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Kardargo Adamczyk

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Everything posted by Kardargo Adamczyk

  1. if you want a list of all avatars in the region or on the parcel, might i suggest using llGetAgentList, its faster and less laggy then a sensor.
  2. Hi Lancewae You need a Tilia account to send currency out of second life to your bank account, this is not because Linden Labs wants it, it is because the US law demands it. So, as far as i know, you do not need to give up personal information to start an MP store, as long as you use the lindens in Second Life, but i could be wrong. Enjoy SLing Dargo
  3. You can import the file into Audacity select the whole clip (ctrl-a) choose effect > Normalize and set the DB peak to -0.2 if you save and export that you are sure the audio level is loud enough without clipping and levels are persistent for all the uploaded files. Good luck
  4. Yes, to use BOM you will need a system skin, and no, it will not work with an applier, the whole point of BOM is to get rid of the appliers and let the SL server bake all texture layers together into a single image and apply that to the BOM body, if you make BOM applier compatible, you still need high complexity body's with different layers and that defies the purpose. You can however check with your skin manufacturer if they have a system version of your skin available, most skin creators are creating updated packages for their products with a system skin included in the package, if your skin creator does not, you can write him or her a note card or an IM to softly nudge them to reconsider Until then, i'm afraid you are stuck to your old body and yeah... dead in the water...
  5. Usually one has an add on running that prevents the webpage from loading, it can be an add blocker, Privacy badger, ghostery and the kind. starting a session without the add on or disable them on the page might resolve the issue. Hope this helps, Good luck Dargo
  6. change the menu channel for the different rezzers..:) after the touch_start you can run MENU_CHANNEL= (integer)(llFrand(-1000000000.0) - 1000000000.0); This will generate a new random channel every time the object is touched, and so there will be no cross talk between devices. enjoy... Dargs
  7. Sometimes that happens, when you get that, better safe then sorry and copy the whole script into a notecard, try again a few times and if no success relog your viewer. regards, Dargs
  8. As far as i know there never was a 10 days interval. region restarts when there is no roll should happen when the region has been up for longer then 10 days, so that can be up to 14 days, the restarts should happen on roll day.
  9. Sorry, i use one of them and have been doing so for at least 8 years, i don't know what else is on the market right now, if they are cheaper or more expensive, if service is better or worse, and that determination comes from personal experience anyways. We really do no want to start a debate here on who is better or worse, so this needs some investigation on your part. Good luck Dargs
  10. there are a few ways to do this, if you just want to play music you have, you can rent a stream server with autodj, upload your music to the server and hit play... if you want to stream from your pc, you need some software, winamp for instance, install a shoutcast add-on, rent a stream server and hit play in winamp... you could go all out with software like mAirList, or SAM Broadcaster, but i dont think you are looking for that Stream services can be found in several places in sl good luck Dargs
  11. you can find the Maitreya Alpha Auto-Hide kit for mesh clothing somewhere at their main-store, that should give you a starting point for your project. good luck, Dargs
  12. set the prim to Phantom in the edit screen..:)
  13. there should be a button "Make contribution with deed" if you check that, your tier will be contributed to the group and all is well. have fun Dargo, BTW, if that doesn't work, you can set the land for sale to yourself, then buy it for the group, i'm sure you get a "contribute to group when buy" option there
  14. Juli 2008 i bought 160 US$ for 100 Euro, now i get 110 US$! I want compensation too.... Regs Dargo
  15. ahhh, yup in that case you need 9 if / else if statements.... thats okay though, as long as you put the actual texture changer in a subroutine so you don't have to write the texture change command itself 9 times. and yeah, you can put the sheer and current texture in a global var regs, Dargo
  16. here's a snippet that should work, only two if statements list button_list = ["sheer-1","sheer-2","sheer-3","texture-4","texture-5","texture-6","texture-1","texture-2","texture-3"]; string sheer = "sheer-1"; string texturep = "texture-1"; //part of the texture name string texture; integer lchan = -12345; //listenchannel default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { llListen(lchan,"","",""); llDialog(llDetectedKey(0),"select texture or sheer \ncurrent texture: "+texturep+"\ncurrent sheer: "+sheer,button_list,lchan); } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string text) { if (llGetSubString(text,0,4) == "sheer") { sheer = text; texture = texturep+"-"+sheer; llOwnerSay("set texture to : "+texture); } else if (llGetSubString(text,0,6) == "texture") { texturep = text; texture = texturep+"-"+sheer; llOwnerSay("set texture to : "+texture); } } } regs, Dargo
  17. No, you can not set animation priority's within a script, you are stuck with the priority chosen while the animation is uploaded. regs, Dargo
  18. I wasn't aware of the Keyframed Motion option but after some testing i found that this indeed works way better. thanks for teaching me something..
  19. well, here is a way to do this: float height; float new_height; float inc_height = 2.0; float inc_eul_rot = 1.57080; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { float step_h = inc_height / 100; float step_r = inc_eul_rot / 100; vector h = llGetPos(); height = h.z; new_height = height + inc_height; rotation rot = llGetRot(); while (height < new_height) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(0,[PRIM_POSITION,(llGetPos()+ <0,0,step_h>), PRIM_ROTATION,llEuler2Rot( llRot2Euler(llGetRot())+<0,0,step_r>)]); height = height + step_h; llSleep(0.002); } } } pls let me know if this is what you mean, enjoy, Dargo
  20. i would break up the height in steps, do a while loop and for every step up you introduce a step in the rotation, but that would get to be a very demanding script... and i don't know how fluent the movement would be. just my two cents regs Dargo
  21. You can try to open the task manager (right click on the taskbar and choose task manager), then select more details, go to the performance tab and select the Ethernet connection in the left pane. There you can see how much data is sent en received on your connection, keep the task manager open, open FS leave it running for 5 minutes and close it, you can see how much data is used by the program. if you want to do further analysis of your network traffic you can open the resource monitor with the link at the bottom of the task manager and open the network tab, it should show you what programs are using your network and how much data is sent and received by every single process individually. As far as i know, FS is throttled at 5 MBps and my average connection usage on FS is around and about 400 Kbps up and 244 kbps down.
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