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Kardargo Adamczyk

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Everything posted by Kardargo Adamczyk

  1. Would be useful to know what browser you use, as every browser has sort of its own way to link certain urls to applications... anyway a clean install should fix it, and if you don't want to do that.. please inform us what browser you use.
  2. An IP address is an address for a computer, like a house has an address, so does your computer, these addresses are not private, as any computer your computer communicates with knows that address, or it would have no clue where to send the requested data back to. Change your password, and move on..:) Happy sling
  3. You are looking for the changed event, default { changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_TELEPORT) { llOwnerSay("The object has been teleported while attached."); } } } as far as i know sim region crossing does not trigger this event.
  4. Please check who the owner of the land is.. (in that same about land menu) if your name is in there you should be able to abandon the land is it a group? are you owner/officer of that group? with rights to abandon land?
  5. open the SL viewer and log in, go to the parcel you want to abandon. in the top menu you find the world menu and the about land option. enjoy, Dargo
  6. please check with https://time.is/ what the offset is on your computer clock.
  7. you can use llListFindList to find the string you need to exclude and then llDeleteSublist to delete that item, run it in a for loop for every item you need to exclude.
  8. Hiya HappyCat, I'm really not sure this is some fault of the viewers, it would be raining complaints if it was, i can only assume that this is an issue with your setup, and by the looks of it, it kinda feels like a rights issue, the viewer is not able to write its files on log off, unable to write to the registry or something in that direction, next time you have that pesky white screen you can try to right click on the shortcut and run as administrator, see if that will make the viewer start, if it does, it is definitely a rights issue.
  9. What i did, and more vehicles that are used i.c.w timing gates do is rename the vehicle to ##+avatar name when seated upon. that used to work with most timing gates. And for vehicles that do not start with ## one could assume the owner of the object is driving it and you can use llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(llDetectedKey(0)))
  10. Perhaps Linden Labs assumes that by lowering the tier prices they will add more concurrent users, more people owning/renting land, more people staying inworld longer because they own some land, a house and so on, in that case the pie only gets bigger as all those people need more furniture, clothing, hair and everything else... perhaps they assume that by lowering the tier prices people spend the money anyways, and the saved tier money flows into marketplace and inworld stores. So yeah, you might get a thinner slice but of a bigger pie... and isn't that good for everyone?
  11. Hi hi, I have the same result, only 2 things i can think of is that you do not wear textures or the textures are not full mod and therefor you have no rights to those textures and can not request the UUID for them
  12. I do not think LL is working to a multi-threaded sim solution at all, and i don't see anything like that happening in the near future, lets say they have 20.000 full regions running, not counting homesteads and other regions as they seem to be sharing cores. right now they use 20.000 cores for those 20.000 regions, lets say for the sake of argument the sims can start using 2 cores, meaning they have to add 20.000 cores to the whole simulator, my best guess is that with AWS they looking to reduce the amount of used cores rather then increasing them. It's not like they run a single sim on a 16 core server, they run 16 sims on a 16 core box, 1 core for each region. I do see your point though, it would be an increase in computational power for each region, but the costs would not outweigh the benefits.
  13. The bridge is probably a sculpted prim and therefor set as a phantom object, just rezz and shape some prims to walk on and turn then 100% transparent after you are done... you can contact me inworld if you need some help with that..:)
  14. They do not know you bought them from eBay, they however do know what account send you the lindens, those accounts are flagged due to suspicious activity's, most likely you bought lindens stolen from hacked accounts through phishing websites.
  15. llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_NONE); This function should do the trick.
  16. What you can do is set the object to pay, if the script has a money() event the payment dialog will pop up after a click event, that way you do not use right click, but a left click
  17. like i said, you are out of luck, would be nice for a whole lot of scammers if they could hide a payment routine inside the dialog box routine, click okay and lose 100 lindens... nope a payment always has to be initiated by the user.
  18. you can use the llDialog box to set the llSetPayPrice, other then that i think you are out of luck
  19. This is called Animesh, and basically animates the mesh like it does with avatars, check http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Animesh_User_Guide For more info one the subject
  20. @Princess Ivory the web profiles are usually a lill slow in updating, so if you added a simple URL to the page first and then changed it to the Firestorm format, its possible the two were not in sync yet. and yes, when it looks good in the legacy profile, it does not look well in the web version and vice versa, there is no unified code for both versions of the profile. (yet) @Klytyna HTML will not work in profiles, not in the web or legacy version. That's why firestorm uses the [https://djdargo.nl djdargo] conversion, again, this doesn't look pretty in the web profiles, what does work in the web profiles is a simple URL, this will be converted to a clickable format, and this will work in both profile versions. if the links are too long you can use a url shortener service (i.e. google or bitly) to make short codes for your links.
  21. hiya, I know im a lill late but you can contact me inworld if you still need help setting up a stream for the parcel Regs, Dargo
  22. Hi hi, You can use i.e. the format [https:\\djdargo.nl DJDargo] in your profile, it should show up as a link in the viewer Unfortunately this does not work for group profiles, and I don't think there's a way to add clickable URL's to the group profiles Regards, Dargo
  23. First of all, thats not one question..:) secondly, you have to see streams as independent from SL, the only thing the viewer does is send you the URL to the stream, other then that, SL has nothing to do with it, the sream server does not know where you get your stream URL, it does not know you decode the stream with the in the viewer build codec, the only thing it knows is what address to send the stream to. that is your IP address, its a public address that can be seen by every website and service you visit on the web, see it as the home address of your computer, without an address, no one can send you anything. The analytics saved on the stream server are basically date and time you connected, how long you connected, how much data is sent and if there were any errors during this time. There is no personal browsing history shared unless the advertiser can get your IP address, and connect that address to browser history saved by Google/Facebook etc. i know of no instance this is actually done, but i can be wrong. Finally, advertisements are embedded in the stream, there is no way to filter that. Hope this helps, Regs, Dargo
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