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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You may be seeing the Shergood bots mapping out Security Orbs and ban lines. Zoom out on the map...
  2. I haven't been able to reproduce a situation in which the button and keys do not work. If they truly aren't working I would reinstall the viewer. I can sort of hide the panel. I have some HUDs down one side of my viewer. If I slide the chat window out of the visible area the little bit that remains can be hidden by the HUDs and/or viewer buttons. So, if you have managed to get the chat window outside the visible area, the question is how to get it back? It is a bit complex. There is a file in AppData/Roaming/[viewer name] (Windows obviously)/[avatar name]/settings_per_account.xml (This is a hidden system folder. So, Google for instructions getting to it.) XML files are text files. So, you can edit them. Within the file are sections XML titled <key>floater_pos_conversation_x</key>... and <key>floater_pos_conversation_y</key>. With the viewer closed you should be able to edit the file and change the values in each e.g., <real>-0.51724135875701904</real> (an off screen value) to X=<real>0.5</real> and Y=<real>0.5</real> These values will put the chat window in the middle of the screen. You can also rename or delete the file settings_per_account.xml. The viewer will rebuild the file with default values. But, this will change all the panels in the viewer setting them to default positions. Which may not be a bad thing...
  3. Making Skins requires some talent. Making appliers is easy, just read the directions. The directions and materials needed for both come from the makers of the bodies and heads. They provide or sell Developer Kits. Slink and others provide their Dev Kits for free. In general several recommend using the UV Maps (templates) for the classic avatar. I find that less than ideal. But, it can work... sort of. Visit the developers' websites. They have information on how to get their dev kits.
  4. Basically, the answer to your question... no one else has this problem. There are stalkers and they do stalk people in SL. But, you are not providing any evidence these people are actually stalking you.
  5. I am reading 3 or 4 posts in this thread that explain how tracking is possible and what is likely happening. So, what is it you are wanting to hear? To know if you are online, anyone in a group you are also in can easily look up your online status. It is also reasonably easy to study the various group lists and see what time of day you are usually online. What is they do that suggests they are stalking you? Just being in the same place at the same time is NOT evidence. I see people I know by sight that visit some of the same clubs and shops I do. I may visit 3 events and see a couple or more of the same people at all three events. It is NOT me they are interested in. It is the clubs and events. So, the question comes up as to whether this is a real issue or an imagined issue.
  6. There are troubleshooting steps for the problem. First switch to the Ruth or Roth avatar, Top menu, look for Developer, if it isn't there press Ctrl-Alt-Q, then Avatar->Character Tests->Test Female/Male . This will replace your avatar with the basic test avatar, which if things are working even remotely well will render. If this avatar does not render, we travel one path, if it does, another. If Ruth/Roth render then restore your avatar one item at a time. You'll likely find the problem item. If Ruth/Roth fails then go through the steps for Bake Fail, which is what it is called when the avatar does not render. See the Firestorm wiki, it has a bit better explanation and trouble steps. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail These problems can be caused or aggravated by a poor connection to the SL servers. A good Internet connection does not mean a good connection to SL. So, test that specific connection. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ For good answers to technical questions you need to include viewer and computer information with your post. Use the viewer's HELP->About... and copy paste that info in with your question.
  7. OMG... that Hourglass butt is SOOoooo BIG! I started with the Original. I love it. But, I saw so many nice clothes only for HourGlass I bought it recently. THEN found I can't shrink the butt down to an acceptable size. Acceptable to me... I may try making everything else bigger...
  8. Self defeating statements sort of mess with ones thinking...
  9. [1] One should not 'should' on others... a self defeating/contradicting statement but it well expresses the idea. 'Should' is a matter of us placing our opinions on others. It is the foundation of fascist thinking. [2] Well, that is your opinion. In the free market a merchant sets a price and people are free to purchase or not. If the product does not sell, the price comes down or leaves the marketplace. The socialist idea is the central authority will set the price. The history of such price fixing is that it always results in a lack of the product and similar products, which then the state forces someone to make... a form of slavery. Since the heads are selling, some number of people think prices are acceptable, worthy. [3] I think LAQ has hit on a great marketing idea. I haven't seen an LAQ head I want much less two. So, it hasn't drawn me in yet. Still I think it is a good idea. I just prefer the look of my GA.EG head and was OK with the price. Cheaper would have been nicer. I don't really know what the designer is earning. What was the hourly rate they earned from the head? Do you know what any of the designers you are thinking of earn per hour of effort? IF not, how to you know they charge too much? [4] See #2. That is your opinion, to which you are entitled. I disagree. [5] Did they tell you this or are you projecting/suspecting and stating your opinion as a fact? Merchants are usually looking to build a business and that requires repeat customers. A good business person wants to get as much as they can for their effort. Just as you want to get as much stuff for your L$ as you can. They and you are doing the same thing from different viewpoints. This is the part of human nature that makes the free market fair and efficient beyond anything a dictatorial bureaucracy can do. The free market is based on the base principal of my knowing what is best for me. Can we change the marketplace? Can we get others to adopt the LAQ model? Our most influential tool in this regard is our L$. Buy what you support. That is not guaranteed to change the world. But, short of a gun it is the most effective tool the world has seen. The free market caters to free people exercising their choice. All else is regressive thinking.
  10. The World Map works in Aditi, of course once you are in. You can use it to find other places. Save the region names for future use. Be in a region you want to log into when you log out. Then you can use the Last Location on your next login.
  11. It seems there continues to be password issues when accessing the Preview/Beta Grid, Aditi. Generally, once you get in they are very few and are related to one of the conditions below. For that password problem reason, I keep my passwords as a list. When changing keep the previous one written down somewhere. Especially if you change often. Aditi may lag behind or it may update quickly. So, you may need to use an old password until Aditi login updates. And the viewers don't understand that AGNI and ADITI passwords are the same. Viewers treat them as separate grids each with a user ID and password. You will have to login into both grids typing in the same password for each. Then the viewer will remember. Aditi can be tricky to get into. Regions change, as in come and go. So, logging into the Last Location can be a problem. Recently Animesh1 changed to EEPTesting... So, a Last Location of Animesh1 will fail. I log into Last Location most of the time. If I have a problem, I change to Home. If that doesn't work I log into a region by typing in a region name. You can try logging into HOME when Last Location fails. It should land you in a HUB, but from time to time that fails too. So, get the names of 2 or 3 regions for login locations when you have problems. Morris is the location of the Server-Scripting UG meeting. It has been around for a long time. It is a safe bet it will be online and working. Ahern is adjacent. Both have a landing hub in one of their corners. I have avoided setting a Home location. If my Home region were to be down, I have to wait for the servers to try then look for a HUB and send me there. Without a Home the servers just look for live place and send me there.
  12. The Auctions system is being changed. The automation is being increased. My understanding is the process will be run by users from start to finish. For the details be at the Web UG meeting Wednesday, October 24th. Details
  13. Cross-Eyed I've run into the problem. This image from 2016 shows it pretty well. This is a classic head and eyes. No animation affecting the eyes, meaning the HUD I often use to set eye-look direction is in neutral. In some images I'll tweak the left eye. I posted this one before I noticed the eyes. I was cutting the background in and concentrating on the hair. I haven't seen the problem with my GA.EG Jennifer head. But, now I'll be looking... So, the problem occurred with the classic head and eyes. This means it isn't something we are doing.
  14. Nope... I try to stay with something from the current week.
  15. There is anecdotal evidence the Earth is flat. Subjective experience is often misinterpreted by people. Effects in proximity do not prove causation or even relationship. Try to get back in touch with reality.
  16. should answers... more accurate... The hierarchy does not decide WHO answers or even who has the BEST answers. But, serves the excellent purpose of allowing us to tease one another. Rolig has been around a while... you know, she is LIKE REALLY OLD... ? so has the lead in having helped others. It is also a good indication she has amazing patience in dealing with other residents. Her helpfulness shows in her ranking. Some of the rest of us are just rank... ? There are several that put lots of effort into helping others. I appreciate them, regardless of ranking. In my first years in SL they helped me a bunch.
  17. You have a ways to go to catch Rolig... ?
  18. With your HD graphics the system has to devote system memory for video use. That can be adjusted. It's been too long since I played with HD Graphics settings to remember how. 8GB is decent for system memory when you have a dedicated video card with another 1 or 2 GB of video ram. If your machine will accept more, you may want to add more memory.
  19. We REALLY need to know what you mean by not getting smooth frame rates... Some Lindens think 10FPS is playable/usable. There are some combat games in SL where 10FPS is considered decent. The technical side of SL could be said to be designed to operate at 44-45 FPS. I think that is more of the minium it is designed for. So, if you are getting less, except in crowded regions, then something isn't right. I suggest you look through your NVIDIA settings. See: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ These are a couple of years old, but they are still good. Your NVIDIA driver is a bit old. An update might help, but probably make no difference. But, there are NVIDIA settings that make a difference. So, read the article and setup an SL viewer profile. You could try bumping your bandwidth setting to 1500 instead of 1200. I run on an i5-6600k @ 4.1GHz w/32GB and a GTX 1060 6GB. At Moorsby with 10 avatars on a 1920x1080 screen, Sun-Moon-Proj + ALM on ...I get 70 FPS... You can get the free GPU-Z tool and see how your computer is performing. At the above location my GPU is at 55+/-%, GPU fan 30%, and CPU @ 70-80% You may want to check temperatures too. Get CPUID HWMonitor (free). These tools give you a quick check on your hardware. If the hardware numbers are good, you can concentrate on software.
  20. From the picture it looks like the avatar just hasn't completed rendering. The weird shapes are probably incomplete mesh object renders. Generally triangle shaped things. Firestorm has had some issue with this problem, meaning a number of people see it. I've run into it a couple of times. The problem is for some reason FS hangs on a particular texture or mesh and it just doesn't render for a long time (5+ minutes). There are also certain video cards and drivers that aggravate the problem. There are Texture and Attachment refresh control in the FS viewer. Texture Refresh is in the right-click menu. Attachment Refresh is in the top menu Avatar->Avatar Health->Refresh Attachments. I suggest you tp or log into a deserted, empty region (Furball) and experiment.
  21. You are asking a tech question and not giving us much to go on. Firestorm Viewer and some others but not the Linden viewer have a DERENDER option in the right-click menu. It typically derenders the entire attachment. But, a relog will bring it back. In your case your viewer likely got out of sync with the servers. The viewer and servers maintain an Interest List, a list of things you can see. The viewer and servers work on getting those things updated and sending you their status. They put off downloads and updates for the things behind you, out of sight. If a friend changes their appearance behind your back, literally, when you turn around the viewer may use the previous information it has about their mesh body. That they stay transparent is the viewer thinking it knows what it is doing unaware of a change and the server thinking the viewers got it. The trick is getting the viewer to admit it needs an update. With the Linden viewer that is often a relog. Sometimes a TP out to another region and back will do the trick. If you can get them to change their active group, that can trigger an update. If they will toggle their alpha cuts, that can do the trick. Or it may just be a matter of time, like 10+ minutes, turning around 3 times and clicking your heels (spinning in place triggers a lot of Interest List updates), changing your draw distance to something ridiculously small (the Linden viewer's min is 64m so you have to be farther away than that), give it a minute or two then back to normal. You'll learn which of these works best with your viewer. There is the problem of a viewer's connection to the SL servers dropping Network Packets (Packet Loss). This can cause all sorts of odd problems. Open the viewer's Stats Panel, Ctrl-Shift-1, and look to see if you are losing packets. If so, it is a connection issue.
  22. For any informal question, you can attend a User Group meeting facilitated by a Linden. (Lindal's #6) These days there are often 2 or 5 Lindens around. You can IM them for privacy. But, they may not provide an answer. Those at the meetings are generally not general managers, more likely an engineer. They specialize in some part of the SL system. So, they may not know an answer. Most won't venture to answer on subjects outside their immediate first-hand knowledge. Some won't answer off meeting-topic questions. They are pretty good about saying 'I don't know' or it is above my pay grade or outside my area. I am often surprised how narrow a knowledge field some have. And there is the opposite problem. You may get to one of the upper management types. Then you're likely to find they don't have the details to make a knowledgeable answer. So, you may hear, "We've talked about that, but I don't know where we are on that." "We are working on that, but..." "It's on our list, but..." And there are security matters they simply will not discuss. Management matters and company policy are solely Ebbe's domain. And... they do not respond well to anything they feel may pull them into some drama. other than that... you can ask them anything... ?
  23. Kristin says they start with the older ones. So... I tend to doubt many age out because of the Linden side of things. But, there isn't any information in the video to support my doubt. Since she also said there are 'five-ish' in the team, I suspect she calls in help if they start to get to far behind. But, we can ask at the next meeting... ?
  24. Talking with Oz Linden and other Lindens at various UG meetings, I understand the logs are not kept very long. Something like a few days to a couple of weeks. Different logs have different priorities and are kept for different periods. I find it surprising that people wait long enough to file abuse reports that some of the logs have aged out.
  25. @Gameshowfan90 Yeah. Start over. And say you are starting over so people here know what's going on. But, check your drivers first. If that is the problem, your done and fixed. No need to continue.
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