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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You are new, first post, so I'll explain about inventory so you'll have an idea how things work. What you see in your viewer is a list of what you have in inventory. The list is made up of a description and a UUID that points to an item in the assets servers. The asset servers are where all the data that describes all the stuff and things we have in-world resides. We say that is where the actual things are. An inventory system in the backend servers keeps track of what you have in inventory. Consider that as the master copy of the inventory list you have in the viewer. When you login the viewer and servers compare lists and the viewer updates from the servers. If you delete the inventory list on your computer, the viewer downloads a new copy of the list and you continue on. A poor connection and a flat inventory, flat meaning lots of items in a single folder, ~>5,000, can cause inventory to fail to load correctly. To resolve this we usually go to a empty deserted regions and login there. Then open inventory and search for items. The search triggers comparisons with the server-side list and forces everything to load. Stay in the region until it reloads. The Firestorm wiki link for missing inventory above has additional troubleshooting steps.
  2. @Gameshowfan90 This is typically a graphics driver problem. When you jump into a similar thread rather than making a new one, it makes it difficult. Also, it helps a bunch to click the viewer's Help->About... and copy paste that info with you post.
  3. We have no idea what you have and haven't tried. You'll get faster, better, and more applicable answers when you give a full description of your problem and what you have tried. The first step in troubleshooting is make sure RLV is turned off. If you don't know what is or use RLV then that isn't the problem. Skip. Next, try to replace your outfit with any other outfit. If this is a problem use the Ruth/Roth test avatars. Top menu, Developer (Ctrl-Alt-Q)->Avatar->Character Tests->Test Female/Male. If this renders your avatar, switch back to your former avatar and clothes one item at a time. You'll find the problem item or items. Let us know if this doesn't work and we'll progress to other possible causes.
  4. Abuse Reports are a mystery to many SL residents. The new Governance User Group is an opportunity for residents to talk with the Lindens handling the reports. I caught the meeting on video. I think most of the important questions were asked and answered. The video runs an hour plus. For those in a hurry I summarized the content here: Abuse Reports: What You Wanted to Know – 2018-09
  5. When you ask this type of question give us the tech details of your computer and viewer. Click HELP->About... and copy that info in with your question. With that info we could have looked to see if your video driver version has issues. Also, ask in the Firestorm Support group for fast answers. If you do a forum post as you did this time point them to your image in the thread. In your case (hardcore Firestorm user - I understand), I would TP to a Linden region (Pooley, Furball, ?) and logout. As previously suggested, delete the viewer cache. This is a rare case of a time when that may actually help. Login and stay in the region until inventory and region completely load. Open your inventory panel to be sure. With any luck that will fix the issue. Should that fail, find the settings file settings.xml. Rename it. Then start the viewer. It will build a new default version of the file. If that still does not fix it, start looking at hardware. Start with temperatures. There is free software that will monitor your hardware. On Windows I use HWMonitor. 75C is HOT. Above that problems are likely.
  6. My point was to cycle the setting to make sure the settings file is rewritten. As you are about the only one talking about the problem, it is most likely your computer or connection. When something happens on the SL side we see the question/complaint popping up all over. Firestorm support is flooded with reports of generalized issues. I haven't been seeing that. That your problem goes across viewers, that leaves your account and connection...
  7. Well....... no matter how good your Internet connection, the connection to the one place you want to go, SL, can suck. So, test that specific connection. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ These tests will tell you if there is a problem and where it is. While you may get to all of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa connection to the Americas and the Pacific and Asian countries may be way flakey. So... test. The Internet is a collection of millions of devices and pathways. The Internet is constantly changing as equipement is updated, replaced, added, removed, and reprogrammed. From millisecond to millisecond things change. Sometimes drastically. The amazing thing about the Internet it it continues to work as various countries and individuals wage cyber warfare.
  8. The first link shows a page with a number of computers. Some are better than others. Of the better… The Intel Pentium J3710 Processor is a 2016 model quad-core, which sounds good. But, the speed is 1.6GHz with bursts to 2.6GHz. This is REALLY SLOW. SL is very CPU speed sensitive. You want a CPU in the 3+GHz range with bursts at or over 4GHz. 4GB of RAM is a minimum per the Lab. I think 8GB is the workable minimum. They aren’t giving us much in the way of specs. I never trust those types of ads. Whatever, they do NOT mention a video card. So, they are likely relying on the CPU which has HD Graphics 405. That is pretty low end. I would guess even medium viewer settings will tax the system. The second link… this is a better machine for SL. The CPU is an Intel Core i3-7100T. This is a Q1-2017 release that is quad-core and runs at 3.4GHz. Yay! The ‘T’ suffix means it is power optimized. I’m not sure what that means for running SL. We usually go for performance not power saving. Again, no mention of a graphics card. So, they are likely relying on the Intel® HD Graphics 630 built into the CPU. The HD graphics are designed for streaming movies, think Netflix, and Facebook games. It should run SL pretty well on medium settings. But, not what I would consider a fun experience. Also, these All-In-One type computers tend to run hot, meaning a shorter life before problems set in. Because they are jammed into a small space they are difficult if not impossible to upgrade. So, while I think you could run SL on the second link machine, I wouldn’t recommend it. You can search this forum for ‘Best Computer for SL’ and similar queries and find numerous recommendations. Look in eBay and Amazon for deals. You can get new, refurbished, and used computers at good prices. Get more for your money. For instance eBay i3-7700 computers with NVIDIA graphics…
  9. I'm not clear if you found these settings: NIC Sleep Settings Both wired and wireless have sleep settings. You probably should look through you modem/gateway settings to see if there is something in there. Unlikely. But, you can Google your gateway model and get instructions and recommendations for settings. You may want to check your viewer's 'BackgroundYieldTime' setting in Debug Settings. In 2011 Torley was recommending 200ms... 40 is the default. With newer computers smaller numbers like 40 should not be a problem. You could play with this setting to see if it has an effect. If you multitask or are running multiple viewers and your computer is having problem keeping up, this setting may make a difference. You may want to set your AFK time out to 5 minutes, close the viewer, relaunch the viewer, and reset to NEVER with another relog. If the settings file is wacky on this point this should force a clean up. You can open the secondlife.log file and read the file end to see if you can determine what is happening with apparent AFK logouts. Specifically check the lost packet numbers as they often trigger a logout. Over the last month I've been wondering what is up with my connection. Testing says it is fine. Plus, I see a number of regions going red on the World and Mini (radar) maps. They come back in a few minutes. But, it has made for some interesting navigation while flying and sailing. But, there is NO flood of "i'm getting logged off..." complaints. So, I tend to think it is me or the viewer. But, I see the same oddities with Catznip and Linden viewers. So... I'm left wondering and testing. There are free region restart trackers and performance meters. So, you can monitor your region to see if it is the SL simulator.
  10. IF you want to know more about Sansar check out https://ryanschultz.com. Dig back through his older articles. Go to YouTube and find Strawberry Singh and Drax. Watch their stuff. Also, there is a Sansar forum run by the Lab. It is taking awhile. I'm getting older by the minute. Development time for Sansar is not particularly slow. Put it in proportion. Go over to Massively OverPowered and read up on the Star Citizen alpha (?) where a Beta Starship can cost US$2,000... Or ... Games taking a long time Shenmue: 1994-2000 (6 years) ... StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty: 2003-2010 (7 years) ... Galleon: 1997-2004 (7 years) ... L.A. Noire: 2004-2011 (7 years) ... Spore: 2000-2008 (8 years) ... Too Human : 1999-2008 (9 years) ... Team Fortress 2: 1998-2007 (9 years) ... Prey: 1995-2006 (11 years) The Lab isn't saying how many people they have working on Sansar and/or SL. Company employee pictures are misleading as some number work through the wire. Oz Linden is in the Boston area, I believe. So, your 'informed' opinion is a guess without any real information to base it on. I hate to agree with you, but that may turn out to be an appropriate name. But, we aren't there yet. There is still a huge amount of money going into VR.
  11. The considerations are numerous. Where do you live? Is the room you are in sweater-sweatshirt temperatures? Or shorts and halter top? It makes a difference in how much cooling your computer needs. Cool places will allow you to get by with the builtin cooling. Warm places will require more than the standard cooling. Marketing hype targets the non-techie with misleading claims. The most annoying for me is the sale of NEW computers built with 2006 Core-2 tech. Also 2nd and 3rd gen Intel CPU's sold as new when the current Intel CPU is a 9th generation chip. ID Intel CPU's by their number, bottom to top i3, i5, i7 and 2#### to 9###. So, my 6th gen i5 is designated i5-6600k. The 'k' meaning it can be overclocked, run faster than its advertised rating. For SL the i5 is the performance-cost sweet spot, debatable but my position. CPU speed is very important for SL performance. So, you are looking for 3.? to 4.? GHz CPU. The 2.?GHz are cheaper but you take a disportionate hit running SL. Also, ad hype will push the Intel HD Graphics as something great. If you want to stream YouTube, they are right. But, they make it sound like it is a good thing for gaming. Facebook games, yeah. And not too bad for WoW. WoW is nowhere near as graphics intense as SL. If you can run SL well, you can run most any game very well. For the money, you get more with a desktop. Laptops and mini-tower and other small footprint desktops are pretty much way too difficult to upgrade, if not impossible and then they severally restricted. If you really want to upgrade you probably need to stay with mid and full size towers. For SL you need a dedicated video card. In laptops it is not a card but, a chip built into the motherboard (generally not upgradable). As to brand of video card, AMD and Apple have not been supporting OpenGL or very weak when they do. So, NVIDIA is the choice. But, on the PC Windows side you can get by with AMD/ATI. It is debatable how good an idea that is. I argue it is the difficult-to-live-with choice. If portable is not a primary requirement then go desktop. You might even want to consider using your TV as the monitor for it and use a wireless keyboard and mouse to be able to move away from the desktop.
  12. ? You have such a bias. No EOE employment on your part.... ?
  13. Demos... try a demo before you buy anything. I used to just look at fit. Does the item fit or is it loose or too tight and I poke through? Not much else was a concern. Now I ALWAYS check ACI (Avatar Complexity). While I now know that is inaccurate it is the easy check. I sometimes press Ctrl-Shift-R to see how dense the polygon count is. Amd now... Script load is a problem and I check that too. I used to run between 2MB and 3MB of script. Now, I have to take off most of my HUD's just to stay in the low 3MB numbers. When I fly or sail I have a special outfit containing a copies of my Slink body and feet with scripts removed, saving 1,280KB of scripts. I use my classic head look to save another 384KB (GA.EG Jennifer head, teeth, and AO HUD). OMG, when I use my nude starter body to begin an outfit it is right at 5MB of scripts as I have all the HUD's on and FS is having a panic attack from all textures in the HUD's. Now I look at the FS Wearing tab to see how many attachments I have. That nude starter outfit uses 20 of 38... Four of those are HUD's I'll take off once the outfit is complete. But while dressing I may use 5 to 6 HUD's from fat packs to get the color combinations I want. So, I have 15 slots available for the outfit... I have to start juggling HUD's if I go over 15 or so attachments. Combining left and right hands and feet or all hands and feet could free up some attachment points taking 4 or 5 to one. But, Slink is no mod as are most mesh body parts. The simple solution is to ave the Lab give us more attachment points. Maybe as a premium perk. But, more attachments has an impact on performance. Designers and Lindens have talked about increasing the attachment limit. So, I think the idea is on the 'Linden mind'. But, how to do that and provide performance too? I suspect there will be no change in the attachment limit until after ARCTan (the revised ACI & LI) algorithm is revised and begins to have an effect. BoM and Animesh are factors that may have a big impact on script load and attachment count. My belief is until the Lindens see how these new features shake up the SL design world and we see how users make use of them, or not, there is little if any chance the limit will change. But, I've been wrong before.
  14. Oh... no polygon overload there...
  15. This was my look most of this and last week as I learned to sail. The wet skin is an Applier from Izzie's. I have the Omega relays for Slink (body, hands, and feet) and GA.EG (head). The hair is from Argrace (Chizuru) and has its own water drops. So, I look wet all over. They look best with projector light. But, sun and moon light are good enough. The guys seem fascinated by the water drops. I think it is the water drops they are looking at...
  16. And all this may change with the arrival of the Enhanced Environment Project (EEP). Once implemented, regions can go to a 24 hour day... or whatever they choose to set. As it is now an SL day is 4 hours long. But, server time is reported as Pacific Time Zone. So, while clocks tick out 24 hour days the SL sun spins around the virtual world 6 times per 24 hours. When the scripting functions for EEP are added, likely a phase two project, region owners will be able to script sun position and seasons. We can only speculate about what regions owners will do with the new settings. But, I suspect some will tune their regions to their local time and seasons.
  17. There are two types of people... no joke, as great a segue as that is... those that know they have biases and prejudices and those totally oblivious to to theirs. The later group has the majority of the people that want to force others to live by their biases and prejudices. We have a name for that...
  18. Thank the Lab there is a premium member WT region. Seems things from RL leak into SL. So, I may have just found the SL News Network (SLNN) channel for fake news and premium trolling. And just like RL news readers... er ANCHORS... believe what they read on air, so too here...
  19. If you are using NVIDIA 3D Vision, all the settings to change are in NVIDIA. SL Viewers, because they are OpenGL, generally work with 3D Vision. But, how well is an open question. Plus, there is a bunch of tweaking. See: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/682130/3d-vision/-opengl-3d-vision-wrapper-enabling-3d-vision-in-opengl-apps/72/ The viewers are not 'specifically' designed to work with 3D. However, the Z axis info needed by 3D Vision is available in the viewer from OpenGL. I have forgotten if you have to swap X and Y axis for 3D V to look right. The screen and glasses have to sync. If you have your screen frequency at anything other than 120Hz (I think - its been a while) you'll get bad results.
  20. You didn't give us much to go on. So, we are guessing. It helps and saves everyone time if you click the viewers Help->About... and copy that information to paste in with your question. SL servers use the latest network security TLS 1.3 over the older SSL. If your computer is still using the older SSL protocols and does not have a TLS protocol, you will get this error. Not knowing which operating system and version you are using, we have no idea if that is any more than a possibility.
  21. There are ok kissing HUD's. But, the animations are a problem. I doubt you will find 'exactly' what you want. For years we have talked about being able to scale animations. As yet, we can't. So, you'll find animators that make animations for various size avatars. Typically; small, medium, and large. There are animations for special sizes like tiny and giant too. But, most;y they are like for a 4'-10" small to a 5'-10 or 6'-0" medium to a 7'+ large. The best solution I know of now is to buy a HUD that allows you to add your animations and add the animations that work for the avatars you have in mind. Animations are not hard to make. But, they do take some talent. So, you may want to make your own.
  22. Been there, done that EEK! thing.
  23. We have different ideas of double posts... neither of which seem to be overly frowned on in this forum. I learned two posts in a row in the same thread was a double post. But, the same post in different threads is probably a reasonable definition too. Others have told me a double post is when the forum, network, or browser glitches and the same post appears twice in a row. HOWEVER, posting hot lingerie pics is never likely to draw complaints. Good image, sexy lingerie, cute avatar...
  24. I want to build on Lindal's blame game. When your laptop works at another location on another network, make that point very strongly. Once you ave narrowed it down to them, tell them you have narrowed it down to them. Explain to the them the steps and results of each step. If the laptop and account work using another network, pretty much will tell the whole story. My guess is they have the security too tight on the new gateway. So, a firewall setting in the gateway is likely too restrictive.
  25. If you want to find great dresses and other clothes check out iHeartSL.com. The site is a fashion aggregator, meaning EVERYONE shows up in their stream. From there you can find the designers you like and the blogs that cover fashion in the style you like. Events also get mention in the stream. As it is an aggregator there are typically 100+ new posts per day. So, lots to look at.
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