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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. I am thinking like Wulfie, why all the polygons? Are you trying to upload mesh and textures in one pass or separate passes? I recommend separate. Have you tried applying other textures? Like the various default textures in the viewer... what happens?
  2. That is not completely true. Sections of the LL Viewer come from third-parties. Materials is the latest BIG example where it was primarily a third-party collaborating with the Lab being in more of a support position for integration than an author. Another example is the Bento feature where third-parties primarily worked out the Appearance Slider features for the new bones. The POSER feature and Snapshot interface of Black Dragon are being adopted for use in the LL Viewer. While it may be technically 'precise' to say all these are modifications to the SL viewer... it is not respectfully accurate. A number of people have contributed original ideas and code to an open source project. They were not just tweaks to existing code. I suspect Oz Linden, the Linden in charge of and fan of the open source aspect of SL Viewer development, would disagree with you too. Your opinion isn't wrong, but it also is not accurately reflective of the reality. There are Alienware laptops that would not even spin up a fan to run SL... OK, I'm exaggerating, but not a lot. But, my desktop is good, built 10/2016, yet I have a friend with same era laptop that smokes it. You are right SL uses a ton of resources. But, what other virtual world 'game' do you know of that runs with well over 200 petabytes of data? That asset DB in like 2010/2012 was being cleaned to get it down to 200+ petabytes. I haven't heard for some time how big the DB is now. The 200PB was before mesh... So, if you are implying SL is a hog from inefficiency, I disagree.
  3. Any head that allows you to apply your skin. Most heads and brand name skins will work together. Those that are less popular use Omega. So... any head. How easy it is by brand of body and head is WAY debatable. But, none of it is too complicated or difficult.
  4. In the ANSWERS section of this forum we get these questions from people hitting these problems. You can often get immediate answers by searching in Answers. There is a small set of knowledgeable people answering. And... the occasional totally ignorant idiot chimes in now and then too. But, often Firestorm Dev Team people respond. The good thing about them is they get information from the Firestorm Support peeps and are aware when something has changed with the SL system. </commercial end> This CLOUD problem is recurring. There doesn't seem to be a single cause, but a number of things conspiring to get you... it's Halloween time. Two of those are; connection and crash-on-exit. Both are unpredictable and often unnoticed. The FS Viewer is more prone to quietly crash-on-exit, mostly never noticed. The LL Viewer is a bit more spectacular when it crashes. But, in both cases the 'Inventory List' kept by the viewer CAN get messed up. Next login you see the problem. As best I can tell the problem from a messed up list comes from the limited time the viewer has to download the list. Each login the viewer checks the list and updates it when needed. When the file is messed up this process seems to take too long and goes sideways and you see a problem. So, if you have an inventory with LOTS of stuff in a single folder and a connection on the weak side... you'll see this problem more often than others. 'LOTS of stuff' in this case depends on your computer and connection. Some time ago SL hit a problem where loads of people with more than 5,000 items in a single folder could not login. Support can fix the problem, but it is they that have to fix it. Also, if you sail, drive, or fly and hit a disconnected region (you know them because suddenly you're stuck in place, can't move, and you get disconnected) you are likely to have a bunch of problems when you reconnect and a messed up inventory and cache are likely. They will usually self correct. There is nothing you can do to avoid or predict when these things happen. You first know it is a problem when you see your puffy particle avatar looking like a cancer causing second hand smoke cloud. Since you can't prevent the problem, preparing for it is your only option. Prepare by using at least 2 viewers. Preferably with one being the Linden Lab Viewer. When you see the problem and can't correct it in a few minutes, shut down and grab the “inv.gz” files from the 'second viewer' and copy them into the problem viewer. Then login. The viewer then only has to update the list, not deal with a broken list. (see Bake Fail - scroll to end) TP'ing to Furball or Pooley, deserted empty regions, then logging out so you can easily login there will help. Keep the number of items in a single folder to a reasonable number. A folder full of stuff is still just one thing in its parent folder. So, inventory size is pactically infinite. So, keeping the number under 1,000 is easy.
  5. Nalates Urriah


    ISP's often see support as a distasteful and unavoidable expense. The result is when it is possible to point to someone else, they do. Routers provide more protections on wireless connections. That is probably where the problem is. Using the access point's model designator look up the manual and read any sections on Gaming and make sure you are NOT connecting to your AP as a guest. See if there is anything you need to change to open all the ports SL needs. SL Firewalk Config.
  6. I kept monthly stats from 10-minutes checks of the Linden the min and max concurrent users values. This year it was running 21,000 to 56,000. The API is currently broken. They are working on it. I may be able to get my numbers again in a couple of months. In 2012 the numbers were 28,000 to 71,000. However, the rate of decrease has been slowing each year. There are no good user numbers coming from the Lab on any regular basis. Ebbe tosses out some numbers but they are fuzzy... about a million unique users in a year, 600k+ a month... is that a peak month? Average? And signups... are those still in the 10k per month range? Last I heard... yes. But, LL does provide financial information. In 2017 users took out US$60,000,000+/- per website and Ebbe. If there are 100k users that is $600/user. I'm waiting on my check... So, ChinRey's numbers are plausible. The hype in the media hit its peak about 2007-2008. I recall seeing concurrent user numbers in the mid 80k in late 2008, my first year, and early 2009. It has been decreasing ever since. But, the user numbers on their own are misleading. It is like saying my gas mileage went from 50 miles per gallon to 8... It should probably be mentioned I traded my Prius in on an big H3 SUV. It is sort of the same with SL, things we are measuring change. Many that play/work in SL now spend more time working in Blender and Photoshop than they do in-world. So, mesh clothing and stuff have made a dent in concurrency numbers. Have you seen Flickr lately? YouTube? People producing and editing are not likely logged into SL. Will animesh take more time away from SL as people do more animating? Did the marketplace hurt in-world rentals when the Magic-Boxes went away? Probably. But how much? We don't know. The shift to out-of-world design has had an effect. We just have no good way to know how much of an effect. But, a change from 80k to 56k in concurrency over 6 years with all the changes that take people participating in SL out-of-world... I suspect the decrease in concurrency seemingly indicates a bigger loss of users than there actually is. On an empirical basis we hear people saying they meet fewer new people. Yet, I meet more new people now than I have in some time. I think that is a matter of where one is and what they are doing more than it is a data point about SL. I think often what people say about SL is actually more about them and what they are doing than objective reality.
  7. You didn't answer any of the questions asked... so we are guessing how to fix your problem. I think @Coby Foden provided a clear explanation of the likely problem. Solving it is a matter of understanding Classic and Mesh skin and how Applier and Mesh clothes work with both. If you still find it confusing, ask more questions.
  8. Whoa... there is someone that DOESN'T want to attract 'scantily clad' girls? I've recently been sailing and exploring SL via boat. It is an interesting experience and there are uncountable interesting places. I have also noticed that those with Black Thumbs are not restricted to RL. There are some remarkably ugly places in SL. So, your well-landscaped places will likely rent. With the coming of the Enhanced Environment Project (EEP), a better Windlight, you have the opportunity to create some places with novel new environments. New, striking, and beautiful generally sells. With EEP you can landscape the sky too, and at four different elevations.
  9. And... Animesh is close to release. Pets and babies are the two most talked about uses for animesh. So, over the next few months things will be changing. If you have been attending the Content Creators' UG meetings you've seen Medhue's animesh baby. So, developers have already started designing and building babies and pets.
  10. Canadians do purchase Premium accounts. You are likely making this too difficult over thinking or assuming something. Call billing and tell them you are in Canada and need help signing up. See what they can do.
  11. Technically you don't. Rolig explained why. Also, ToS prevents the obvious ways to gift an account. But, you have created an account so you know how it is done. You have all the information you need to figure out a gifting process.
  12. Nalates Urriah


    Our answers are guesses. To get truly pertinent answers you need to give us way more information when you ask a tech question. Are you Windows or Mac? Are you running Linden, Firestorm, Singularity, Cool VL, RLV, Black Dragon, Alchemy, etc.... viewer? The easy way to provide the information is with the viewer open, logging in is optional, click HELP -> About... and copy paste that information in with your question. You have now been chasing an answer since 9/19 and as best I can tell still do not have an answer that is more than a guess. If you are new, you probably don't understand the answers you have. Make it easy on yourself and gives us the information needed to provide a pertinent answer rather than play 20 questions over 3 weeks...
  13. So, those images in your inventory... Since you took them, they are full perm to you. You can export them. FS: Open the image... Note the SAVE button at the bottom - Click Save You have a choice of TGA or PNG If you have permissions, you can save the image. The button lacks feedback and I have managed to think I saved an image when I didn't. Since I COULDN'T POSSIBLY have done anything wrong, there must be something in the process... What I am saying is check that you have the images on your local storage before deleting them from the viewer. I don't know of anyway to do a bulk export... it is a one-by-one thing.
  14. I'm not sure there is anything to fix... in the WL system, in that regard. WL has a day cycle and the default isn't the prettiest. But, anyone can currently make their own sunrise settings for their day-cycle. So, if I understand you, this is more a user problem, as in land owner user, than a needed change to the WL system. No matter how the Lindens tweak the defaults, some aren't going to like the settings.
  15. But... I need those twenty 1024 textures for my perfect nails... ?
  16. @agentronin You may have some misconceptions as to how walking backward works with avatar auto-turn-around. In the Developer menu (Ctrl-Alt-Q) -> Avatar -> Show Collision Skeleton you can see how the avatar actually behaves when moving and being animated. Old information on combat tactics will be out of date and has been since Fitted Mesh was introduced. So, you need to consider the time frame of any combat tips. The collision skeleton is the important item for combat, melee or projectile. You and a friend can test this using projectiles. Find an animation that moves the avatar around. When the avatar is visually away from its standing location, shoot where it stood then shoot where it appears. You'll see the avatar is actually moving. Also, notice the name tag is moving too. Prior to Fitted Mesh when combat games were a bigger thing in SL (bigger IMO) shooting and melee animation moved the avatar without moving the name tag. So, we shot and struck where the name tag was and ignored the visual avatar. Also, the Collision Skeleton was stationary only moving when the avatar moved, as in arrow key moved not animation moved. Since the avatar skeleton turns, the attachment points turn... this can complicate how shields protect or don't. It depends on how they are made, but as most detect collisions... there will be an effect. If I were to return to combat games I would test and then decide if I wanted to use the LL viewer that doesn't turn the avatar around or the third-party viewers that do. You may not need to detect which way they face, just look.
  17. Singularity seems to make one main release per year. But, they have more frequent Alpha updates. I think most Singularity users run on the alphas most of time as only the Alpha version has Bento support.
  18. Most clubs have instructions somewhere. Also, the club's take varies. So, look around for the best deal. You still need a popular club.
  19. There are many fashion blogs where you can learn about what is on the market. I suggest Strawberry Singh's site to learn how to wear/use/adjust what you would wear. She provides a tutorial section in her blog. It is the best combination of fashion and 'how to'. You have lots of advice on what to get to look better. But, if you had asked how to draw a person these answers would be telling you to get pencil, paper, eraser, maybe some charcoal... But, you probably already know that to draw a person and have them look realistic you need to do some study. Learn to draw... Same with avatars. You have to get the basics of what makes an avatar look right, the same as if you were drawing one. Then figure out how to do that. The classic avatar can look pretty good. But, it takes some effort and talent/skill. It isn't rocket science. But it does require an eye for shape. However, you can buy a canned look. Easier than all the tedious learning and fiddling. It just depends on what you want and what you will tolerate. I want to have my look. So, I made my body and face shapes. When I went to mesh body and head I new pretty well what I was doing so I have my shape and look. But, I had to make a new set of shapes. So, knowing how to use the Appearance Editor is a basic skill for having a good looking avatar. You can start with the classic avatar. Once you have and OK or better classic avatar you can add mesh body, feet, hands, and head and look pretty great.
  20. In the FS viewer with my heels I am 1.92m. In the LL viewer I am 1.72m, wearing all the same stuff. The difference is in where the viewers measure to. In RL we measure from the bottom of our feet to the top of out head. In SL the viewers and height gauges start at the pelvis and calculate down the legs, feet, and shoes and from the pelvis up the back, neck, and to the eyes. My understanding is FS does a calc to figure out the distance from the eyes to the top of the head. Or maybe they just add in some cm to approximate it. That all gets added together for a height number. The LL viewer doesn't measure to the top of the head, so it shows feet to eyes. So, you are always taller in FS. But, FS gives you a more realistic number. Of course, the avatar doesn't change when you change viewers. They just report different heights. The test is to make a cube or other prim and set its height. Compare your avatar to that to get a true height. You can also adjust the prim to your height and then read the size of the prim. Firestorm is closer to correct. I make a tool for getting avatar height and proportions correct regardless of what the viewer and height gauges report. The gauges ask the server how tall your avatar is. I forget but I think the viewer tells the server about the avatar when you close the appearance editor. So, the LL viewer reports its calc and FS its calc and the server just believes them. While it is possible for a gauge to actually MEASURE your avatar, I don't know of any that do. Trust the cube. HAIR Fair 2018 My fav of all the hair I saw...
  21. I think figuring it out requires you to know where the tattoo is... on the body's part of the neck or the head's part of the neck or spanning to both. If you apply the tat to the body and remove the Catwa head the neck seam will be obvious. The tat is either there, partially there, or not there. So, respectively on the body part, both parts, or the head part. Once the tat is applied to the correct parts then you need to look at the transparency for the respective parts.
  22. Blue menu... not really such a thing in SL jargon. But, I can see where the blue dialog boxes could bethought of as a 'menu'. These 'blue dialogs' are the ones you see when you jump on a Dance Ball, chair, bed, couch, etc. that give you a choice of animations/poses. The dialog usually pops up when you click on something, chair, couch, etc. or sit on something.
  23. No... not really. The Windows OS and the viewer are reporting different metrics using the same labels. The viewer is including computer, network travel, and server delays in its PING. As best I can tell the viewer is only reporting packet loss for the viewer and SL communications. Win OS is reporting PING from your NIC, crossing the net, and bounce from the destination NIC a much narrower metric. Win OS is also reporting based on all network traffic. The result is VERY different numbers. So, no surprise you see differences. The result is if the basics Win OS reports suck the viewer numbers will suck. But, you can have good Win OS numbers and the viewer numbers will suck if the viewer or SL servers are lagging. So, you have to figure out where the problem is. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Connection usually affects render time not so much FPS. You can have lots of gray FPS... because the textures haven't caught up. Decoding textures can throw on a heavy CPU load. But, it might not show as textures are arriving too slowly to load up the CPU. It gets complicated to figure out because so much is interrelated. I don't stay up on Singularity. I do know that it is designed to work with older hardware. You computer isn't that old. I noticed... Your computer – vs – mine AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series Driver Version: – vs – June 2015, Adrenalin Edition 18.9.3 Optional Release Date 9/26/2018 Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 7600) – vs – Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134) OpenGL Version: 4.2.13541 – vs – OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 399.07 Packets Lost: 401/16,916 (2.4%) – vs – Packets Lost: 7/317,804 (0.0%) Consider updating your computer and drivers. The CPU is a 2010 release version. In computer years that is pretty old. I haven't checked to see if there is anything that CPU specifically lacks that the FS or LL viewers need and Sing has worked around. But, if you see a significant FPS difference between FS/LL and Sing then I would suspect there is an issue. Yes...
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