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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. At this point you have stumped me. All the things we might fix and your ISP could point to have been tested and seem ok. The fix falls to your ISP. That jump in hop 8 to 9.... I'm not sure what is up with that. I go through 10 routers going from San Diego to Stockholm. We see very nearly the same travel time for me to you and you to me. I have no idea what is going wrong. Have you heard from your ISP and LL?
  2. @Laysa Avril You probably have some ideas about how SL works that are incorrect judging from your plea. Also, we have jargon we use as a shorthand that is likely to confuse you. So, I'll try to help. Understand there are two body types, the old Classic and the newer Mesh. Everything in SL is mesh. When we say mesh we mean those things made outside of SL and uploaded. That includes bodies, heads, hands, feet. When we hear 'older' avatar we think Classic not a mesh body from last year. You can buy your head, hands, body, and feet from different creators. Skin makers design for a brand. So, out of the box a skin may work on the classic body or a Maitreya - Belleza - Slink, etc. avatar. They DO NOT design for specific mixes of classic, Maitreya - Belleza, Slink, etc. mesh body parts. They do however design so that with a little effort you can use their skin on whatever collection of parts you prefer. So, most will work with most body parts. Some skins made for a specific brand may come with various APPLIERS. Others come with a generic applier, Omega. The head, like Vista, will have a way to connect to Omega appliers. It may be built into the head or you may have get an Omega RELAY for that head. Play with the demos to see how things work. As to your Tattoos... Your classic avatar had a system tattoo item. It sounds like you put in on and never took it off. Unfortunately that system layer is not going to work on a mesh body. You are going to need to find the tattoo sold in an applier. I doubt you will find the exact same tattoo. So, you may have to surrender and get a new tat. But, find the original tat and in properties see who made it and see if they have updated the tat. People don't get in trouble for using things given or purchased. The usual problems come from selling them. Your problem is going to be tech and permissions (Copy, Mod, Transfer). Getting you old tattoos put in an applier runs into copyright law. Unless you have full perm tats, you are going to have to dance around that issue. Your system tat is not going to work with a mesh body. You'll have to find a way to convert or remake the tat for use with a mesh body and that is where you'll run into trouble. Bakes On Mesh (BoM) is coming. I'll skip the tech. Suffice to say things like the System Tattoo Layer are coming back and will be used in the newer mesh body parts market. At least that is the Lab's hope. No one knows how far out the feature is. I am guessing 1 to 3 months. But, I would not be surprised if it takes longer. For you this means that OLD system tat may be able to be used with newer BoM mesh bodies. There is no guarantee. I've been around SL long enough to think someone will find a way, legal or not... and using an old system tat with a new BoM body... that is a way gray area in SL-Copyright issues. I think many will take the stand that it is legal. But, there is always some rectal orifice that is going to complain.
  3. If WiFI and a mobile provided hotspot work, I would suspect a cable or router socket as a problem. Try a new cable. If you are using a phone to create a hot spot (access point) it may be using the TelCo's network. You'll have see if it is connecting via your WiFi or the TelCo data plan. HTTP vs Websockets is getting pretty deep in the weeds. SL runs on HTTP. So, I don't see where sockets-IO is going to help. Have you run a tracert using the WiFi connection?
  4. Everyone has given you a pretty complete list, but there is one more possibility. In some crash and failed TP's the scripts get set to 'STOPPED" (Not Running) instead of 'RUNNING'. It is often easier to just get a new copy of the HUD from a backup or redelivery than fix it. Sometimes you can fix HUDs by right-clicking and selecting EDIT. Then in the viewer's BUILD menu item select Scripts and select Reset Scripts or Set Scripts to Running. Reset will kill some appliers permanently. Reset also generally clears out HUD presets.
  5. In some cases the shadows have been enhanced or added in Photoshop/Gimp/Paint.Net. Also, Windlight settings may not be the source of SL-Viewer shadows. Projector lights can be used to cast shadows. Regular older style facelights don't. But, newer 'projector' facelights do. The video has links in the description to the 2016 article Second Life: The New Facelight. You can see the difference in old and new facelights here: The big problem with older facelights is they wipe out shadows. A combination of the two can make for excellent lighting. This next image shows how the two affect surroundings differently. The old style lights have to be designed to specifically not destroy the ambiance, difficult. ALM = Advanced Lighting Model. Some recommend turning off ALM. For more realistic looking images you will want it on.
  6. I helps to know a Linden... and be known by Lindens. However, Rolig suggests the fastest easiest way. With any luck they will take a chance and give you edit permission. I suggest you include information about which page you wish to update and what the update will be. If the above doesn't work come back. There are other ways to go to get permission.
  7. Which viewer are you using? When asking a tech question it is important you say... Better yet use the Viewer's HELP->About... and copy-paste that info. With Firestorm you can right-click on an object or avatar with a texture loading problem and select Texture Refresh. This may solve the problem.
  8. I would avoid opening the case. Use HDMonitor (Free) and CPU-Z (Free) to check operation inside the case. HDMonitor will give you fan speed and temperatures. However, that i7-3xxx is older so you may want to open the case and do a little cleaning on general principals. If you use compressed air, do NOT over rev the fans. Max speed on these fans is 1500 to 2000 RPM. Over that and the bearings can fail and then the fan has to be replaced. Heat problems can easily be tested for. Turn the computer off for an hour or so. Turn it on and see how it behaves. If it starts out well and degrades with time, it may be a heat problem. Otherwise, probably not. Mesh objects in SL are made of 4 models; a high polygon count model, fewer polygon, even fewer polygons and fewest polygons. These are called levels of detail, ranging from most to lest detail. As you cam farther away the viewer uses the less detailed models. Not all designers know how to make use of LoD. Some use the high detail model for all levels. Others make a model for the first two levels and then 2 models with fewer and fewer polygons. Others make one model and let the viewer's uploader make the less detailed model, which I consider a big mistake. The point here being not all mesh is going to behave the same way because the designers don't make everything the same way. What you are seeing is models that seem to be rendered with various LoD's missing. That can be a connection problem. It can also be a lack of graphics memory, which is more common in Intel's integrated HD Graphics CPU processors. Your 1050 has plenty of memory. So... why are you getting incomplete models rendering? Your incoming connection seems fine. So, that leaves the transmitted packets... After you have this problem and close the viewer look in your secondlife.log file. How to is at thie link. You are looking for an entries near the end titled: Dropped packets: 73 Resent packets: 437 These numbers are from my last session. If your Resent is high, like 10 times your lost packet count, the problem may be in your getting packets to SL. A value 3 or 4 times the lost packet count seems to be normal. If that is the case, your viewer may be asking for missing packets to be resent that the SL servers are not getting and not resending resulting in incomplete models. FS has had a tendency to miss rendering some things. It takes a right click on the invisible item to get it to render. That you can do that and see a wireframe of it and then it not render is puzzling. Malwarebytes has recently had a problem. Their recommendation, Malwarebytes, for Win10 users is to turn off the real time protection. So, if you have the RT Protection, try turning it off.
  9. Click your viewer's HELP->About... Copy and paste the computer and driver specs here.
  10. Turn the firewall off and try. That will determine if is a firewall issue. Probably not. You might try changing your DNS service. Music streams come from 3rd parties. Your viewer issues a request for the connection from info SL provides. It then relies on your computer's DNS connection to find the music server. You might also try turning off your anti-virus for a few minutes to see if it is blocking the channel/site. If you are using Windows Defender, don't bother. It isn't the problem. Try relogging in the region that is not working. Check your viewer stats packet loss (Ctrl-Shift-1). If you are losing packets it is possible you've missed the connection and need to retry. The relog should catch this.
  11. The 360-Image project is over 1 year old. The current project SL Viewer was released in week 10 of 2018 (March). This was not the first version. It is the latest improved version. Work on the viewer stopped when other projects of higher priority superseded it. Oz Linden mentions it now and then and his hope of getting back to it at UG meetings. Not forgotten or given up on. Just sitting to the side. The last changes in the project viewer made the images far more usable. Now the images are mostly usable directly from the viewer, here and Flickr. For more information on the viewer and using it see The Newly Revised 360-Snapshot RC Viewer is Out
  12. It can take an abnormally long time to render textures. I've had it happen to me with the FS version 6.0.1. Things usually straighten out in 5 or 10 minutes. Also, you can usually click Texture Refresh and speed it up.
  13. Try turning off voice, teleport to a different region, relog, then turn voice back on.
  14. The Friends List is a known problem. It has to do with how the region server is talking to the SL backend. Our work around is move to another region and relog. Application window... This is about how you have your computer setup and how it handles SLURLs. Clicking VISIT on destination web pages attempts to open the viewer and select the log in location using a SLURL. Your computer has to be setup to handle those. That handling specifically for SL is not built-in. Installing the viewer adds the needed settings. But, things mess up. Often you can just reinstall the viewer and it clears up. Those of us that run RC versions of the viewer and various brands of viewers run into the problem. The gory details for geeks are here: http://blog.nalates.net/2010/07/27/emerald-viewer-vs-slurl/ A newer less geeky way is explained here: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/12/24/second-life-how-to-fix-slurls/ The FS peeps have made a gadget for people that hit the problem.
  15. I suspect you are thinking of the neko avatar as a single thing. It is a collection of components. Each of the components will have a way to detach or replace it. Rolig gave the way to change the "collection" of parts. If that is not working consider whether you are using RLV. Without knowing which viewer you are using we are guessing. Clicking Developer (Ctrl-Alt-Q)->Avatar->Character Test->Test [male/female] always works unless you are using RLV.
  16. You can do more with SHAPE. I've been adjusting and building my shape ever since I came into SL. I like my shape. Also, I don't want to have to rebuild it when I get a new head and want to use the head's default shape as a starting point. Also, I have Physique and Hourglass bodies. So, once I get a head looking the way I want I don't what to have to redo the head shape just to change to an HG shape. What to do to make this easier? Shape can be exported to an XML file, provided you have full permissions. XML files are text files and can be easily edited. I can edit out all the settings for a head and save it as a shape. I do the same for the body, edit out all the settings for the body... bodyless and headless shapes. I can upload the partial shapes and they work. When I wear a body only shape, the viewer keeps all the current settings for the head and uses the body settings. It is the same if I load a head only shape. I can then save the combined shape using the viewer's shape save. Much easier.... See: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-216131 - Please click WATCH.
  17. I have not seen a definitive answer to the why... It seems the viewer side inventory list is getting corrupted. The inventory information now travels via HTTP, which is self correcting. So, there is a very small chance for errors from connection problems. With massive packet loss it is likely possible. So, check your packet loss numbers just before logging off. The FSViewer does crash or is crashed when taking snapshots, logging off, or when you are crossing regions. Often the viewer fails silently when closed. We mostly don't notice those crashes when logging off. Occasionally we will get a crash notice on exit. It is more likely these crashes that create the file corruption or incomplete file problems.
  18. There are a few designers that have the script tell you in chat where they put and named the new folder. The viewer also tells which new folder was made. I am quite proficient in ignoring both of those and not being able to find the folder. Well... THAT is way too observant.
  19. Well, ISPs are known to blow off customers will difficult problems. For them to say they don't see anything wrong when tracert doesn't work... well DUH! They are blowing smoke at you. The ISPs often point fingers rather than spend the time to find and fix a difficult problem. That ICMP routing is difficult to explain may be true. But, that it is the primary means of testing a connection and it is a simple it works or it doesn't. So, why doesn't it? I am guessing Sweden has some agency that oversees businesses. Some are likely specifically tasked to handle Internet issues. In the USA we have several. So, if an obvious tracert failure is not being handled, start complaining to those agencies. Include your tracert outputs and SL tests. At some point your ISP will fix the problem as you are consuming more time than fixing the problem. Your tracert should look something like this, but in reverse: (I can't reach your final IP as it is behind a firewall) C:\WINDOWS\system32>tracert Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 7 ms 7 ms 8 ms [redacted] 3 9 ms 7 ms 10 ms [redacted] 4 10 ms 11 ms 12 ms [redacted] 5 10 ms 11 ms 11 ms ae55.bar2.SanDiego1.Level3.net [] 6 * * * Request timed out. 7 40 ms 40 ms 39 ms ae-1-11.ebr5.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 8 58 ms 59 ms 60 ms ae-41-41.ebr2.Atlanta1.Level3.net [] 9 59 ms 61 ms 59 ms ae-1-11.ae-1-11.ebr1.Atlanta1.Level3.net [] 10 79 ms 82 ms 71 ms 11 * * 72 ms ae-1-11.ebr4.Washington1.Level3.net [] 12 149 ms 150 ms 149 ms ae-40-40.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net [] 13 169 ms 157 ms 163 ms ae-50-50.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net [] 14 162 ms 163 ms 167 ms 15 166 ms 161 ms 161 ms ae-49-49.ebr1.Dusseldorf1.Level3.net [] 16 191 ms 188 ms 196 ms ae-50-50.ebr1.Stockholm2.Level3.net [] 17 * * * Request timed out. 18 183 ms 186 ms 180 ms 19 178 ms 178 ms 178 ms 20 179 ms 178 ms 178 ms 21 189 ms 193 ms 190 ms Trace complete. - 1/9/2019 11:04 AM PST
  20. The reason Chromebook is not supported is the hardware cannot handle the graphics load. Chromebook is only good for Facebook games. It isn't the Lab that is the problem it is the lack of hardware in the Chromebook.
  21. There are some possibilities... Right after you log in, look at your viewer stats (Ctrl-Shift-1 it is a toggle). Look to see if you are losing Packets. Your problem is very typical of a connection problem. While I generally have an excellent connection to SL I do lose packets during log in. Also, it is good to have two viewers installed for troubleshooting. The Linden SL viewer is the favoured troubleshooting viewer. See if it present the same problem. Try logging into a different region. You are more likely to see your problem when logging into a busy region. So, try an empty deserted region, Furball could work. Also, use Avatar->Avatar Health->Force Appearance Update (Rebake). In general I think FS 6.0.1 is slower and weaker at rendering a scene than the previous 2 versions and the Linden SL Viewer. You can click the viewer's HELP->About... and copy-paste that information here. We can check some tech stuff and settings to see if there is something there causing a problem.
  22. I doubt the problem is in any of the viewers. Apparently, a DNS server that was a primary router to the Vivox voice servers was under DDoS attack. If that is the source of your problem it should self-correct. However, I have read of one person taking the voice files from a working version and adding them to the viewer with failing voice.
  23. There is also an option to restrict people less than 30 days old. Enabling that should slow down their return.
  24. These are understandable questions. You're thinking. Every person new to SL goes through the process. Even when you go through the initial sign-in classes you'll have questions. They do not do a complete job of explaining SL and how to do things or even what things are. I think their idea was to get people started without overwhelming them. So, now you are in and it is a bit overwhelming... So... Google is your friend on this sort of thing, games and tutorials. While horribly biased for politics and news, it has everything 'game'. GOOGLE The SL Wiki has introductory videos that teach most of what you need to know. And of course, YouTube has a load of them. You can filter Google and YouTube by 'date' to get the more recent information. Anything you find is going to require some thinking and head scratching if you are missing a key point... which is: SL is continuously changing. You'll have figure out what is out of date and ignore it. No easy thing. We'll help. Old stuff is about the "Classic" body and newer stuff a mix of "Classic" and "Mesh". It gets confusing because we tend to mix it all up together. Plus, we use SL jargon and that has to be learned. It requires a flexible mind to understand. The avatar is a special render in the SL system. Everything else is 'prim' (primitive) objects and they render differently. Mesh is prim and that adds options not possible with the Classic avatar. To be clear on the difference read through Mesh vs Classic Bodies. The mesh bodies are somewhat like cars. Each manufacturer does their thing, similar but different. Most Ford and Chevy parts are not interchangeable. With mesh bodies that is especially true of clothes. However, tire makers make their product fit almost all makes of car. This is true of mesh hands, feet, bodies, and heads. You can pretty much mix and match all the parts. Skins are very much like tires in that skins tend to be made to work with most mesh body parts. And because of that you can put most skins on your Frankin-body avatar, mix brands. The mix of brands complicates things but generally works. But, there are gotchas. So, read the label and try the demos before buying and when still in doubt ask. Join groups like NCore shoes and Blueberry or Addams in-world groups or if you have a favorite designer join their group. Those are great places to ask 'does X work with Y?' and 'how do I ...?' type questions. You'll find that some things are meant to be opened, others wore, and others 'worn and applied'. There is no easy way to tell you which is which. It isn't YOU that is the mess when it comes to opening, wearing, or applying. You learn and get a sense of that with experience. After 10+ years I still end up unintentionally wearing a box on my head or rezzing a HUD on the floor now and then.
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