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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. There is a Second Life issue. We were talking about it at the Beta Server UG yesterday (Thursday). This past RC update is probably the start of your problem. The Lindens are updating the OS running their servers. This seems to have created the problem you are experiencing. Check to see if you are crashing while on an RC channel. You open the viewers HELP->About... and look for the server version. If you are in a Blue Steel, Le Tigre, or Magnum region, it will say. To help resolve the problem file a JIRA report. Have your crashing friends also add their info to your report. They can file their own report, but this works better if all of you get the info in one place. Key to helping is including precise time, date, and place. They will need all your viewer and computer information, the form asks for it. Use the HELP->About info to fill in those sections. I suspect there is a report already. But I couldn't find it. If there is they may close your report, which will block you and others making additions to the report. Look at the referenced reports they add when closing a report to see if one is open and add your additional info as you get it to the open report. If none are open, contact the Linden that closed the report and ask to open it as you have more info. They usually do or they'll point you to where you can add it. As the version running in ADITI on the region hosting the meeting seems to be fixed, it suggests a fix will make it to the main grid in a week maybe two. We have one attendee on an old computer with a weak connection to SL. He had been having problems staying connected for 3 or 4 weeks, crashing every 15 minutes, more or less. But not this week as the region was running a new version. So, they may have it fixed. Still file your reports. This is one of those things that affects only a few people. So, the Lindens need to see it is more than just 1 or 2 people. FYI: @Whirly Fizzle
  2. Right-click the ground in a parcel and select About Land->Scripts->Avatar ... something like that depending on viewer. See how many megabytes of script you are wearing. Region crossings are WAY sensitive to your script load. Scripts in the vehicle count as part of the load. Get the numbers as low as possible. See if that helps.
  3. We've been there, done that. No biggie.
  4. This type of problem just begs that you check grid status. Any large displacement of avatars usually gets announced quickly (quickly being a proprietary Linden term different somewhat from the definition used by mere mortals). Quickly as in 2 or more hours. Also, if you use Firestorm notice the currently logged in numbers. If the number is below 28,000 then there is likely a grid wide problem. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are region update/restart days. Generally early mornings. But, you get an intrusive warning the region is restarting. A quick check with the Firestorm Support group is probably the best quick response indicator in SL. If there is a problem, they will know in minutes... like 15 or 20... Other large active groups may work as well. A computer and modem/gateway restart are easy first steps to try. Viewer restart first. then try a computer and viewer restart. Then a computer, modem, and viewer restart... then start worrying. Save a reinstall until you KNOW the viewer is broken. Try an alternate viewer to see if it is the viewer or not. The Linden made SL Viewer and Firestorm are the common choices for an alternate viewer. Keep at least 2 viewers installed for quick troubleshooting. This is one of those cases where a cache clear can be disastrous. So, avoid that until you KNOW, not guess or someone suggests, KNOW something in the cache is the problem.
  5. IF you want to be in world and not have people know.... use an ALT.
  6. Nalates Urriah

    Mesh Bodies

    Lindal provided a good basic answer. Using folders is one way to get all the things you wear in one place to easily add. I use OUTFITS in Appearance for the same thing, an easy to get it all together wearable. The advantage of Outfits is the item does not have to be copied into numerous folders. Also, Outfits work the same for Copy-OK and No-Copy items. Outfits use a link or some call them a shortcut that points to the item rather than a copy of the item. I make a NUDE Outfit as a beginning place for all my Outfits. I have several with one being a mesh body, feet, hands, and head and another being a classic body. I include the HUDs that allow me to change appearance in the Outfit. In most cases where an applier is needed, I include the applier as part of the Outfit. As an example think of an Applier Swimsuit. I may use several different appliers between the times I wear that suit. So, it gets replaced. Wearing the swimsuit outfit won't produce the look I am expecting as that suit is no longer 'applied' to the body. So, I need the applier to apply the suit again. The alternative is making copies of the body to save and use with specific Outfits. One of the big problems with mesh bodies, things, is updates. Using Outfits versus copies of items is that we can use Replace Links to update an Outfit without have to remake it. There is no replace item. So, updates are WAY easier with Outfits.
  7. I checked a couple of days ago, and voice morphing doesn't work on my hardware. Of the 50+k people logging in daily, few are complaining in Firestorm Support, the JIRA, or this forum. They are not showing up at the UG meetings asking for help or complaining. It probably is more than 3. And it is fair to consider that not everyone interested may have been able to click the JIRA 'Watch'. There may be more people jumping to the SL Status Tracking for the issue, which we can see a count on. I just doubt there are more than a couple dozen that care enough to complain. And that was my point in saying '3' and pointing to the JIRA. So, whether it is 3 or 3 dozen it is still too few for the Lab to place much priority on the issue. There are other issues with much more 'Linden' priority and that affect way more people. So, it will take some time to get fixed.
  8. It is only hard to believe when you miss the point. Vivox voice for SL wasn't working and would likely be part of the problem with morphing. The attack on DNS was resolved and voice works... most of the time. Getting morphing working again, while the OP problem, is another problem within the problem. Like a rattle in a car, if the car doesn't run then the rattle can't be heard nor fixed. They got the car running. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-226214 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-226122 Have you been helping in either of these JIRA's? Did you add yourself to the watch list? Looks like this is only a serious issue for 3 people. I wouldn't expect them to expend much effort for three people when there are more pressing issues.
  9. There are several good viewers. Singularity and Cool VL Viewer use the older V1 user interface and are made to work well with older computers. Cool is kept up to date with frequent updates. Singularity lags behind, but generally has the important new stuff in its alpha version. Alchemy and Catznip are good viewers. Catznip has some awesome inventory management features. Black Dragon is the photographers... alternate to Firestorm. Its user interface changes and you will have a learning curve with it. Many feel it is worth the effort. It frequently updates and the author experiments with features and user interface. Way neat is it has an Avatar Pose/animator feature. Word is the Lindens are looking at adopting the feature. Or... you might just wipe the Firestorm settings and solve the problem and continue on with Firestorm.
  10. Change... when I consider avatar appearance I look at proportions and height. A 6'-6" or 2m tall and taller avatar is not going work well with couples animations, dancing or humping. Shoulders 4 times wider than my hips... just aren't going to work (not your problem). But, these are my preferences. They should only matter to you as a single opinion point in the feedback. The guys built like gorilla sized body-builders are scoring with some women. A ripped body is sexy. But, proportion is important to me. You may have a problem with the women with breasts larger than a medium sized blimp aad a butt so wide it won't fit on a couch... I do. But, some people like it like that. As others have written, your personal preference is the deciding factor. However, if you are looking to hook up what others think matters. So, we have articles floating around in the SL blogosphere and here in the forum about avatar proportions. Look for Penny Patton's posts and articles for excellent thinking on proportions.
  11. Translated: I can not see my avatar I can not see my avatar and everything around me turns gray, and the other players see my avatar normally, what is happening Ask this question in the Answers section of the forum. Faça esta pergunta na seção de respostas do fórum. Não é errado perguntar aqui. Mas você receberá uma resposta mais rápida na seção Respostas.
  12. I find your type of confusion is usually from misunderstanding how the body and/or appliers work. Strawberry made a video showing her appling 3rd party skin to LAQ. See About 1 min and 50 sec in... Rhonda Huntress in another thread points people to: Adding skin to mesh body and heads is just a matter of knowing if Omega is needed or not then making a couple of clicks.
  13. Don't get too excited. Bakes On Mesh (BoM) is not out yet. You can get a Project Viewer that will allow you to use BoM. BUT ONLY those also using that viewer will see your avatar correctly. It will be 1 or more months before BoM rolls out as a main/default feature. I don't know of any designer that has a BoM head, body, etc. out on the market. I have a closer connection to Slink's designer and have been told BoM models are in the works. Don't toss the old stuff. But, also do not count on it being usable. The BoM feature is designed to use the old system layers. But, how the result will look depends on lots of factors and we haven't sorted those out. So, most of us are speculating based on a tiny bit of experimenting with the Project Viewer and early BoM versions.
  14. There is a blog with a review of mesh bodies and heads, Mesh Body Addicts. Several people have taken a poll of which body is most popular. Maitreya wins. Whether it is the best made and easiest to use is debatable. I suggest you try Maitreya and the top 3 or 4 bodies. Check the ACI on each body as it is an indicator of the load the body puts on your viewer's and everyone else's render engines. Lower is better. Ultimately, I think most of us pick a body on how it looks. Maitreya seems to have won on looks. 3 or 4 other brands are as good in my opinion and better on technical optimization. Or... skip all the brain damage and just buy Maitreya.
  15. If you go for a mesh head, notice it comes with an editable shape. The shape is primarily for the head. The designer has no idea what body you might use. Make a copy of that shape as a backup. Change only copies of the shape. Mesh bodies come with a shape too. Some are editable, some are No-Mod. You REALLY want Mod-OK. The thing with these shapes is this problem: The shapes can be combined into a composite shape if you are willing to edit XML files. You can export shapes to your computer as an XML file. Of course you have to have full perm shapes to do that. Then edit them and finally upload the result as a new shape.
  16. I joined in 2008. Didn't start taking pictures until later. The oldest I have, that I can find today, is early 2009. The red eyes were a carry-over from Myst-Online. The appearance editor was way limited compared to SL. So, the red eyes set my avatar appart. I've recently added the GA.EG eyes, to my Jennifer head.
  17. I think this looks like a BIG revenge plot brewing... Absolute Vendetta does have a lot of Sink (P&H) stuff. I find a lot of stuff I want is often Maitreya only or Maitreya and Slink Hourglass. So, I gave in and bought Hourglass. I'm having difficult time getting a shape made for the Hourglass that I'll wear. A really big butt just doesn't do it for me. ...should we take up a collection for a haircut? I suspect you look better than you think... Well... you seem to consistently be stuck on a single look... awesome. This is a gorgeous image. I would have taken the time to edit out the pink straps as they go over the shoulder. Then it would have been perfect too.
  18. ...and sometimes they get lazy and figure you can handle it with alpha layers. I've also seen them mislabel a version... so that Maitreya version is actually for Slink. There are some that don't use the Dev Kit for the body and just wing it... There are lots of reasons. For a segment of the SL population using alphas is a non-starter. Those playing in RLV areas where they can be stripped of clothes without notice have a problem with clothes that require the use of an alpha layer.
  19. If your router is just recently out of warranty, keep yelling at them. They may give in and give you a router or sell you one at discount.
  20. The Geforce 500 Series Win-7-64 v391.35 is the latest driver for the 570. So, I'm not clear what you mean by 'not compatible with my version'. It works with Win-7@64 and the 570... Will an updated driver be faster? One would have to test to know. I don't have a 570 so I can't. Some versions are faster, some not. NVIDIA usually claims performance improvements for each update. Each version has fewer problems. So, with NVIDIA, updates are usually wanted update. Visiting London City standing outside the Freebie Megastore my Win-10 i5-6700k @ 4.1GHz w/32GB Ram + GTX1060-6GB set to Draw Distance 128m at between High-Ultra, ACI=350k, Sun-Moon+Pro, AA=2, and ALM on I average about 25 FPS. So, your 21+/- FPS isn't all that bad. Turning up my draw distance catches more avatars and pulls my FPS down. At 64m I get 31 FPS.
  21. The graphics driver is old (NVIDIA 353.06) and you are on Win-7. Through Win-8 and 10 Microsoft improved game support. Win-7 has another year of MS support. Then it is done. About a year or two after that time Chrome and Firefox will stop supporting it. There are still ways to upgrade to Win-10. The Current NVIDIA driver is WHQL 391.35. In 2010 I made a graphics tweaking tutorial. It explains the settings in the viewer and which to tweak for better performance or improved graphics. Things have changed. But, mostly things just got moved around in the interface. You can figure it out. You are using Firestorm so you can easily save a set of viewer settings. Save a set then start experimenting. When I test I test in a Safe Hub (...and why do they call them safe?), in an area with stuff and no avatars - like Denby at ground level, and at 1,500m to 3,000m altitude where there is almost nothing. This tells me if I need to concentrate on avatar related settings, stuff settings, or computer issues. With nothing around you should be getting a high FPS rate. If you aren't, something is up with the computer. With your 2nd gen CPU and a 570 I would expect something in the 50 to 100 FPS at altitude in a deserted and empty region, like Furball. A hard disk is not going to affect your FPS in any significant way. I have viewers running on WD Black, SSD, and Ram drives. I can't tell any difference in FPS. I see a significant difference in scene render time between the type of drives. Also in menu and panel open times. A factor we seldom discuss is RAM speed. The free app CPU-Z will give you your motherboard model. You can look up the max RAM it will hold and the max RAM speed it can handle. CPU-Z will list what is installed. The i7-2600k uses DDR3-1066, 1333, 1600, 1866, 2133, 2400, and 2800 memory. These old chips are really cheap. Your motherboard controls how much you can install, 8 to 32 GB. You are running on 8GB. IF it is 1066 memory you can almost triple memory speed by switching to 2400. That isn't going to triple you FPS. Maybe 10 to 20% faster, at 20 FPS that is 2 to 4 FPS boost. Your 2600k is made to be overclocked. How easy that will be depends on your motherboard. My newer ASUS board makes it was easy. A 10 to 20% speed boost in the CPU can up the FPS by about half that number. Try the easy and cheap settings changes then move to hardware. Once your happy with the visual and performance quality... you're done.
  22. I'm not sure what you mean by 'the whole experience carry over'... Except for a few viewer settings everything is tracked on the server side. If you log into SL from New York or California Sl should be the same. The viewer does try to set itself up for the hardware it finds. It asks about the hardware and sets default graphics values based on the hardware. Using a USB install sort of defeats that. As you move from computer to computer the viewer needs to readjust. I'm not sure it does unless you clear out the settings. No matter what computer you use your last location, inventory, avatar appearance, and etc. will be the same as that information is stored server side. That is why I can switch between the Linden SL Viewer, Firestorm, Black Dragon, others and change form my laptop to my desktop and have the same experience.
  23. Malwarebytes people say you can turn off Real Time protection to fix the problem, which is basically disabling Malwarebytes. I have it installed but I've not used the Real Time Protection and I haven't had a problem.
  24. WiFi is highly dependent on the age of your access point. WiFi generally comes in two favors, 2.4 and 5 GHz. The 5GHz signal doesn't travel well. Electrical devices in the home can interfere. Walls attenuate the signal. People walking between the access point and receiver can break a weak connection. You need signal strength. If you can't get it, run a wire. You can get a WiFi tester app for your phone. Most are free. You can use that to check signal strength at the place you hope to use the WiFi. Any signal below -60db is questionable. Below -70db and you are unlikely to enjoy the almost connection.
  25. Not bad hardware. A little old. We would need to know the NVIDIA model... When you ask a tech question use the viewer's HELP->About... to get the computer/viewer specs and driver versions. Paste it all in here. For best performance you have to experiment. The Quality and Speed slider is generalized. You can always do better with custom settings. I suggest you take a screenshot of the Preferences Graphics panel, like Chic did. Move the slider left to get better FPS. Then click on graphics features and move the settings toward the setting you captured or the ones above. See which slows you and doesn't enhance the render much. Those values you can leave low or lower even more. Those that make a significant improvement to the render without much slowing, turn up. It is an experiment as computers are different. But, your i7, old or not, and an NVIDIA card should do better than 6 FPS. Use something like HDMonitor (free) to see how hard your video card is working or not. Some laptops will turn off the NVIDIA graphics to save power. You may have to set up an NVIDIA profile for the SL program. See http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/
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