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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. I've been here 10 years, I was like you at first, but then I learned that treating people like crap just made my SL life horrid. we are not npc's we are not in an rpg, that mindset you might want to check at the door.
  2. I live in heavy rural area, All I've got is the factory, but good on you, just sitting at home on days off drives me nuts, sitting ugh.
  3. Love these topic "you guys have no real life and are unemployed trying to make a living here" this one makes me laugh. bub, listen CLOSELY. I work 12 hours a night in a factory, yes a big boy job, not a job sitting on my butt, with very few days off, so guess what that means, that means I get no time for a social life in RL, nobody is freaking awake when I am... so SL is my social life for the few hours I get to spend on it, so stop generalizing every body whom uses it, just because you "CANT GET IT" does not mean others do not or will not.
  4. hoping since they might be moving away from a mere physical presence in lots of areas with their hardware that that this will make it a little cheaper to have and. have had sim since 09 and hoping they offer another buy down, that 100 buck saving was nice to do.
  5. This is it right there. This is what people are not understanding. I love SL, I am not the target audience for Sansar and thats perfectly fine.
  6. Sansar is not made for SL users, that was made clear ages ago even before their closed beta went live. Lots of accepted this fact, the company wanted to offer a new platform for companies and other kinds users to use and make experiences with. Sansar is not targeted at people whom use Second Life. Accepting this will make things simpler for you.
  7. derendering just stops them from you being able to see them, they can still see you, so you can still be pushed.
  8. only time I see that error is when I log in and out to fast to the same region, changing it always lets me back in.
  9. if they are trying to use tor with SL they are going to have a BAD time trying to connect.
  10. why should you care, let me put it this way, LL servers reside in us/Arizona, those backbones that provide access to the data center, will want a chunk of change to access it from the guys they sell it too, those guys being the isp's whom hold the fiber that connects outside the datacenter want a chunk from others that want access, so this goes on and on, each isp having to pay up to access each other. THEN comes the isp's from the EU, oh look they have to pay to access each link, each node, guess whoms gonna get affected by that, people not even based in the US. this is not going to be pretty, it will be very petty though.
  11. I've had people do this, calling me some choice names. expect to be abuse reported for it.
  12. could be the processor LL uses, could be anything in the chain that's had to increase the fee's. it happens. my merchant account through paypal dinked me just recently with a $1.25 processing fee upgrade.
  13. Prices and fee's go up, they provide a service, and if they have to up their fee's because their service provider upped their fee's. they will pass it right on to us.
  14. I will not buy mainland or hell even rent on it. why, because the griping and complaining of certain sets of members, if I block teh whole region from being flown over, I'm evil, if I do basically anything with the region I rent, I'm evil. nope. private estates, even if they cost a little more are well worth it.
  15. we got fed turkey at work, pretty tasty this year. it was "all you can eat" never tell me that lol. 4 plates later. I was stuffed.
  16. I can get a constant 60 fps by doing 2 things. no shadows, they are frame rate killers, LL needs to look at a new way to do them, right now, it's just like 1024 textures, smacks your system and tells you "NO YOU CANT HAVE HIGH FPS" so leave those off draw distance in crowded areas. 30 draw at max, but then if you hit hair hunt and other such things with tons of users, you wont maintain the 60 fps. I do everywhere but those place. also using a deticated ssd just for page file and sl cache has sped up load times massively, but only if you build the system to be ran like I have, I'm VR compliant and will be for years to come. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3299.99 MHz) Memory: 32679 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 16299) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 22.21.0013.8569 OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 385.69 I7 oc'd to 4ghz 32gb ram 980 GTX 4gb Asus x99-a V2 3.1 motherboard. 256gb samsung SSD-Primary drive 120 Sandisk SSD-Cache/pagefile
  17. Login server does not have a public IP range that is known, so it's not being DDos'd. most likely one of the mysql nodes derped out which happens so they have to pull a backup node online, which takes a bit, then once it's up, the login servers can be told to let people in, but it's throttled because everybody bum rushing it, so it's always going to be a slow recovery.
  18. I personally use imgur, it's quick it's simple and sl users should adopt using it more.
  19. FPS is the biggest issue with these type of devices, SL has users still running SL with equipment that is 5 to 6 years old, they will not got the 60+ fps required to run the devices, it's why the current VR units are not implemented within SL. Those of us whom can get 70+fps in croweded areas is rare, I'm built fully for VR.
  20. I tend to put my av's to bed, typically me and a friend used to have a night time ritual we would put the skunks in bed to sleep, while we logged off. it was cute.
  21. Darrius, most of us use ec2 or aws for hosting of opensimulator sims, it's tons better then trying to host it on a home machine that can be bogged down and is cheaper and costs ways less. Dedicated such as LL has right now (it's kinda a cloud already as things are clustered) are expensive, and being able to move to a setup that will lower costs on their hardware end and will provide better up times and performance because they can split that across many machines is an attractive bonus for them.
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