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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. There are some amazing ways to edit images. 130... are you thinking that is a lot? Or not so many?
  2. The last few days there have been problems with voice. Voice is provided by a third-party, Vivox. There have been problems with routing between SL and Viviox. It is a problem with the Internet Service "between" the two. So, both SL and Vivox are dependent on a 4th party to fix the problem...
  3. Running two viewers does not double the computer load. Computers focus on a single task at a time. So, while the viewer does continue to run in background, a viewer setting reduces the amount of CPU/graphics power it uses. That setting is a user controlled value. If you open the viewer's Stats panel (Ctrl-Shift-1) and then click way from the viewer so it loses focus, you can see the FPS plunge. Anything can be overdone. Running 2 viewers is a ways from overdone. But, 'overdone' is determined by the individual computer. Some computers will have a challenge with even just the second instance of a viewer.
  4. Wulfie likely hit on the problem. We would need to see an image to know for sure. Old viewers may not render Bento mesh. They produce a spiky looking thing. But, it would have to be a really old viewer as Linden viewers and third-party viewers have supported Bento for a long time, (Dec 2016) and across several versions of viewers. Firestorm added bento support with version 5.0.1, which is the current third version of the viewer... meaning 3 versions back. The new 6.0.1 with Animesh support will make it the fourth version back when 6 goes from Beta to main. Shortly after that 5.0.1 will be blocked and no longer be usable. Sasy is right. If your friend is using Singularity that may be the problem. Singularity supports Bento but only in their Alpha version. You have to have picked that information up and gotten the link for the Alpha viewer from their in-world group. They do NOT make it clear on their website. It is sort of an insider's secret. Typically when asking a tech question it is smart to include the viewer and computer information from the viewer's HELP->About... Otherwise, we can only guess and you get to deal with all our bad guesses.
  5. Our current crop of Lindens spends more time in-world than we can know. They all have an official avatar with the last name Linden. Many if not most have an Alt. If they are on recreationally or experimenting or... whatever they may use the Alt. So, we wouldn't recognize them. The User Groups are often inconvenient to attend unless you live in the PST zone. Inara Pey (blog) and I (link below) blog about SL. Both of us cover a technical side of SL. Inara has remained interested in Sansar. I've lost a lot of interest because they haven't yet started to support VR devices other than Oculus and their controllers. Both blogs go back years covering SL.
  6. There is an old debate about whether SL is a game or not a game. The most and probably the only argument with compelling reasoning for calling it a game came from @Rhonda Huntress when she posited that SL is an Inventory Game. (2015 Is Second Life a Game?) Everyone has their way of handling inventory. You can find whole threads in this forum devoted to the subject. In-world there are numerous tutorials. On YouTube there are more. The marketplace has gadgets to help... but, they all seem like just more work. Since they cannot automate the process they all seem like ways to force us to organize but save no labor. Starting my 11th year, what I have learned is how we handle inventory evolves. We even see the third-party viewer dev's figuring out better ways to handle inventory. It is possible to build automation into the inventory if it is coded into the viewer. Third-party viewers have done some of that and some has even made it into the Linden viewer. The Catznip viewer has an awesome set of tools for organizing inventory. But, we are all so different in how we organize and think there is no general or single definitive way nor single tool to make inventory work the way we want. I started using year numbers in my inventory organization. Especially with LandMarks. As Rolig points out the only real gotcha with inventory is having 3,000 to 5,000 items in a single folder. Depending on the quality of your connection at some point that blocks log in. I typically have less than 500 items per folder. I have LOTS of folders. So, I can have millions of things in inventory... inventory is pretty much unlimited. I also use the Recent tab a lot. It can be set to 'recent' as this log in session, the last day, 2-days, 3-days, x-days... or even hours. But, I quickly unpack stuff, like within a week. I move unpacked boxes to a folder named 'Opened' (demos I trash the boxes immediately after opening) and their resulting 'opened' folder to an appropriate place; demo some category, dresses, pants, etc. which I have in a logical arrangement... logical to me. I avoid letting it pile up as that just gets out of control.
  7. There are some fancy characters that get rejected. This is sort of problem because they can't catch the problem until it moves from the website into the backend servers. Your viewer can be left thinking things are great and be using the invalid name. Then when an update from the server is triggered you see the name poof from the viewer. I feel you. It is annoying. But it is apparently enough of a technical problem between the database servers, web servers, and viewers that the Lindens can't create an easy fix. The fix is apparently more complex and time consuming than the problem is common or annoying.
  8. They have obviously built in an A.I. feature that specifically targets you...
  9. The default Max Hops is 30. Your Tracert gave up before getting to the end of the trip... You can force it to go farther. Use: tracert -h 40 [destination] or whatever number of hops you want to try. The time allowed for each hop is 4,000ms (4 sec). So, it isn't fail on time. This is a lot of hops. I suspect something is wrong in the ICMP path and that is why you don't see it reach the endpoint. If your computer could not reach the destination you would get a destination unreachable message. Refining the troubleshooting any farther requires installing software that can further test the connection. That is a job better left to your ISP and the Lab. It appears more packets are dropped on the way to you, requiring a resend, from the Lab than from you to the Lab the Dropped Packets. So, I would put all the info you sent to your ISP and a pointer to this thread into an SL trouble ticket.
  10. We've all been there... I so often over thenk things and make them ay more complicated than needed. I get frustrated trying to capture that 'just right' picture. I'll video the sequence. Than edit it can grab the still I want in the video edit. I can pick the exact frame. But, it does limit my image size. I watch lots of YouTube tutorials...
  11. Yes. 38. That is 38 total. They can be spread over all the attachment points or all on one. However, attachments points with a load of attachments can be a problem. Make sure you change mesh attachments to use a point other than the default Right-Hand. When I buy a new whatever I check its attachment point. For mesh jewelry, tops, pants, shoes, everything I check and reattach to a more appropriate Attachment Point. Then I make whatever copies I need as they will have my change. The SL Wiki has all sorts of interesting information and is REALLY boring reading... For the various SL limits see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits There is discussion in User Group meetings about upping the number of possible attachments. The combination of avatar and HUD attachments used with mesh heads and hands is driving up the number people want to use at one time. I suspect we will get an increase at some point. But, avatars are already a significant performance factor in SL. Animesh attachments are likely to increase that (think adding a baby or pet - or is that being redundant?) for more. Bakes On Mesh is coming but I think it will ne attachment neutral. I also suspect the increased attachments number will likely be for Premium Members...
  12. The network is not like other devices. The network is changing by the millisecond. The path your network packets take may remain constant but it is way more likely the path constantly changes, While there will be a most direct preferred path when load is high or problems encountered it will deviate from that. Plus the sent packets and received packets may take different routes. Looks like you are hitting a problem. You didn't Google reading TRACERT. Those repetitive "*" hops you didn't show would tell us more. So, I am guessing about how likely this is the problem. It would help to include the full route trace. That everything from hop #5 on times out is likely a problem. The final hop into the Lab's server running the simulator is known to return a Domain ID like 12 21 ms 22 ms 25 ms sim10322.agni.lindenlab.com []. If the last hop is failing then you definitely have connection problems. As the trace uses ICMP that reporting may be blocked somewhere, but I think that unlikely. If it were the case HTTP could pass while ICMP was blocked, which is usually an endpoint thing. The 21 ms 22 ms 25 ms above tells us the packets are making it to the simulator and back in about 22.6ms. That you report a 0% packet loss is probably not accurate because of how the viewer reports packet loss. I suggest you look in the secondlife.log file at the end of the file for the session stats. If the viewer crashes, there will not be a summary. However, the disconnect you show will allow you to close the viewer 'gracefully' and get the summary stats. In Firestorm the next to last line reports the stats at the time you click HELP->ABOUT... After login and 2 minutes in: Packets Lost: 76/8,182 (0.9%) After 5+ minutes online: Packets Lost: 76/128,936 (0.1%) - You can see all my packet loss is in the initial connection period. Over time that % number decreases. When there are problems it increases over time. From the log: (Windows: C:\Users\[Win_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\) SendPacket failures: 0 Dropped packets: 76 Resent packets: 117 Failed reliable resends: 0 Off-circuit rejected packets: 0 On-circuit invalid packets: 0 How a TP saves you is the change in servers. You change connection to a new simulator IP address. The network figures out anew how to route to the new address. As time passes the system tries to 'improve' the connection or find an alternate route with less failures/resends. That you get disconnected hints at the problem being in a bottleneck somewhere and likely error recovery processes timing out. The next TP restarts the process. The time out is likely on the SL server-side. Also, the problem is likely intermittent. That can be for a number of reasons. Momentary load at a specific router... overflow routing or load balancing may be too frequently rerouting you into problem equipment... None of these things are anything you can do anything about except complain to you ISP and the Lab. A recent problem with the backbone into Germany prevented people there from logging into SL. So, while rare, this type of problem is not uncommon. Filing 3 TRACERT reports taken at different times with the ISP is a first step. While an hour between reports is OK, one from the morning today, afternoon tomorrow, and evening the day after would be better... and from yesterday and the day before works too. Send a copy of the report sent to your ISP to the Lab as a Trouble Ticket and explain what it is and why they are getting it and request help. When the problem is with the backbone provider, it helps to have people working on the issue from both ends. Also refer the Lab to this thread so they can see what you have been doing on your own to resolve the problem.
  13. When you ask a tech question like this give us your computer and viewer specs. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... and copy paste in the info. I just tried Linden (64bit) and took a 3000x1500 image and saved it to disk. No problem. You can look in the secondlife.log file to see what the viewer listed as the problem.
  14. You can Google how to read a TRACERT. That you are getting a time out is a likely cause of the problem. However, a time out in a unit not returning a name is not an issue. It is when from a certain point on all subsequent hopes time out that you are certain it is a problem. Also, as Whirly points out, when that happens you usually get a disconnect message. That the viewer and region are thinking it is a connection issue suggests you are having an intermittent problem. The image shows a network issue. If you could go to another region and not have the problem then we would have reason to think it is on the Linden side of things. As that isn't the case and combined with the TRACERT it looks like an ISP problem. File a support ticket with your ISP and include 2 or 3 TRACE RT tests run at different times, say an hour apart. Include those in the comments to the FS peepes.
  15. I suggest removing all your video drivers for the NVIDIA cards. Revert back to Windows default VGA. On the next reboot Windows 10 will try to find the default driver for the 560 and install it. Let that happen. Then visit NVIDIA and get the latest driver for the 560 and install it. I am assuming you are using Microsoft's RDP. So, it may be confused by the presence of drivers with features beyond the 560's. There are used GTX 1070's selling on eBay for US$60 to $75... these are auction prices. So, you may have to work at it to get one this cheap. However, the Bitcoin rush is over and prices have dropped.
  16. Look through these steps to see if you can find the specific problem: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Using TRACERT will give you a decent idea of whether it is you, the ISP, the backbone provider, or the Lab. Looking in the viewer's stats (Ctrl-Shift-1 a toggle) and looking for Packet Loss and PING will tell you how well you are or aren't connected to the SL servers. PL <1% is good and PING <=250ms is good. Lower is better in both. While the following items are probably not the problem, do check the computer's temperatures. Use HDMonitor (free). It is way unlikely both are overheating. But, it is an easy check. Overheating results in bizarre problems. So, checking temp is an early troubleshooting step. Also, check memory use and page faulting. The Free program MemHistory will show you what is going on with memory. The built-in Windows Resource Monitor and Task Manager will show you what is happening with paging. Page Faults have to be sever to be of concern. But, if you are running on barely enough memory, they can be a problem that leads to odd results.
  17. 10 is slow. But, SL is not the type of computer game you are thinking about for a 60 FPS experience. And the Lindens think it "livable", not ideal. They design for much higher rates. The platform is easily capable to 150+ FPS. But, the content and multi-server communication adds tremendous overhead, something most games aren't dealing with. Other games are designed with content made by professional modelers and optimized for the game engine. Plus, the content is generally placed on your computer when you install the game. SL contains well over 200 petabytes of content. That is about 4 million Blu-Ray disks. So, there is no way to install all that data in a consumer computer. Nor is the content designed by professionals. The majority of content is created by hobbyists that are unaware of how to optimize for game performance. At one time the texture on an avatar was backed into three 512x512px images. Now there may be 12+/- 1024x1024px textures just on the body. Plus the nails, makeup, eyes, and other mesh body parts all using multiple textures. That is a huge difference in texture data load. So, the viewer has slowed less than texture had increased. FPS in a club is not as important as it is in a combat game. The viewer literally breaks loose from the frame rate for camera movement to provide a smoother experience. You will likely see the viewer lose connection at some point and your avatar stop moving, can't walk... eventually you get logged off if the viewer cannot reestablish a connection. But, you can zoom, move, and fly the camera during the disconnect. So, you can see camera movement and scene render is not totally tied to FPS or connection speeds. If you are just dancing, the viewer acquires all the info it needs to render the scene and then speeds up. When you begin to move the camera the Interest List (what stuff the viewer needs to render your field of view) has to start updating and acquiring new information. You can see this problem by pressing Ctrl-Shift-3, the Texture Console. Move the camera and watch the list fill with new stuff that it needs. When I new avatar appears this list also fills up. The Lindens has no interest in making anything SL obsolete. Computer makers are in the game of providing more and better. Game developers take advantage of that and do more with their games. When you want to do more, you update the computer. If your demands for work are not changing, there is no reason to upgrade. Computers will last 10 years... but, in 10 years tech will have advanced so far the computer will look pretty sad. There is no way to anticipate what tech will be available in 10 years. So, the French courts and law makers aren't going to solve your problem. I have the performance numbers on my blog. From 5.0.6 to 6.0.1 aren't that different. As best I can tell the biggest hit comes from from content. Not changes in the viewer. Think of it this way. If in 2018 they improved viewer performance by 20% and users increased the render load by 30% and see a 10% slow down... is the viewer the problem? If you live in a town of 500 and get to work in 10 minutes then the town turns into a city of 1 million and takes you 30 minutes to get to work... is something wrong with your car? Basically, SL will never perform like most computer games because technical design difference. 10 FPS to 60 FPS with 20 to 30 being typical... is what you'll get with SL using any viewer.
  18. It has recently been pointed out that if you have Firestorm 5.1.7 and 6.0.1 both installed and they use the same cache, switching back and forth will cause some slowing as 6 will delete 5's cache and 5 will delete 6's cache... So, you would be constantly reloading your local cache. Use one or the other or set them to use separate caches.
  19. It isn't a matter of it working 'right'. The design philosophy of the Lindens and Firestormers is different. The Lindens have an aversion to adding new viewer controls. The FS peeps not so much. The FS peeps want to give users all the fun and handy stuff they can. The Lindens want to avoid overwhelming the new user when they first open the viewer. This leads to different viewers. The Lindens tend to develop the features that require server-side enhancements and leave extending the functionality of viewer features to the third-party developers. Often after something proves popular on the third-party viewer the Lindens add it. But, they often tweak it to fit into their user interface standards. Most games have a dozen or two settings for the visual aspect of the game. The Linden Viewer has something like 3,000+ settings and controls. Firestorm... I am pretty sure no one has counted them all but, it is certainly more than the Linden viewer. There is also a challenge in regard to what users want. Users don't really know and the Lindens can only make their best guess as to what might be popular.
  20. Whenever you ask a tech question we need to know at a minimum which viewer you are using. Ideally, you copy and paste the HELP->ABOUT... info into your post. Otherwise, we assume Windows and the latest Linden Viewer. Inventory loss is almost always a viewer side problem. On rare, very rare, occasions it happens server side. Troubleshooting steps have been devised over years. Start with a second viewer. This tells us/you whether it is an us or them thing, local or server. The Linden Viewer is the troubleshooting viewer of choice as it is the only one the Lab's support people will support. Firestorm is the alternate viewer of something near 75% of SL users and they have a support team on an in-world group. Try a second viewer and see if it presents the same error. If it does, look at your viewer stats (Ctrl-Shift-1 it is a toggle). Look for packet loss. Less than 1% is way livable. 1 and 2% is often annoying and >2% needs a fix and would likely be your problem. If those are good let us know and we'll dig deeper.
  21. One of the best ways to find new stuff is the Recent tab combined with the use of filters. By default, the Recent tab shows stuff new to the current session. With filters, you can change this to any time period. Very neatly the inventory list responds as you change the time period. So, you click to look at more and more days until you see the stuff you are looking for. A crash should not cause you to lose an MP purchase. The purchase is going to clear the MP and register in the server-side inventory then appear in your viewer-side inventory. Even if something goes wrong viewer-side, at your next login the viewer's inventory list will be updating and syncing with the server-side. It is very likely the stuff is there and unrecognized by you or in some place where you aren't looking. The Firestorm Viewer has a problem that causes the viewer-side inventory list to corrupt. It isn't a prevalent problem. But, there are a few people that see it every week and ask in Answers. The quick check is to login with the Linden Viewer and see if the missing things are visible. The FS Wiki has a page on finding Missing Inventory.
  22. Yeah, group limits are a problem. 42 for Basic accounts, 60 for Premium accounts... and even as a Premium Member I keep bumping into the limit. However, the spam from groups places a huge message load on the SL system. 50k users at peak all with at least 42 groups means a minimum of 2,100,000 connections to track and relay messages to. So, we aren't likely to see that limit upped anytime soon.
  23. Explaining another way... You applied an image of your hair. The image has the hair you see and transparent areas that cover the beard. When you applied the beard it was an image with whiskers and transparent in the area of the scalp hair. By wearing the beard you told the system to replace the first with the second. So, the hair poofed away. Rolig is pointing out you should ADD the beard to the scalp hair. This will cause the system to use both images one on top of the other.
  24. Presumably you are running Windows 10. Try a rollback to restore the computer to a state previous to your problems. Type 'system restore' or 'create restore point' to get to the System Restore button. As you progress down this path you'll be presented with dates of restore points. Pick one just before the crash.
  25. I have no idea what "I need to transfer back my home" means. If English is not your first language try Google translate or write in your native language.
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