOT the same as a good connection to SL. So, test that early on. Also, most people think of the Internet as an unchanging, stable, and reliable. It isn't. It changes by the millisecond. Also, the SL servers are constantly changing as people move into and out of regions. So, eliminate the connection as the problem early on. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ So, move to another region. Take off the problem attachment before changing regions. The servers package up information about your avatar and send it to the server you are entering. So, if that info is corrupt you'll likely see the same problem in the next server too. To get the cleanest reload, log out and log into a different region. You need to know at least a couple of regions names for empty and deserted regions for times when these problems come up. I use Pooley and Furball, just because I remember the names. These are Linden regions that are mostly empty and deserted. Often in the troubleshooting steps, the problem suddenly disappears. Avoid jumping to the conclusion that what you just did was the solution. Remember what you did and try it first next time you see the problem. Often network problems resolve while you are logging out and back in. So, it is difficult to tell if it was the viewer that needed a restart, the network self-healing, or the SL server recovering from an overload problem or what. SL is likely the most complex and largest multi-component software you use.Lots of places and things to go wrong.
  20. Attending the Beta Server UG and answering questions in ANSWERS I hear various stories of login problems from people trying to get into Aditi. A consistent part of the stories is not everyone has the same issues at first Aditi login. However, these days almost all first time login people have an inventory issue. It takes support's help to get past it.
  21. It is a horrible video, quality-wise. But, some interesting content. Runs 55 minutes. I have an index up with each question time marked: http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/19/more-ebbe-altberg-from-2018-vwbpe/ You can quickly skim the questions and go for those that interest you. For SL residents there isn't much in the way of new information. Unfortunately Ebbe and Bret apparently did NOT control the quality of the recording. The render looks like something from 10-years ago. Maybe they can get some quality control going for interviews, like must use computer built after the change over from stone to silicon... And is use of Classic avatars for Lindens meeting the public a policy thing? And those Places Pages... has anyone found one of those in a search engine yet? Is the 'Do NOT Index' flag set or what!?! At least if you search for Second Life for educators you get this page: http://go.secondlife.com/landing/education/ That works. The second result is a wiki page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education/Resources. (Bret did update the wiki page in Feb 2018) So, there are Linden pages that place well in search results.
  22. I generally provide an index with time marks. I paraphrase most of what I write and my take is never exactly what they said. So, for nuances in the participants comments one has to listen to the video. See http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/17/ebbe-altberg-third-party-dev-meeting/ And now I have an index up for the VWBPE interview: http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/19/more-ebbe-altberg-from-2018-vwbpe/
  23. Regardless of how much you know about 3D modeling, texturing, and programming you'll find SL has a lot of quirks. So, take it one thing at a time as recommended. I made a tutorial for building Slink Appliers. All appliers are similar. It is here: http://blog.nalates.net/2017/01/05/tutorial-2017-how-to-make-slink-nails/ There are numerous YouTube and Vimeo videos on clothes making. There are free templates (Chip Midnight - Robin Woods) for the classic avatar. Mesh body designers provide Developer Kits. There are free models of the avatar that work in Photoshop, Blender, and other programs. Both the SL Wiki and Knowledge Base have a load of information. Within the forum is a huge amount of technical information on mesh and building gleaned from user testing. Way too much to provide links. Search.
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